Grants:APG/Proposals/2017-2018 round 1/Wikimedia UK/Proposal form

Proposal by Wikimedia UK to support its annual plan with £335,000.

Wikimedia UK has a full programme of activity planned for the financial year 2018/19 that builds on the momentum and success of the past few years. At the halfway point of the current year, the chapter has already exceeded or is on track to exceed most of our quantitative indicators (with our targets, actuals at six months and projected year-end figures included in this proposal). We have also seen significant qualitative outcomes, such as the appointment of the UK’s first permanent Wikimedian at a GLAM institution. 2018/19 is the final year of Wikimedia UK’s 2016 - 19 strategy, during which we will continue to:

  • Work with partners to identify, share and reuse collections that address content gaps on Wikimedia and that enable underrepresented groups to access their heritage and contribute to open knowledge
  • Promote understanding of open knowledge, influence public policy and legislation, and develop our public profile as well as our credibility within the cultural, education and open sectors within the UK
  • Develop our work with educators and learners, expanding our delivery within higher education whilst also piloting new initiatives with the schools sector

We are asking for an uplift in funding in recognition of our increasing reach and impact, and the potential to scale this up further through continued investment in the UK Chapter and the appointment of a part-time Programme Co-ordinator based in Scotland.

Comment on Wikimedia UK's proposal here

Return to the community review page.

We ask that you please don't make any changes directly to this page after the proposal submission date, but comment on the discussion page.

If you need to review the edit instructions you will find them in the edit intro.

  • Use this form if you are eligible to submit a proposal in the current round, to request funding in the current round.
  • This form must be published on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round to be considered, and no changes may be made after the submission date without staff approval.
  • This form complements your organization's annual plan, detailed budget, and strategic plan. It won't be considered complete without a detailed budget and strategic plan.
  • Organizations may apply for a funding period that does not exactly match their fiscal years. Follow the instructions carefully to understand what time period each question refers to.
  • Refer to the framework, guidance from the Board, and the FDC's recommendations before using this form, so you have an understanding of the Annual Plan Grants process.
  • Please Email with questions about using the form.

A few terms used in the form:

FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms


1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming funding period.

Short summary for community review

Wikimedia UK has a full programme of activity planned for the financial year 2018/19 that builds on the momentum and success of the past few years. At the halfway point of the current year, the chapter has already exceeded or is on track to exceed most of our quantitative indicators (with our targets, actuals at six months and projected year-end figures included in this proposal). We have also seen significant qualitative outcomes, such as the appointment of the UK’s first permanent Wikimedian at a GLAM institution. 2018/19 is the final year of Wikimedia UK’s 2016 - 19 strategy, during which we will continue to:

  • Work with partners to identify, share and reuse collections that address content gaps on Wikimedia and that enable underrepresented groups to access their heritage and contribute to open knowledge
  • Promote understanding of open knowledge, influence public policy and legislation, and develop our public profile as well as our credibility within the cultural, education and open sectors within the UK
  • Develop our work with educators and learners, expanding our delivery within higher education whilst also piloting new initiatives with the schools sector

We are asking for an uplift in funding in recognition of our increasing reach and impact, and the potential to scale this up further through continued investment in the UK Chapter and the appointment of a part-time Programme Co-ordinator based in Scotland.


Wikimedia UK is on track to exceed many of our targets for 2017 - 18, and has a full programme of activity planned for 2018 - 19 that we are confident will lead to further achievements in terms of both outputs and outcomes. With a broad range of current partners and projects the Chapter already has significant reach; but with a stable leadership and staff team, a highly experienced and dynamic board, and a growing strategic network of partners, we feel we are well placed to increase our impact even further over the next few years.

The Chapter delivers extensive work in partnership with the cultural and education sectors and other organisations to make knowledge freely available, usable and reusable online, focusing on content about underrepresented subjects and addressing inequality and bias on Wikimedia. The residency model continues to be an important vehicle in delivering sustainable change within partner organisations, with the research carried out this year into the long term impact of this programme revealing the crucial role played by Wikimedia UK - regardless of the funding model - in ensuring their success. We are delighted by the continued vibrancy of this programme and the increasing number of partners that are self-funding a Wikimedian in Residence, or securing external funding with our support and input.

Alongside our growth in programme delivery has been an increasing commitment to advocacy and engagement, and Wikimedia UK sees these two mutually beneficial roles as being essential to our ambition to become a leading charity for open knowledge within the UK. Advocacy also supports our work to develop and promote Wikimedia, as our growing profile and credibility enables us to ‘punch above our weight’ in terms of our relationship with partners. All of this work is of course underpinned by the considerable input of our volunteer community, who are involved in all aspects of our work as a charity and are an absolutely essential component in our programme planning, development and delivery.

Wikimedia UK is an outward-facing organisation that is proud to be part of the global open knowledge movement and the national chapter for Wikimedia. Whilst the programmes described in this proposal are focused on achieving our three year strategy for developing Wikimedia within the UK, we believe that we can play a unique and important role in realising the vision of a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Diversifying content and contributors is a key driver for our work, and resonates strongly with the focus on ‘the knowledge and communities that have been left out’ in the draft strategic direction for the global Wikimedia movement to 2030. Our commitment to breaking down educational, political, cultural and technical barriers to free knowledge is also aligned with the new movement strategy, the creation of which we have been actively engaged with as a Chapter. We are increasingly developing an international aspect to our programmes, with a very exciting global event planned for 2018 in partnership with Amnesty, and participation in movement-wide initiatives such as #1lib1ref, Art+Feminism and Wiki Loves Monuments.

Following improvements in governance over the period 2012 - 2014, and an extensive organisational restructure in 2015, Wikimedia UK has moved into a period of real delivery and growth, meeting and exceeding many of our targets. This wouldn’t have been possible without the continued support of the Funds Dissemination Committee and the Wikimedia Foundation, for which we are very grateful. We are now seeking an uplift in our funding of just over 10% in 2018/19, in order that we can continue to build upon the successful delivery of the past two years and maximise our reach and impact as a leading chapter within the global Wikimedia movement. Our grant request represents 45% of our planned budget for next year, with the remaining 55% made up of regular givers, Gifts in Kind, major donors, trusts and foundations, and Gift Aid.

2. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.
  • Legal name of organization: Wikimedia UK
  • Organization's fiscal year: 02/01-01/31
  • 12-month funding period requested: 02/01/18-01/31/19
  • Currency requested: GBP£
  • Name of primary contact: Lucy Crompton-Reid

3. Amount requested.

Table 1

Currency requested US$
Total expenses for the upcoming year 751,793 970,091
APG funding requested for the upcoming year 335,000 432,274
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year 297,500 383,885

4. How does your organization know what community members and contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
Involving Volunteers

Wikimedia UK involves our community with the work of the charity at a strategic level as well as in the delivery of projects and programmes. Volunteers play many vital roles in Wikimedia UK’s work, including:

Strategy, Governance and Leadership

  • Participating in the Board as elected or co-opted Trustees
  • Participating in Board Sub-Committees as non-board members
  • Participating in the Evaluation Panel, which approves grants and other projects
  • Organising and/or participating in a working group
  • Responding to community consultations on strategy, policies etc.

Programme Delivery

  • Taking a lead role on a project or supporting another volunteer or staff member
  • Developing and nurturing new relationships with potential partner organisations
  • Hosting, organising and leading edit-a-thons or other training events with partners
  • Supporting or advising Wikimedians in Residence in their work
  • Developing project or grant proposals for consideration by the Evaluation Panel

Contributing to Wikimedia

  • Editing Wikimedia projects
  • Contributing mass uploads to Wikimedia Commons
  • Developing or translating new tools on Wikimedia
  • Taking photographs for content creation and documentation

External Relations and Advocacy

  • Being an ambassador for open knowledge and WMUK within their own community
  • Speaking at events or conferences on behalf of the charity
  • Giving interviews to print and broadcast media
  • Involvement in public policy work
  • Supporting and advising the chapter in our fundraising activities

We monitor the effectiveness of our programmes to involve our community of volunteers particularly via two metrics, volunteer hours and the number of lead volunteers. Both have been growing over the past year and show a very healthy and engaged community. In particular, the number of lead volunteers contributing to our programme in 2017 illustrates that we don’t just depend on a few people doing all the tasks but have an interesting spread of opportunities for everyone.

Listening to our community

In addition to informal conversations that take place online, in-person and by phone or email, and regular meetups that are a very useful forum for discussion and conversation, Wikimedia UK runs a more formal annual online survey of volunteers to find out about people’s experiences of volunteering with us over the previous year. In January 2017 we received responses from 44 volunteers, which is around a third of those emailed the survey. Some of the key findings of the survey were that:

  • 40% of respondents volunteered at least once a month and are highly active
  • 95% of people said they were likely to continue volunteering with WMUK, which is a significant increase on the previous year
  • 90% of people said that overall they enjoy volunteering for WMUK
  • 74% of people felt there were suitable volunteer opportunities available in 2016, compared to 60% in 2015
  • 73% of people said they were likely to recommend volunteering with WMUK to a friend, a slight decrease from 80% in 2015
  • Some people felt that there need to be more events outside South East England, Wales, and Scotland

The key areas for improvement that emerged from the survey were the need for stronger communications with volunteers, more events taking place around the country and a wider range of activities. In particular volunteers enjoyed training others and being part of projects which have a global impact.

Another important moment for listening to our community is at our Annual General Meeting, which this year took place at Senate House Library in London in July. 73 members voted in person or submitted a proxy vote, which is a higher level of engagement than last year although a smaller proportion of our overall membership; which grew to over 500 by July this year following a concerted effort to increase our membership numbers. We combined the AGM with a workshop to explore the global movement strategy, lightning talks from volunteers, a photography workshop and our UK Wikimedians of the Year awards.

Community Consultation

2017 has seen us review many of our organisational policies, in line with a schedule for this review proposed by the Chief Executive in 2016 and agreed by the board. All policies have been updated by the CEO in discussion with the Chair before being circulated to the community for consultation and input, prior to board discussion and approval. This has been of great benefit for policies that impact particularly upon volunteers, and was a very helpful and constructive process.

Wikimedia 2030 and the development of the global movement strategy also presented an opportunity to engage with our community, although in some cases we could sense a certain amount of ‘strategy-fatigue’, particularly from more long standing volunteers. We engaged in conversation with volunteers during each of the three cycles, with discussions taking place in our office, over hangouts, at a meetup in Oxford and at the AGM. We also hosted a salon-style partnership dinner, funded by the Wikimedia Foundation, attended by existing and potential partner institutions from the cultural and education sectors including the British Library, DCMS (the UK Government Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport), the National Heritage Science Forum and Wellcome Library, among others.

Our APG proposal for 2018 has very much grown out of our current programme, and our three year strategy, both of which involved significant consultation with our community. A number of the new ideas, projects and partnerships outlined in this bid are led by or have arisen from meetings and conversations with community members, who we consider to be a very important element of our programme development process. We also conducted an on-wiki consultation with some key questions and a video to stimulate online discussion and feedback, which we have incorporated into this proposal.

Training and Development

Training and development is a key aspect of our work with volunteers, and we offer a range of opportunities to develop skills that can both support volunteers in their work with the chapter, and potentially increase their employability. These include:

  • Our two day Train the Trainer course which focuses on training and presentation skills and enables volunteers to help design a training programme that serves Wikimedia UK in the long term. This is an essential aspect of our training offer for volunteers given that much of our partnership work relies on workshops and training events, which are generally delivered by volunteers. We consistently receive very positive feedback from participants and know that trainers who have participated in the course are more active as volunteers for the chapter. We therefore want to deliver this high-intensity course for a new group of volunteers in 2018, expanding our network of accredited trainers across the UK.
  • Networking opportunities for new and existing trainers in order for experienced trainers to meet newly trained volunteers who they can call on to support events, and for new trainers to know who to reach out to for support and advice with their own training sessions. These events enable Wikimedia UK to present updated resources and materials, and are an opportunity for trainers to seek and exchange practical advice and build personal relationships, both with other volunteers and with the staff team.
  • Workshops and presentations on a range of Wikimedia projects such as Wikidata and Wikisource, sharing skills across volunteers as well as with potential new contributors. With Wikidata in particular we want to focus on growing advanced skills amongst our volunteers to support increasing interest in database projects from our partner institutions, and in 2018 we are planning to run community building and skills sharing events in collaboration with partners who will provide open datasets to practice on and share on Wikidata.
  • Other training courses and development opportunities, such as the photography skills event run in September 2017 to support potential entrants to Wiki Loves Monuments; thus feeding directly from skills development into programme delivery. The chapter also supports Walking and Photography Tours which bring a particular geographic area to life and explore the use of various tools on Wikimedia Commons.

As outlined above, in 2018/19 we plan to deliver another of our successful Train the Trainer courses, with places open to both UK and international delegates. Other training opportunities will be informed by the volunteers survey in January 2018 but we are already anticipating greater investment of time and resources into growing the UK developer and Wikidata community.

Needs Assessments

The nature of the Wikimedia UK programme is iterative, informed by the external environment and emerging opportunities as well as by ideas from volunteers, partners, staff and board. Every potential new project or partnership that Wikimedia UK undertakes is considered against a set of selection criteria, including the potential for volunteer engagement as well as the need for that particular piece of work. The full selection criteria for prioritising new projects and partners is as follows:

Strategic alignment - to what extent does it contribute to our objectives?
Evidence of need - is the project designed to meet a specific, identified need?
Potential impact/benefit - to what extent could the project affect long-term change, and/or contribute towards meeting our annual targets?
Financial impact - how much will it cost in money and staff time? Is there a potential financial return or opportunity for external funding?
Volunteers - to what extent is the work volunteer-led, or with the potential to involve volunteers? How will the community be engaged?
Partners - Are partner organisations involved?
Risks - Are there any financial or reputational risks related to the project and if so, can these be mitigated?

One of our current priorities in terms of volunteers is to get better at matching potential or existing volunteers with an appropriate opportunity, depending on their skills, experience, location, and areas of interest; and whilst we have made progress towards this over the past year it will continue to be an area of development for us in 2018/19.

5. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan, and a link to your separate annual plans for the current and upcoming funding periods if you have them.

Wikimedia UK’s three year strategic framework is on wiki here, with the full three year plan available to download as a PDF from this page.

Our current (2017 - 18) annual delivery plan is available to view here.

Our annual delivery plan for the year starting 1st February 2018 is here, however please note that due to our planning cycle this is currently in draft form and is generally less detailed than this proposal.

Financials: current year


The purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is receiving funds and spending funds toward your current plan. Your current funding period is the funding period now in progress (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 for most organizations).

Table 2

Financials for the current funding period
Revenues or expenses Planned (budgeted) Actual, until one month before the proposal due date Projected
Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars
Revenues (from all sources) 647,000 834,869 340,540 439,423 651,250 840,353
Expenses 646,697 834,478 330,695 426,719 663,250 885,838

Table 2 notes:

Please note that the planned income and expenditure figures provided in Table 2 match our original proposed budget in GBP, but not our planned income and expenditure as reforecast at the end of Quarter One. A detailed explanation for this reforecast alongside an updated budget are provided on the discussion page of last year's proposal here.

All the US dollar figures in the above table have been calculated on the basis of the exchange rate for this proposal, for consistency, rather than the exchange rate used for these calculations when putting together our proposal last year. Of course we can provide this information using the exchange rate for the financial year 2017 - 18 rather than the financial year 2018 - 19, if required.

Please also note that the actuals provided are from Wikimedia UK's management accounts at the end of our second quarter - for the period 1st February to 31st July 2017 - rather than a month before the proposal deadline, as we don't produce management accounts on a monthly basis. Our management accounts for the third quarter ending 30th September will be available a few weeks into October and can be provided at the FDC/Foundation's request.

Programs: upcoming year's annual plan


This section is about your organization's programs. A program is a defined set of activities that share the same objectives and a similar theory of change. Please share the general goal of each program, and then list the specific objectives that the program will meet. Please do not include information about your organization's operating activities in this section. You may provide information about activities like administration, staff and board training, fundraising, governance, and internal IT in another section or in a supplementary document, but please do not include these activities here as programs.

1. For each program, and overall
  • Include targets for each of the three shared measures for each program, and overall. If one or more of these required metrics are not relevant to any of your programs, please consult your program officer.
  • Also choose at least two grantee-defined metrics to highlight in this section, and include targets for each of these grantee-defined metrics for each program, and overall. (Other program-specific metrics may be included in your program objectives, in the detailed program sections below.)

Table 3

Shared metrics

  1. Participants: The number of people who attend your events, programs or activities, either in person or virtually. This definition does not include people organizing activities, social media followers, donors, or others not participating directly.
  2. Newly registered: The number of participants that create new accounts on a Wikimedia project. These include users who register up to two weeks before the start of the event.
  3. Content pages: A content page is an article on Wikipedia, an item on Wikidata, a content page on Wikisource, an entry on Wiktionary, and a media file on Commons, etc. This metric captures the total number of content pages created or improved across all Wikimedia projects.

Grantee-defined metrics

  1. Volunteer hours: The time spent on activities by people involved in WMUK activities
  2. Total direct engagement: This is essentially the same metric as we are using in the current year but renamed from 'Total Audiences and Reach' for greater clarity. This figure is the combined total of the people we reach through in person activities (participants), leading volunteers and our direct online engagement, but doesn't include the wider audiences reached through print, online and broadcast media as we don't currently have an accurate way of measuring this.
Program Participants Newly registered Content pages Volunteer hours Total direct engagement
Diverse content and contributors 1,600 600 200,000 8,500 1,730
Promoting open knowledge 3,000 0 0 4,800 63,080
Education and learning 600 200 2,000 5,000 640
TOTAL FOR ALL PROGRAMS 5,200 800 202,000 18,300 65,450

Table 3 notes:

We were very pleased by our strong results against targets in 2016/17 and by our significant achievements during the first half of the 2017/18 financial year as outlined in our Progress Report. With the planned appointment of a part time Scottish Programme Co-ordinator in early 2018, we would hope to see modest increases in our results over the year as well as sustained delivery across our other projects and ongoing partnerships. We have therefore set targets for 2018-19 with these factors in mind.

As previously outlined, the Senior Management Team presents our board with a Performance Report on a quarterly basis which highlights progress achieved against a full range of indicators, including but not limited to our Grant Metrics. These are included in this proposal for your information and interest along with our targets for next year.

2. Please list your goals and objectives for each program. Please be sure your objectives meet all three criteria for each program
  • The objectives listed are each SMART: specific, measurable, attainable and relevant, and include time-bound targets.
  • Include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets, and remember to highlight your baseline metrics.
  • Provide any additional information that is important to our understanding of this program. For example, you may include needs assessments, logic models, timelines, tables, or charts. Share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning, or explain how your program aligns with important Wikimedia priorities such as increasing participation and improving content on the Wikimedia projects.

Programme 1 – Diverse content and contributors

Strategic Goal: Increase the quality and quantity of coverage of subjects that are currently underrepresented on Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects

In order to achieve this goal, between 2016 - 19 we will:

  • Develop a range of partnerships with content-holders such as galleries, libraries, archives and museums, working with these organisations to unlock cultural heritage assets and other content, and increase public engagement with these collections
  • Develop partnership projects that specifically address inequality on the Wikimedia projects, with a particular focus on the gender gap and on geographical bias, both within the UK and globally
  • Engage with volunteers regularly and effectively, supporting the development of a thriving volunteer and editor community in order to maximise the reach and impact of our work, and our ability to address content gaps
  • Ensure that we are working to diversify content producers by widening our volunteer and editor community, including actively encouraging women and other underrepresented groups to participate

SMART objectives for this programme in 2018/19:

  • At least five organisations we work with during the year contribute content to Wikimedia projects, adding 20,000 media files to Commons (plus any mass uploads).
  • 200,000 Wikimedia articles - mostly Wikidata - are improved (including 30,000 created) as a direct result of our programmes, as compared to our original target of 89,500 across all programmes for the current year (2017/18).
  • The content generated is focused on Celtic languages in the UK, gender gap, and cultural heritage.
  • Our work with organisations to reuse media results in at least a 15% reuse rate of the total content contributed during the year, reflecting a focus on underrepresented content.
  • 85% of volunteers that respond to our annual survey would recommend volunteering with Wikimedia UK, 80% feel valued by the charity and 75% feel they have developed new skills (maintaining our current ambitious targets).
  • Wikimedia UK engages with 1600 participants (including 600 new editors) through training, competitions, outreach and other initiatives. This maintains the projected 2017/18 levels, with activities distributed across the UK offering a diverse range of opportunities for participation.
  • 130 lead volunteers and 1600 participants contribute 8500 volunteer hours to the charity, supporting the generation of diverse content, compared to a projection of 8000 this year.
  • We engage with a diverse volunteer group, with women making up 38% of our lead volunteers (which is our projected result this year, compared to our target of 33%)

Our quantitative targets including baseline metrics are included in the table below:

Programme One: Quantitative indicators with baseline metrics
Indicator 2017/18 Targets
Programme 1
2017/18 Projections
Programme 1
2018/19 Targets
(all programmes)
2018/19 Targets - Programme 1
Participants 1500 1600 5,200 1600
Newly registered editors 700 600 800 600
Articles added/improved 89,500 300,000 202,000 200,000
Volunteer hours 8000 8000 18,300 8500
Total direct engagement 1620 1800 65,450 1730
Leading volunteers 120 120 250 130
Female % of above 33% 38% 38% 38%
Volunteers would recommend WMUK 85% 85% 85% 85%
Volunteers feel valued by WMUK 80% 80% 80% 80%
Volunteers have developed new skills 75% 75% 75% 75%
Images/media added to Commons 20,000
(plus mass uploads)
(plus mass uploads)
(plus mass uploads)
(plus mass uploads)
Images/media added to Wikimedia pages 2000 7,000 3,000 3,000
% uploaded media used in content pages 10% 35% 15% 15%
New articles added 7900 40,000 30,200 30,000

Notes on targets for Programme One:

This table shows our targets for the current year (2017/18), our projected actual results for this year based on our half year indicators (as detailed in our Progress Report), and our proposed targets for 2018/19. Grant metrics are highlighted in bold.

Please note that the ‘number of leading volunteers’ represents people contributing to Wikimedia UK's programme as organisers, trainers, facilitators, coordinators and speakers at events, where these activities wouldn’t happen without volunteer input. ‘Volunteer hours’ is the total time spent on activities by all volunteers involved in WMUK activities; so whilst a substantial element of this represents lead volunteer time, it also includes the time contributed to our programme by other participants in our activities (excluding staff).

We have reviewed and updated our two logic models relating to this programme, in the light of fresh insights about the long term impact of our Wikimedian in Residence programme as a result of the longitudinal study undertaken this year - which highlighted a need for further inputs, and uncovered outcomes we were not previously aware of. The logic models illustrate our theory of change and qualitative indicators in the form of short term and intermediate outcomes.

Programme One - Diverse Content and Contributors: Background and Overview

The UK is one of the most culturally diverse countries in Europe, with over 300 languages spoken including many immigrant languages - mainly from South Asia and Eastern Europe - and indigenous living languages including Welsh and Scottish Gaelic. With the country’s imperial and colonial history and world class cultural holdings we believe that we have a responsibility to facilitate digital cultural repatriation, and reanimate cultural heritage for new and diverse audiences. Our work with minority languages is also gaining momentum and we will continue to develop this in 2018, sharing our learning nationally and internationally.

Wikimedia UK is committed to developing projects that help to address the gender gap; and as well as promoting and advocating for the involvement of women and other underrepresented groups on Wikimedia, the Chapter works proactively with our partner institutions and other content holders to encourage them to consider how their own activities and collections could support this work. Many of our Wikimedians in Residence have embraced the gender gap as a cross-cutting theme for all of their partnership activities, and even when the focus of their events and programmes is on another aspect of our strategy - such as education or minority languages - they are mindful of the need to reach out specifically to women, and to look for and uncover women’s hidden histories within the collections of the institutions they are working in.

Organisational partnerships are key to delivering this programme, and Wikimedia UK has established ongoing, highly successful partnerships with a wide range of institutions across the UK. In particular, we currently have Wikimedians in Residence at Bodleian Library (the main research library of the University of Oxford and one of the oldest libraries in Europe), SLIC (Scottish Libraries and Information Council), University of Edinburgh (who have committed funding for this full time post until at least January 2019) and Wellcome Library (one of the world's major resources for the study of medical history). The Wikimedian in Residence at the National Library of Wales was made permanent earlier this year, and we will continue to work closely with him and the wider institution in 2018/19.

We have found that whilst small, one-off projects and events can be a useful starting point for a longer-term relationship with an organisation, ongoing partnerships that run over a number of years result in the best outcomes in terms of both the increased content generated for Wikimedia, and creating sustainable, institutional-wide change. We will continue to innovate through our partnership work, both within individual organisations and by supporting or facilitating sector-level dialogue and multi-partner collaborations towards open. We will also continue to deliver smaller-scale partnership activities that meet our aims and objectives; some of which are described in this proposal, while others are likely to emerge throughout the year in response to new opportunities.

The development of this programme is informed at a strategic level by Wikimedia UK’s Partnerships Advisory Board, made up of staff, board members and volunteers.

The key themes of our work under this programme strand in 2018 are:

  • Celtic Knot
  • Gender Gap
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Community Development

Programme One - Diverse Content and Contributors: Key Activities

Over the past year, as we have developed our programme to diversify Wikimedia’s content and contributors, a number of key themes have emerged - as reflected in our most recent Progress Report. We plan to continue to develop these themes in 2018, whilst not excluding other projects or activities that can help us to meet our goals.


Our growing international reputation for our work with minority languages is underpinned by a strong commitment to working with the indigenous language communities of the UK, particularly Welsh and Scottish Gaelic, and increasing expertise in this area. Highlights of our plans for this work in 2018 include the following activities and partnerships:

  • We anticipate that Wikimedia UK’s successful ongoing relationship with the Welsh Government will enable us to build on our existing achievements in Wales; which include more than doubling the number of articles on Wicipedia Cymraeg (to nearly 100,000 articles), and achieving gender parity on the site, with a slightly higher number of biographies about women.
  • Our Co-ordinator in Wales is involved with five funding applications to the Government that are currently under consideration, including proposals for a project to translate Creative Commons licenses, the creation of a regular Wikipedia editing group at Cardiff, and Wikimedia projects at Bangor University, Denbighshire County Council and the National Library of Wales.
  • The work with Bangor University includes the development of Text to Speech on Wikipedia, with embedded highlighting and a read-out paragraph option. This has already been created and is working but we are collaborating with the university on an enhanced version and possible rollout to other languages. We are also supporting the university’s ambition to take information from cywiki into digital assistants such as Alexa and Siri, with the pilot now up and running and drawing answers from the 1,000 most popular articles on cywiki, and plans to extend this further during the next phase of development.
  • Following their appointment of Jason Evans as the UK’s first permanent Wikimedian, we will continue to work closely with the National Library of Wales as a key strategic and delivery partner for our programme in Wales. Working with Wikimedia UK features strongly in the Library’s newly published five year plan and we are excited about how this collaboration will develop.
  • We plan to run a second Celtic Knot Minority Languages Conference, following the success of the first event in July 2017 run in partnership with the University of Edinburgh. The National Library of Wales has kindly offered to host the conference in 2018 and we will work closely with them on the development and delivery of the conference programme and related activities.
  • S4C is a Welsh-language public-service television channel based in Cardiff and broadcast throughout the United Kingdom. At the time of writing this proposal, they have just agreed to release around 2000 professional-quality video clips, based on the Royal Welsh Show, under a CC-by-SA licence for upload to Wikimedia Commons. This achievement could open the door to further releases and could potentially lead to a Wikimedian in Residence within the channel to further embed open knowledge and increase access to Welsh language video content.
  • Our Co-ordinator in Wales has been working for some time with the University of Wales on increasing access to the Geiriadur, a Welsh-English/English-Welsh online dictionary, by taking a live feed from their website into Wikipedia. This has not been done in any other language and we are now working on the technical aspects of making this happen, identifying a coder from the UK development community with the skills to support this innovation.
  • We will continue to work with our longstanding partners the National Library of Scotland to support and develop Uicipeid and ensure an effective legacy to the work delivered by Dr Susan Ross, Gaelic Wikipedian in Residence between January 2017 and January 2018.
  • We hope to appoint a new part time Programme Co-ordinator for Scotland to support and develop our highly successful work in this area, subject to funding from the Wikimedia Foundation. Further explanation for the need for this role is provided under the staffing section of this proposal but we envisage the successful candidate being someone who can build on existing partnerships in the country, replicate successful models from Wikimedia UK’s work in Wales and other chapters, continue to develop the Uicipeid community, support other volunteers and contributors based in Scotland, and develop exciting new relationships and partners that increase our reach, impact and profile. The Scottish community of partners and volunteers has been growing substantially since we started working in this area as a chapter. However, this is often done via Wikimedians in Residence based at specific institutions on top of their usual duties and isn’t sustainable.

As highlighted above, working to close the gender gap cuts across all of our activities, however some projects that are specifically focused on this area of work are outlined here:

  • 2018 will see the third year of Wikimedia UK’s participation in Art + Feminism, following two successful years with events at a range of arts and cultural organisations around the country. For 2018, we aim to deliver a similar number of events but create more of a campaign around our involvement in this growing global initiative, with higher levels of online engagement and media coverage.
  • In 2018 we hope to work more closely with Women in Red as both a partner and resource, and are currently discussing the possibility of a joint project with the UK’s Women’s Equality Party (WEP).
  • We are delighted that Dr Alice White, the Wikimedian in Residence at the Wellcome Library who took up post in May 2016, has had her residency extended several times beyond the timescale initially envisaged by the library. This residency has been focused on reusing diverse content, with a particular emphasis on women in medicine; and Autumn 2017 sees the launch of a new phase of this residency with a more explicit focus on gender.
  • We will continue to deliver training and editing events with the Oxford Food Symposium, following our partnership activities with them over the past few years including three events in the first half of 2017 (in both Oxford and at the British Library in London). This is an interesting project as the history of food is a relatively nascent area of study - and largely a story of missing women - through which we are engaging with an international group of female academics who are producing high quality content in an area that is poorly documented on Wikipedia.
  • We will continue to support the Women’s Classical Committee in their monthly virtual editathons, and arrange further in person training - following the successful events in London and Manchester during 2017 - in order to sustain momentum and include more potential contributors.
  • The Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh will continue to consider gender as a strategic priority alongside his hugely successful work to embed Wikimedia in teaching and learning at the university. This residency has now been confirmed for a third year and will enable Ewan McAndrew to continue targeting women for editathon events, running Ada Lovelace events (as planned for this autumn) and supporting participation in regular monthly Wiki Women in Red meetups at the university. Other aspects of Ewan’s residency are highlighted under our Education and Learning programme strand later in this proposal.

One of the four outcomes that we are working towards as a Chapter, as articulated in our three year strategy, is that our work will increase access to knowledge about, or held in, the UK. To achieve this, we are working with partners to ensure that relevant content is freely available online and under an open licence, with the aim of enriching the public’s understanding of and engagement with their cultural heritage. Some of our plans for 2018 under this thematic area of work include the following activities:

  • In July 2017 a new Wikimedian in Residence was appointed at the Scottish Libraries and Information Council (SLIC) in partnership with Wikimedia UK, with external funding for the post until 2019. The primary focus of the resident - who was the previous Wikimedian in Residence at another Scottish umbrella body, Museums Galleries Scotland - will be on advocacy and training. However the overall aim of the residency is to establish public libraries as quality content creators in the digital sphere, and to provide open access to freely usable content about Scottish culture, derived from the nation's rich library collections.
  • Wikimedia UK has been involved in #1lib1ref for the past two years and plans to increase the scale of our campaign in 2018, working in partnership with CILIP, the UK information and library association which represents around 89,000 information professionals and over 30,000 libraries in 20 sectors. Wikimedia UK already works effectively with many major libraries but recognises a need to increase the credibility of Wikimedia as well as to develop digital literacy skills amongst a broader audience of librarians; and this is an excellent starting point for engagement with this community.
  • The residency at Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford initially ran from April 2015 to March 2016; building on this, the project was adapted for a second year beginning in October 2016 and again lasting for one year. The renewed project had a whole-university scope, with a particularly strong focus on Wikidata and sharing the outcomes of research projects, some of which are highlighted in this proposal under our third programme strand. The university is now seeking funding internally and from external funders such as AHRC to support a third year of this project, with possible interim extension funding from IT services.
  • Wikimedia UK has participated in Wiki Loves Monuments in most of its previous years and by mid-September 2017 we had received more than 5000 entries to this year’s competition. We plan to build on this further in 2018 as a tool for engaging with new editors, as well as a means of increasing high quality photographic content on Wikimedia; supporting the public’s engagement with the UK’s cultural heritage through our many historic monuments.
  • The Natural History Museum are pioneers in sharing open information, and have a data portal containing dozens of datasets relating to the natural world. Building on previous partnership work with the Museum, in 2017 we began uploads of animal sounds to Commons, and have begun exploring matching their species information to Wikidata. We hope to use this to import tens of thousands of images of type specimens in the Museum’s collection into Commons. This would allow the reuse of important high-quality images of species. We will also be exploring the possibility of expanding this to include holotypes, neotypes and paratypes. Working with the Natural History Museum allows us to share diverse formats of media and to share resources which could be used across many different languages.
  • The chapter has had continuing discussions with the House of Commons at the UK Parliament about the potential for a Wikimedian in Residence. The partnership is progressing slowly due to the nature of the institution, however we have delivered several initial training sessions and are currently planning a Wikidata event to improve related content on Wikidata and the UK aspect of MySociety’s “Every Politician” project. Some of our long term, key volunteers have been supporting this area for a number of years, in both developing projects on wiki and building relationships with contacts within Parliament, and we are beginning to see the impact of this work.
  • Our relationship with the British Library goes back to our first residency there in 2012 and before, and we have maintained a level of activity with them over the years with mass uploads, the Oxford Food Symposium project and working with the Europeana Sounds project based there to get soundfiles onto Wikipedia. As a result of this activity, and our recent research on our past residency projects, we have begun discussions about working together again on a more ambitious project such as another Wikimedian in Residence. The significant developments to both the way WMUK runs residencies and also the development of Wikimedia projects such as Wikidata offer a lot of opportunities for a project that were unavailable in 2012.
  • The British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund offers grants to preserve and protect heritage around the world, with a focus on MENA countries. We are currently looking at two possible projects that could be made possible with this funding, with a view to submitting an application in October 2017. This will either be for support to significantly scale up our work with Kurdish speakers, developing content relating to Kurdish language and culture by working with partners both here and in Kurdistan; or a project with the Society for Libyan Studies to digitise and upload their extensive image collection to Wikimedia Commons. We haven’t included this in our projected budgets for next year as it’s a highly competitive grant scheme, however a successful application would be a fantastic opportunity to work with Wikimedians, cultural heritage partners and others both here and in the target countries, whilst increasing underrepresented content on Wikimedia.
  • 2018 is the European Year of Cultural Heritage, and we hope to collaborate with Wikimedia Netherlands and other interested chapters to develop some work in relation to this theme; both in celebration of the UK's unchanging position as a European country (regardless of Brexit) and a tangible way to create closer links with our peers within the movement that impact positively upon delivery.

On a meta level, we will also work to promote and increase the ‘formats’ in which the knowledge is held and shared. We recognise that people learn and access information in a variety of ways, not just longform text in articles. We will therefore continue to generate content across our focus areas in a variety of formats, not just text; releasing videos and sound recordings and increasing the ‘file diversity’ of the knowledge we grow.


Working with volunteers is essential to all of our programme delivery, and we have highlighted in question 4 above the many different roles that our community play within our organisation, and how they are involved in planning and decision-making. We work with volunteers and editors from all backgrounds; however as part of our first programme strand we deliver specific activities to try and diversify this community, in order to support the diversification of Wikimedia’s content and contributors. In addition to the gender initiatives mentioned above, in 2018 this work will include the following activities:

  • We continue to build on previous successful work with the Senate House Library. Its role as a central library service for the University of London is useful for educating students and academics about Wikipedia, and using events to open doors to future projects. In 2018 we will run an editathon on LGBTQ authors with the Senate House Library as part of their Queer Between the Covers season of events.
  • Through our partnership with the Kurdish Cultural Centre and other links, we will continue to deliver training and other events for people from the Kurdish community, with a focus on educators.
  • Drawing on our learning from our work with the Kurdish community as well as the Middle Eastern Women project, we will deliver outreach to more minority groups; ensuring that this is developed and delivered in a sustainable way that benefits the community involved as well as Wikimedia.
  • Being selective about our partnerships, we will continue to prioritise events and projects that draw more diverse audiences, such as a recent editathon at the Brighton & Hove Museum focusing on African Fashion, where the majority of attendees were women and/or from the local BAME community.
  • In order to support the geographic diversity of our community within the UK, we will encourage the creation of new regular meetups outside London, in addition to the current regular regional events in Oxford and Cambridge.

Programme 2 – Promoting open knowledge

Strategic Goal: Support the development of open knowledge in the UK, by increasing understanding and recognition of the value of open knowledge and advocating for change at an organisational, sectoral and public policy level

In order to achieve this goal, between 2016 - 19 we will:

  • Develop the identity and increase the profile of Wikimedia UK in order to engage with as wide a range of volunteers, editors and participants as possible, connect with potential partners and supporters, and increase public awareness of open knowledge
  • Support and encourage long-term, sustainable change in policy and practice within individual organisations in the GLAM sector and beyond, through a combination of staff training and development, engagement events for volunteers, visitors and online audiences, the release and distribution of content (including text, media and data), policy development, internal and external advocacy and education initiatives.
  • Advocate for change across the cultural sector by showcasing the benefits of working with Wikimedia UK and open knowledge at events and conferences; facilitating dialogue amongst key institutions; and leading or participating in joint open knowledge initiatives
  • Engage with other Wikimedia and open knowledge communities by working in an open way to facilitate, and contribute to, shared learning across the global movement
  • Contribute to initiatives that seek to influence public policy and legislation affecting open knowledge - both within the UK and at an EU level - for example by supporting the work of the EU Free Knowledge Advocacy Group (a partnership of Wikimedia chapters), and playing a lead role in the WMUK Advocacy Working Group

SMART objectives for this programme in 2018/19:

  • Awareness of Wikimedia UK and open knowledge increases, with the charity reaching over 63,000 people during the year including 3,000 attending our talks and presentations (compared to an anticipated reach of 55,000 in the current year).
  • We participate in at least three consultations on public policy or legislation at a UK or EU level, by giving evidence in support of open knowledge
  • Policy changes are affected by our advocacy activities, for example with evidence taken into consideration in the development of public policy, or a demonstrable change in a partner organisation’s policy and practice. These targets are similar for those in the current year as this is an area that can be hard to predict.
  • Three partner institutions move towards a greater degree of openness by changing their internal procedures, guidelines, or policies as a result of our work with them.
  • Implementation of the recommendations from the long term Wikimedian in Residence research means that we induct new partners more effectively and structure WIR projects towards more impact.
  • Our advocacy work involves at least 80 lead volunteers, generating 4,800 volunteer hours (from lead volunteers and participants) by the end of the year. This represents a growth trend from last and current years, and reflects our growing expertise in advocacy and generating change.

Wikimedia UK remains committed to working in partnership with other European Chapters on public policy and advocacy, and continues to financially support and actively participate in Free Knowledge Advocacy Group for the EU (FKAGEU).

Our quantitative targets including baseline metrics are included in the table below:

Programme Two: Quantitative indicators with baseline metrics
Indicator 2017/18 Targets
Programme 2
2017/18 Projections
Programme 2
2018/19 Targets
(all programmes)
2018/19 Targets - Programme 2
Participants 2000 3000 5,200 3000
Volunteer hours 4800 4,000 18,300 4,800
Total direct engagement 52,010 55,000 65,450 63,080
Leading volunteers 10 100 250 80
Digital media reach 50,000 52,000 60,000 60,000
Responses to consultations 3 3 3 3
Evidence taken into consideration 3 2 3 3

Notes on targets for Programme Two:

Advocacy can be the hardest area in which to identify meaningful metrics, given that public perceptions are difficult to measure and that institutional and legislative changes can take a long time to achieve; however we have identified a number of proxy measures and intermediate quantitative targets that should help us to understand what progress we are making within this programme strand. Our qualitative indicators are included in the logic model below, in the form of short term and intermediate outcomes:

Programme Two: Background and overview

Promoting open knowledge is one of our three strategic goals as an organisation and is therefore a key programme strand; although inevitably this work crosses over with our communications activities which are articulated in more detail within our 2016 - 19 communications strategy. We advocate for open within all the partners we work in, as we recognise the importance of one-to-one relationships in creating sustainable change. However we are increasingly seeking opportunities to amplify these messages by contributing to sector-wide platforms - such as events, conferences and publications - and developing large-scale partnership projects that can generate significant media coverage, such as the the BBC 100 Women collaboration and the proposed Amnesty International project in 2018. This programme also includes our public policy activities, both at an international level through our involvement with the the EU Free Knowledge Advocacy Group, and our work on UK legislative and policy issues.

Wikimedia UK is increasingly becoming recognised as a credible voice on diversity issues within the open knowledge and wider technology, cultural and educational sectors, with our Chief Executive giving talks on this theme at the Open Data Institute, OSCON, MozFest, OER and CILIP over the past year or so, and forthcoming presentations Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities in November 2017 and the REMIX Summit in London in January 2018. Our CEO and other staff and board members have also been interviewed about the gender gap by the media, and a new publication out this autumn - Feminism and Museums: Intervention, Disruption and Change, will feature a 6000 word chapter by our CEO, sharing insights into local and global initiatives to tackle the gender gap in partnership with museums and the broader cultural sector.

The key themes for our advocacy programme in 2018 are:

  • Working towards institutional change
  • Promoting open knowledge at a sector-wide level, particularly culture and education
  • Influencing public policy and legislation
  • Increasing public understanding of open knowledge

Programme Two: Key activities planned for 2018 - 19

At an institutional level, we will work towards increasing openness through the following activities:

  • We will promote open knowledge and engagement with Wikimedia within our partner organisations by advising on digital policies and procedures, supporting the relicensing of content under an open Creative Commons licence, training staff and volunteers to contribute to the Wikimedia projects, enabling organisations to work with Wikidata and other relevant open knowledge projects, collaborating on joint events, projects and programmes, and working in an inclusive and sustainable way to create internal ownership and ensure a positive legacy for our interventions.
  • Following the launch of a peer learning network for UK-based Wikimedians in Residence in 2016, we will continue to convene meetings and facilitate shared learning across residents, increasing their effectiveness in advocating for and facilitating change within their host organisations and expanding this work to include Wikimedians in Residence outside the UK. These meetings have been valuable learning exercises in terms of understanding where movement resources are missing or hard to find, such as tools for Wikimedia projects or effective documentation on how to use them, and we are working on formats for these findings to be best shared with the wider community.
  • Working with the National Library of Wales, we will disseminate the ‘business case for openness’ developed by our resident and other staff through extensive research, discussion and collaboration within the library, with Wikimedia UK and with other cultural organisations that are moving towards a more open business model. This will form a key piece of advocacy with cultural institutions, particularly in Wales.

We will promote open knowledge at a sector level through a range of advocacy activities, including the following:

  • We will continue to ensure a high level of representation from Wikimedia UK staff, board members and volunteers at key conferences and events within the cultural and education sectors, proactively responding to relevant calls for papers and building on the momentum gained over the past two years in terms of the chapter’s increasing visibility and credibility.
  • We are planning to design and produce new print materials that bring our work to life more effectively, engage more people in our programmes, and support and enable organisations to become more open with practical advice and information. Included in these materials will be a new publication about our Wikimedians in Residence programme - as an update to our 2014 version - drawing on more recent case studies and also highlighting the findings of the research undertaken this year with former host organisations into the longer term impact of this programme.
  • Our partnership with the National Heritage Science Forum will continue in 2018, building on the events that have taken place so far in London and Cambridge. During the second year of this partnership we aim to increase our reach to involve more of the 22 member organisations in our programme of training and events, and to explore the potential for a Wikimedian in Residence working across (and facilitating collaboration between) multiple organisations working in heritage science.
  • Wikimedia UK will continue to support the work of Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) as a named stakeholder, advocating for UK-based publishers to make their citation data open and freely accessible.
  • Smartify is a new app developed by a social enterprise in the UK and designed to be a ‘personal art curator’. Smartify are working with museums and galleries to collate and share data about artworks and artists, and are partnering with the Wikimedia Foundation to pull content into the app from Wikipedia. We are also exploring with Smartify how we can work with them to encourage museums and galleries in the UK to release data to Wikimedia, and to develop reciprocal approaches to increasing the public’s access to high quality information about artists and artworks.
  • In September 2017, our CEO participated in a panel discussion made up of high profile museum leaders and chaired by Will Gompertz, the BBC’s Arts Editor, on ‘Embracing digital: museums in a connected world’, at the launch event for Smartify which took place at the Royal Academy of Arts. This was an excellent opportunity to promote the benefits of open knowledge and working with Wikimedia UK to a high profile invited audience from the museum world, and enhanced our credibility within this sector. It has led to a number of new contacts with organisations including the New Scientist, NESTA, the October Gallery and the Royal Opera House, some of which we anticipate developing into new partnerships over the next year.
  • CILIP’s Facts Matter campaign champions the value of quality information and evidence, and called on political parties and candidates to declare their commitment to running an evidence-based election campaign in the run up to the General Election in June. Our Chief Executive formally endorsed this campaign with a statement, and has also been asked by CILIP to write a thought leadership piece for Update, the leading publication for the library, information and knowledge management community, which is likely to be published later this year or early 2018 and will support our ongoing advocacy activities with this important sector.
  • As detailed under our first programme strand, Wikimedia UK will also be working with CILIP to amplify our messages and reach for the #1lib1ref campaign in early 2018.
  • Whilst progress on this has been slow, we will continue to advocate for changes to the funding conditions currently stipulated by the Heritage Lottery Fund and other lottery funders, and encourage them to embrace a more nuanced approach to open licensing which will support open access to cultural heritage in the UK.

Our work in public policy and legislation continues to develop, as follows:

  • At a UK public policy level we will continue to develop relationships with a cohort of relevant politicians and policy-makers, positioning ourselves as an important voice for open knowledge.
  • In particular, we will capitalise on the inroads made within the DCMS (the UK Government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport) this year, including meetings between our CEO and the #CultureisDigital team; our detailed response to the #CultureisDigital consultation which we will be following up with concrete proposals for partnership working during the autumn; input into the emerging UK Digital Charter; and a talk due to be given by our CEO to civil servants from the digital economy, cyber security and media units within DCMS in November 2017.
  • We will build on the relationships developed with other organisations working within open knowledge in the UK during 2017 - including the Open Rights Group and Creative Commons - as well as a broader range of organisations who share some of our objectives in terms of copyright, such as the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance, Google and Yahoo. The development of this informal collective enables us to amplify our voice and achieve more than we could individually to influence politicians and their advisers at what could be a critical time in the UK for ensuring a free and fair internet.
  • We will make an active contribution to the work of the EU Free Knowledge Advocacy Group, supporting the delivery of our shared objectives by contributing both funding and staff time, and encouraging the involvement of UK volunteers
  • We will engage with specific EU public policy campaigns as appropriate, promoting public understanding of the issues, involving our volunteers and the wider UK open knowledge community, and engaging other relevant stakeholders in order to increase our reach.
  • We will continue to convene Wikimedia UK’s Advocacy Group, made up of staff, trustees and volunteers, so that our work on public policy and legislation is informed by expertise outside the organisation and developed through a shared set of priorities and networks.

We will work to increase the public’s understanding of open knowledge and engage with new and existing audiences, through the following activities:

  • We will continue to develop our social media presence, building on our existing followers and producing engaging digital content that showcases our work and impact, builds understanding of open knowledge and encourages people to get involved in Wikimedia as a contributor or a volunteer for the Chapter.
  • We will identify more public events and festivals where our staff or volunteers could give talks on Wikimedia; such as the Byline Festival for which we have already been approached to participate in the 2018 festival following our ‘Ask Wikipedia’ session in June 2017.

As a result of a friendly relationship built over the years with Amnesty International and a growing volunteer network, we have found an opportunity to work together on an international initiative focusing on human rights activists and other human rights issues. Working with the International Secretariat, we've been scoping enthusiasm among their sections (similar to our chapters) worldwide, and 15 to 20 sections are interested in participating in a joint editing event during 2018. This project represents a potential opportunity for the global Wikimedia community to work with the leading human rights charity in their own location, and an opportunity to raise awareness and produce some great content across the Wikimedia projects. In facilitating international participation in the project as well as delivering activities within the UK, Wikimedia UK would draw on learning from our BBC collaboration #100womenwiki, and would aim to secure significant media coverage for the events in the UK and around the world.

We are also currently exploring the potential for us to raise awareness of Wikimedia UK and promote open knowledge by capitalising on some key anniversaries during 2018 that we feel resonate with our work. Whilst it’s unlikely that we will undertake more than one or two of these, we have included them all in this proposal for information:

  • 2018 marks 100 years of the Representation of the People Act, which gave women who met certain criteria the right to vote in the UK; and 90 years since the Equal Franchise Act which gave women the same voting rights as men. This could be an excellent opportunity to promote our work on gender and to encourage women to contribute, with potential partners including the BBC, the Fawcett Society and the Women’s Equality Party, with all of whom Wikimedia UK has links.
  • It will be the 50th Anniversary of both Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination and Enoch Powell’s infamous Rivers of Blood speech in April 2018. To mark this, we are considering writing or commissioning a think piece about the movement’s ongoing work to address the issue of systemic bias on the Wikimedia projects; raising awareness of our local initiatives in this area and encouraging people from underrepresented groups on Wikimedia to consider contributing.
  • The Commonwealth Summit, to be held in London in 2018, could provide an opportunity to work with the Commonwealth Secretariat, with whom the organisation already has links.
  • 2018 is the 20th Anniversary of the Angel of the North, the UK’s largest sculpture and most well-known piece of public art, by the artist Antony Gormley. The anniversary could lead into a conversation about how public art is documented in the digital space, and perhaps a virtual editathon encouraging editors to improve the coverage of public art within the Wikimedia projects; with possible partners including Ixia (the national advisory body for public art) and WikiProject Public Art.
  • In Spring 2018 the BBC is holding their first ‘Civilisations Festival’, which is a partnership between the BBC and the museums and galleries sector to coincide with the broadcast of BBC Arts' Civilisations series. The festival will be a showcase of ideas and events designed to engage a culturally curious audience, and could resonate well with with our Cultural Heritage theme.

Wikimedia UK considers our participation in and contribution to global movement learning as part of this programme strand, at least for budgeting purposes (as it is considered by our board to be an ‘above the line’ activity rather than an overhead). We are strongly committed to engaging with the global Wikimedia movement with key staff and trustees attending the Wikimedia Conference and Wikimania every year, delivering training and presentations as required. We also contribute to movement learning by participating in calls with our peers around the world, creating learning patterns, submitting stories and case studies to movement blogs and newsletters, and attending events such as the CEE Meeting, the Diversity Conference, GLAM meetings and and Partnership Workshops.

Programme 3 – Education and learning

Strategic Goal: To support the use of the Wikimedia projects as important tools for education and learning in the UK

In order to achieve this goal, between 2016 - 19 we will:

  • Engage Wikimedia volunteers, advocates and partners from the education sector in the development and delivery of this programme, to ensure that we are directing our resources appropriately and responding to needs, issues and opportunities
  • Connect with the education sector and the open education community by participating in conferences and events to raise awareness of the work of Wikimedia UK, the Wikimedia projects more broadly, and how open knowledge can support and enrich both teaching and learning.
  • Further develop our work within the higher education sector using the Wikipedia in the Classroom tool, and exploring other models that could lead to online impact
  • Facilitate pilot activities within a range of educational settings that support the use of Wikimedia projects as a tool for teaching and learning, with a focus on digital and information literacy, and advocate for the inclusion of Wikimedia in curriculum, syllabus and course development
  • Develop appropriate resources and content for learners and educators. This could include video, downloadable materials for teachers such as lesson plans, or online learning tools and platforms; investing in the development of software support or other technological innovation as appropriate.

SMART objectives for 2018/19:

  • Through Wikipedia in Classroom assignments which we run with Universities, 1800 articles on Wikimedia projects are improved and a further 200 are created, in line with current predictions. Please note, however that the autoconfirmed account creation trial from September 2017 to March 2018 will limit the ability of new editors to create Wikipedia articles which may negatively affect classroom courses, although we are offering support and advice on this to course leaders.
  • Through Wikipedia in Classroom, we engage with 600 participants and work with 40 lead volunteers. Together, they contribute 5,000 volunteer hours; which is steady increase from the current year.
  • 75% of course participants report an increase in their skills and confidence in terms of digital literacy (we are awaiting results of this year measurement).
  • We encourage production of better Wikipedia in Classroom tools, allowing us more efficient engagement and capacity for more courses than in 2017.

Our quantitative targets including baseline metrics are included in the table below:

Programme Three: Quantitative indicators with baseline metrics
Indicator 2016/17 Targets
Programme 3
2016/17 Projections
Programme 3
2017/18 Targets
(all programmes)
2017/18 Targets - Programme 3
Participants 500 600 5,200 600
Newly registered editors 300 200 800 200
Articles added/improved 500 2000 202,000 2000
Volunteer hours 3200 5,000 18,300 5,000
Total direct engagement 515 650 65,450 640
Leading volunteers 15 50 250 40
Articles added 100 150 30,200 200

Our qualitative indicators are included in the logic model below, in the form of short term and intermediate outcomes:

Programme Three: Background and overview

Wikimedia UK believes that engaging with Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects - particularly through becoming a contributor - can enable learners to understand, navigate and critically evaluate knowledge and information. Our third programme strand is therefore focused on the development of Wikimedia as a teaching and learning tool in the UK, with content production as an output but not the key outcome of this work.

We are currently collaborating with a range of prestigious higher education institutions in the successful delivery of Wikipedia in the Classroom, with these partnerships set to continue in 2018. In particular, our Wikimedians in Residence at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Oxford are proving crucial in unlocking the potential for Wikimedia in higher education and developing success at scale. Over the next year we will also continue to develop resources and materials for educators to support their work with Wikimedia and education, and facilitate networking and peer-learning opportunities amongst Wikimedians, lecturers, researchers, teachers, learners and others working at the intersection of Wikimedia and the formal education system.

Our ongoing advocacy work within the higher education sector is important in normalising the use of Wikimedia in both undergraduate and postgraduate study; and this is supported by key partners acting as ambassadors for our work and speaking compellingly about the value of Wikimedia within universities, such as Melissa Highton, Assistant Principal Online Learning at the University of Edinburgh. However, there is more work to be done to make the case amongst educators that Wikimedia can be an incredibly useful tool in developing the 21st century skills required of students (and also important for educators) such as information and digital literacy, academic writing and referencing, critical thinking, literature review, writing for different audiences, research skills, communication skills, collaboration and online citizenship.

Wikimedia UK is increasingly working with the research community to embed open knowledge into research projects and encourage open access to research outputs and data from an early stage - with particularly notable success with this approach through the residency at Oxford University - and to support the use and reuse of higher education open research outputs beyond the academic sector. We are also exploring the potential to engage with and promote Wikimedia to research support officers within libraries and education institutions - as they are often key to managing research outputs - and to build links with Research Councils. This area of work cuts across our other programme strands, including the promotion of open knowledge and opening up diverse content.

Education and Learning is a relatively new programme strand for Wikimedia UK and whilst we are increasing our reach and profile within the higher education sector, the mainstreaming of Wikimedia within the UK schools system is a longer term ambition. Given the scale and diversity of the schools sector within the UK - with around 25,000 settings in total - we need to be mindful of our capacity to engage with schools in a meaningful way. Our current strategy is therefore to develop and deliver a small number of pilot projects from which we can draw key lessons and success criteria for working with young people and Wikimedia, in order to develop shared resources, make the case to policy makers, and cascade learning (for example through teacher training within the UK or through global movement sharing). All of our work in education and learning link to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The key themes of our work next year include:

  • Delivering Wikimedia projects with learners and educators
  • Building relationships with the research community
  • Demonstrating how Wikimedia tools can be used to embed open knowledge in education
  • Advocating for the inclusion of Wikimedia into education policy and curricula

Programme Three: Key activities planned for 2018 - 19

During 2018, Wikimedia UK will continue to engage directly with learners and educators, through the following activities:

  • We will support the delivery of Wikipedia in the Classroom, with ongoing partnerships with the University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London, Queen Mary, University College London, University of Sheffield, Stirling University, Middlesex University, Portsmouth University, York University, and Swansea University; where a range of courses are being run (across multiple subject areas, in the case of Edinburgh).
  • The priorities for the University of Edinburgh residency, which will be in its third year in 2018, are embedding Wikimedia editing and building sustainability through the University Digital Skills Training Programme; working with academic colleagues to ensure that activities are included in the curriculum across a range of academic schools, disciplines and modes of study; and linking discussion and consideration of Wikimedia tools to a wider institutional engagement with learning technology.
  • Through the Life in Data project with Stirling University, Wikimedia UK will support the delivery of workshops for schools, community educators, and lifelong learners; exploring open datasets, data visualisation and wiki technologies with the aim of engaging participants in the real-time production of actionable knowledge and enabling learners to engage with data in a conscious and confident way. We will also participate in “What I Know Is”, a conference on data literacy, open data and collaborative knowledge exchange in Spring 2018 that will bring together international academics, practitioners and creative practitioners working in the arts, lifelong learning and social policy, sharing insights from Year One activities in an open, multidisciplinary forum.
  • The Wici Mon project, a partnership between Menter Môn, the National Eisteddfod and Wikimedia UK that has been funded by the Welsh Government since Spring 2017 and led by Wikimedian in Residence Aaron Morris, will continue to focus on schools for the next 18 months. Whilst this work has initially been based on Anglesey there are plans to extend this further across Wales to reach more young people and their families.

Wikimedia UK will build relationships with the wider academic and research community, as outlined below:

  • The Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Oxford is currently focused on embedding the innovative use of Wikimedia across the University, working with Wikimedia UK and with university staff to foster a step-change in how the university supports Wikimedia-related activity. A significant part of this residency is to embed Wikimedia in research from an early stage, increasing impact and public engagement, with Dr Martin Poulter so far working with a wide range of research projects and partners including Cultures of Knowledge, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, the Hillforts Atlas project, Oxford Research Archive, the Voltaire Foundation and Women’s German Studies. Moving forward - subject to funding - we hope to develop and expand this work, increasing our understanding and track record of working successfully with researchers to enliven and open up research for use and reuse by Wikimedia readers.
  • Earlier this year our trustee and volunteer, Doug Taylor, attended a workshop on a new research project led by the Cochrane group based around Nottingham University, and is now working with them to ensure that the latest research goes smoothly into Wikipedia. The group is researching the effect of adding summary tables to Wikipedia articles about treatments for schizophrenia, with support from Wiley who publish the journals where the Cochrane evidence is published, to measure any increase in referral to those sources from Wikipedia. In 2018 we hope to develop and expand our contacts with Cochrane groups - through our own volunteer community and by working with WikiProject Medicine - giving us another inroad into universities that could lead to further engagement with Wikimedia.
  • In 2018/19 we will scope the idea of engaging with research support officers within libraries and educational institutions to promote Wikimedia and reach a wider body of students and researchers. This may involve the development of specific materials and case studies for this community.

We will inform, inspire and engage educators, demonstrating how Wikimedia tools can be used to embed open knowledge in education and developing networks and best practice:

  • Building on the events we’ve held for educators and Wikimedians in 2016 and 2017 - including the May 2016 event at the Learning and Work Institute in Leicester and our February 2017 Education Summit in partnership with Middlesex University - we will facilitate further discussion and sharing amongst this community and include a wide range of volunteers in our work with education.
  • We see peer learning as a very useful tool for developing both practice and communities, and will convene further meetings for academics running Wikimedia education projects in the UK, following on from our previous successful sharing and networking events. We will also work with our education partners and Wikimedians in Residence to pilot and document peer-to-peer learning amongst students.
  • We will ensure better resources and documentation for educators; developing and disseminating new resources such as downloadable lesson plans, lobbying for the continued development and improvement of key tools such as the outreach dashboard and gapfinder, and ensuring high quality documentation of our education activities in the UK.
  • Following our high profile at the Open Educational Resources conferences in both 2016 and 2017, we will submit proposals to again be well-represented at this crucial sector conference in April 2018.
  • We will seek out other opportunities to influence and engage with educators and to involve a wide range of people in the further development and delivery of our education strategy.

We will work both nationally and internationally to advocate for Wikimedia and to influence curricula and policy:

  • We will continue to lobby for the inclusion of Wicipedia training in the Welsh Baccalaureate; and despite some setbacks this now looks like like it may receive official approval early next year. If this happens it will be a huge step forward both in terms of the development of and engagement with Wikimedia in Wales, and the chapter (and wider movement’s) credibility as a key player in education.
  • Our ambition in 2018 is to develop our network of contacts within education, including professional teaching associations, education bodies including funding agencies and research councils, and the UK and devolved governments, in order to influence decision making at the highest level and to advocate for the inclusion of Wikimedia into the national curriculum.
  • We hope to ensure representation at key international education events and conferences by our wider group of education ambassadors (including board members, Wikimedians in Residence and key contacts at universities and other partners). This follows on from our board member Lorna Campbell’s involvement at UNESCO’s second World OER Congress in Ljubljana in September 2017, where she talked about Wikidata and Histropedia as well as the benefits of introducing Wikidata to teach data literacy.

Staff and contractors: upcoming year's annual plan

1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, and provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram if you have one.

The Wikimedia UK staff team is made up of an experienced Senior Management Team comprising the Chief Executive, Director of Finance and Operations and Head of Programmes and Evaluation; three Co-ordinators working across all of our programme strands (with one of these posts based in Wales); a Communications Co-ordinator; and three assistant level posts. We also work with two IT contractors on an irregular basis according to need.

The organisation is strongly committed to staff development and encourages those who work for and with us to seek out opportunities to develop their skills, experience and networks. In the current year, development opportunities for staff have included external training provided in kind by the CIPR (Chartered Institute of Public Relations), training by other providers such as the DSC (Directory of Social Change) and Kingston Smith, in house training and support, and attendance at seminars, conferences and other events.

We have a comprehensive suite of policies covering a wide range of employment and other issues, with many of these policies having been reviewed and updated over the past year. As part of this work we have been developing a new staff handbook to support all staff but particularly prospective new employees and new appointments.

As indicated in last year’s APG proposal, and within our three year business plan covering the period 1st February 2016 to 31st January 2019, in 2018 we would like to grow our staff team to 9.6 FTE with the creation of a part-time (three day a week) Scottish Programme Co-ordinator. This would increase the capacity of our Programmes Team and help to build on our partnerships and activities in Scotland, whilst benefiting from the learning and experience of our Wales Co-ordinator in developing and delivering work for and with a devolved nation of the UK. Do note, however, that the organigram below doesn't include this new post but reflects our current structure.

2. List of staff by department or function.
You can use this table (or substitute your own list) to show us the number of FTEs (fulltime equivalents) for each department or function, where one person working at 100% time would be counted as 1.0. We need this information about the total number of staff (FTEs) you plan to have by the end of the current funding period, and staff you plan to have by the end of the upcoming funding period.

Table 4

Department or function End of current funding period End of upcoming funding period Explanation of changes
Programmes 6 6.6 New Scottish post
Executive and fundraising 1 1
Finance and administration 2 2
Total (should equal the sum of the rows): 9 9.6

Table 4 notes or explanation of significant changes:

3. How much does your organization plan to spend on staff by the end of the current funding period, in currency requested and US dollars?

Staff spend current period forecast: GBP £367,523 (US$474,241)

4. How much does your organization plan to spend on staff by the end of the upcoming funding period, in currency requested and US dollars?

Staff spend next year GBP £399,193 (US$515,106)

5. Explain any changes in FTEs between the two funding years

The staff team at the start of the 2017/18 financial year consisted of ten roles, representing nine full time equivalent posts (FTE). This was a growth of 0.4 compared to the start of the previous year, as following the departure of our long standing member of staff Richard Symonds in August 2016, we created two new roles: a full time Membership, Fundraising and Operations Assistant, and a part time Finance Assistant. The latter was originally conceived as a three day a week post (0.6 FTE) but following feedback from the FDC on our Annual Plan Grant proposal last year we reduced this to two days (0.4).

In 2018 we would like to grow our staff team to 9.6 FTE with the creation of a new part-time Scottish Programme Co-ordinator, as described above.

Financials: upcoming year


Detailed budget: upcoming year

Please link to your organization's detailed budget showing planned revenues and expenses for the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017). This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or a publicly available spreadsheet.

A Google Sheet with our proposed budget for 2017 - 18 is available to view here

Revenues: upcoming year


Please use this table to list your organization's anticipated revenues (income, or the amount your organization is bringing in) by revenue source (where the revenue is coming from) in the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017).

  • Use the status column to show if this funding is already guaranteed, if you are in the process of requesting funding, or if you are planning to request funding at a later time.
  • Please include in-kind donations and resources in this table, as applicable, and use the status column to show that they are in-kind resources.
  • Do not include money you plan to draw from your reserves during the upcoming funding period.

Table 5

Anticipated revenues for the upcoming funding period
Revenue source Currency requested US dollars Status (e.g. guaranteed, application)

FDC grant 335,000 432,274 application
Donations 210,000 270,978 probable
Gift Aid 17,000 21,936 probable
Gifts in Kind and other fundraising 190,000 245,170 likely
Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): 752,000 970,358 -

Table 5 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.

Wikimedia UK's request for funding from the Wikimedia Foundation in 2018/19 represents 45% of our total projected income for the year, with the remaining 55% made up of regular donations from individuals, Gift Aid on these donations from the UK Government, Gifts in Kind, funding from trusts and foundations and major donors. Our budget for Gifts in Kind and Other Fundraising in 2018/19 is £190,000, made up of a fundraising target of £60,000 and £130,000 in Gifts in Kind. The latter is a significant increase on the current year however reflects the fact that a) the growing momentum of our programmes in the UK is leading to higher levels of institutional and external funding for Wikimedians in Residence, and b) greater clarity about what can and should be accounted for as a Gift in Kind.

Whilst our proposed grant makes up only 45% of our total projected funds, we have presented in this proposal a comprehensive overview of our planned programmes for next year. Currently, all of our funding is unrestricted however if our application to the British Council's Cultural Protection Fund and/or other trusts and foundations is successful, this would be for discrete project activities and would be clearly differentiated in our accounts and reporting.

Operating reserves: current and upcoming years


Please note that there is a policy that places restrictions on how much FDC funding your organization can use to build its operating reserves. If you would like to use FDC funding to for your organization's reserves, you must note that here. You will not be able to decide to allocate FDC funding from this grant to your reserves at a later date.

1. What is your plan for maintaining, building, or spending your reserves in the current year and the upcoming funding period? Please use the table below to show the amounts in your reserves at the beginning, year-to-date, and end of your current year, and the amount you plan to have in your reserves by the end of the upcoming funding period.

Table 6

Year Year start Year start (US) Year-to-date Year-to-date (US) Year end Year end (US)
Current year (e.g. 2017) 200,291 258,449 210,137 271,154 188,291 242,965
Upcoming year (e.g. 2018) - - - - 188,498 243,232
2. How much FDC funding is your organization requesting to add to your reserves in the upcoming funding period? If you are not requesting any FDC funding to add to your reserves in the upcoming funding period, you can write zero.
  • Zero

Expenses: upcoming year's annual plan

1. Expenses by program (excludes staff and operations).
Program expenses are the costs associated specifically with your organization's programs, and do not include operating expenses or staff salaries, which will be described in separate tables. Program expenses may be the costs of an event, the costs of outreach materials specific to a program, budgets for microgrants and reimbursements, or technical costs associated with specific programs, for example. The programs listed in this table should correspond to the programs you have listed in the programs section of this proposal form.

Table 7

Program Currency requested US dollars
Diverse content and contributors 88,500 114,198
Promoting open knowledge 82,250 106,133
Education and learning 41,500 53,550
Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 212,250 273,881

Table 7 notes: If your organization has significant funding designated for specific programs (e.g. a restricted grant), please make a note of that here.

2. Total expenses. Please use this table to summarize your organization's total expenses overall.
These are divided into three categories: (1) staff expenses from Table 4 (including expenses for staff working on both programs and operations), (2) expenses for programs from Table 7 (does not include staff expenses or operations expenses), and (3) expenses for operations (does not include staff expenses or program expenses). Be sure to check the totals in this table to make sure they are consistent with the totals in the other tables you have submitted with this form. For example, your total program expenses excluding staff will be equal to the total in Table 7, while your total staff expenses will be equal to the total in Table 4 and your total expenses will be equal to the total in Table 1.

Table 8

Expense type Currency requested US dollars
Program expenses (total from Table 7, excludes staff) 212,250 273,881
Operations (excludes staff and programs) 140,350 181,103
Upcoming staff total expenses (from Table 4) 339,193 399,193 515,106
Total expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 751,793 970,091

Table 8 notes:

Verification and signature


Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.

The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. General operating support through the FDC may not be used to cover political and legislative activities, although you may make a separate grant agreement with the WMF for these purposes.
I verify that no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation will be used
for political or legislative activities except as permitted by a grant agreement

Please sign below to complete this proposal form.

IMPORTANT. Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.
Please sign here once this proposal form is complete, using four tildes. LucyCrompton-Reid (WMUK) (talk) 22:02, 1 October 2017 (UTC)