Grants:APG/Proposals/2015-2016 round 2/Wikimedia Norge/Progress report form
Purpose of the report
editThis form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.
Global metrics overview - all programs
editWe are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and
- Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
- In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.
Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. # of active editors involved | 170 | Includes: events, wiki meetups in Oslo and Trondheim, wikigrants, contests, Wikipedia editing at universities |
2. # of new editors | 115 | Includes: events, wiki meetups in Oslo and Trondheim, wikigrants, contests, Wikipedia editing at universities |
3. # of individuals involved | 345 | Includes: events, wiki meetups in Oslo and Trondheim, wikigrants, contests, Wikipedia editing at universities |
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages and image use | 27,479 new images / 5,599 images used | Program Glam:
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects | 1,084 |
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects | 7,638,719 |
- Weekly editing contests on the Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia, Norwegian Nynorsk Wikipedia and the Northern Sami Wikipedia are mainly community led. WMNO always supports community members in organizing contest when asked. WMNO organizes or supports about 10 contests a year, which we think is a good number to keep the weekly editing contests community led. Topics are often chosen to cover missing content or update content. Community members have a better understanding of missing content then WMNO does. One great example is the ongoing weekly editing contest on References which we support by sponsoring prizes.
- Please note that Absolute value of bytes added or deleted Program Academia in our Impact-report 2015-2016 is 41,650,025. We are not sure what the reason is, but this seems very high? Could it be due to someone adding lots of text (maybe as a test) and then removing it?
Telling your program stories - all programs
editPlease tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.
- We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
- Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
- We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
- We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
- You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Example | Example | Example | Example | Example |
Overall progress
With governance issues resolved we have for the last 6 months moved on from concentrating on the day to day issues and challenges, to how we can build Wikimedia Norge as an organisation with long term imapct and programs aimed at global metrics output. We are very happy about that! We appreciate FDC’s acknowledgement of dedication and stability among Wikimedia Norge’s board and staff, and your patience when it comes to our previously poor reporting on global metrics and clear evidence of impact. We hope that the impact from our work now is both measurable in the global metrics but also maybe on levels that are not so easy measurable. We hope we will give you some good examples of that in this report. Please see this report's talk page for detailed trends on the Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk and Northern Sami Wikipedias.
The creation of a community manager position has allowed us to reach more active editors compared to previous years, see global metrics. In January we evaluated the outcome of this new position, and feedback in our user survey, from community members, staff and board, partners and the international Wikimedia community, is that the community manager brings much needed qualifications to the Wikimedia Norge office. It allows us to take part in many more discussions online and offline than before, the rest of the staff have learned a lot from him and are better capable of doing their jobs. The user survey is one example of a task he has done, publishing of the survey on Meta another. We are much more capable of sharing our learnings with the rest of the community because of his efforts: enabling translation on our wiki, translation of our new website to both Norwegian Nynorsk and English, newsletters on wiki, translation of the Citation Hunt tool, translation of the WikiEducation Dashboard are some examples. The community manager gets invited to technical workshops with our partners, because they know he has the necessary qualifications. Previously we would not get an invitation / attend. Please consider that the position has only been filled since the end of August 2016. We are happy to give a more thoroughly evaluation off wiki if needed. One very important step for Wikimedia Norge was to hire an outside accountant, the second very important step was to get a staff member with on wiki-experience.
We received less funding than what we applied for in our APG proposal from 1 April 2016. We have kept our prioritization on program 1 Community and program 2 Glam, and put aside some of our plans for program 3 Academia and program 4 Gender gap, see comments in the progress sections below.
The Staff assessment comment P2 reads: Programs are unlikely to lead to significant online impact at scale, and corresponding to the amount of funds requested. WMNO focuses on small language Wikipedias that will have limited impact outside of Norway and the Nordic region. We find this to be more nuanced. First of all, Wikipedia is just one of several Wikimedia projects we support. Our user survey shows that editors contribute to many of the Wikimedia projects. Many to more than one or two of the Wikimedia projects as well. Second, our survey shows that many editors also contribute to other language versions. Wikimedia Norge supports editors whether they contribute to the Norwegian and Northern Sami Wikipedias, or any other Wikipedia. Two wikigrants were last fall awarded to Finnish contributors. You can read their blog reports here and here. The image use of the uploaded images from Oslo Jazz festival shows most use on English Wikipedia. The Armenia collections that The National Library (image use highest on hy.wikipedia) and The National Archive (editors in Norway are translating the image descriptions to English, so Armenians can translate to Armenian]) have uploaded from Armenia have been promoted in our collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia during the editing contest in November/December and after the winners were announced, see Facebook post from Wikimedia Armenia.
One challenge we face as a small chapter with currently 1.7 FTE is that we are vulnerable when staff are away on business travels, are sick or during holidays. We hope that the development we have shown in impact in this report and in our impact report for 2015-2016 will justify our planned APG proposal for April 1. We will apply for funding to move one of the part time positions to a fulltime position, following up on one of the advices from the FDC on avoiding further fragmentation in staff and additional staff costs, and with the aim of increasing our collaborations with communities and partners.
Following the FDC advice to prioritize impact over external funding we have the last 6 months only applied for funding two places, for the State VAT compensation (please see comment under revenues) and funding from Unesco for Wiki Loves Earth (an easy online application).
Program 1 Community support
Wikimedia Norge, board meeting
Winner of the Armenia contest
Editors at #wikinobel
Status quo
editCommunity survey: In November/December 2016 we did a community survey. The community survey was held to find out more about our user base, both members and other Wikimedia users in Norway. The results are shared on Meta in Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk and English and on village pumps and will be shared in the upcoming newsletter. The survey was primarily distributed with CentralNotice on all projects in Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian Nynorsk, and CentralNotice on all English-language projects for users in Norway, but also via e-mail to all members of Wikimedia Norge and on the Facebook pages for Wikipedia in Bokmål, Wikipedia in Northern Sami and Wikimedia Norge. The survey was active from 8 November till 6 December 2016, and there was a total of 121 answers, about 1/3 of what is named active editors on this statistics page for Bokmål Wikipedia. The survey gives us a direction for our future work, and will be important when we make our annual plan for 2017-2018 and APG-proposal. A short summary of the results tells us that:
- 75 % had heard about Wikimedia Norge before the survey.
- Many have been members in Wikimedia Norge over several years.
- The main reasons for contributing are: I think the wiki projects are important collaborative projects that I would like to be a part of and I want to share my knowledge with others
- Over half answer they don’t know feel informed about what Wikimedia Norge is doing. That is a problem.
- But at the same time 34.55 % answer "I don't want to be informed about Wikimedia Norge’s activities". The preferred way of getting information about activities is on newsletter on user talk pages or by email. This we had in place starting November. Information is sent out to all member emails and to everyone on this list about every second month.
- Over half are interested in real life events, 58 %, and 33 have participated several times. 35 % are interested in helping arrange wiki events (with support from Wikimedia Norge), and of those, most would like to contribute to social meet ups, 75 %.
Activities: We will continue with handing out wikigrants twice a year. So far 5 grant projects have finished and 2 are ongoing, 3 have been rejected. The next deadline for applying is the 15 February. In addition, through the Norwegian branch of The Wikipedia Library, we distribute 6 accesses to Retriever (newspaper archive for all newspapers in Norway) every 6 months, which is an access many active editors hoped we could arrange.
We have a new website with blog entries written by editors, interns and wikigrants receivers and others. After the new website was up staff members are contacted 4 times more often by the public about questions related to both how Wikipedia work and potential collaborations.
In November-December we had our Armenia–Norway-program, which included an editing contest and promoting image collections from Armenia uploaded by Norwegian Glams. The jury in Norway worked in 2 steps. First the two active editors nominated a top 10 lists of new articles, and then a journalist and well known writer and an employee at The National Archive and a writer decided on the winner. The comments from the jury were posted on each article's discussion page as an inspiration for improving the articles further. Both the winner in Armenia and Norway have been announced and Wikimedia Armenia and we will report about this in an upcoming Wikimedia Foundation blog post and we will write a learning pattern together.
We will continue to support the wiki meetups held every quarter financially. The turn up has been around 25 people the last year. Wikimedia Norge refund travel costs for everyone that contacts us. The wiki meetups are discussed, prepared and reported on on the village pump, and our intern also wrote a summary from the January meeting for our blog. The next meetup will be in Trondheim, there is some very just comments about our activities being focused on Oslo, the day before our annual meeting in March. Long term we are hoping to support wiki meetups in other cities too.
Transparency: This is an example of our work that has been time consuming, but reflects poorly in global metrics. An important task for Wikimedia Norge has been to create divisions of tasks between staff, board and committees in written guidelines so we can be transparent in our work and better include and communicate with our communities and partners. We are currently working on a communication strategy to have some written guidelines for the organization, but also to secure a set of best practices when there are changes in staff, board or committees. Our communication channels include: our new website with blog, our wiki, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube (community led), newsletter on-wiki (new) and via email and village pumps in Bokmål and Nynorsk. Unfortunately no staff members speak Northern Sami, but our community manager has done a translation of the Contact page on our web page to Northern Sami. We have asked the chair of the board and the chairs of the committees to summaries their work for the last 6 months to give you some insight from their perspectives:
The Board of Wikimedia Norge (in English) has been summoned for two meetings in the period from July 2016-January 2017, both meetings were in Oslo. Minutes from the board meetings can be found on our wiki. The Board have decided to have meetings every three months in person, instead of every month on Skype. This is a more productive way of organising the board meetings and as chair I am in favor of this change. It has brought more vitality to the board meetings. An e-mail-list for board members are used for discussions between board meetings. At the September meeting Jan Ainali was invited to join the board meeting to have a workshop with the board on Wikimedia Sverige’s best practices on organizing and applying for grants. This was very relevant for our organization. Members of the Board have participated in the wiki meetups organized by community members and financed by Wikimedia Norge. The division of The Oversight Committee and The Electoral Committee since our annual meeting in April 2016 has worked out well.
— Hogne Neteland, chair of the board
The Oversight Committee of Wikimedia Norge is elected by the General Assembly for one year. According to the by-laws of WMNO (in English) the committee shall have at least two members, but presently has three members. The Committee has elected its own chair. The tasks of the Oversight committee is according to the guidelines of 2016, to control that the bylaws of WNMO are followed in letter as in spirit. It has established contact with the Statutory Auditor of WMNO, and read through his reports when produced. The audit of the Statutory Auditor may lead to actions from the Committee, but the audit itself it is not audited by the Committee. The Oversight committee receives the documents sent to the Board, and has an ambition to evaluate the documents before the board meetings. If necessary the Committee makes its comments to the board in writing minutes on wiki. The Board has responded in giving an answer on the wikis user page. Also the members of the Committee has been present in the Board meetings, online or in person.
— Trygve Nodeland, chair of The Oversight Committee
Wikimedia Norge has a dedicated electoral committee consisting of at least three members, with the task to propose candidates for all board and committee vacancies, exept for the next election committee. The committee has it own guidelines and works throughout the year to find suitable candidates, and receive suggestions from members and other Wikipedians. The electoral committee is typically composed of people with a good knowledge of both Wikimedia Norge and the Wikimedia projects the chapter is working specifically with. For the period 2016–2017 the committee consists of three active Wikipedians; Helge Høifødt, Ida Scott and Ole Anders Flatmo.
— Ole Anders Flatmo, chair of The Electoral Committee
Challenges: It takes time to grow community involvement. We have learned that this is work best done in 1-1-relations and not in a relationship between Wikimedia Norge and a community as a whole. Another challenge (this will always be a challenge to reflect about) is to ensure written guidelines and divisions of tasks for board, committees and staff when people leave / start.
editWe are on track with our progress for this program. It has also been our prioritized program the last 6 months. Due to community discussions and a strong wish from the Wikimedia Norge board we will run Wiki Loves Eath as a pilot in 2017. This target is now included below. Two community members are willing to help out and we have applied for external funding for Wiki Loves Earth.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Give out 8 x 8,000 NOK in wikigrants. 4 in September 2016 and 4 in February 2017 | Spring 2015: 4 | 2 | 6 | Wikigrants, info in English, see our blog for blog post from all grantees. Some grants are moved to the Wikipedia Library project |
6 wiki workshops in Oslo for active editors organized bimonthly by the community, costs covered by Wikimedia Norge. Test the same in one other city as well | 3 | 4 | 8 | Wiki meetups in Oslo and Trondheim, blog post |
Include 30 active editors in our programs and ask for support online, via the village pump or on project pages as mentors. | 37 | 57 | ||
Organize a month long online editing contest in November in collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia. The winner from each country gets to travel to Armenia / Norway | ![]() |
Contestpage | ||
Sponsor, or get sponsored, 6 prizes in the weekly online contest | 7 | 4 | 6 | Prizes sponsored by The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, The Research Council, The Nobel Peace Center, The National Gallery |
Triple the number of Wikimedia Norge memberships from 2015 till 2016 | 22 | 71 | 90 | The new Wikimedia Norge website (in Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk and English) with information about Wikimedia Norge's work, and registration form for membership has been essential in reaching our target of more members and in keeping partnerships for the coming years. |
Conduct a survey among 2,000 editors and readers on Wikipedia with help from WMF in November-December 2016 | ![]() |
Published on Meta (in Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk and English) | ||
Print material about How to contribute to Wikimedia Commons and on free licenses | Q4 | |||
Support The Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU by using revenues from membership fees | Q4 | Blog post | ||
NEW: Wiki Loves Earth, 1000 images uploaded | Q4 |
Program 2 Glam
Image uploaded from The National Library used in the Armenia-contest
wikinobel, Liv Tørres, director at Nobel Peace Center and editors
Winning photo from Wiki Loves Monuments 2016
Status quo
editPartnerships: We are continuing our Oslo-based partnerships with the Directorate for Cultural Heritage, The National Achieve and the The Nobel Peace Centre. Our former contact person at The National Library now works at The National Achieve, which means that that collaboration has expanded. We had one event with The Oslo Public Library this fall (see details under Program 4 Glam), and have further plans with them this spring. They have a maker space, Folkeverkstedet, and the next event will be a pilot to see how an event aimed at youth will work. The Oslo Public Library is moving to a new building in 2019, and is possibly a very interesting partner for us.
wikinobel took place October 7th. You can read about the event in this Wikimedia Foundation blog post and the blog post was also shared on the Wikipedia Facebook page. Since the announcement take place during the day it’s difficult for editors to join because of their work and school, but 4 active editors participated and 2 staff members. The Simpleshow Foundation and editors made films about the different prizes, and you can read about this work on this commons page. We also organized a weekly editing contest on The Nobel Peace prize with prizes from The Nobel Peace Centre. The community decided to have the following week’s editing contest on Columbia.
Wiki Loves Monuments 2016 took place in September. You can read the jury’s announcement here. We also organized and editing contest, with great results. In 2017 we are switching to organizing Wiki Loves Earth, but will do the editing contest part of Wiki Loves Monuments as well.
Mass uploads are not directly organized by Wikimedia Norge, but are activities that often can be traced back to talks, meetings or events where Wikimedia Norge took initiative. Or they are a result of contests or hackathons where community members played an essential role. We try to promote the mass uploads to further the image use, but it’s great that the institutions organize the uploads themselves because our resources are limited. The National Archive is going to upload all images with a commons-compatible licence from their digital archive. Images uploaded so far on commons by Riksbot can be seen here. The Riksbot is now on hold, to allow editors to keep up with the huge task of categorizing the images.
Collaboration outside Oslo: Because of our resource our work is quite Oslo-based, but we are in dialogue with both archives and libraries outside Oslo. This work is one example that doesn’t reflect in global metrics. For example, we help with problems uploading to commons and copyright issues and we keep an idea on the great work many institutions do, and try to promote this is social media. For example, Sogn and Fjordane county library have written many biographies about writers on Nynorsk Wikipedia and reuse the text on their project Writers from the county Sogn and Fjordane. The project is explained here (in Norwegian only). See for example the article on Martha Tynæs on Nynorsk Wikipedia and on their project page. The Nordland county library has done the same, see this page, and both projects are supported by The National Library. They also do great work in finding and uploading images of the writers to Commons, but have run into obstacles with images being deleted and have contacted us for help, something our community manager is helping out with now. The Sogn of Fjordane County Achieve have also uploaded images to Flickr that has been imported to commons. For example, this collection of hand tinted lantern slides depicting popular tourist destinations in Norway around the turn of the 19th century. The collection consists of slides produced by at least two British photographers – professional photographer Samuel J. Beckett and amateur photographer P. Heywood Hadfield and is also shared on Europeana. See this blog post from [Public Domain Review]. Wikimedia Norge would like to give more support to Glam institutions outside Oslo in collaboration with editors, but with current staff situation this is not possible.
Staff has participated in two Glam-conferences, one in Oslo, and one in Hønefoss, #hack4no and the preconference Nordic open geo data see also this blog post (in Norwegian). The conferences are important opportunities to meet partners, network and discuss ideas.
Challenges: Challenges we face are how to reflect ongoing dialogue with Glam-institutions in global metris. Our partnerships are not formal, which makes them very flexible and often easy to move forward (we have the right people to talk to), but they are very depended on few contacts.
Our building in Oslo and our employees are full of facts and information about the Nobel Peace Prize, the Peace Prize Laureates, and their work. Our mission is to spread this knowledge, both to our visitors and to the world around us. With its widespread range and idea of sharing knowledge, Wikipedia is a perfect partner for us in that mission. That is why it is such a pleasure for us, for the third year in a row, to welcome Wikimedia to us on the most important day in the Nobel year: the announcement of the new Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
— Liv Tørres, the director of the Nobel Peace Center. Post on Wikimedia Foundation blog, 5. October 2016
editWe are on track with our progress for this program. One target new in the progress table below is the Europeana 1914-1918 challenge which we will join (Q3+Q4). This initiativ came up after we had handed in our 2016 APG-proposal.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Organize Wiki Loves Monuments in collaboration with The Directorate for Cultural Heritage: 500 images uploaded | Contestpage 2015 | Contestpage 2016 1153 images uploaded | We also organized an editing contest on WLM. | |
The Norwegian branch of The Wikipedia Library: Add 2 resource and 1 cite on reference tools | Added a resource and a translation of the citation hunt-tool to Bokmål and Nynorsk and for non-norwegian IP-users | 2 | We have added one resource community members saw as useful, the newspaper-archive Retriever, one other we were not granted access to. Access to was renewed for 2016-2017 | |
Mass upload in collaboration with 3 partner institutions: 30 000 images | 30 895 | 27 479 | 30 000 | See table for Global metrics |
A test project on how a mass upload of images from The museum of Nordland can be put to use on wiki projects, working title: Wiki Loves Nordland | Q4 | |||
Organize 2 online editing contests in collaboration with partners | 4 contest, 82 articles added | 3 contests, 194 articles added | 4 | The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, contest page, The Research Concil contest page, The Nobel Peace Center, contest page |
Organize 2 guided tours at partner institutions for community members | 1 | 1 | ||
Organize #Wikinobel, 7. Oktober 2016 in collaboration with The Nobel Peace Center and community members | #wikinobel 2015 | Wikinobel 7th October 2016 Wikimedia Foundation blogpost | 4 editors participated, one from another city who we could refund the travel expenses | |
NEW: Europeana 1914-1918, collaboration with 2 GLAM-partners and create a portfolio with at least 4 different activities for the challenge | Q3-Q4 |
Program 3 Academia
Intern from The Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Sabine Rønsen
Wikipedia-editing at The University of Oslo
The Research Consil hostig a debate on online media literacy , board member Trond Trosterud in the panel
editWikipedia-editing at Universities: We will continue our collaboration with The University of Oslo with lectures in Wikipedia-editing each semester (read newsletter here), and have expanded our education program with two other universities. One collaboration will be on Art+Feminism and one with a university in the city of Trondheim. We have previous had trouble with collecting user names and look forward to use the Education dashboard now and .we have a translation to Norwegian Bokmål in place. We find this program to have best correlation with time and resources spend and outcome in global metrics. The key is that giving lectures in Wikipedia-editing is a part of the student’s curriculum and they have to edit as part of their studies.
Comments from community member, who give much help and guidance on wiki, is that many students do great work. We are also happy that community members have joined the lectures and helped out. We announced the lectures on the village pump so editors can join and help online or offline, see post on village pump.
One of the students who attended the first lecture, for 1,5 year ago, is today an active editor. After almost a year with discussions between Wikimedia Norge and The University of Oslo, Norsk folkeminnesamling, on how the online history web page on Norwegian history and Wikipedia could benefit from each other as online projects, this student was hired for about a month. We were very pleased we could recommend such a great candidate for this project. Although this work is not reflected in global metrics, this is still work we prioritize to build a network in academia.
Interns: We welcome two interns from Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences each year. The intern, Sabine Rønsen, has worked on #faktajakt, the Norwegian edition of #1lib1ref, see blog post written by Sabine. The interns helps out in the day to day task, as well as having their own projects. They are also a very welcome to our small office. Sabine has promoted #faktajakt on Wikipedia, on discussion pages, and she joined the wiki meet up in January. We wrote an article for the January edition of the journal for librarians on #faktajakt and interviewed Sabine. Read the article here. The county library in Vestfold, after reading the article, have invited Wikimedia Norge to hold a workshop in March at the library. Sabine will write a follow up article for the journal as well, about her experience as a new, female, editor and on #faktajakt. #faktajakt has resulted in 90 citations added. Before #faktajakt we translated the citation hunt-tool to Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian Nynorsk.
The Research Concil: In collaboration with The Research Council’s The National Science Week we were invited to join the panel in one debate and Wikimedia Norge was invited to organized a seminar. Our goal with the seminar was to invite interesting researchers on online education and Wikipedia, such as Gisle Hannemyr (link) who also are active in Creative Commons Norge. He spoke about free licenses and MOOCs. The other researcher, Lisbeth M. Brevik, spoke about the use of Wikipedia in schools. Wikimedia Norge follows the very interesting work Wikimedia Sverige is doing with schools and this seminar was a way for us to start a reflection on how we could build a program around schools in Norway. You could read a relevant article on use of Wikipedia in schools from Brevik’s colleague here (in English). These events with The Research Coucil are an important way for us to do advocacy work in promoting Wikipedia in academia but they don't reflect impact in global metrics.
Challenges: Should we expand the education program next year? We need to train the trainers to have qualified people to hold these lectures.
International Wikipedia research – in short:
- The world's most used website in school context
- Students are often positive to Wikipedia, due to many common reasons
- Teachers / school / academia are often skeptical of Wikipedia due to many particular reasons
— Lisbeth Brevik, researcher at Univeristy of Oslo, at Wikimedia Norge's event during The National Science Days hosted by The Research Council
editWe are on track to reach our target of partners and plans for Wikipedia-trainings in higher education. With less funding then we applied for in our APG-proposal 2016 many of our targets for this program were far to ambitious to reach. We have focused on partners and plans for Wikipedia-trainings in higher education and a translation of the Wiki Education Dashboard. Our metrics shows good results from these initiatives compared to other editing trainings we have tried out earlier.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Continuing the collaboration with the University of Oslo in giving at least two Wikipedia lectures and editing trainings as a part of the academic curriculum | 2 | 1 | 2 | Lecture Q2 at University of Oslo, lecture Q3 at the University of Oslo |
Giving at least two Wikipedia lectures and editing trainings with new higher education partners | 2, University of Oslo | 2 | In addition to University of Oslo, we have two new partner universities | |
Standardizing how WP lectures can be given | On Wikipedia and researchers | On Wikipedia and digital literacy | Two Prezi-presentations made by WMNO board member Harald Groven | |
Welcome two interns from higher education at Wikimedia Norge’s office for one-two months stay | 2 | 1 | 2 | One bachelor student in January-February, and one master student in May-June. |
Support one Master’s student at the University of Oslo who is doing her degree on how the Gender Gap effects content on the Norwegian Bokmål version of Wikipedia | Announcement at The University of Oslo | Elisabeth Mong-Nybo finished her thesis in December 2016, staff and editors helped with material | ||
Organize a Wikipedia Academy spring 2017 on research and Wikipedia | Due to reduced funding we will not do this | |||
Organizing one event for researchers where the topic is academic contributions to Wikipedia as a part of The Research Councils annual 2 week event The National Science Days | Event | The event was not targeted to attract reserachers, but the general public | ||
Organizing a editing contest or editing relay where researchers are the participants | Due to reduced funding we will not do this | |||
Organizing a contest or a mentor collaboration with researchers and active editors | Due to reduced funding we will not do this |
Program 4 Gender Gap
Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim wiki-meet up
Wikimedia Norge hosting an event at The Oslo Public Library together with the organization Wift and the journal Fett
Elisabeth Mong-Nybo, from Univeristy of Oslo, with her master thesis on Wikipedia and Gender
editFemale editors: Our user survey shows that most editors are men. Although we only have this from conversations at work and off work, it seems that among some groups there is an awareness of the gender gap on Wikipedia. Just at brunch today a stranger commented on discussions of the gender gap she had seen in a Norwegian Facebook-group. Even though we don't see results in number = higher number in female editors, we strongly believe it is important to keep having these discussions and events related to the gender gap. We offer master students at the University of Oslo to write their master thesis on Wikipedia and gender and the first student, Elisabeth Mong-Nybo, have now finished her thesis. Both editors and staff have helped out with literature and Wikipedia-stats. One of the wikigrants was awarded to Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim-group who has regularly editing meet ups. Active editors have joined and given help and guidance. In March all staff members will join the meet up, since we are moving our office to Trondheim for 3 busy days.
Wikimedia Norge gender balance: Wikimedia Norge keeps in mind that each event we (co)host should have a gender balance in who represents Wikimedia Norge and who else are invited as speakers. The same goes for images we share on social media and in reports like this. We also strive for a gender balance in staff, board and election and audit committees. Currently there is a 33 % female representation and 67 % male representation. If we include the short term WiR at The University of Oslo and the intern from The Oslo and Akershus University of Applied Sciences, we have 41 % female representation and 59 % male representation.
Event on film and Wikipedia: The 27. October we organized an event at The Oslo Public Library. One director, one film curator and one film critic (all female) were given 15 articles about women and men in the film industry, actors and directors, Norwegian and foreign, to read. The articles were picked out by staff, an active editor who writes many articles about films and the speakers. Our aim with this debate was to discuss the quality and the gender perspective in these articles:
- Vibeke Idsøe
- Ingrid Bolsø Berdal
- Liv Ullmann
- Drew_Barrymore
- Jim Carrey
- Edith Carlmar
- Synnøve Hørsdal
- Finn Gjerdrum
- Thomas_Robsahm
- Anja Breien
- Catherine_Hardwicke
- Sofia Coppola
The event built on already established partnerships with the WIFT network, a workshop where we worked on writing biographies on Norwegian women in film and tv, and with the journal Fett, where one staff member has previously published an article on the gender-gap on Wikipedia.
Challenges: Although the gender gap gets attention in media and social media, we are not sure if our work results in more female editors. As commented under challenges under program 1, we believe we need to build relationships and 1-1 and this takes time. Another challenge is that some active editors questions why Wikimedia Norge spend time on resources on a group that maybe is not interested in editing Wikipedia, when we could have spend time and resources on the active editors who do want to edit. We optimistically aim at doing both!
There are too many examples of women being overlooked and forgotten by history, and the path to become "encyclopedia worthy" has been far longer for women. That’s why Wikipedia is so great! Since anybody can edit we now have the opportunity to give notabel women a reparation and the place in history they deserve.
— Sabine Rønsen, intern at the Wikimedia Norge office January-February, and this was her first article on Wikipedia
editSome activities we had to put on hold due to reduced funding, but otherwise we are on track with this program.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Host monthly editing-workshops for women. Four during spring, and four during fall in Oslo | 4 | Not done due to reduced funding | ||
Help organize 4 wiki meet ups for women outside Oslo | 1 | 2 | 4 | Facebookpage for Girl Geeks / Wikipedia |
Collaborate with 2 other organizations working on gender gap issues, Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim and the Norwegian branch of WIFT: Women in Film and Television | 2 | 2 | Joint event at Oslo Public Library with Wift and Fett + Facebookpage for Girl Geeks / Wikipedia | |
4 news reports on the gender gap issue | 2 | 0 | 1 | Partly done, due to reduced funding |
Organize an online editing contest on feminism and female biographies to mark the international Women's Day 8. March 2017 | 8. March editing contest 2016 | Q3 | ||
Participate in the 2017 Art+Feminism Edit-a-thon with an edit-a-thon in Oslo | Q3 | |||
By the end of the funding period measure editor retention among the participants. The program aims at 5 active editors by June 2017 | 2 | 5 |
Revenues received during this six-month period
editPlease use the exchange rate in your APG proposal. Exchange rate provided by FDC staff 01/03/16: 1 USD= 8.70139 NOK
Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan Membership fees and privat donations NOK 115,000 12,293 18,284 30,577 13,216 3514 APG from Wikimedia Foundation NOK 1,600,000 402,500 402,500 805,000 183,876 92,514 Other project funding NOK 25,000 60,410 60,410 2,873 6,942 We received more than budgeted from the State VAT-compensation Prizes (WLM and weekly editing contests) and food donated by partners NOK Not budgeted 2,000 2,000 4,000 460 Prizes sponsored by The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, The Research Council, The Nobel Peace Center Venues paid for by partners NOK Not budgeted 6,000 5,000 11,000 1,264 Wikinobel at The Nobel Peace Center, events with The Research Council, Wikipedia-lecture at University of Oslo, event at The Oslo Public Library TOTAL NOK 1,740,000 422,793 488,194 910,987 199,965 104,694
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Comments on revenue sources
- Our efforts in finding ways to give community support and engage communities and volunteers have (also) resulted in increased private dontations and number of members. In comparison, from July 2015–January 2016 the amount raised was 4,000 and in the same period, July 2016–January 2017, the amount raised was 30,577. These numbers include private donations and membership fees. We believe this development is one of many proofs that we are on the right track and that we are working to address the comment O4 Community engagement in the Staff assessment.
- We are now eligible as a volunteer organisation to apply for State VAT-compensation every September. The amount we get compensated depends on our spendings from year to year. This gives us an early guaranteed compensation and adds to our external fundings, as commented upon in the staff assessment, B2. Budget is focused on impact. For the period July 2016–2017 the amount of external funding is 105 987, which means 13 % of our revenues are from external funding.
Spending during this six-month period
editPlease use the exchange rate in your APG proposal. Exchange rate provided by FDC staff 01/03/16: 1 USD= 8.70139 NOK
Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- (The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan Payroll expenses NOK 950,507 176,210 261,954 438,164 109,236 50,356 46 % Rental cost NOK 126,000 23,413 21,982 45,395 14,480 5,217 36 % Leasing machinery etc. NOK 10,000 0 2,232 2,232 1,149 256 22 % Tools, furniture, movables etc. NOK 13,000 7,323 11,105 18,428 1,494 2,118 142 % New computer bought Repair and maintenance NOK 2,000 549 395 944 230 108 47 % Foreign services NOK 150,000 25,785 37,747 63,532 17,239 7,301 42 % Office supplies NOK 16,000 3,500 732 4,232 1,839 486 26 % Telephone and postage NOK 15,000 1,410 6,863 8,273 1,724 951 55 % Travel expenses (staff and board) NOK 90,000 15,727 15,787 31,514 10,343 3,622 35 % Sale, advertising and representation NOK 45,000 3,040 5,651 8,691 5,172 999 19 % Insurance and guarantee expenses NOK 0 549 305 854 Program 1 Community NOK 170,000 3,746 62,602 66,348 19,537 7,625 39 % See License and patent expenses in our quarterly reports Program 2 Glam NOK 40,000 0 10,645 10,645 4,597 1,223 27 % See License and patent expenses in our quarterly reports Program 3 Academia NOK 52,000 2,413 3,050 5,463 5,976 628 11 % See License and patent expenses in our quarterly reports Program 4 Gender Gap NOK 16,000 0 2,000 2,000 1,839 230 13 % See License and patent expenses in our quarterly reports Other expenses NOK 15,000 3,780 1,671 5,451 1,724 626 36 % TOTAL NOK 1,710,507 267,445 444,721 712,166 196,579 81,746 42 % N/A
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Comments on spending
- As you can see of our spendings we are now on track with a realistic budget and managing our funds effectively. This was a concern commented upon in the staff assessment B1 Past budgeting and spending. 42 % of our budgeted funds are spend in Q1 and Q2 and we expect to have higher spendings, especially in programs costs, in Q3 and Q4 because of events we are planning for in April in the city of Trondheim. We kindly ask for feedback from the WMF if there is still a concern related to our budgeting and spendings before our next APG proposal, 1. April 2017, so we can adress this. We keep our operating cost as low as possible, with good help from partners who often are willing to cover costs for venues, food and prizes. We have seperated the program cost in our budget now (program 1-4, but named Prosjekt 1-4 in our budget), so it’s easier to understand how funds are spend. Program 1 costs are: wikigrants, The Wikipedia Library accesses for Retriever, prizes for photo (WLM) and editing contests (Armenia and weekly editing contests), wiki meetups (food and venue), community members' travel refunds to meetups, stickers and postcards. Program 2, 3, 4: community members' travel refunds and event and meeting costs (venues, food, speakers). Payroll expenses are high in Norway. As long as staff members are expeted to have good qualifications for their positions, salaries will be what we spend most of our available funding on. Please note that there are mandatory taxes and insurances included in the payroll expenses. Please also note that the avarage salary per month[1] is 43,300 in Norway and Wikimedia Norge should in the long run aim at salaries at an average level to be able to keep well qualified staff members as employees.
- This past year we have worked on making our budget /quarterly reports and reporting to the Wikimedia Fondution consitent and transparent. As a small chapter we need to constantly think of how to minimize our time spend on administration and beacuse of this our budget is done in English and Norwegian, our quarterly financial reports are shared in English, our quarterly staff reports are shared in Norwegian and English. This secures transparency for both readers in Norwegian and English.
- Detailed budget in English / Norwegain
- Quarterly financial reports in English
- Quarterly staff reports in English
editIs your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?
editAs required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.
Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
edit- Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
- --Astrid Carlsen (WMNO) (talk) 16:35, 6 February 2017 (UTC)
editResources to plan for measurement
edit- Global metrics are an important starting point for grantees when it comes to measuring programmatic impact (Learning Patterns and Tutorial) but don’t stop there.
- Logic Models provide a framework for mapping your pathway to impact through the cause and effect chain from inputs to outputs to outcomes. Develop a logic model to map out your theory of change and determine the metrics and measures for your programs.
- Importantly, both qualitative and quantitative measures are important so consider both as you determine measures for your evaluation and be sure to ask the right questions to be sure to capture your program stories.
Resources for storytelling
edit- WMF storytelling series and toolkit (DRAFT)
- Online workshop on Storytelling. By Frameworks institute
- The origin of storytelling
- Story frames, with a focus on news-worthiness.
- Reading guide: Storytelling and Social change. By Working Narratives
- The uses of the story.
- Case studies.
- Blog: 3 Tips on telling stories that move people to action. By Paul VanDeCarr (Working Narratives), on
- Building bridges using narrative techniques. By
- Differences between a report and a story
- Question guides and exercises.
- Guide: Tools for Knowledge and Learning. By Overseas Development Institute (UK).
- Developing a strategy
- Collaboration mechanisms
- Knowledge sharing and learning
- Capturing and storing knowledge.