Grants:APG/Proposals/2014-2015 round1/Wikimedia CH/Proposal form
Community review has ended. You are still welcome to comment on these proposals, but the FDC and the applicants may not be able to respond to your feedback or consider it during the deliberations.
Please do not edit this proposal form directly. If changes are needed, applicants can request them on the proposal form's discussion page. Thank you!
Proposal by Wikimedia CH to support its annual plan with ~US$545,000.
Program focus: Community support, Outreach (includes, offline, GLAM, education, and thematic programs), Movement and association sustainability
In 2013, Wikimedia CH started its professionalization process with the hiring of a CAO, followed by community liaisons for the German and Italian parts of Switzerland in 2013 and the French one this year. While this significantly impacts our operating costs, the community support team is now complete and we are able to support users and help grow content in each of our three national languages (see branches 1&2 of our Strategic plan). By intervening upstream, where volunteers often can not, WMCH's core ambition is to add significant value to volunteer work - not replace it.
With a Swiss population of 8 millions compared to the overall 280 million French, German and Italian speakers, we believe that the added value of Wikimedia CH resides in freeing content and retaining existing contributors (which we can support across national borders) rather than aim for a user recruitment strategy (except for fixing the gender gap challenge).
With the upcoming launch of projects such as Wikivillage in Western Switzerland and its expected national roll-out in the following years, we are focusing on long term projects that will feed Wikimedia projects with qualitative substance while aiming at economies of scale. In order to do so, half of the time from the community liaisons' schedule will be allocated to establishing valuable partnerships at an institutional level.
The incentive on keeping a strong chapter present in Switzerland also lies in the fact that the country is consistently forward thinking in terms of freeing content (launch of Open Government Data in September 2013; Open Research Platform kicking off end 2014): thus, the chapter's strength and opportunities rest on its ability to establish early on a sustainable flow of content for Wikimedia projects with institutional data. This is why we chose to also focus on Offline tools and Outreach initiatives (branches 3 & 4). This focus is materialized by a major step forward in the support of the Offline technology with the creation of a small software development team.
If you need to review the edit instructions you will find them in the editintro.
Eligible organizations may complete this form to request an Annual Plan Grant from the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) in the current round. This complete proposal form must be published in English on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round for your organization's application to be considered. No changes should be made to this proposal form and supplementary documents after these proposal submission date without written approval from FDC staff, and any proposal forms created will be considered 'submitted' after the proposal submission deadline unless the applying organization withdraws the application in writing.
The purpose of this document is to provide the FDC with an overview of your organization's annual plan, the alignment of the plan with the Wikimedia movement’s strategic priorities, and the potential impact of the plan. This proposal should complement any annual planning documents your organization may have such as your organization's annual plan and strategic plan: please complete all fields and add links to supporting documents where relevant. If any documents are submitted in draft form (e.g. an annual plan that has not yet been approved by the organization's General Assembly), please link to the final version of the document once it has been approved, even if it is approved after the deadline. If you are a representative of the applicant organization, you may request permission to add information to this proposal form on the proposal form discussion page. All requested changes will be reviewed by FDC staff.
Please review the documents describing the Annual Plan Grants process, including the FDC Framework, Guidancefor the FDC from the Board, and the FDC's past funding recommendations: FDC recommendations. These documents include critical information for applicants.
If you have any questions about the form, please contact If you have general suggestions or comments about the form itself, please leave them on the discussion page for this form.
A few terms used in the form:
FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms
Basic information
edit- 1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming year that can be used as a summary of your proposal. (This should be about 200 words, and should be easy for anyone to understand.)
In 2013, Wikimedia CH started its professionalization process with the hiring of a CAO, followed by community liaisons for the German and Italian parts of Switzerland in 2013 and the French one this year. While this significantly impacts our operating costs, the community support team is now complete and we are able to support users and help grow content in each of our three national languages (see branches 1&2 of our Strategic plan). By intervening upstream, where volunteers often can not, WMCH's core ambition is to add significant value to volunteer work - not replace it.
With a Swiss population of 8 millions compared to the overall 280 million French, German and Italian speakers, we believe that the added value of Wikimedia CH resides in freeing content and retaining existing contributors (which we can support across national borders) rather than aim for a user recruitment strategy (except for fixing the gender gap challenge).
With the upcoming launch of projects such as Wikivillage in Western Switzerland and its expected national roll-out in the following years, we are focusing on long term projects that will feed Wikimedia projects with qualitative substance while aiming at economies of scale. In order to do so, half of the time from the community liaisons' schedule will be allocated to establishing valuable partnerships at an institutional level.
The incentive on keeping a strong chapter present in Switzerland also lies in the fact that the country is consistently forward thinking in terms of freeing content (launch of Open Government Data in September 2013; Open Research Platform kicking off end 2014): thus, the chapter's strength and opportunities rest on its ability to establish early on a sustainable flow of content for Wikimedia projects with institutional data. This is why we chose to also focus on Offline tools and Outreach initiatives (branches 3 & 4). This focus is materialized by a major step forward in the support of the Offline technology with the creation of a small software development team.
- 2. Contact information.
- Legal name of organization: Wikimedia CH
- Organization's fiscal year (mm/dd–mm/dd): 01/01-12/31
- 12-month funding period requested (mm/dd/yy–mm/dd/yy): 01/01/15-12/31/15
- Primary contact name and position in organization: Charles Andrès, Chief Science Officer
- Primary contact username or Email:
- Secondary contact name and position in organization: Patrick Kenel, Chairman
- Secondary contact username or Email:
- 3. Amount requested.
Table 1
Currency requested () | US$ () | |
Total annual expenses of organization | 794'424.13 CHF | 865'127.88 |
Amount requested from the FDC for the upcoming year's annual plan | 500'000.00 CHF | 544'500.00 |
Amount to be raised from non-FDC sources (total from Table 5) | 256'500.00 CHF | 279'328.50 |
Amount to be drawn from reserves for the upcoming year's annual plan | 37'924.13 CHF | 41'299.38 |
Amount of FDC funds allocated for the current year's annual plan | 362'000.00 CHF | 394'218.00 |
- 4. What is your organization's proposed rate of growth in total budget since last year? Please explain your organization's rationale if your proposed budget will increase this year.
- We proposed a rate of growth of 7% and opt for a conservative prospect for 2016's rate which could be flat or lower than the precedent 7%. Wikimedia CH is reaching a plateau in term of staff requirement. Our experience indicates that we have more chances of success in building a project plan on a 2 year basis as Swiss institutions and Fundraiser are interested in medium to long term investments.
Community engagement
editThis section provides the FDC an overview of your organization's work with volunteers and online contributors.
- 1. Which Wikimedia community or communities does your organization work with most closely, and which online Wikimedia project or projects does your organization's work support?
- Wikimedia CH targets the German, French and Italian Wikimedia communities. While the German and French speakers we interact with are mainly from Switzerland or the immediate border areas, our influence with the Italian-speaking community extends to most of Northern Italy.
- Wikimedia CH does not restrain itself to one Wikimedia project or another. Our Education programs cover Wikipedia, Wikibooks and Wikivoyage. GLAM partnerships can also provide content for Wikipedia, Commons or Wikisource. From the point of view of the most active volunteers in the three main languages of Swizerland seeking support from WMCH, the core projects remain Wikipedia and Commons, as well as a growing community for Wikibooks and Wikisource in Italian.
- 2. How does your organization know what community members / contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments? How else does your organization consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
- For the third year in a row we have conducted an online call for project to ask our members and community members for the projects they would like to develop in the future. While we realize that this procedure is more adequate for large projects, we asked our community liaisons to see directly with community members what they would like to build. We also decided to add a call for "ideas" in order to motivate people with great ideas but not confident enough to create a whole project or use the WMF:Idealabs in English. This past year, we used all the mailing lists and relevant discussion pages in French and German, as well as the centralnotice in Italian. This process resulted in more than 80 proposals in Italian, around 15 in German and 1 in French. It is remarquable to see the influence of the presence of a community liaison and the use of the central notice in the response rate (the French community liaison was not hired when the Call for project was launched). As a result of this, we will proceed in 2015 with a needs assessments to continue to improve our volunteer support process.
Organization planning and reports
editPlease provide links to your organization’s planning documents and reports. All of these documents are required unless otherwise indicated.
Your organization's strategic planning documents, past reports, and current annual planning documents, are essential to our understanding of your organization's proposal. If you think you will have difficulty submitting any of these documents with your organization's proposal form by the proposal submission deadline, you should contact FDC staff right away. You may also provide notes to this table here, as well as links to any supplementary documents to this proposal form.
Table 2
Completed fiscal year Current year Upcoming year Annual plan (including budget) Budget 2013, 2013 Annual Plan, Audit 2013 2014 Annual Plan, 2014 Budget 2015 Annual Plan, 2015 Budget Community discussion around annual plan N/A N/A N/A Annual report (including financial report) Annual report 2013, Not required. Not required. Strategic plan N/A N/A 2015-2020 Strategic Plan
Table 2 notes:
- Because ours is a multilingual country (4 official languages (de, fr, it and rm) + alemmanic (als)), WMCH belongs to and works with several distinct communities. Thus, no "community discussion" link is available as such. Nevertheless, our Annual plan is the result of a planning process which enables us to allocate resources according to each community's specific needs, mostly as a result of last Summer's Call for projects (cf. Quaterly report #3).
Financials: year-to-date progress
editThe purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is spending on your current grant, or during your current annual plan. The period defined as year-to-date should be the start date of your fiscal year you defined in Contact information, until 1 September 2014. Your projected amount should be the amount your organization expects to spend by the end of the current fiscal year you defined in Contact information.
Table 3
Current funding period planned / budgeted Year-to-date funding period actuals Projected end of current funding period In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US Revenues (from all sources) 543'100.00 591'435.90 423'798.00 461'516.02 460'767.00 663'573.00 Expenses 757'600.00 825'026.40 475'074.00 517'355.59 663'573.00 722'631.00
Table 3 notes:
Programs: upcoming year's annual plan
editThis section is about your organization's programs. A program is a group of activities that share the same objectives. Please do not include information about your organization's operating activities in this section. You are welcome to provide information about activities like administration, staff and board training, fundraising, governance, and internal IT in another section of this proposal form or in a supplementary document. Please answer all four questions for each program.
Community support
The overall aim of the programme Community Support is to contribute to the well-being of the German, Italian and French communities.
Wikimedia CH does this by
- giving support to editors through micro-grants, scholarships, providing emails and business cards, travel sponsors
- sponsoring wikimedians projects like Wiki Loves contests, digitization projects
- supporting activities that contribute to a constructive and welcoming atmosphere: real life events like the French Festicabales or the German Stammtische, helping new editors find their way into the community
- supporting initiatives addressing the gender gap issue on Wikimedia projects
Supporting editors day to day life
The majority of support requests we receive are mainly for activities related to Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons. Over the past year and a half, the number such requests from our three communities increased significantly, but we still find that the distribution between volunteers is rather unequal (few volunteers actively contributing and needing substantial support). We are unsure about the exact reasons for this disparity: we know that the German community members are not keen to ask for financial support, but are really interested by in-kind support (for example making phone calls or writing letters to officials to grant access to a restricted collection), but still too few are really aware that they can ask for support from Wikimedia CH.
2014's main learning has been that the support editors can be really expensive in term of staff time, with little tangible impact to show for them on Wikimedia projects: one cannot, by definition, measure the fact that Wikimedians feel supported and then decide to stay on board - as opposite to succumbing to editor fatigue and attrition had they not been met with appropriate support.
Nevertheless, 2015 will see us increasing the documentation available explaining what "in-kind" support our community members can expect. We will also try to better evaluate of this support is perceived, and broadcast this feedback to our communities.
We also want to get more insight on what kind of support communities expect from their local chapter - if any. To achieve this, we will carry out a survey (Q1) and interview (Q2) prominent and active project contributors who so far have not reached out to us. Based on the outcome, we will redesign our support-programme accordingly.
We will make an extra effort to ‘advertise’ our services, proactively contacting editors when we feel we could be of help and repeatedly drawing attention to our programme on mailing-lists, CentralNotice and village pumps. In the Italian part we will focus efforts on the sister-projects, i.e. other projects that Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.
- Goals, objectives, targets 2015
- Increase support that meets the needs of community members on all Wikimedia-projects
- In the first quarter of 2015, WMCH will complete a survey and round of interviews to get insight into the types of support needed by the Swiss Wikimedia-communities, especially by community members beyond Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons
- At least 80, 50 and 20 community members will complete the needs assessment survey in the German, French and Italian communities respectively.
- At least 25, 10 and 5 active online community members will be interviewed in German, French and Italian respectively
- In 2015, WMCH will continue to increase support provided to the community
- WMCH will publish a clear workflow description for the support it offers by April 2015 (guidelines, scope, criteria)
- WMCH community support program will be promoted to all Wikimedia editing communities and projects, at least once a quarter through the new Newsletter and twice a year directly on wikimedia projects
- a pilot study will be conducted about the usage of the central notice as an outreach tool to promote community support programs
- The number of requests for financial support will increase to at least 20 separated micro-grants awarded, by at least 10 different applicants [1]
- The support to the Wikimedia Commons photographer will be pursued
- WMCH will support the obtaining of 50 press accreditations for 10 different volunteers and, leading to the upload of at least 50 images or 10 Quality Images or 1 Valued Image or 1 Featured picture per event covered
- WMCH will support the improvement of photographic equipment used by Commons volunteer, by lending equipment or supporting equipment purchases, leading to the upload of at least 5 Valued Image or 5 Featured pictures, and at least 100 Quality Images in the year following the support.
Cathédrale de Lausanne - intérieur, valued image supported by WMCH
- These targets will be evaluated after the Q2 with the Commons community.
- WMCH will offer to swiss photographer a work place in the new office with a workstation dedicated to photo processing, high band-with for upload.[2]
This sub-programme contributes to the WMF strategic objective ‘increase participation’ by contributing to good working condition on the Wikimedia project. It will contribute to strategic objective ‘increase quality’ by providing editors with access to resources that allow them to improve the quality of content.
This program contributes to the WMCH strategic axis A1, A2 and B1
Supporting community initiatives
Wikimedia projects belong to the Wikimedians and the role of Wikimedia CH is to help them turn their ideas into realities. Wikimedia CH is willing to offer the necessary support to the communities to realize and accomplish their own projects such as photo-contest and digitization projects for instance.
- Goals, objectives, targets 2015
- Offer financial or infrastructure support to Wikimedian projects
- Support volunteer's initiatives
- WMCH will support the "Forum des nouveaux" on the French Wikipedia in order to provide them at least 50 feedbacks about their welcoming procedure from our wikipermanences or Education project
- WMCH will promote the Edelweiss project on the German Wikipedia by highlighting its results in its communication strategy
- WMCH will support the launch of the "Wikipedia Observatory" by the Italian community in order to study the health of the community, i.e. investigating the current trend of massive loss of contributors.[3] In particular, at least one online editors survey will be conducted in 2015.
- Increase the number of project leaded and realized by volunteers
- support the organization of at least one photo contest run by volunteers
- support the digitization of ancient discs by the Public domain Project run by Wikimedians
- support at least three projects in the Italian speaking area aimed to revitalize IT.Wikibooks/Wikisource
- In 2015, Wikimedia CH will provide the necessary support to the Swiss German volunteers willing to organize the WikiCon in the near future (2015 or 2016), by guiding them through the process to make a fund request to the PEG.
- In 2015 wikimedia CH will set-up a new office with a community space that will be used at least once a month for community events such as "Photo Ateliers"
This sub-programme contributes to the WMF's strategic objective to ‘increase participation’ by contributing to help the swiss communities to improve the welcoming condition of the Wikimedia project.
It will contribute to the strategic objective ‘increase quality’ by providing editors with access to resources that allow them to improve the quality of the contents.
This program contributes to the WMCH strategic axis A1 and B1
Supporting Communities
The Communities are not only the sum of the individuals, they can also be considered as social machines. This part of the programme aims to address the needs of the communities as a whole. In 2015 Wikimedia CH wants to implement two specific needs of the Communities, additional real life meetings and reach further members diversity (gender gap and accessibility issues).
- Goals, objectives, targets 2015
- Increase the number of opportunities for editors to meet in real life
- Support at least 6 meetups in the German area
- Support the French Festicabales meeting in Summer
- Bring at least 40 attendees to the 2015 Wikimedia CH annual General Assembly, with at least 10 Wikimedia editors attending for the first time
- Support the participation to wikimedia events like the German WikiCon, Wikimania and the GLAM conference for at least 15, 5 and 5 swiss volunteers respectively.
- Improved diversity gaps
- Expand the WomenEdit“ initiative from the German community to the Swiss-German Community in Switzerland, by:
- strengthen the network of female association which was established during an internship in 2014, materialized by an Outreach Event March 8 for the Women Day
- hosting 12 Writing-Ateliers in collaboration with FemWiss and the newborn Network, e.g. each month, where women can participate and create and share knowledge
- We will organize at least two Writing-Ateliers in 2015 in order to improve the accessibility of DE:WP, in collaboration with the Foundation "Zugang für Alle“ and "Patuluslab"
This sub-programme contributes to the WMF strategic objective ‘increase participation’.
This program contributes to the WMCH strategic axis A1, B2 and D3
Like-Minded communities
The Open movement in Switzerland is a small network of activists. This part of the community support program aims to promote the interaction between the different open communities, with the specific objective to get additional content in Wikimedia project. in 2015 and 2016 Wikimedia CH will especially focus on two open communities : Open Data and Open Street Map.
Goals, objectives, targets 2015
- "Increase trans-communities communication"
- Wikimedia CH newsletter will be distributed to the Swiss Open Communities through at least and OSMCH mailing list
- Wikimedia CH newsletter will include a section "News from the Open World", with at least a regular update about Open Data and Open Street Map activities
- Wikimedia CH will have an active participation in the Open Knowledge conference in Bern in June 2015, materialized by at least a Conference or a Workshop
- Wikimedia CH will be active in at least two Open Hackdays organized by in 2015, with the participation of at least 5 Wikimedians leading to the creation of content on at least two wikimedia projects
This sub-programme contributes to the WMF strategic objective 'increase reach'. It will contribute to the strategic objective ‘increase quality’ by providing editors with access to like-minded peers that allow them to improve the quality of Wikimedia content.
This program contributes to the WMCH strategic axis B2
The Outreach programme covers two different meanings of the word "outreach". Indeed, it aims to reach out to people who do not have access to wikipedia and its sister projects so far, and to reach out to people with access to data and content that may benefit to the Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia CH does this by:
- supporting the offline dissemination of free content
- encouraging and supporting GLAM in their process to free contents
- encouraging and supporting Education actors in the adoption of Wikipedia as a pedagogical tool
Offline Dissemination Program
The Offline Dissemination Program (ODP) wants to increase the audience of free content (in particular Wikipedia) using offline technologies (Kiwix).
- Goals, objectives, targets 2015
- Develop a sustainable approach to distribute wikipedia to those who have no access
- By improving the content offer and the dissemination network
- In 2015 WMCH will improve the efficiency of the communication around Wikipedia Offline by distributing to key stakeholders the online and printed guides created in 2014
- We will continue to promote the offline solution to a broader community by attending at least 2 non wikimedia/non tech events
- We will continue our effort to increase the content offer by adding at least two collections out of Wikimedia projects (In 2014 the Gutenberg collection and the TED talks have been added)
- We will continue our partnership strategy by :
- Setting-up partnerships with at least two new other Wikimedia Organizations
- Including the replication of the wikipedia in Jails program
- Engage in at least one new partnership with an NGO
- Improve the link with the Wikipedia Zero program
- became the technical partner of a world wide project aimed to promote the dissemination of free knowledge within the Francophonie World over the next three years
- By growing the volunteer base that supports the wikipedia Offline solution :
- continuing our current effort to promote the participation of volunteers developers to Kiwix development during Wikimania & Wikimedia hackathons .
- organizing two specific hackathons dedicated to the Offline technology
- By setting-up a sustainable Research & Development department:
- by hiring a part time project manager and a developer to take charge of the tasks that enable volunteers to work better
- by the end of 2015 the Wikimedia project ZIM files will be generated in the Wikimedia datacenter.
- in order to improve the maintenance of Kiwix, in 2015 we will set up a Kiwix automated test strategy and conduct a pilot experiment with Kiwix for Android before the end of the year, before deployed it to the 3 (may be 4 since then) other different operating systems.
Improving Kiwix for Android is a technical priority for 2015 - we will improved the Kiwix Android app by the introduction of a content download manager and a fulltext search functionality.
- we will introduce by the end of 2015 the ZIM incremental updatability.
- To push the publication of new ZIM files (non Wikimedia content) and encourage new developers to join in, we will improve the ZIM file creation toolset by helping the development of the OCG and add the support for ZIM.
- By setting a professional offer including:
- an online, easy-to-use web-shop to order the Kiwix packages as a whole for the autumn 2015
- a sub-offering such as consulting services (as-is state analysis, gap analysis, technical support, general consulting regarding the product and design)
- SLA-based product support (On-site/Off-site delivery and maintenance support)
- By developing a big donors strategy, targeting 20 institutions and providing at least 20'000 CHF
This sub-programme will contribute to the WMF strategic objectives Increase reach, Encourage innovation and Stabilize infrastructure.
On the long run this program should support the WMF strategic objectives to "increase participation" in area where the participation is low (Africa, retired area like North Canada or Central Australia) by creating the strong basis of readers needed to create the good condition to build an editing community.
This sub-programme contributes to the WMCH strategic axis A2, C1, C2
GLAM and Education
Increase the number of organisations in the GLAM and Education fields that contribute to the Wikimedia projects
We learned over 2013 and 14 that the future of our GLAM-work is to become more of a service provider : historical partners like the national library and archive had Wikipedians in Residence and are becoming more self-supporting, but the smaller GLAM will need our help. The GLAM-Wiki toolset will facilitate the upload of content to Wikimedia Commons without huge support from Wikimedia volunteers. Only a point to keep in mind is that often, GLAM will not have the resources to invest on teaching how to use the GWToolset, at which point Wikimedia CH can offer a valuable service on this matter. In working with GLAMS, WMCH is, most of the time, no longer the entity who initiates the activities, but rather acts as an advisor, a liaison to the community as a service provider. The Educational projects carried out in 2014 demonstrated the feasibility of a sustainable Education program and the existence of a demand by professionals in Switzerland. In 2014, Wikimedia has been hired to provide lectures in various schools and plans to develop this strategy further.
- Goals, objectives, targets 2015
- Maintain cooperation with organisations in which Wikipedians in Residence have worked, and provide service to new GLAMs
- all institutions where WiRs have worked will appoint a Wikipedia-contact person from their permanent staff
- WMCH will set up quarterly meetings with those institutions
- WMCH will promote the creation of a Wikimedia-Library-Archives network centered around the trio WMCH-Swiss National Library-Federal Archives
- Wikimedia will be associated with at least three GLAM organized event
- Wikipermanences will continue in at least 4 French speaking libraries and will be expended to at least 4 German speaking libraries.
- We will produce revenues from GLAM activities
- In 2015 we will sell the GWToolset service to at least 10 swiss GLAMs
- In 2015 the Neuchatel Herbarium and Amoeba Digitization projects will be 100% funds by non Wikimedia Funds
- in order to create a framework for the support of GLAMs when the wikipedian in residence model is not suitable, the Swiss-italian community will set-up a "GLAM-Team" by September 2015 and test it with at least three "small GLAMs"
- Wikivillage will be extended to the whole French area and a pilot contest will be run in a German Canton by the end of 2015
- in 2015, one Education program at the University will become an official part of the curriculum of a Swiss University
- in 2015, one Education program will be conducted in a professional school, and at least 5 teachers will participate.
- in 2015, one professor will run a pilot experiment with student doing their Matura work in the French part, and the experiment will be replicated in 2016 in the German part.
- in 2015, One French-Speaking Teaching School will include Wikipedia learning in its life training course offer, followed by two others in 2016 that will expand to the German part in 2016.
This sub-programme will contribute to the WMF strategic objectives Increase reach and Improve quality. This sub-programme contributes to the WMCH strategic axis B2, D1, D2 and D3
Thematic Approach
We want to continue to investigate the potential of the thematic approach to foster Wikimedia CH program.
- Goals, objectives, targets 2015
- In 2015 we will continue our effort around the Alps thematic by submitting a transnational project to EU funding
- We will carry on a prospective study about the feasibility of project comparable to Monmouthpedia, but at the Cantonal Scale. By December 2014 the potential institutional partners will be identify and a decision will be taken about the following steps. If a viable consortium of partners is created, a white paper will be publish by July 1st, and a grant request made by September 1 2015
This sub-programme will contribute to the WMF strategic objectives Increase reach. This sub-programme contributes to the WMCH strategic axis D1, D2 and D3
Movement and Association sustainability
Wikimedia CH believes that it is among its duties to participate to the whole movement wellness by improving the movement fund raising in Switzerland, and by decreasing its financial impact on the whole movement. We also believe that being a multi-language chapter place us in a unique situation allowing us to promote trans-borders collaboration and knowledge exchange.
International cooperation
Increase interaction and collaboration between the Swiss Wikimedia community and the international community
- Take part in international Wikimedia events, focusing on exchange of expertise and lessons learned
- WMCH will facilitate the active participation of at least 3 people in Wikimania 2015[4]
- WMCH will increase its collaboration with the German speaking chapter, WMAT and WMDE, with bi-weekly exchange of the DACH volunteer support teams.
- We will cooperate with other WM-affiliates in our thematic area : The Alps
- WMCH will conduct regular meetings with the WMF program evaluation & design team in order to implement by June 2015 a working workflow for project evaluation and data sharing within the Wikimedia movement
- Organise and host the Wikimedia Conference 2015 conference in May 2015
- Wikimedia Conference 2015 will be successfully organized in May 2015 (specific objectives to be determined by organizing team, WMCH has proven to be able to organize a major international events with the Zürich Wikimedia Hackathon 2014. We will use our experience (and templates) to organise the Wikimedia conference. As with the Hackathon, an international group of staff/volunteers will take the lead in programme development. WMCH will provide support and take responsibility for logistics and finances. )
Financial sustainability
- In 2015 we want to increase by 10% the funds raised for the movement through the central notice fundraising
- In 2015 we want to increase the part of non-FDC funds to 35% of the total budget, and 45% in 2016
- In order to diversify our incomes we will conduct in 2015, in partnership with a Swiss clothing company a pilot project by offering Wikipedia/Wikimedia branded clothes. The idea is to offer those items at a preferential price to the Wikimedians and the larger public willing to support the Wikimedia movement.
Notes and References
edit- ↑ we do not track the success ratio as it include a bias in the decision making
- ↑ mandatory to promote high quality and high numbers of pictures
- ↑ Statistical context: Research:The sudden decline of Italian Wikipedia
- ↑ active participation mean giving a conference or running a workshop
Staff and contractors: upcoming year's annual plan
edit- 1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, or provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram.
- 2. List of staff by department or function.
- Numbers for current staff should include staff your organization has hired or plans to hire in this current funding period, and proposed staff should include staff your organization will hire in the upcoming funding period. You should include both permanent staff and longterm contractors in this table and list the number of fulltime equivalents, where one fulltime staff person would be 1.0 (for example, if your organization has 2 part-time staff working at 50% each in a department then you would list the number of fulltime equivalents (FTEs) as 1.0, while if your organization has 1 full-time staff person working at 100% then you would also list the number of fulltime equivalents as 1.0).
Table 4
Department or function FTEs by end of current year FTEs by end of upcoming year Explanation of changes Administration 1 1 CSO 1 1 Community Liaison 2 2 R&D department 0 1.2 As described in our strategic plan and the below note, we expect to hire a Developer and a project manager to ensure Kiwix's (Wikipedia offline's running engine) sustainability. IT 0.6 0.1 IT is run by a contractor with two contracts equivalent to a 0.6 FTE, we will keep only a 0.1 to cover the hosting and the associated maintenance Total (should equal the sum of the rows): 4.6 5.2 Total staff expenses (currency requested) 460'350 586'024 Total staff expenses ($US) 501'321 638'180
Table 4 notes:
- Following last Spring's Zurich Hackathon, it was suggested that chapters could get involved in smaller engineering/product development programs that fall outside of the Foundation's immediate scope of work. This fitted nicely with our growing need to maintain a viable Kiwix, i.e. the software that is currently used in various offline dissemination programs (be it Afripedia, Kiwix in Jail or other upcoming partnerships in India) and was initially developed in Switzerland by WMCH volunteers. We plan to leave the development of new features to volunteers, but want to ensure that upgrades and compatibility are reliably maintained.
- The current staff expenses do not represent 12 month of 4.6 FTE as the French community liaison and the administrative assistant started their work September 1st.
- 3. Did your organization made any significant changes to your staffing plan since publishing your organization's most current annual plan at the beginning of the funding period, such as hiring more or fewer staff than planned or hiring staff on a different schedule than planned? Please describe any significant changes here.
- The Offline project manager hasn't been hired and we hired a French Community Manager last september.
- 4. What overall percentage of staff time is spent directly on programs?
- 3.85 FTE are spent directly on the Community and Outreach programs. In the Association and Movement Sustainability that integrate most of the administrative task, 0.3 FTE will dedicated to Progam Managment, Evaluation and Design.
Financials: upcoming year's annual plan
editDetailed budget: upcoming year's annual plan
edit- Please link to your organization's detailed budget. This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or as a publicly available spreadsheet.
Revenues | |||||||
FDC | 500'000.00 | ||||||
Internal Fundraising via | 75'000.00 | ||||||
Members fees | 15'000.00 | ||||||
External Fundraising | 50'000.00 | ||||||
GLAM Services | 21'000.00 | |||||| | 22'000.00 | ||||||
Offline Dissemination Department | 40'000.00 | ||||||
Trainings | 6'000.00 | ||||||
Wikimedia Event (Hackathon, WMconf) | 0.00 | ||||||
WMF fundraising operational cost | 25'000.00 | ||||||
Merchandising earning | 2'500.00 | ||||||
Total | 756'500.00 | ||||||
Taking in own reserves and report from previous year | 37'924.13 | ||||||
Total | 794'424.13 | ||||||
Expenses | |||||||
From FDC | Non-FDC | ||||||
Administratives cost | |||||||
Gross wages | 497'400.00 | 339'040.00 | 158'360.00 | ||||
Social insurances | 83'124.13 | 57'653.85 | 25'470.28 | ||||
Other staff expense | 2'500.00 | 2'500.00 | |||||
Other insurances | 3'000.00 | 3'000.00 | |||||
subtotal Staff | 586'024.13 | 396'693.85 | 189'330.28 | ||||
IT support and website hosting | 5'000.00 | 5'000.00 | |||||
WMF fundraising (Data protection fundraising costs ICS) | 25'000.00 | 25'000.00 | |||||
IT hardware | 5'000.00 | 5'000.00 | |||||
Local maintenance and repair | 1'000.00 | 1'000.00 | |||||
Office supplies, postage | 5'000.00 | 5'000.00 | |||||
Phone | 5'000.00 | 5'000.00 | |||||
Communication material | 1'500.00 | 1'500.00 | |||||
Consulting | 5'000.00 | 5'000.00 | |||||
Literature&subscriptions | 1'000.00 | 1'000.00 | |||||
Rental fees for WMCH office | 24'000.00 | 24'000.00 | |||||
subtotal other administrative cost | 77'500.00 | 0.00 | 77'500.00 | ||||
Total Administrative cost | 663'524.13 | 396'693.85 | 266'830.28 | ||||
Programs | |||||||
Community support (75'500 CHF) | |||||||
Scholarships | 15'000.00 | 15'000.00 | |||||
Wikimedians meetings in Switzerland | 4'000.00 | 4'000.00 | |||||
Community Manager budget | 3'500.00 | 3'500.00 | |||||
Diversity | 10'000.00 | 10'000.00 | |||||
Support to photography | 10'000.00 | 10'000.00 | |||||
Volunteer-driven project and initiative (Wiki Loves XYZ / Wikexpeditions) | 17'000.00 | 17'000.00 | |||||
Micro-Grant | 10'000.00 | 10'000.00 | |||||
Volunteers support coordination | 6'000.00 | 6'000.00 | |||||
subtotal | 75'500.00 | 75'500.00 | 0.00 | ||||
Outreach (44'900 CHF) | |||||||
Misc Outreach | 3'000.00 | 3'000.00 | |||||
Outreach printed and postage | 2'000.00 | 2'000.00 | 2'000.00 | ||||
Wikipermanences | 3'000.00 | 3'000.00 | |||||
subtotal | 8'000.00 | 5'000.00 | 5'000.00 | ||||
GLAM | |||||||
GLAM brochure | 1'000.00 | 1'000.00 | |||||
GLAM Team | 12'500.00 | 12'500.00 | |||||
Herbarium/LORO | 6'400.00 | 6'400.00 | |||||
subtotal | 19'900.00 | 12'500.00 | 7'400.00 | ||||
Offline dissemination | |||||||
Non Tech Events | 2'500.00 | 2'500.00 | |||||
Offline Tech events | 5'000.00 | 2'000.00 | 3'000.00 | ||||
Online/printed guides | 1'000.00 | 1'000.00 | |||||
Online Shop | 1'500.00 | 1'500.00 | |||||
Partnerships development | 1'000.00 | 1'000.00 | |||||
subtotal | 11'000.00 | 2'000.00 | 9'000.00 | ||||
Education | |||||||
Wikivillage | 5'000.00 | 2'000.00 | 3'000.00 | ||||
subtotal | 5'000.00 | 2'000.00 | 3'000.00 | ||||
Thematic Approach | |||||||
The Alps | 1'000.00 | 1'000.00 | |||||
Neuchatelpedia | |||||||
subtotal | 1'000.00 | 1'000.00 | 0.00 | ||||
subtotal Outreach | 44'900.00 | 22'500.00 | 24'400.00 | ||||
Association sustainibility (10'500 CHF) | |||||||
Board budget (training, GA) | 5'000.00 | 5'000.00 | |||||
Staff training | 4'000.00 | 4'000.00 | |||||
Other association membership | 1'500.00 | 1'500.00 | |||||
subtotal | 10'500.00 | 5'000.00 | 5'500.00 | ||||
subtotal activities | 130'900.00 | 103'000.00 | 29'900.00 | ||||
Total | 794'424.13 | 499'693.85 | 296'730.28 |
Revenues: upcoming year's annual plan
editPlease use this table to list your organization's anticipated revenues by revenue source in the upcoming year. Use the status column to indicate if this funding is guaranteed, whether you are in the process of requesting funding, or whether you are planning to request funding later. Please feel free to include in-kind donations and resources, as applicable.
Table 5
Anticipated revenues for the upcoming funding period Revenue source Currency requested US dollars Status (e.g. guaranteed, application)
FDC 500'000.00 544'500.00 Internal fundraising via 75'000.00 81'675.00 External fundraising 50'000.00 54'450.00 Members fees 15'000.00 16'335.00 guaranteed Services 21'000.00 22'869.00 22'000.00 23'958.00 guaranteed Merchandising 2'500.00 2'722.50 WMF fundraising operational cost 25'000 27'225.00 guaranteed, but the final value depends of the results of the Annual WMF fundraising Offline Dissemination Program 40'000 43'560.00 Trainings 6'000 6'534.00 Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): 756'500.00 823'828.50 -
Table 5 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.
- We reached the end of the funding line from the Loterie romande and will be able to ask for a new grant request. Based on the success of the Herbarium project, we were notified that this makes us potentially eligible for significantly larger grants from the Loterie.
Operating reserves: upcoming year's annual plan
editPlease use this table to report information about your organization's planned operating reserves. Since this information is included here, you should not include it as part of your planned program or operational expenses. There are some restrictions about how much FDC funding your organization can use to build up your reserves.
Table 6
Local currency $US Total anticipated amount in operating reserves (by the end of the current fiscal year) 125'385.00 136'544.27 Total existing reserves from the current year to be carried over as reserves in the upcoming year 87'460.87 95'244.89 Total to be added to reserves in the upcoming year (excluding FDC funding) 0 0 Total to be added to reserves in the upcoming year from FDC funding only 0 0 Total planned reserves in the upcoming year (should equal the sum of the rows except the first): 87'460.87 95'244.89
Table 6 notes:
- In 2014 our reserves were negatively impacted by the significant growth in staff, as well as organization of the Zurich Hackathon in the Spring. As we do not plan for any further hiring after 2015, we plan to gradually correct any structural deficit and re-grow our reserves to a conservative 9 to 12 months of cash flow (similar to WMF's current policy).
Expenses: upcoming year's annual plan
edit- 1. Expenses by program (excludes staff and operations).
- Program expenses are the costs associated specifically with your organization's programs. These costs do not include operating expenses or staff salaries, which will be described in separate tables. For example, program expenses may be the costs of an event, the costs of outreach materials specific to a program, budgets for microgrants and reimbursements, or technical costs associated with specific programs. The programs listed in this table should correspond to the programs you have listed in the programs section of this proposal form.
Table 7
Program / initiative In currency requested In $US Community Support 75'500.00 82'219.50 Outreach 44'900.00 48'896.10 Movement and Association sustainability 10'500.00 11'434.50 Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 130'900.00 142'550.10
Table 7 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.
- 2. Total expenses. Please use this table to summarize your organization's total expenses overall.
- These are divided into three expenses categories: (1) staff expenses from Table 4 (including staff expenses for both staff working on programs and operations), (2) expenses for programs from Table 7 (does not include staff expenses or operations expenses), and (3) expenses for operations (does not include staff expenses or program expenses). Be sure to check the totals in this table to make sure they are consistent with the totals in the other tables you have submitted with this form. For example, your total program expenses excluding staff will be equal to the total in Table 7, while your total staff expenses will be equal to the total in Table 4 and your total expenses will be equal to the total in Table 1.
Table 8
Expense type In currency requested In $US Program expenses (total from Table 7, excludes staff) 130'900.00 142'550.10 Operations (excludes staff and programs) 77'500.00 84'397.50 Upcoming staff total expenses (from Table 4) 586'024.13 638'180.28 Amount to be added to reserves in the upcoming year (from Table 6) 0 0 Total expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 794'424.13 865'127.88
Table 8 notes:
- From the 31st December 2014, Wikimedia CH has to move from its current office as our lease has expired and cannot be reconducted. We will be looking for a new bigger space to contain our staff in full and also to accommodate the request of our members, who wish to be able to organize gatherings for workshops and projects.
DESCRIPTION SUBJECT TO CHANGE: During 2014-2015 Round 1 we will be launching a multi-year funding pilot program where APG applicants can request a two-year funding commitment from the FDC. Participating organizations will provide the FDC with information about milestones for two-year programs during the next year's proposal cycle (2015-2016 Round 1), as well as with their annual plans and budgets for the second year.
Not all organizations will be participating in this program since it is a pilot, and a list of organizations eligible to apply for multi-year funding will be announced soon. This section is included in the current version of the proposal form, to ensure that it is available to any organizations that might need it if they are participating in the pilot. Please do not complete this section unless you know your organization is eligible to participate in this pilot program.
- 1. Will your organization be seeking a two-year funding commitment from the FDC during this proposal cycle?
- Yes
- 2. Please use this table to show which programs you will continue over a two-year period and list some milestones that you would like to report on after the first 8 months of your programs (to be achieved by 1 September 2015)
OPTIONAL: Multi-year funding pilot program
edit- DESCRIPTION SUBJECT TO CHANGE: As part of this pilot program, your organization will be asked to report on milestones reached by 1 September 2015 for your two-year programs by 1 October 2015. This information will be reviewed by the FDC during the 2015-2016 Round 1 proposal cycle, along with your annual plan and budget for the second year of funding, after which the second year of funding will be released by the FDC.
Table 9
Program name Start date Completion date Milestones (by 1 September 2015) Notes Community Support already running no ending date - Support the obtention of 30 accreditations for 5 different volunteers
- Support 5 Commons volunteers by providing qualitative photographic equipment
- Support the organization of 1 Wiki Loves XYZ by swiss volunteers
- Support Wikimedian's ideas by providing 12 micro-grants
- Increase Diversity by organizing 6 Editing Ateliers focused on Women
- The wikipedia Observatory will be up and running in the Italian wikipedia
- Needs assessments will have been conducted
community support is the core program of Wikimedia CH, we do not plan to terminate it. Outreach - GLAM service October 1st 2014 2019 - The GLAMwikitoolset service is up and running
- The GLAM Brochure has been successfully distributed to 200 swiss GLAM with a 20% response ratio
Our GLAM Sub-program is service oriented and aims to become self-supporting. While the number of "customers" for this program is huge in Switzerland, this program has a medium term life expectancy. Outreach - ODP January 1st 2014 -(R&D January 1st 2015) evaluation after three years - The Online shop will be ready to be deployed
- one new partnership with a NGO will be ongoing
- one specific hackathons dedicated to the Offline technology will be organized
- the Kiwix automated test strategy will be set-up and the pilot experiment with Kiwix for Android will be ongoing.
- The fulltext search functionality will be added.
- The big donors strategy will be raised by at least 10'000 CHF
ODP is a unique program in the Wikimedia Movement, this program address the issue of the knowledge divide due to digital divide, therefore it has a mid to long term nature. Outreach - Education August 2014 no ending date - An Education Program will start in a professional school with at least 5 teachers involved
- Wikivillage will be extended to the whole French area and a pilot contest will be started in a German Canton
- one professor will have run a pilot experiment with students doing their Matura work.
- One French-Speaking Teaching School will include Wikipedia learning in its life training course offer
Our Education Sub-program is a long term program aimed to include Wikimedia projects participation in the Curriculum of the Swiss schools and Universities - Support the obtention of 30 accreditations for 5 different volunteers
Table 9 notes:
The FDC or FDC staff may reach out to you for more information about your two-year plans as part of this pilot program, or may need to make changes to this section of the proposal form based on early teachings from this pilot. Participating organizations, please bear with us.
Verification that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities
editPlease enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. Grants for such activities (when permitted under U.S. law and IRS regulations) should be sought from the Wikimedia Foundation Project and Event Grants Program.
I verify that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities Yes
Once this proposal is complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
- Charles Andrès (WMCH) 16:41, 1 October 2014 (UTC)
Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing.