Grants:APG/Proposals/2017-2018 round 1/Wikimedia Argentina/Proposal form

Proposal by Wikimedia Argentina to support its annual plan with 240,704 USD.

Wikimedia Argentina will organize its annual proposal within the framework of its new Strategic Plan for 2018-2020. During 2018 we will carry out our projects through three main programs: Education, Culture & Open Knowledge, and Community Building. We will continue strenghtening our local community as a priority, and we will also work to diversify its members and build new thematic communities and mentoring programs to make both current and new members feel confortable. Regarding Education, we will continue pushing forward our current projects, those we know and have proved that work, but for the first time we will make them scale regionally and we will build a new national teacher's network to build a more sustainable program within Argentina. In 2018 we will approach GLAM differently. We will keep our digitizing project and the work done by our WIR but we will diversify the cultural topics addressed and we will open the program to new audiences as of Open Data, Fact Checking, Folk Culture, Topical Issues etc.

Comment on Wikimedia Argentina's proposal here

Return to the community review page.

We ask that you please don't make any changes directly to this page after the proposal submission date, but comment on the discussion page.

If you need to review the edit instructions you will find them in the edit intro.

  • Use this form if you are eligible to submit a proposal in the current round, to request funding in the current round.
  • This form must be published on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round to be considered, and no changes may be made after the submission date without staff approval.
  • This form complements your organization's annual plan, detailed budget, and strategic plan. It won't be considered complete without a detailed budget and strategic plan.
  • Organizations may apply for a funding period that does not exactly match their fiscal years. Follow the instructions carefully to understand what time period each question refers to.
  • Refer to the framework, guidance from the Board, and the FDC's recommendations before using this form, so you have an understanding of the Annual Plan Grants process.
  • Please Email with questions about using the form.

A few terms used in the form:

FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms


1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming funding period.

Wikimedia Argentina will organize its annual proposal within the framework of its new Strategic Plan for 2018-2020. During 2018 we will carry out our projects through three main programs: Education, Culture & Open Knowledge, and Community Building. We will continue strenghtening our local community as a priority, and we will also work to diversify its members and build new thematic communities and mentoring programs to make both current and new members feel confortable. Regarding Education, we will continue pushing forward our current projects, those we know and have proved that work, but for the first time we will make them scale regionally and we will build a new national teacher's network to build a more sustainable program within Argentina. In 2018 we will approach GLAM differently. We will keep our digitizing project and the work done by our WIR but we will diversify the cultural topics addressed and we will open the program to new audiences as of Open Data, Fact Checking, Folk Culture, Topical Issues etc.

Our programs will be crossed by three strategic lines: Knowledge, Community and Regional Cooperation. These three axis are fundamental to accomplish our programs as our work keeps focusing on releasing, developing and ensuring the access to free and quality knowledge, built by diverse and thematic communities that help us make our projects scale nationally, regionally and within the movement. This year we aim to start working to take our regional work a step forward making some of our projects scale in different countries and along with Iberocoop, help new communities start getting involved with the Wikimedia movement.

Likewise, we build this annual plan taking into considerations the FDC's recommendations of making a more concise proposal, continuing cross-cutting gender in all our program's design and evaluation, building partnerships with middle-size organizations and diversifying our programs geographically, thematically and regarding the communities involved.

2. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.
  • Legal name of organization: Asociación Civil Wikimedia Argentina
  • Organization's fiscal year: 01/01-12/31
  • 12-month funding period requested: 1/1/2018-31/12/2018
  • Currency requested: USD
  • Name of primary contact: Anna Torres Adell (Executive Director)

3. Amount requested.

Table 1

Currency requested US$
Total expenses for the upcoming year 275,299 USD 275,299 USD
APG funding requested for the upcoming year 240,704 USD 240,704 USD
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year 232,500 USD 232,500 USD

4. How does your organization know what community members and contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?

Wikimedia Argentina works closely together with Wikimedia’s Spanish-speaking community. The main projects we work on are currently Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and Wikisource. During the preparation of the present annual proposal Wikimedia Argentina encouraged the participation of the community to obtain feedback on the proposal as follows:

  • Survey: during 2017 we conducted a survey to our community - members and editors - to know their thoughts regarding our work. In the current proposal we have tried to include their priorities, as well as addressing what they believe are our challenges.
  • Monthly board meetings: Wikimedia Argentina holds monthly meetings with its Board. These meetings are open to the whole community, and travel allowances are paid for those community members who wish to attend. The same system of travel grants applies to our activities, which are open and free of charge, whenever a community member wants to participate in them. This annual proposal was approved during the Board meeting that took place on September, 16th.
  • Strategy meeting: in late August and in mid September we organized a face to face meeting that involved 15 community members and 3 partners, to discuss, review and approve this anual grant proposal.
  • Iberocoop feedback: in this proposal we have involved other regional wikimedia's chapters.This proposal was review and dicussed with them in advance.
  • Wikimedia Argentina's members email list: Wikimedia Argentina has an email list to interact with its members where we share each new activity planned or any new regarding the Wikimedia movement. Regarding the annual proposal, a great number of our members have given us their feedback and approval through this channel.

5. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan, and a link to your separate annual plans for the current and upcoming funding periods if you have them.

Find the Wikimedia Argentina's strategic plan 2018-2020 here

Financials: current year


The purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is receiving funds and spending funds toward your current plan. Your current funding period is the funding period now in progress (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 for most organizations).

Table 2

Financials for the current funding period
Revenues or expenses Planned (budgeted) Actual, until one month before the proposal due date Projected
Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars
Revenues (from all sources) 233,100 USD 233,100 USD 261,038 USD 261,038 USD 261,038 USD 261,038 USD
Expenses 241,140 USD 241,140 USD 190,149 USD 190,149 USD 261,000 USD 261,000 USD

Table 2 notes:

Revenues: Iberoconf Grant was approved and expended during the current period adding a additional amount of USD 24,208 to planned budget.

Fixed term interests obtained USD 4,330

Programs: upcoming year's annual plan


Table 3

Shared metrics

  1. Participants: The number of people who attend your events, programs or activities, either in person or virtually. This definition does not include people organizing activities, social media followers, donors, or others not participating directly.
  2. Newly registered: The number of participants that create new accounts on a Wikimedia project. These include users who register up to two weeks before the start of the event.
  3. Content pages: A content page is an article on Wikipedia, an item on Wikidata, a content page on Wikisource, an entry on Wiktionary, and a media file on Commons, etc. This metric captures the total number of content pages created or improved across all Wikimedia projects.

Grantee-defined metrics

Grantee metrics
Education Program % of girls/women who feel empowered and confident as Wikipedia editors through the Education program. Number of articles added and considered to be of quality under WMAR standards
Culture & Open Knowledge Program Number of new and diverse cultural topics addressed that are locally relevant. % of groups involved (cultural institutions, thematic communities, new influencers, editors) that understand and incorporate free culture to promote the collaborative construction of open, reliable and verifiable knowledge.
Community Building Program Number of new women and of collective LGTBI as active community members. % of people involved who define the Wikimedia Argentina's community as healthy and inclusive for active and new members.

Total metrics

Total metrics Participants Newly registered Content pages Diversity Quality
Education Program 1295 960 1200 70% of girls/women feel confident as Wikipedia editors. 70% of articles as of quality.
Culture & Open Knowledge Program 910 400 350 books

15,000 pages on Wikimedia projects.

(meaning 65,000 pages of content)

4 new cultural topics addressed*. 70% understand and incorporate free culture
Community Building Program 485 120 800 pages added 15 new women and as of collective LGTBI involved as part of our community 80% define the Wikimedia Argentina's community as healthy and inclusive
  • The 4 new cultural topics addressed by the program will be: Fact Checking, Open Data, Folk culture & Topical issues

Table 3 notes:

  • Education: it is difficult to count the number of participants and articles of the regional virtual course. At present we are working together with Wikimedia Chile and Venezuela to scale up Wikipuentes at universities and it is hard to determine number of participants.
  • Culture:  We can estimate the number of attendees at talks, events, conferences, etc. according to 2017’s at around 500 participants.
We do not consider sensible to estimate the reach of the regional campaigns and include these as participants. Experience has shown us that reach does not always translate into impact.
  • Community: We have estimated in 400, the number of participants in our community meetings in 2018. However, we have not included the reach of our work with new emerging communities regionally and within the movement. Although we can estimate to begin work with small groups, it is difficult to be able to determine the reach in terms of numbers.

Strategic axis 2018


The programs carried out by Wikimedia Argentina to date, i.e. have reached a significant level of development and maturity in the last few years.

This growth, together with the work that we have done during 2017 at the local and regional level and within the movement has made us worked on a new strategy adapted to our local reality and aligned with the new possible strategic direction of the movement

During 2018, Wikimedia Argentina will develop its programs to respond to the following strategic axes: 

  • Knowledge: To guarantee the access and creation of high-quality, reliable, diverse and relevant knowledge
  • Community: To build inclusive communities, with a strong sense of belonging, where Wikimedia projects are seen as a place where community members can express a great diversity of themes.
  • Regional Cooperation: To support the creation of new inclusive regional cooperation networks and to strengthen the existing ones, respecting local contexts.

Additionally, Wikimedia Argentina will keep focusing on cross cutting gender in all its programs. This has been a part of the design and evaluation of our programs and projects since 2015. We will go on working to bridge the gender gap, both in relation to content as to the number of women who make up the Wikimedia movement. For this, we will also continue applying our diversity policy and promote parity within our projects.

These strategic axes will be implemented through the following three WMAR programs:

Programs 2018


Education Program


Background & Context

This is the most characteristic program of Wikimedia Argentina. We have created alliances at a local and national level and launched face-to-face and virtual activities which could be implemented both inside and outside the classroom, in spaces of non-formal education, where the teacher retains their leading role.

All the projects are the answer to the challenges in Argentina which are also present in the region:

  • Wikipuentes, is a remote learning course that meets the demand of teacher training across the country. This reality can be seen in the results of the different editions, where more than 80% of the participants come from inland provinces.
  • We see the Education Program as a tool to reduce the gender digital gap. In this line, we carry out the project “Editing Club” that involve secondary students, boys and girls equally as new editors.
  • The debate around the future of education and the teacher’s role is a current issue in Argentina.Through “Wikipedia in your University” project not only do we involve new university editors, scholars and researchers but we also reclaim the teacher’s role as a creator of high-quality content.
  • In education, context is key. For this reason we launched the Wiki & Rights project, focused on a socially relevant topic for the regional community: human rights.

What do we want to do in 2018?

a) Knowledge: To involve teachers and students in the building of high-quality and locally relevant knowledge.

Objective Results 2017 (expected) Metrics 2018 Activities 2018
We will create 1000 articles related to Argentinian natural and cultural heritage and new academic themes, bringing along both students and teachers. Around 900 articles (56% high-quality)

350 teachers

300 students

1000 articles (70% high quality)

Involve 400 students and 450 teachers.

70% of the girls and women involved as new editors feel confortable editing Wikipedia.

  • Wikipuentes: 2 online training courses for educators, to encourage the use of Wikipedia in the classroom and in their educational projects.
  • Club de Edición: training workshops for educators and students to improve content related to their local history. This year we will launch 3 Editing Clubs in the North, Center and South region in the country.
  • Wikipedia en tu Universidad: Training sessions (remote and onsite) for university students and professors to encourage the use of Wikipedia as an assignment. To scale the program to 10 universities in 2018.

b) Community: To build a community of teachers that make our projects scale nationally.

Objective Results 2017 (expected) Metrics 2018 Actividades 2018
To build a network of teachers, ambassadors of WMAR educational program at a national. New objective At least 35 teachers participate in the network.
  • Ambassadors network: To consolidate a network of teachers at the national level who lead and represent the education program of Wikimedia Argentina in and outside their institutions.

c) Regional Cooperation: To promote the development of new education programs regionally.

Objectivo Results 2017 (expected) Metrics 2018 Actividades 2018
To help setting up new Education programs in 4 countries in the region by scaling Wikipuentes and adapting Wikilesa. New objective 2 Wikipuentes fostered regionally.

6 Wiki & Rights in Chile, México, Uruguay, Venezuela and Argentina (this will mean 200 articles added by 300 editors)

  • Wiki & Rights: project adapted from Wikilesa whose objective is to edit articles on current Human Rights violations in Latin America, with Wikimedia Uruguay, Mexico, Chile, Venezuela.
  • Wikipuentes (regional version): develop Wikipuentes in at least two other countries in the region. Provide technical and financial support to the local teams for its implementation when needed.
To accompany and promote the deployment of one new educational program in one Wikimedia emerging community in the region. New objective Train at least 60 teachers in Paraguay.

Carry out 1 Wikipuentes in the country

  • Editing VikipetÃ: develop onsite trainings and promote one Wikipuentes online course to start positioning an education program in Paraguay. To this end, we will strengthen the current alliance with Paraguay Educa, the Ministry of Education.
  • To position the use of Wikipedia as an educational resource and expand the program's influence nationally.
  • To position Wikipedia as a tool of social influence.
  • To build new communities and diverse communities of editors (teachers, students, human rights influencers etc.)
  • To expand and promote new education programs in Latin America.

Other relevant questions to understand the approach of the Education Program

Why are granted-metrics relevant to this program?

Diversity and quality metrics are important to the program for the following reasons:


Regarding diversity, educational spaces gives us a unique opportunity to start to bridge the gender gap in Wikipedia. In Argentina gender parity within educational spaces, schools in particular, is practically 50%. To empower girls and young women to write in Wikipedia and to learn about their experience and relationship with the community is fundamental to keep on working in building healthy and inclusive communities.


Quality will be measure in two different ways. We will keep on applying the quality guide which we designed last year and which is also a guide used by teachers. On the other hand, this year we want to emphasize on the perception of the use of Wikipedia in the classroom.Working with Wikipedia as an educational tool produces changes in both teachers and students’ basic skills and we would like to analyse how theses changes are addressed within the classroom.

Wikimedia Argentina is already present at schools, why is it so important to build a teachers’ community?

Teachers don't make up a significant part of our current community. This has not stopped us -and will not stop us- from getting to the classrooms and achieving good results; we will keep on fostering the Editing Club and Wikipedia at University in new schools and universities. But to date, these projects have depended -and continue to depend- a lot on the presence of WMAR for their coordination. So far our projects have had a short-term impact. They start and finish, and last for a certain length of time. Although more and more teachers are repeating the experience, building a teachers’ network of national reach is the project we think will empower them to make the program grow within and outside their institutions. We want Wikipedia to be part of the curricula and, to this effect, we need to work with a network of strategic teachers, who can not only implement the projects but act as ambassadors of the program.

Risk assessment

What risk factors which can affect the plan do you identify and how are you planning to solve them?

  • Salary issues related to inflation affect the normal development of the school calendar (classes start later because of claims, strikes, etc). To deal with this situation, in 2017 we adapted our agenda to this reality thanks to our virtual course and the flexibility of some of our projects that can also be implemented inside and outside the classroom. This adaptability to the context makes the program stable and less prone to risks.
  • Regionally we will make scale Wiki & Rights and Wikipuentes. In both cases we have agreed with the chapters involved. Our role will be supporting, helping, training, mentoring and providing resources when needed. However the local contexts may influence in their development. A specially sensitive case is Venezuela but we have the technical and institutional resources to support the execution of the projects  -even to help them financially- and Wikimedia Venezuela counts with a strong local community.
  • Regarding Paraguay we have partnered with the Ministry of Education and we are going to start working with them this November. Even though this alliance is in an initial stage we feel confident in making it grow and start building an Education Program.

Risk assessment: medium-low

Culture & Open Knowledge Program


Background & Context

The GLAM program has always been the framework to all our cultural projects. This line of work is being carrying out by our Wikipedian in Residence and it will remain fundamental to the work undertaken by Wikimedia Argentina.

Likewise, in 2017, the program began to work with new cultural communities and organizations outside the classic definition of GLAM. Free culture and its positioning within the alternative/fringe cultural sector, as well as our work beyond Wikipedia, especially with projects like Wikidata, have opened new lines of work, which are helping us include new thematic communities and come closer to new local cultural trends, connected to Open Data, Fact Checking, Folk culture, Copyright policies or Gender and Diversity.

During 2018 we are planning to continue working along these lines which suit our context much better, with the aim of dealing with the following challenges:

  • Traditional cultural institutions in Latin America are monopolized by elites and governments, which many times makes it difficult to the opening and dissemination of knowledge.
  • Popular & Folk culture, which has a strong presence in Argentina and the region, circulates through non-traditional channels.
  • Cultural institutions, governments and societies are unaware of the meaning of free culture. This has not been institutionalized and lacks a legal framework.

For this reason we have locally redefined the name of the GLAM program to "Culture and Open Knowledge", since we need to extend the scope of the program to be functional in our context.

What do we want to do in 2018?

a) Knowledge: To release, create, improve and position Argentine and Latin American culture locally, regionally and globally.

Objective Result 2017 (expected) Metrics 2018 Activities 2018
To release, develop and improve 65,000 pages boosting our WIR’s work and involving 500 editors (active and new) regarding Argentine and Latin American culture. 208 books (37000 pages on Commons)

7500 created/improved in other projects. 320 editors

350 books (50,000 pages on Commons)

15,000 pages develop on other Wikimedia projects. 500 editors 50 women.

To promote the institutionalization of free culture in 10 cultural organizations which work on diverse and locally relevant themes. 7 institutions

110 cultural leaders trained.

200 cultural leaders trained. 70% understand the importance of open culture.

4 institutions publish their heritage in free licence.

  • Open knowledge for the local culture: Train, accompany and support the institutionalization of free culture in new cultural and governmental institutions to release, generate and add new locally relevant content.

b) Community:To involve new cultural profiles and build new thematic communities associated with the program.

Objective Result 2017 (expected) Metrics 2018 Activities 2018
To organize a national OpenGlam network that involves at least 5 cultural institutions so as to create new projects in the Argentine cultural arena. New objective Network made up of at least 8 leaders from 5 Argentine cultural institutions.
  • rise awareness regarding open knowledge nationally,
  • design and develop materials to institutionalize the free culture within institutions,
  • promote meetings and debate about OpenGlam in Argentina
  • serve as a bridge to involve new partners.
To improve the reach and diversity of the program involving 200 new cultural influencers from Argentina, in projects about OpenData, Fact Checking and Diversity. New objective Train 200 new cultural influencers.

60% modify their perception on Wikipedia as a reliable source of information.

  • Mind the gaps!: To create strategic alliances with organizations about open Data, Fact Checking, Gender and diversity to design new online cultural trainings.

c) Regional Cooperation: To foster a regional network of influence over public policies in the context of Iberocoop.

Objective Result 2017 (expected) Metrics 2018 Activities 2018
To build, within Iberocoop network, a work team with local and regional influence regarding public policies connected to free knowledge. New objective To involve at least 3 regional chapters in the network.
  • Regional Advocacy network: Create a regional network of analysis, monitoring and advocacy on public policies related to copyright, free licenses and open knowledge.
  • To increase the diversity and bridge the gaps regarding content within the Wikimedia projects.
  • To consolidate Wikipedia as a reliable source of information in Argentine society.
  • To position Wikimedia Argentina and Iberocoop as influential organizations in free culture and open knowledge.

Other relevant questions to understand the approach of the Culture & Open Knowledge Program

Why are grantee-metrics relevant to this program?

Diversity and quality metrics are important to the program for the following reasons:


The new program will allow us to work with new cultural and government institutions, thematic organizations, new local interest groups, institutions that promote popular & folk culture etc. This will increase the % of locally relevant themes covered, favoring the access to a more diverse knowledge and content within the Wikimedia projects.  


The program aims at continuing freeing, developing and improving knowledge, especially in relation to Argentine and Latin American culture and in relation to missing knowledge. The use of the material released is still one of the greatest quality indicators and we will work to keep the % reached in 2017. However this year we will focus on measuring cultural changes within organizations and society, by analysing to what extent these groups have appropriated the “free culture” as a way of building more open and reliable knowledge.

There are many cultural programs around the movement, how will the movement be able to learn?
Through this program we are going to improve the movement's learnings by:

  • Launching new online cultural trainings which could be of interest to other user groups and chapters. These will take place on our open code online learning platform which is ready and available to be adapted by any interested chapter or user group in the movement.
  • We want to create a new regional cooperation network with the objective of furthering the debate about copyright and free licences in Latin America. Besides the group of influence in European policy, this will be the first time that a regional community gets organized to work together regarding public policy. We will document all the learning achievements so that they can make up an exportable model for other
  • communities within the movement.
  • The situation regarding large cultural institutions is very similar at a regional level. We have been working with new cultural communities that are gradually incorporating the free culture in their institutions. In this sense, we will continue working to build and record all the learning so that it can serve as a guide for other organizations regionally.
Risk assessment

What risk factors that might affect the planning do you identify and how do you intend to solve them?

  • Argentina’s continuous economic and political fluctuations affect institutions’ everyday life (change of authorities, strikes, lack of motivation, etc) and make people feel that any external project which is not work-oriented will increase their workload. For that reason, we will design work plans together with the institutions, for alliances to always be considered a win-win situation.
  • At the same time, we will launch online and offline new projects about current topics to reach new participants. There is a chance for current topics to change and thus demand changes in our proposals. To mitigate this risk factor, we will work in identifying key themes, together with strategic partners as well as in keeping an agenda which is flexible enough to assimilate these changes.

Risk assessment: medium-low

Community Building Program


Background & Context

Wikimedia Argentina's local community does not fit the classic definition of “a great community of volunteers leading projects”. Wikimedia Argentina is the result of a multiplicity of communities -wikimedians and non-wikimedians- who include editors, participants and partners who collaborate boosting our programs.

Currently, the context that that defines our community has the following characteristics:

  1. Argentine society has a strong tradition in collective participation around topics seen as socially relevant. We have proved that enabling the encounter between volunteers with interests in common and accompanying them in the building of thematic communities promotes their loyalty to Wikimedia Argentina.
  2. We have proved that enthusiasm raises when our calls imply editing with a purpose. For that reason, our activities have to be presented and designed to cover compelling themes, relevant to the local community.
  3. In 2017 we have positioned our historical community members to accompany and help new participants. This "mentor-mentee" relationship has brought motivation back into part of our historical community and it is making new volunteers feel a sense of belonging and stay onboard as a part of the WMAR community.

At a regional level we will keep strengthening and fostering the impact of Iberocoop as a network. We will continue encouraging projects together, but we will work to establish the network as a mentoring space, to identify and support new and emerging communities regionally.

At an international level, we will keep working to foster the construction of new global thematic communities within the movement. In 2017 we have worked to help to start establishing gender and educational communities (Wikiwomen Camp, Diversity Conference, Education Pre-Conference in WMCON etc). We want to continue working to strengthen the movement from our expertise by sharing learnings and knowledge and supporting the definition of global support networks.

What do we want to do in 2018?

a) Knowledge: Support and promote the appearance of new thematic communities organized under the objective of editing with a purpose.

Objective Results 2017 (expected) Metrics 2018 Activities 2018
To strengthen the 2 existing thematic communities and promote the creation of 3 new ones within WMAR so as to increase and improve the contents in Wikimedia projects. 2 new thematic communities. 30 active and new members involved (10 women or as of LGBTI's collectives)

To improve at least 800 content pages within Wikimedia projects.

  • Thematic communities: Promote 3 thematic communities around topics such as: topical issues, open data, science, developers, etc. with the aim of improving content and expanding the community involving active and new members working together.

b) Community: Strengthen and broaden the WMAR community, working towards making it the reflection of the local community.

Objective Results 2017 (expected) Metrics 2018 Activities 2018
Support 35 community members by introducing a mentoring & skills-transfer and a grant program so as to strengthen and broaden the WMAR community. New objective 35 community members being granted or mentored.

80% of our members feels supported by Wikimedia Argentina.

  • Mentoring program: The program seeks to bring together emerging leaders (mentees) with established leaders (mentors), in order to transfer skills and create a support network to make new members become part of the community.
  • Granting program: Support financially the projects of our community as well as their participation in our activities.
To diversify the profile of the community engaging 20 new active volunteers from outside WMAR. New objective Engage 20 new active volunteers (5 women or as of LGBTI's collectives)

80% of new participants defines Wikimedia Argentina as an inclusive organization.

  • Networking meet-ups: We will open our community meetings to favor the equal participation of our current and new community.To do this, the meetings will answer to specific topical issues, where far beyond meeting each other, we will involve new partners and voices to present their work and make networking. We are planning 10 meetings.
  • Thematic meetings: We will hold bi-monthly editing meetings organized according to the interests of our community aiming to reach new audiences and strengthen the relationship of our new and active members.

c) Cooperation: Accompany and mentor the appearance of new communities in the region and within the movement

Objective Results 2017 (expected) Metrics 2018 Activities 2018
Promote Iberocoop as a mentoring space by supporting and accompanying new and/or emerging communities. New objective Mentor 2 new communities in Latin America and support at least 1 activity in each context.
  • Regional communities: Along with Iberocoop we will continue scaling activities regionally (community surveys, regional contests, supporting gender activities etc.); additionally, we will work to make Iberocoop as a regional support network for small groups and new or emerging regional communities.
To share our experiences and learnings to promote thematic communities within the movement. New objective Support the growth and strengthening the educational and gender community within the Wikimedia movement.
  • Global communities: We will help organize meetings, discussions, conferences etc. (in WMCON, Iberoconf, Wikimania etc.) regarding education and gender mainly, with the objective of further strengthening and defining common goals on these thematic issues within the movement.
  • WMAR is an inclusive and diverse organization built around communities with multiple spaces for participation.
  • To expand and build a motivated community as part of WMAR.
  • The movement reflects the sum of knowledge of a global and diverse community.

Other relevant questions to understand the approach of the Community Building Program

Why are grantee-metrics relevant to this program?

Diversity and quality metrics are important to the program for the following reasons:


Including women and of LGBTI collectives, as an active part within the movement is one of the main objectives both in the movement and in Wikimedia Argentina community. To that end, we will continue to strengthen our gender community and identify mentors who will accompany potential new women and LGTBI members as volunteers in the WMAR community.


Measuring quality in the Community Building program makes real sense. None project could ever be done without communities. That is the reason why it is a cross cutting axis in the programs as well. In a quality level, not only we are interested in building diverse thematic communities but also in making members who take part feel comfortable and that they regard WMAR as an open organization which offers spaces where everyone can participate.

Is WMAR focusing on building communities rather than strengthening its current community?

No, it is not. WMAR will keep supporting its community with the same effort. But our community achieves better results when it is built around thematic communities. Argentine reality impacts on our community in two concrete ways: firstly, our volunteers have little free time and, secondly, we are a country which organizes itself through associations ; we prefer to work in groups rather than on our own. This, which is also present in Wikimedia’s values, makes it essential for us, to build our community around thematic communities, by implementing mentoring programs or by organizing  "networking" meet-ups, that can engage people to participate. These strategies, which also makes active community interact with new community, helps strike a balance within spaces of participation, where the new participant does not feel lonely and lost, and the active member can share, train and remain in a leading role.

Risk assessment

What risk factors which can affect the plan do you identify and how are you planning to solve them?

  • During 2017 we have been able to respond successfully to a challenge we had been facing for years: motivating our historical community and involve some new members as active. In 2018, we hope to be able to maintain and expand their interest by building an organization that addresses multiple issues and where our projects are a means to express the plurality of interests of our community. For this, we expect that strategies as building thematic communities, mentoring and organizing networking meet-ups would keep our community motivated.
  • We understand that we must start working to include other regional communities if we want this movement to be truly global. For 2 years we have been supporting activities in Latin American countries, mainly related to gender gap (Wikimedia Mexico's editatonas), but to establish a local community depends on many other things that go far beyond our capacities. That's why in 2018 we mainly expect to develop a network of support and mentorship, for any emerging organization or community interested in carrying out activities locally to at least start positioning the Wikimedia projects. For this, financial resources have been considered.

Risk assessment: medium

Staff and contractors: upcoming year's annual plan

1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, and provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram if you have one.

The structure of our Association is composed as following:

  • The General Assembly of Members, with regular meetings every year.
  • A Board of Trustees composed by 9 elected members (2 alternative Board members are available in case of vacancy). It is in charge of the strategy of the Association, its overall administration, revision of its projects and supervision of the staff's performance.
  • An audit commission, composed by 3 members, and responsible for the financial accountability of the Association.
  • The staff, composed by the ''Executive Director (ED), the Communications and Cultural Manager (CCO) the Education Coordination (EC) Community Manager (CM) and the Administration Manager (AM)''. Dedicated to the implementation of programs and projects, reportability and day-to-day administration of the Association.

Programs are designed and carried out by the staff, with permanent communication with the President of the Board and periodical reports to the rest of its members, who are ultimately responsible of the implementation of the initiatives proposed for the year. Some activities are led by Association members and volunteers, but they must report to the ED.

2. List of staff by department or function.
You can use this table (or substitute your own list) to show us the number of FTEs (fulltime equivalents) for each department or function, where one person working at 100% time would be counted as 1.0. We need this information about the total number of staff (FTEs) you plan to have by the end of the current funding period, and staff you plan to have by the end of the upcoming funding period.

Table 4

Table 4
Department or function End of current funding period End of upcoming funding period Explanation of changes
Executive Director 1.0 1.0 n/a
Department or function End of current funding period End of upcoming funding period Explanation of changes
Executive Director 1.0 1.0 n/a
Education Manager 1.0 1.0 n/a
Communications and Cultural Manager 1.0 1.0 n/a
Community Manager 0.5 1.0 We have been working a lot to expand and take care of our community in 2017. Part-time is not enough to make the program grow as planned in 2018.
Administration officer 0.3 0.3 In charge of the administration, mainly home-based. Works twice per week in the office for follow-up meetings.
Total (should equal the sum of the rows): 3.8 4.3

Table 4 notes or explanation of significant changes:

The 2018 Community building program demands a full time position to address the objectives and results projected.

3. How much does your organization plan to spend on staff by the end of the current funding period, in currency requested and US dollars?

USD 127,039

4. How much does your organization plan to spend on staff by the end of the upcoming funding period, in currency requested and US dollars?

USD 137,508

Financials: upcoming year


Detailed budget: upcoming year

Please link to your organization's detailed budget showing planned revenues and expenses for the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017). This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or a publicly available spreadsheet.

Wikimedia Argentina 2018- Budget

Revenues: upcoming year


Please use this table to list your organization's anticipated revenues (income, or the amount your organization is bringing in) by revenue source (where the revenue is coming from) in the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017).

  • Use the status column to show if this funding is already guaranteed, if you are in the process of requesting funding, or if you are planning to request funding at a later time.
  • Please include in-kind donations and resources in this table, as applicable, and use the status column to show that they are in-kind resources.
  • Do not include money you plan to draw from your reserves during the upcoming funding period.

Table 5

Anticipated revenues for the upcoming funding period
Revenue source Currency requested US dollars Status (e.g. guaranteed, application)

FDC Process 4,598,379 ARS 240,704 USD Requested
Membership fee 600 USD 600 USD Guaranteed
Open Society Foundation 25,000 USD 25,000 USD Guaranteed
Ministry of culture- City of Buenos Aires 170,000 ARS 8,995 USD In process
Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): 275,299 USD -
In Kind Donatios 117,500 ARS 6,217 USD Estimated
Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): 281,516 USD -

Table 5 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.

Open Society Fund will be used for implementing Wiki & Rights project in Argentina and regionally.

Operating reserves: current and upcoming years


Please note that there is a policy that places restrictions on how much FDC funding your organization can use to build its operating reserves. If you would like to use FDC funding to for your organization's reserves, you must note that here. You will not be able to decide to allocate FDC funding from this grant to your reserves at a later date.

1. What is your plan for maintaining, building, or spending your reserves in the current year and the upcoming funding period? Please use the table below to show the amounts in your reserves at the beginning, year-to-date, and end of your current year, and the amount you plan to have in your reserves by the end of the upcoming funding period.

Table 6

Year Year start Year start (US) Year-to-date Year-to-date (US) Year end Year end (US)
Current year (e.g. 2017) 1,210,367 ARS 67,242 USD 1,000,300 ARS 55,572 USD 1,000,300 ARS 55,572 USD
Upcoming year (e.g. 2018) - - - - - 55,572 USD

Reserves have fallen in USD due to the expenditure of a percentage in Iberoconf 2017 and exchange rate variation. Monthly fixed expenditures are around 17,500 USD. Our reserves are equal to approximately 3 operating months.

2. How much FDC funding is your organization requesting to add to your reserves in the upcoming funding period? If you are not requesting any FDC funding to add to your reserves in the upcoming funding period, you can write zero.


Expenses: upcoming year's annual plan

1. Expenses by program (excludes staff and operations).
Program expenses are the costs associated specifically with your organization's programs, and do not include operating expenses or staff salaries, which will be described in separate tables. Program expenses may be the costs of an event, the costs of outreach materials specific to a program, budgets for microgrants and reimbursements, or technical costs associated with specific programs, for example. The programs listed in this table should correspond to the programs you have listed in the programs section of this proposal form.

Table 7

Program Currency requested US dollars
Education 414,069 ARS 20,477 USD
Culture & open knowledge 333,500 ARS 17,553 USD
Community building 564,800 ARS 29,726 USD
Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 1,312,369 ARS 67,756 USD

Table 7 notes: If your organization has significant funding designated for specific programs (e.g. a restricted grant), please make a note of that here.

2. Total expenses. Please use this table to summarize your organization's total expenses overall.
These are divided into three categories: (1) staff expenses from Table 4 (including expenses for staff working on both programs and operations), (2) expenses for programs from Table 7 (does not include staff expenses or operations expenses), and (3) expenses for operations (does not include staff expenses or program expenses). Be sure to check the totals in this table to make sure they are consistent with the totals in the other tables you have submitted with this form. For example, your total program expenses excluding staff will be equal to the total in Table 7, while your total staff expenses will be equal to the total in Table 4 and your total expenses will be equal to the total in Table 1.

Table 8

Expense type Currency requested US dollars
Program expenses (total from Table 7, excludes staff) 1,312,369 ARS 67,756 USD
Operations (excludes staff and programs) 673,360 ARS 35,440 USD
Upcoming staff total expenses (from Table 4) 2,612,650 ARS 137,508 USD
Total expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 4,598,379 ARS 240,704 USD

Table 8 notes: The exchange rate used is 19 ARS= 1 USD as estimated by Argentina Central Bank

Verification and signature


Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.

The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. General operating support through the FDC may not be used to cover political and legislative activities, although you may make a separate grant agreement with the WMF for these purposes.
I verify that no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation will be used
for political or legislative activities except as permitted by a grant agreement

Please sign below to complete this proposal form.

IMPORTANT. Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.
Please sign here once this proposal form is complete, using four tildes. Anna Torres (WMAR) (talk) 15:15, 30 September 2017 (UTC)