ਰੱਬ ਦਾ ਰਾਜਾ

This page is a translated version of the page GodKing and the translation is 33% complete.

In general, a GodKing is an absolute dictator who usurps god-like powers for him/herself, and is able to abuse them. If he doesn't, the term Benevolent dictator is preferable.

In the English Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, as the guy who visits the power strips most often, theoretically has very great powers, and as the guy who started the project, his authority has some weight. Like the Queen of England, he mostly trots out for ceremonial affairs and very occasionally makes a recommendation to parliament. Most people wouldn't consider Wales anything like a GodKing.

Other Wikimedians have varying degrees of influence over the project, in various ways. See also power structure.

ਬਾਹਰਲੀ ਕੜੀਆਂ

  • GodKing on MeatBall gives a somewhat more negative definition of GodKing than the one used here.