Grants:APG/Eligibility/2012-2013 round1/Status

Eligibility status table


For a detailed summary, see the Eligibility Checklist.

Eligibility status Name of entity Summary of eligibility gaps
YES Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Israel Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011; Financial report 2010 in English; Grant reports
Wikimedia Sverige Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011 in English; Financial report 2010 in English
Wikimedia Deutschland Grant report
Wikimedia Italia Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011; Financial report 2010 in English
Wikimedia UK Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011
Wikimedia Magyarország Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011; Financial report 2010 in English
Wikimedia CH Grant report
Wikimedia Nederland Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011; Financial report 2010 in English; Complete grant reports
Wikimedia Argentina Annual report 2011; Financial report 2010; Financial report 2011;Past due grant reports
Wikimedia Österreich Financial report 2011; Financial report 2010; Annual report 2011; grant report (final eligibility pending acceptance of grant report)
Wikimedia France Financial report 2011 in English; Financial report 2010 in English (final eligibility pending publication of 2010 financial statement in English)
Wikimedia Australia Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011; Grant reports (final eligibility pending acceptance of grant reports)
Wikimedia Philippines Grant report (final eligibility pending receipt and acceptance of grant report)
Wikimedia Indonesia Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011; Accepted grant reports (final eligibility pending acceptance of grant reports)
YES, IF Wikimedia Česká republika Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011; Financial report 2010 in English
Wikimedia Eesti Financial report 2011
Wikimedia Hong Kong Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011; Financial report 2010; Complete grant reports
Wikimedia New York City Annual report 2011; Financial report 2011; Financial report 2010; past due and incomplete grant reports
NO Wikimedia Bangladesh
Wikimedia Canada
Wikimedia Chile
Wikimedia Danmark
Wikimedia District of Columbia
Wikimedia España
Wikimedia India
Wikimedia Kenya
Wikimedia Macau/章程草案
Wikimedia Macedonia
Wikimedia México
Wikimedia Norge
Wikimedia Polska
Wikimedia Portugal
Wikimedia South Africa
Wikimedia Suomi
Wikimedia Taiwan
Wikimedia Ukraine
Wikimedia Venezuela
Wikimedia Србије
Викимедиа РУ

Notes on eligibility status table



  • The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) process is for all Wikimedia recognized chapters/entities who wish to apply for support from the FDC to fund their annual plans, including full time staff positions.
  • There is a difference between compliance with different criteria and overall eligibility status. Please see the Eligibility Checklist table for details about non-compliance that affects overall eligibility. We have provided an overview of the current eligibility status (as of 20 July 2012) in the FDC Eligibility Status table above, for those chapters/entities wishing to apply for Round 1 of the FDC process (proposals due October 1st).
  • Chapters/entities who may wish to apply for Round 1, but are uncertain of meeting the eligibility requirements currently, are welcome to apply to the Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program for project funding. Round 2 of the FDC process will accept proposals in March 2013 and Round 3 in October 2013.
  • Eligibility status has been determined in 3 categories: ‘YES’,’YES, IF’, ‘NO’
    • ‘YES’: if all criteria in columns (C) to (L) are met.
    • ‘NO’: if criteria in columns (C), (D) and (E) are not met. Additional information on levels of compliance with criteria in columns (F) to (L) is also provided.
    • ‘YES, IF’: if an entity meets any criterion in columns (C), (D) or (E), but has not met all criteria in columns (F) to (L), this makes its eligibility status 'YES, IF'.
      If the eligibility gap is closed with the completion of all criteria by the final due date of 1 October 2012 (or an alternative date agreed on with Garfield Byrd), then the entity is eligible to submit proposals to the FDC.
      We suggest each chapter update the FDC Eligibility Status table by striking out each point in the 'eligibility gap' column for that chapter, once the entity/chapter has provided the necessary information on the entity/chapter’s page on Meta and linked to it from the Reports table on Meta: Reports.
      When the entity/chapter does this, please also email Garfield Byrd (WMF Chief of Finance and Administration).
      In all cases, chapters/entities interested in applying to the FDC are invited to contact Garfield Byrd for any assistance in meeting the eligibility gap and moving from the ‘YES, IF’ to ‘YES’ category.


  • What we have considered as 'grants' : grants through the Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program to groups recognized as Wikimedia chapters/entities at the time the grant proposal was submitted. We consider a grant to be complete when the grant report has been submitted and accepted. A grant report may be considered accepted unless WMF staff have indicated significant concerns to the grant recipient regarding the report’s contents and / or the administration of the grant. Grant recipients may explain or correct concerns by October 1st to achieve eligibility.
  • Grants completed by 30 June 2012 are counted toward eligibility in the 2012 FDC process. Grant reports need to be completed and accepted by October 1st for the entity to be eligible if all other criteria are adequately met.
  • What we have considered as 'annual reports' : narrative reports in English (per the Chapter Agreement) that offer an overview of an entity’s annual activities and impact. In some cases, chapters may have submitted monthly reports but have not created summary annual reports in English. In other cases, chapters may not have translated their annual reports or created a summary in English.
  • What we have considered as 'financial reports' : financial reports in English (per the Chapter Agreement) that offer complete details of an entity’s revenue and expenditure over the course of its fiscal year. In particular, we have looked to ensure that entities/chapters recognized before or in 2010 have no gaps in their financial and narrative reporting for the last three years (i.e. from 2010 onwards) (Column H).

Other considerations

  • As stated in the Chapter Agreement, chapters/entities need to supply the Foundation with their reports. We have considered a document to be “supplied” if it is linked to on the Meta reports page. Where applicable, the eligibility gap may be met by chapters/entities who link to existing annual and/or financial reports that currently may not be on Meta.
  • Chapters/entities that feel they cannot meet translation requirements at this stage, but continue to be interested in applying for Round 1 of the FDC process, should contact Garfield Byrd to discuss how it might be possible to meet the eligibility gap before October 1st 2012.
  • We are not verifying compliance with other conditions of the Chapter Agreement during Round 1 of the FDC process in 2012 (Column I). By Round 2, we expect to have a reasonable system of verification in place to clarify compliance with all conditions of the Chapter Agreement.
  • We have assumed in good faith that all entities are currently in compliance with applicable local and US laws (Column K).