Grants:APG/Proposals/2017-2018 round 1/Amical Wikimedia/Impact report form/Global Metrics program details

On Amical Wikimedia's 2018 APG proposal form, 6 big programs were created; widening the 3 that were scheduled in 2017 -and including one for the specific Wikimedia Hackathon 2018, held in Barcelona.

As Global metrics are due, here we detail as much as possible all our events/programs/projects/we've been involved in, to facilitate better understanding of the metrics detailed in the impact report form.

Program 1: Community

Program # Event/project/task #Active Editors #New editors # People involved Media Used #Articles improved #Bytes Other Comments
1 - COMMUNITY Teach the Teachers 20 N/A 25 N/A N/A N/A Train the trainers workshop
1 - COMMUNITY Follow ups 5 N/A 5 N/A N/A N/A Follow up meetings with volunteers
1 - COMMUNITY Representation meeting 1 N/A 2 N/A N/A N/A Meeting with galician wikipedia representatives
1 - COMMUNITY Follow up meetups 5 N/A 5 N/A N/A N/A
1 - COMMUNITY Follow up meetings 8 N/A 8 N/A N/A N/A
1 - COMMUNITY Follow ups 25 N/A 25 N/A N/A N/A
1 - COMMUNITY Follow up meetings 4 N/A 6 N/A N/A N/A
1 - COMMUNITY General Annual Assembly N/A N/A 12 N/A N/A N/A Annual formal meeting to discuss the progresses and bureacracy of Amical
1 - COMMUNITY Annual Amical Gathering ("Viquitrobada") 34 N/A 45 N/A N/A N/A Annual Catalan Wikimedia conference, organised by Amical to discuss about wiki developments and the future of the NGO
Total (estimations) 102 N/A 133 N/A N/A N/A

Program 2: Education

Program # Event/project/task #Active Editors #New editors # People involved Media Used #Articles improved #Bytes Other Comments
2 - EDU New feminism eduwiki workshops 80 70 85 40 90 N/A
2 - EDU workshops for teachers 50 15 60 20 20 N/A
2 - EDU Workshops at UB 6 5 70 4 8 N/A
2 - EDU Viquimarató Esmuc 2018 5 5 10 15 10 N/A
2 - EDU Conferència sobre viquipèdia a Veterinària UAB 2 0 60 N/A
2 - EDU Viquimarató Salut a la Universitat de Girona 2 25 30 25 34 N/A
2 - EDU Viquiprojecte:Antropologia lingüística UB 1 15 20 25 25 N/A
2 - EDU Arquitectura del PC 1 5 6 n/A 6 N/A
2 - EDU Traducció Assistida Uvic 1 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 - EDU Bioquímica UB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 - EDU Viquiprojecte:Biotecnologia alimentària UAB 2 34 36 8 10 N/A
2 - EDU Viquiprojecte:Ciències culinàries i gastronòmiques UB 3 40 45 9 15 N/A
2 - EDU Claret 4A 2 24 30 10 48 N/A
2 - EDU Claret 4B 2 24 30 8 49 N/A
2 - EDU Claret 4C 2 24 30 9 46 N/A
2 - EDU Comunicació des de la perspectiva de gènere N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 - EDU Viquiprojecte:Gènere i igualtat N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 - EDU Història de la Música Medieval 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 - EDU Història de la Música segles XX i XXI 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 - EDU Organologia I i II 2 20 25 9 25 N/A
2 - EDU Organologia III i IV 2 18 22 8 20 N/A
2 - EDU Creació i difusió del coneixement UdA 2 25 30 8 15 N/A
2 - EDU Pensament contemporani femení 2 23 25 6 12 N/A
2 - EDU cultura digital 1 25 30 15 39 N/A
2 - EDU Còmput altes prestacions 2 25 30 8 16 N/A
2 - EDU Criminologia 2 25 30 15 19 N/A
2 - EDU Educació URV 2 120 125 34 49 N/A
2 - EDU Encastats 2 15 16 6 8 N/A
2 - EDU ESADE (spring) 4 60 70 25 80 N/A
2 - EDU història de la música audiovisual 1 15 18 12 17 N/A
2 - EDU Música catalana XIX i XX 1 15 18 9 15 N/A
2 - EDU Sonologia 2 12 15 30 5 N/A
2 - EDU Viquiprojecte:Esmuc/Repertori Instrumental Específic de Piano 1 15 18 9 15 N/A
2 - EDU Musicologia 1 15 18 6 18 N/A
2 - EDU Espai Far 1 25 30 12 12 N/A
2 - EDU Estratègia digial UOC 1 18 20 18 23 N/A
2 - EDU Etnologia regional UAB 1 25 28 6 22 N/A
2 - EDU Experiència d'usuari 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 - EDU Fonaments de la sociologia 1 25 30 12 22 N/A
2 - EDU Fonaments matemàtics UPC 1 25 30 12 25 N/A
2 - EDU Gestió de la informació URL 2 60 75 29 60 N/A
2 - EDU Art i Cultura a Catalunya 2 12 15 11 11 N/A
2 - EDU Història de la filosofia contemporània 2 10 12 3 6 N/A
2 - EDU Història econòmica de Catalunya UPF 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 - EDU IFmuc 1 25 30 8 45 N/A
2 - EDU Ildefons Cerdà 1 0 0 0 0 N/A fase de recerca
2 - EDU Literatura Àrab 1 18 20 6 25 N/A
2 - EDU Literatura brasilera 1 7 9 4 8 N/A
2 - EDU Mecanismes de comunicació i producció a la xarxa 2 80 85 6 70 N/A
2 - EDU Pràctiques curriculars UB 2 1 4 N/A 172 N/A
2 - EDU Serveis de referència 1 25 28 5 30 N/A
2 - EDU Tecnologia de l'audiovisual 2 80 75 193 779 N/A
2 - EDU Literatura llatina 2 20 22 12 18 N/A
2 - EDU Viquiprojecte UAB 5 0 10 60 300 N/A
2 - EDU Educació URV (2nd year) 2 180 185 N/A 60 N/A
2 - EDU Viquiprojecte Història de l'art UDL 2 18 20 60 21 300.000 approx
2 - EDU Workshop UB Filologia 1 N/A 90 N/A N/A N/A
2 - EDU Viquiprojecte:Microbiologia dels aliments UAB 1 56 60 57 14 324.000
2 - EDU Viquiprojecte:Biotecnologia alimentària UAB (2nd year) 1 32 37 75 11 381.000
2 - EDU Viquiprojecte:ESADE CEMS MIM Master's Programme 2 26 30 12 40 N/A Multiple languages
2-EDU Taller Contra la Islamofòbia 1 N/A 30 N/A N/A N/A University Worskhop/conference about to edit Wikipedia to face islamophobia and safe environments
2-EDU Viquiprojecte Magisteri UIC 1 21 22 35 21 N/A
2 - EDU 2 workshops about Wikidata in University of Barcelona 2 60 62 N/A 130 N/A
Total (estimations) 240 1450 2.100 1.100 2.600 N/A

Program 3: Core Projects

Program # Event/project/task #Active Editors #New editors # People involved Media Used #Articles improved #Bytes Other Comments
3 - CULTURE Wikipedia weekly workshops at Ateneu Barcelonès 15 10 20 200 250 N/A
3 - CULTURE #1lib1ref 2018 campaign 300 80 350 23 2.556 N/A
3 - CULTURE Viquiprojecte:Vins del Pallars 4 3 5 15 60 N/A
3 - CULTURE Viquiprojecte:Arxiu Nacional 4 0 0 0 0 N/A
3 - CULTURE Viquimarató Prat de la Riba 4 40 50 20 45 N/A
3 - CULTURE Workshop for professionals in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat City Council 2 23 28 5 64 N/A
3 - CONTENT Showcase to CCCB employees 1 15 N/A N/A N/A
3 - CULTURE International Archives Day Editathon 4 15 24 12 28 N/A
3 - CULTURE Child theatre editahon in Lleida 3 18 23 4 20 N/A
3 - CULTURE L'Hospitalet de Llobregat local editathon 2 12 15 7 19 N/A
3 - CULTURE Workshop for librarians in the UAB 17 N/A 30 N/A N/A N/A
3 - CONTENT Annual Wikiquote proverb contest 7 2 10 6 81 214.000 Stable contest in ca.wikiquote
3 - CULTURE WiR in Museu d'Història de Girona 1 0 4 N/A 7 N/A
3 - CONTENT Workshops in Amical's headquarters (Casa Orlandai) 4 50 60 N/A N/A N/A
3 - CONTENT Lab Ciutat Oberta, cocreació i memòria col·lectiva 6 18 28 N/A 18 N/A
3- CULTURE Viquimarató Patrimoni Cultural UAB 5 4 18 35 11 N/A
3-CULTURE La nit de la llengua en el món digital 12 166 178 N/A c. 320 N/A Simultaneous event in 4 cities of Catalonia and remote participants from Catalan universities around the world, with 10 official partners
3-CULTURE Viquiprojecte:Nit de Santa Llúcia 6 1 7 N/A 42 214.000
3- CONTENT Quinzena anual de la Qualitat 18 3 21 N/A 160 385.000 15 day stable edit-a-thon to improve articles
Total (estimations) 546 446 885 590 3800 N/A

Program 4: Specific projects

Program # Event/project/task #Active Editors #New editors # People involved Media Used #Articles improved #Bytes Other Comments
4 - CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Kitsch 4 0 5 18 21 N/A
4 - CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Ribera d'Ebre 5 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 - CONTENT Viquipèdia:Viquimarató punt volat 2018 2 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 - CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Viquidones/The Dinner Party 25 5 30 600 999 N/A Contest for improving 999 biographies of women
4 - CONTENT Catalan Culture Challenge 2018 3 0 5 6 6 N/A
4 - CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Dia de la Poesia 2018 3 0 3 0 5 N/A
4 - CONTENT Europeana Wikidata Migratory vocabulary Challenge 3 N/A 3 N/A 60 N/A
4 - CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Manuel de Pedrolo 7 0 8 2 18 N/A
4 - CONTENT Ficomic 8 1 10 12 30 N/A
4 - CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Sant Jordi 2018 4 0 5 1 8 N/A
4 - CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Crims 5 1 6 1 8 N/A
4 - CONTENT Meeting with Barcelona Town Council 1 N/A N/A N/A
4 - CONTENT Feminism fights 8 1 10 12 23
4 - CONTENT Colonialism writing challenge 6 0 6 15 23 N/A
4 - CONTENT Musical styles writing challenge 4 0 4 3 6 N/A
4 - CONTENT PESCAR 2018 22 0 24 90 127 N/A concurs anual
4 - CONTENT Viquidones 65 35 135 N/A N/A N/A
4 - CONTENT Arxiu Ismael Mendoza 5 0 7 2.000 1000 N/A aprox.
4 - CONTENT Bibliowikis 60 100 250 300 800 N/A self sustainable project
4 - CONTENT Wikipedians in Residence CCCB 1 0 20 80 500 N/A approx.
4 - CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Religions 10 0 15 N/A 58 782.000 helped to reduce an important bias
4- CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Viquidones/Premi Internacional Dona Coratge 10 1 12 N/A 70 246.000
4- CONTENT Photographic documentation of Cornellà de Llobregat 1 1 3 85 10 N/A
4-CONTENT Viquiprojecte 18 Centenaris (Wikiquote) 5 0 8 N/A 12 25.000
4-CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Museu Nacional de Rio de Janeiro 6 1 9 40 16 N/A
4-CONTENT Fem Lluir El Baix workshop 3 N/A 20 N/A N/A N/A
4-CONTENT Viquiprojecte:Cornellà de Llobregat 5 6 20 26 8 N/A
4 -CONTENT Viquiprojecte Veterinària UAB 3 12 15 N/A 32 N/A
4-CONTENT Viquimarató L'Eliana 2018 6 2 8 N/A 11 N/A
4-CONTENT Viquimarató dones professionals de l'escena 2 7 9 13 8 N/A
4-CONTENT Viquimarató edificació 2018 1 4 6 3 6 22.600
4-CONTENT Viquimarató Optometria 2018 2 7 11 N/A 8 N/A
4-CONTENT Wikisource translations in University of Valencia 2 9 11 2 45 N/A
4-CONTENT Viquimarató Matemàtica Intermèdia 2 12 14 16 8 N/A
4-CONTENT Viquimarató Dones artistes valencianes 2018 3 10 13 7 12 N/A
Total (estimations) 308 208 705 3.350 4.050 N/A

Program 5: COMMS & Outreach

Program # Event/project/task #Active Editors #New editors # People involved Media Used #Articles improved #Bytes Other Comments
5 - COMMS Wikipedia and Open Knowledge seminar 1 N/A 150 N/A N/A N/A conference to university teachers and librarians
5 - COMMS Mobile world congress conferences 1 N/A 350 N/A N/A N/A 3 Outreach events
5 - COMMS Interview a DIGIT Radio Mora d'Ebre - vallue 1 N/A 2 N/A N/A N/A Interview
5 - COMMS Conference about liability and Wikipedia to students in UAB 1 N/A 85 N/A N/A N/A Conference
5 - COMMS Conference about Wikipedia in Santa Coloma de Gramenet (UB) 1 N/A 25 N/A N/A N/A Conference
5 - COMMS Congres EDO sobre lideratge i organització 1 N/A 67 N/A N/A N/A Conference
5- COMMS Lockout of 1 day of the Catalan Wikipedia N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A To protest again the EU article 13
5- COMMS Official presentation of the Birds Wikiproject in the Catalan Conference of Ornithology 3 N/A 162 N/A N/A N/A Conference
5-COMMS Interview Francesc Fort Matí d'Àpunt 1 N/A 8 N/A N/A N/A Interview
5-COMMS Interviews of La Nit dels Ignorants (Catalunya Ràdio) 24 N/A 20 N/A N/A N/A National program in which wikipedians from Amical are interviewed twice a month
5-COMMS Sharing Cities Summit 2018 - Digital platformsand gender perspective 2 N/A 150 N/A N/A N/A Conference about gender bias in Wikipedia and the new goals for digital gender equality in urban platforms
Total (estimations) 36 N/A 1019 N/A N/A N/A

Program 6: Wikimedia Hackathon

Program # Event/project/task #Active Editors #New editors # People involved Media Used #Articles improved #Bytes Other Comments
6 - WMHACK Viquiprojecte:Viquirepte/ORES 40 0 45 0 8604 N/A Campaing for implementing ORES machine on cawiki
6 - WMHACK Prehackathon at Faber Residency 25 10 30 N/A N/A N/A Prehack event in Olot
6 - WMHACK Congrés de Sobirania tecnològica Sobtec 3 100 N/A Introducing WMHACK to attendees
6 - WMHACK Wikimedia Hackathon Warm Up Event 15 1 15 N/A N/A N/A Introducing WMHACK to attendees
6 - WMHACK Open Data editathon 18 7 25 85 750 N/A
6 - WMHACK Wikimedia hackathon time!!! 90 N/A 300 N/A N/A N/A
Total (estimations) 191 18 515 85 9354 N/A WMHACK Goes better reported in a separate grant specific report