Entity (official name) Overall eligibility status (A) Current eligibility gaps (information missing on Meta) Requirements to maintain eligibility status (potential gaps) (F) Affiliate Organization with signed agreement (G) Recognized as an affiliate organization as defined in the Board Resolution dated March 31, 2012 (H) Not awarded FDC funding in the previous round (I) Submitted LOI by due date (8 Nov 2013) (J) Track record of grant requests or successful campaigns In compliance with Chapter Agreement In compliance with WMF Grant Agreement (if applicable) In compliance with local laws In compliance with relevant U.S. laws

Activity Report (Most recently due) (B) Financial report (Most recently due) (C) Financial report (Prior fiscal year) (D) Complete grant reports accepted by WMF (E) Has completed (submission and acceptance may still be pending) two grants from the Wikimedia Foundation; OR (K) Has completed at least one grant and participated in one fundraising campaign as a payment processor; OR (L) Has participated in at least two fundraising campaigns as a payment processor (M) Supplied a written activity and financial report in English at least once a year to the Foundation,

within four months of entity's fiscal year end

Chapter adequately meets material conditions of the Chapter Agreement (Q) Published a complete and accepted grant report on any funded activities completed before 30 June 2013 (R) In compliance with all applicable laws governing organizations of their type in their country (S) Organization has the necessary controls and monitoring in place to know that the organization, its Board, senior management, key employees and any individuals or groups that it provides funding to are not on any terrorist watchlist, are not engaged in money laundering, and are using all donor funds for charitable purposes (T)
Activity Report (Most recently due) (N) Financial Report (Most recently due) (O) Financial Reports for at least 2 consecutive years (P)
Eligible Entities "YES"
Wikimedia Magyarország YES FDC grant agreement; progress and impact reports must be submitted on time. FYE 12/31/13 Activity report and Financial report due 30 April 2014. Pending receipt of Signed Addendum to Grant Agreement. YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY
Wikimedia Foundation YES YesY YesY YesY YesY NoN YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY N/A YesY YesY YesY
The Centre for Internet and Society YES (a) Partnership grant agreement; interim and final reports must be submitted on time. N/A N/A YesY YesY N/A N/A N/A YesY YesY YesY N/A YesY YesY YesY
Wikimedia Norge YES FDC grant agreement; progress and impact reports must be submitted on time. YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY NoN NoN YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY
Wikimedia France YES FDC grant agreement; progress and impact reports must be submitted on time. YesY YesY YesY YesY NoN YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY
Wikimedia Australia YES FDC grant agreement; progress and impact reports must be submitted on time. YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY NoN YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY YesY

* Table above excludes individual(s) who submitted Letter of Intent because they are not recognized as an affiliate organization as described in Column H.

* Table above consolidates the Summary of Eligibility Status which was published in a separate table in 2013-2014 round 1.

(a) The Centre for Internet and Society is considered eligible per Board Resolution dated November 24,2013

Notes on eligibility status

  • The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) process is for all Wikimedia recognized affiliates who wish to apply for support from the FDC to fund their annual plans, including full time staff positions.
  • There is a difference between compliance with different criteria and overall eligibility status. The table above provides details about non-compliance that affects or may affect overall eligibility. We have provided an overview of the current eligibility status (as of 15 December 2013) in the table above, for those entities that have submitted a letter of intent to apply for 2013-2014 Round 2 of the FDC process. We have also provided an overview of potential eligibility gaps that entities must meet by 15 March 2014 in order to be confirmed as eligible on that date. Please note that entities must continue to meet all requirements to maintain their eligibility until funds are disbursed.
  • Entities who have not submitted a letter of intent for 2013-2014 Round 2 by 8 November 2013 will not be eligible to apply for funding in that round. Entities that may wish to apply for funding but have missed the deadline to submit the letter of intent for 2013-2014 Round 2 are welcome to apply to the Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program for project funding if they are also eligible to receive funding through that program. Entities interested in submitting a proposal for 2014-2015 Round 1 are invited to submit the letter of intent by the appropriate deadline so that eligibility for that round may be determined.
  • Eligibility status has been determined in 3 categories: ‘YES’, 'YES, IF', and 'NO'.
    • ‘YES’: if an entity meets all criteria in columns (H) to (T). Note that these entities may still need to maintain eligibility status by meeting the criteria specified in column (F) and the accompanying footnotes below.
    • ‘YES, IF’: if an entity meets all criteria in columns (H), (I), (J) and at least one of (K), (L) or (M), but has not met all criteria in columns (N) to (T).
    • ‘NO’: if an entity does not meet criteria in columns (H), (I), (J) and at least one of (K) or (L) or (M). These entities will not be eligible in this round.
      If eligibility gaps are closed with the completion of all criteria by the final due date of 15 March 2014 (or an alternative date agreed on with Garfield Byrd), then the entity is eligible to submit a proposal to the FDC.
  • As eligibility gaps are met, please notify via email to Garfield Byrd (gbyrd@wikimedia.org). Once WMF verifies, the table above will be updated accordingly.
  • Note that entities may still need to maintain eligibility status by meeting the criteria specified in column (F) of the table above and the accompanying footnotes below. WMF may add eligibility gaps to this table if any new gaps arise before 15 March 2014.

Notes to accompany requirements to maintain eligibility status


[1] In order to maintain eligibility status, all entities must remain compliant with their agreements, including by submitting the required financial and activity reports within four months of end of fiscal year. The entity must continue to meet the material conditions of its agreement. The entity must maintain its affiliate status and signed agreement.

[2] With respect to current grants, entities must remain compliant with any current grant agreements with WMF. This includes, but is not limited to, submitting any and all reports by the date specified by WMF, having grant reports accepted by WMF, and returning unused grant funds or reallocating them to an approved purpose with WMF's permission within the timeframe specified by WMF.

[3] If new grants are approved, entities must remain compliant with any new grant agreements with WMF. This includes, but is not limited to, submitting any and all reports by the date specified by WMF, having grant reports accepted by WMF, and returning unused grant funds or reallocating them to an approved purpose with WMF's permission within the timeframe specified by WMF.

[4] If FDC funding is received, the entity must conclude all other grants before the start of the FDC funding period. This includes, but is not limited to, submitting any and all reports by the date specified by WMF, having grant reports accepted by WMF, and returning unused grant funds or reallocating them to an approved purpose with WMF's permission within the timeframe specified by WMF.

[5] With respect to unused grant funds retained with WMF's permission, entities must follow WMF's instructions regarding the unused funds. Entities must return funds by the deadline specified by WMF, or reallocate them to a new grant submission with WMF's approval. Unused funds must be returned or reallocated by 15 February 2014, or the date eligibility for the current round is confirmed.

[6] The entity must remain compliant with relevant local and U.S. laws.


  • What we have considered 'grants' : grants through the Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program to organizations now recognized as Wikimedia affiliates that were already incorporated at the time each grant proposal was approved. We consider a grant to be complete once the required grant reports are submitted according to WMF's instructions and accepted by WMF on Meta, and any unused funds have been returned to WMF or reallocated with WMF's permission.
  • Grants completed by 30 November 2013 are counted toward eligibility in the 2013-2014 Round 2 FDC process. Grant reports need to be completed and accepted by the date eligibility is confirmed 15 March 2014.
  • What we have considered 'activity reports' : narrative reports in English (per the Chapter Agreement) that offer an overview of an entity’s annual activities and impact.
  • What we have considered 'financial reports' : financial reports in English (per the Chapter Agreement) that offer complete details of an entity’s revenue and expenditure over the course of its fiscal year. In particular, we have looked to ensure that entities recognized before or in 2011 have no gaps in their financial and narrative reporting for the last three years (i.e. from 2011 onwards) (Column P).
  • What we have considered 'most recently due' : annual financial and narrative reports that were already due at the time eligibility is announced on 15 December 2013 are considered 'most recently due'. The Chapter Agreement specifies that annual reports are due within four months of the end of each entity's fiscal year. In order to be confirmed as eligible, entities with reports due before 15 December 2013 must submit those reports by the deadline specified in the Chapter Agreement (within four months of the end of the entity's fiscal year). In order to maintain eligibility, entities with reports due before funds are distributed must also submit their annual reports by the deadline specified in the Chapter Agreement (within four months of the end of the entity's fiscal year). For example, if an entity's fiscal year ends on 31 December, its annual reports will be due by 30 April of the following year. For this entity, reports for the fiscal year 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2012 will be counted as 'most recently due'. If an entity's fiscal year ends 30 September, its annual reports will be due by 31 January of that following year. Therefore, the reports for fiscal year 1 October 2011 - 30 September 2012 will be considered 'most recently due', but the entity will still be required to submit its annual reports by 31 January 2014 for the fiscal year ending on 30 September 2013 in order to have eligibility confirmed on 15 March 2014. In the table above, WMF has specified the fiscal years for which reports may be missing or may be due in order to confirm or maintain eligibility.
  • As stated in the Chapter Agreement, entities must supply the Foundation with their reports within four months of the end of each entity's fiscal year. We have considered a document to be “supplied” if it is linked to from the Reports page on Meta. Where applicable, the eligibility gap may be met by entities that link to existing annual and/or financial reports that currently may not be on Meta.