Grants:APG/Proposals/2018-2019 round 1/Wikimedia Argentina/Impact report form

Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their results to date. For progress reports, the time period for this report will the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). For impact reports, the time period for this report will be the full 12 months of this grant, including the period already reported on in the progress report (e.g. 1 January - 31 December of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.



2019 has been a year of consolidation and development for Wikimedia Argentina. Our programs - Education & Human Rights, Culture & Open Knowledge and Building Communities - have been strengthened more than ever through projects and strategic alliances at local and regional level and within the Wikimedia Movement itself.

In this sense, we would like to highlight the following:

  • The Education program has grown by 25% during 2019. We have continued to incorporate universities and schools, improving the reach at the national level. Our partnership with UNICEF is particularly noteworthy.
  • We held the I Conference on Human Rights in Digital Environmentswith +20 organizations from Latin America and Spain.
  • We continued to accompany the regional communities in the development of their education and Human Rights programs. During 2019 we collaborated especially with Colombia, Venezuela, Chile and Mexico.
  • Last year has been the year of the great alliances for the Culture and Open Knowledge program. We signed working agreements with major cultural institutions that will allow us to access Argentine and Latin American cultural heritage, currently missing in the Wikimedia projects. In this sense, it is remarkable the first agreement with a Latin American university - the National University of La Plata (UNLP)- to incorporate free culture in all its academic institutions.
  • We have strengthened more than ever our work with the library community and other diverse cultural communities as governmental and civil society organizations.
  • We found room to continue developing innovative projects like tailor-made trainings, webinars on digital rights, the Archive in the classroom educational project etc - to promote access to culture in an equitable way.
  • Regarding the communities program, this was the year of the sustainability of the thematic communities. We also expanded our scope and strengthened our line of work with NGOs and communities of experts with the aim of creating quality free knowledge relevant to Argentine society.
  • We accompanied and mentored more communities than ever before at the local and regional level. To this end, we distributed technical and financial resources whenever necessary and have designed new learning projects to accompany communities within and outside the movement.
  • We continued to transfer knowledge and learnings to communities in the movement. During 2019 we worked with Wikimedia Mexico and Wikimedia Chile in the on-boarding of their new directors with whom we continue to work.

All this work has been possible thanks to the team that during the year has been able to distribute tasks when the strategy process has been very demanding. This, however, has not always been sustainable. Sometimes has put pressure on the team: we have not lowered our objectives and have adapted our schedule to the strategy - especially our director's. This situation need to improve in the future. Having, at least, assurance about the support and resources that the movement's organizations can receive from WMF is fundamental. Chapters and user groups are key to moving forward with implementation. For this reason, guaranteeing access to resources - of any kind - in an equitable, sustainable and context-specific manner is key to ensuring movement's organizations involvement at the local level during the next strategy phase.

Global metrics overview - all programs


We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and

  1. Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
  2. Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
  3. In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success

For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.


Total metrics Participants Newly registered Content pages Quality Impact Comments
Education Program 2532 569 1440 919 36 new partners New partners that address new topics beyond education, human rights and add diversity to the program.

Find all the activities and partners here.

Culture & Open Knowledge Program 2168 750 375 books (96559 pages uploaded to commons)

22005 pages on Wikimedia projects

91% of content create and released is diverse* 511 Cultural referents Our strategic lines of work are oriented to release local and historical missing or excluded content.

Find all the activities and partners here.

Community Building Program 818 117 12750 32 new women and LGTBIQ+ involved 29 new leaders involved* Find all the activities and partners here.
Total 5518 1436 375 books (96559 pages uploaded to commons)

36195 pages on Wikimedia projects

n/a n/a n/a

* Movement Organizers: individuals that commit their time, energy, and personal resources to build a stronger network of communities that support Wikimedia growth. People that cooperate and work with us beyond the creation of content.

Education & Human Rights Program



During 2019, the Education & Human Rights Program decided to promote alliances with key institutions and organizations of the national and regional scene in order to pursue the following objectives:

  • Engaging educators and students in the creation of locally relevant knowledge that addresses the existing content gaps.
  • Promoting and establishing learning community for educators and organizations linked to the education world in order to foster exchange and creation of knowledge.
  • Consolidating and expanding the WikiDDHH Project (violations of Human Rights,  LGBT+ rights and excluded communities) as an education proposal at a local and regional scale.

The Education Program in the classroom


Success: Wikipedia as a learning tool


During 2019, we worked to strengthen our educational projects in the classroom by:

  • Continuing promoting our education proposals at a national scale.
  • Promoting, scaling up and adapting our proposals to other regional contexts.
  • Expanding and promoting our educational community among organizations and educators.

For these purposes, we have worked in the following way:

a) Onsite learning: Wikipedia in the University & Editing Clubs

We carried out our onsite learning program by strengthening our two projects for the Argentinean classrooms: Editing Clubs and Wikipedia in the University. Both proposals have a similar objective: getting educators and students involved in the construction of missing and locally relevant quality knowledge.

How did we develop the project during 2019?

Wikipedia in the University

What did we do in 2019?

  • We developed the project in 20 higher education institutions at a national scale. We took the project to the provinces of Santa Fe, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Río Negro, Buenos Aires y the city of Buenos Aires.
  • We worked on diverse topics: journalism, sexual education, illustration, women engineers, nutrition, sports, international law, Argentine districts, natural science, among others.
  • We improved the quality of existing content and created new articles related to the themes of research or study of each group.

How did we do this in 2019?

  • We launched an open call for higher education institutions from the entire country, which remained active the whole year.
  • We developed editing workshops with educators, students and researchers. Each workshop consists on getting to know the Wikimedia projects and the editing tools and afterwards, improving content.
  • The activities were both online and in-person, according to the possibilities of each institution, and the program offered continuous mentoring.

Editing Clubs

What did we do in 2019?

  • We carried out 9 Editing Clubs together with public and private high schools in the provinces of Mendoza, Buenos Aires, the city of Buenos Aires, Misiones, Corrientes, Formosa, Chaco, Salta, Tucumán and Jujuy
  • We worked on diverse topics: communication, biochemistry, problems of access to water, translation of articles about women and sports, human rights, history of districts, among others.

How did we do this in 2019 ?

  • We launched two open calls for high schools from the entire country, one at the beginning of the school year and another during the winter break.
  • We trained, with both online and in-person courses, the educators who were interested.
  • Wikimedia Argentina was summoned to join UNICEF’s local campaign  #UnlimitedGeneration, to develop the project in the provinces of Tucumán and Misiones bringing our project to rural high schools for the first time.

B) Remote learning: Wikipuentes in Argentina and Venezuela

During 2019, we continued offering our online course designed for educators in Argentina and Venezuela.

What did we do 2019?

  • We carried out two editions of the online Wikipuentes course, in our virtual campus.
  • We designed two new classes, focused on topics of interest for the education context: one focused on university needs and another on misinformation.  
  • We adapted and carried out the project in Venezuela for the first time.

Wikipuentes in Venezuela

During 2019, we carried out an edition of the online course for Venezuelan educators, designed by Wikimedia Argentina and Wikimedia Venezuela together.  

Why is this proposal important in Venezuela?

  • Given the political and social reality that Venezuela is going through, it is difficult for the local chapter to carry out face-to-face activities in schools and universities.
  • University teachers have few training opportunities within the country and are potential allies for Wikimedia Venezuela and its educational projects.
  • It allows the members of Wikimedia Venezuela - who are all volunteers - to be directly involved in the design, implementation and monitoring of the project.

How did we do it?

  • Together with Wikimedia Venezuela, we designed a Wikipuentes for university teachers using our virtual campus.
  • We assessed the Venezuelan context and designed a 5-week course for university professors, adding new learning content about misinformation and Fake News - very relevant topics for the Venezuelan society.

Which have been the most important qualitative results?

  • The course that involved 45 professors, was carried out with the development of a joint tutorial, making sure there were tutors who were familiar with the course and also tutors that were experts in the local context.
  • 100% of the participating teachers were very satisfied with the proposal and shared the importance of accessing to opportunities that also allows them to diversify tools on access to information in a context of such high conflict.
  • 90% of the content added - 200 articles- was quality content due to the fact that the participants were professors and experts in the selected topics.
  • It allows us to transfer both technical and financial knowledge and resources to another community so that they can continue to grow.
C) Developing our educational community

Developing and strengthening our educational community is an arduous task that we have been carrying out within the program since its inception with the aim of supporting the growth of our educational community. To this end, during 2019 we have strengthened our objective through two strategies:

What did we do 2019?

a) Mentoring

Our program's main goal is to keep strengthening the motivation of teachers as the lead the project in their localities and institutions. In order to respond to this demand, we accompanied teachers with their consultations and projects, developing specific materials and implemented a one-to-one follow-up, to give them the necessary support and leadership in their proposals.

What results did we achieve in 2019?

  • +20 teachers from different locations in the country, lead and carry out educational projects.
  • We carried out 25 one to one trainings to support and guide their work.
  • Besides trainings we provided them with 10 new OER resources to support onsite projects.
  • Today 70% leads their project autonomously and helps us to amplify the work of WMAR.

b) Thematic trainings

We carry out a new cycle of trainings aimed at generating a meeting space to connect, expand and strengthen our educational community. These trainings' main focus was to reflect on the role of free culture and open knowledge in schools. For it, we invited different civil society organizations to discuss with the participants how to bring technologies, human rights, gender and free culture into the classroom. 

What results did we achieve in 2019?

  • It allowed us to identify teachers' perceptions and interests regarding the Wikimedia projects, how much they use them and how.
  • This input has allowed us to strengthen our educational community by offering projects that respond to their needs and teaching contexts.
  • To position the role of WMAR as a key player in the education field among diverse organizations and teachers.

In terms of numbers, 90 participated and 45 remained active part of our educational community in 2019.

Which have been the most important qualitative results and learnings?

  • Offering and continuing to improve our projects over time allows us to add new partners each year. As an example, in 2019 we worked with 25% more institutions.
  • The 1:1 follow up allows us to address the challenges of teachers and strengthen their confidence in the classroom, as well as their sense of belonging to the Wikimedia community. In this sense, during 2019, 20% of activities were carried out by educators in a more autonomous way.
  • The online course is much more than a teaching project about how to bring Wikipedia into the classroom. It is a learning project that can be adapted to each context and to a large extent to any political and social situation. Having a project of these characteristics, open and free, is fundamental within the Latin American context.
  • Working with other kind of organizations has been crucial to expand the scope of our program and position it in new diverse educational communities. As an example, we started to work with UNICEF and we are currently part of the Advisory Council of its National Education Program.
  • Understanding the difficulties and needs of teachers is fundamental to our work in order to continue incorporating more teachers as part of our community.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year Comments
600 teachers 716 252 600 Editing Clubs, Wikipedia in the University & Wikipuentes
500 students 909 539 960 n/a
1000 articles 815 463 1234 Editing Clubs, Wikipedia in the University & Wikipuentes
70% high quality articles 73% 69% 70% In Wikipuentes and Wikipedia in the University the quality of the articles is higher than in Editing Clubs
70% diverse content n/a 80% 80% n/a
70% girls and women confortable 80% 93% 95% n/a
300 educators from learning community n/a 216 300 Educators from Aulas Abiertas and Quién es esa científica projects.
25 new partners n/a 22 37 n/a
Resources designed 8 5 10 n/a
Volunteers involved 35 3 7 32 volunteers were involved in our program, mainly in our Human Rights project.
% of satisfaction 100% 100% 100% n/a

Gating factor: Setting up new projects takes time


During 2019 we carried out two new projects to continue promoting the development and use of open educational resources (OER) in education:

How did we do it?

  • We partnered with the greatest civil organizations in Argentina and we released under CC licenses a lot of their educational resources.
  • We also approached teachers to encourage them to share and open their own educational resources, however the respond wasn't that successful.
  • Regarding the game, we managed to got it sponsored by a IT company but due to the economical crisis the sponsorship didn't covered all the costs. Despite the situation, we carried out the project in 11 schools, reaching 26 teachers and +700 students.

In both cases the scope of the projects remained relatively small to what was initially planned.

What have been the main challenges and learnings?

  • It has been difficult to adapt to the time and resources of primary schools, even with more shortages. We must continue to strengthen the accompaniment of these teachers' needs.
  • The development of educational resources is still considered an undervalued part of the teaching work in our context. We need to continue working with teachers on the importance of not only sharing resources but doing so in an open manner.
  • Converting an educations resource into an OER requires a lot of work and exchange with the teacher who creates it. We must rethink the follow-up strategy and better asses the accompaniment needed.

Next steps?

This report is being prepared in the course of the crisis by COVID19 where these projects are becoming recognized. We hope to continue strengthening them during 2020.

Education & Human Rights


Success: The consolidation of Wiki Derechos Humanos


Wiki Derechos Humanos (Wiki Human Rights) project aims at training experts, researchers and university students on how to edit Wikipedia according to international Human Rights standards, and on how to create, document and update content in Wikipedia on Human Rights violations that have taken place in their countries.

Since the beginning of the project we have achieved the following:

  • To promote the importance of the Wikimedia projects to make visible Human Rights content from historically excluded communities.
  • We carried out the project in 7 countries of the region, offering over 25 training courses on Human Rights for experts, local organizations and institutions.
  • Accompany and mentor at a global scale to consolidate of an agreement between the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Wikimedia Foundation. This agreement allows chapters and user groups to strengthen Human Rights projects with the support of the United Nations at a local, national and global scale.

In this sense, during 2019 we reached the following milestones:

a) Promoting the debate on Human Rights on Internet & the Wikimedia Movement in the region.

After 4 years carrying out the project at the local and regional level, in 2019 we proposed to open a debate on Human Rights and what role the Wikimedia movement can play. For this, in 2019 we carried out:

I Conference on Human Rights in Digital Environments

In September 2019, we organized the I Conference on Human Rights in Digital Environments with the main objective of gathering people and generating a debate on the role of the Wikimedia projects and Human Rights in digital environments. For this purpose, we summoned leading organizations related to digital rights and leaders of affiliated groups from the region.

Why was this project needed?

  • To open and consolidate the debate around access to free knowledge and Human Rights in Internet.
  • To establish regional networks with organizations and key allies for the promotion and protection of Human Rights
  • To foster contextualized projects with local organizations in each context.

What did we do?

The three day conference was organized along with globally iconic institutions: Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo and IPPDH MERCOSUR (Mercosur’s Institute for Public Policies on Human Rights) and consisted of the following:

  • 1 opening panel with the presence of leading figures in the analysis of the Wikimedia projects, digital media and Human Rights in Internet.   
  • 6 thematic panels with experts and representatives of the Wikimedia movement regarding topics such as internet safety, misinformation, gender, diversity etc. and its relationship with the Wikimedia projects.
  • 2 workshops on Education and Human Rights in the Wikimedia movement.

Which were the qualitative results?

  • 24 speakers participated were involved conference. They belonged to different Human Rights organizations and Wikimedia affiliates from Latin America, Spain and the Caribbean.
  • 20 Latin American and Caribbean organizations actively participated in the panels and workshops
  • 9 of the participating organizations consolidated projects and activities with WikiDDHH thanks to alliances established within the frame of the conference.
  • +200 Latin American and Caribbean participants were present in the three-day conference.
  • 80% of participants were academics, researchers, educators specialized in Human Rights and technologies applied to education.
  • 100% of participants emphasized the importance of the diversity of the selected themes and of the participants that attended the conference.
  • When asked about the collaborative workshops, 100% of participants highlighted the importance of generating networks and connections with other organizations and experts.
  • 100% of those who participated in the collaborative workshops stressed the importance of creating playful and educational dynamics with a participative and Human Rights-oriented approach.
  • 100% of participants found the conference to be an open, safe and looked-after environment in which it was comfortable to debate on Human Rights and sensible topics.

B) Strengthening Wiki Derechos Humanos through strategic partnerships at local, regional and global level.

During 2019, we fostered the following strategic alliances with the objective of consolidating the project:

a) At the local level

We consolidated our local alliances with universities and national organizations. We carried out a WikiDDHH edit-a-thon in three provinces of the North of Argentina. In 2019 the number of local alliances grew to 26 meaning 206 articles improved.

However, we want to highlight our alliances with the UN and with LGBTIQ+ organizations that were key to expand the local content from underrepresented communities and topics:

What did we do?

  • For the first time we forged an alliance with Spotlight Initiative and UN Women to organize a joint training session and an edit-a-thon to create and improve content related to the elimination of violence against women.
  • With Ciclo Positivo and the LGBT+ agency Present as allies, for the first time we organized a training course and an edit-a-thon in the framework of the fight against HIV/AIDS, with activists and journalists who belong to the LGBT+ community.

b) At the regional level

During 2019, we established important alliances with large human rights institutions in the region, such as the General Directorate of Truth, Justice and Reparation in Paraguay and the Museum of Historical Memory of Colombia & Karisma Foundation in Colombia. In both cases, we carried out training and editing workshop in order to to give visibility and create quality content on their justice and memory processes.

What did we do?

  • We trained Human Rights and digital rights organizations in the use of the Wikimedia projects.
  • We established alliances and worked in coordination among Wikimedia Argentina, Wikimedia Colombia, the Karisma Foundation and Movilizando, organizing a WikiDDHH edit-a-thon about armed conflict and environmental damages in Colombia.
  • We mentored Wikimedia Colombia in the consolidation of alliances and joint work agendas.
  • In collaboration with Wikimedia Colombia, we mentored the organizations involved in the use of the Wikimedia projects.

c) At the global level

After two years of work, in 2019 WikiDDHH gained global relevance within the Wikimedia movement. In August 2019, within the frame of Wikimania, an agreement between the UN’s OHCHR and Wikimedia was signed. This implies:

  • More than 6 Human Rights Global Meetings within the Wikimedia movement.
  • Mentoring the development of a movement aligned with the SDGs.
  • Incorporating a Human Rights perspective as part of Wikimedia’s global movement.

What did we do?

  • We led the pilot project in Argentina.
  • We contributed to the signature of the agreement with the UN in Wikimania, where we also organized the first encounter of organizers and volunteers who work on this topic
  • We mentored and supported communities of the entire movement in the implementation of a Human Rights perspective to their projects.
  • Together with the Wikimedia Foundation, we led the first campaign of Human Rights editions with a global outreach.

Which have been the main qualitative results?

  • 60 journalists and 70 activists were trained on good practices of communication related to LGBT+ topics.
  • 187 experts, researchers and activists of Human Rights were trained on how to edit Wikipedia. 70% of participants were new editors.
  • 80% of the incorporated content can be considered as of quality.
  • 100% of participants are experts and promoters of Human Rights in their contexts and they disseminated the activities of our projects at a local level.
  • 80% of participants replied that editing Wikipedia on Human Rights makes their contexts and realities more visible.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year Comments
6 WikiDDHH edit-a-thons 9 5 9 n/a
200 articles 279 101 206 n/a
300 participants 388 272 597 Including participants to the DH Conf
70% diverse content n/a 80% 80% n/a
70% women confortable 75% 100% 100% n/a

Culture and Open Knowledge Program



During 2019 we managed to consolidate a flexible and contextualized program, which has allowed us to continue strengthening new projects and alliances in pursuit of the following objectives:

  • Reducing the existing content gaps guaranteeing the access and creation of diverse quality knowledge
  • Strengthening, consolidating and positioning the work and development of diverse cultural communities in Argentina.
  • Promoting the role of Wikimedia Argentina in advocating for free knowledge.

Diverse Partners


Success: Diversifying partnerships to access to local culture


One of main goals in 2019 has been guaranteeing the access and creation of content that is representative of the Argentine and Latin American cultural diversity.

For this purpose, we have worked in the following way:

a) Forging long-term alliance to gain access to local cultural heritage

2019 was the year of incorporation of large cultural institutions to our program. We signed agreements with long-standing Argentine organizations, that house Argentina's recent history: the University of La Plata, the National Academy of History, the Library of Argentina’s National Congress, the National Academy of Fine Arts and the Memory Park.

How do we work with them?

We work in four main stages:

  • Joint analysis of their cultural heritage: we analyze together the cultural heritage they posses. We prioritize either heritage that requires urgent preservation or what is more significant for the institution and the Argentine society.
  • Provide trainings on open access policies: we train the staff in charge of the archives in open access, free licenses and digitalization processes. During 2019 we held 10 workshops in these institutions for +30 archivists.
  • Provide technical resources & mentoring: through our WIR we evaluate the resources of the institutions and provide them with technical resources on loan. In 2019, thanks to these alliances, we have released +90,000 pages of content regarding our local culture (see our digitizing project information bellow)
  • Adapt, monitor & evaluate: we define a work plan with each institution, adapting ourselves to their possibilities. As soon as they start releasing content, we make monthly reports regarding the impact of their heritage in the Wikimedia projects.

Highlight: Incorporating free culture to the academic world in the National University of La Plata

One of our greatest achievements during 2019 was our agreement with the National University of La Plata (UNLP), not only because this is the first agreement of its kind in Latin America, but also because it opened us the doors to several other cultural institutions such as the Museum of La Plata, the UNLP Radio Station, the Historical Archive and the Public Library.

In this sense, the agreement has allowed us to:

  • Work both with the cultural heritage of a historic institution and with the academic knowledge that it currently produces.
  • Generate a work schedule with long-term goals that are suitable for each work area.
  • Incorporate the Wikimedia projects beyond Wikipedia as part of their daily work.

What did we do during 2019?

  • WIR: we incorporated a new WIR in charge of promoting free culture as a policy in the institution.
  • Reduction of content gaps: we have incorporated local knowledge related to Argentine science, history and literature that is relevant for the Wikimedia projects, especially in Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons.
  • Mentoring and Training Courses: we organized the I OPEN GLAM event that involved 60 cultural referents to discuss the way in which the Wikimedia projects could be part of their workflows. We also offered customized training courses in the Museum of Dental Science, Museum of Agricultural Science, Museum of Physics, Museum of La Plata, Museum of Musical Instruments and one in-person course for librarians of the UNLP Library, that meant 40 experts trained.
  • Edit-a-thons: we organized edit-a-thons with different academic units in order to incorporate new content with the Museum of La Plata, the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Exact Sciences, the UNLP’s Network of Museums.

Which have been our results, so far?

  • We trained 210 people, including academics, librarians and researchers.
  • Over 10.567 pages have been created and improved in Wikidata, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.

b) Making available cultural content through archives and libraries

We continued strengthening our alliances with archives and libraries with a triple purpose:

  • making their local cultural heritage accessible
  • protecting heritage at risk and making it a priority
  • strengthening and mentoring the work of those communities

What did we do 2019?

a) Digitization project

During 2019, the digitization project expanded aimed to:

  • Prioritizing and expanding the project to archives and institutions that have limited resources
  • Making available unique content of the Argentinean history.

What actions have we taken?

  • Expanding our outreach: our alliances increased by 25% during 2019. We have actively worked with the Argentine Academy of Letters, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Library of the Legislature of Buenos Aires Province, Circe Library, and we have incorporated two new counterparts: the National Academy of History and the National Academy of Fine Arts.
  • Providing necessary resources: we mentored and provided resources for more institutions than ever. In this sense, we have trained 30 people in digitization and we have provided 3 scanners on gratuitous loan.  
  • Incorporating unique content: we focussed our efforts in digitizing damaged and unkempt local heritage from the institutions with the purpose of safeguarding it. +90% of the digitized content can be classified as local culture at risk.
  • Content released: we released 96,559 content by 6 institutions.
  • Positioning the digitization project beyond Argentina: we trained 30 archivists in Paraguay. As a result, the final report of Paraguay’s Commission for Truth and Justice has been released. Its 8 volumes are now available in Wikimedia Commons. Also, we began to release part of its photographic archive, in particular the May 14 collection that exhibits the movement that attempted to overthrow the dictatorship of General Alfredo Stroessner.

b) Libraries

During 2019, our work with libraries has grown more than ever. We incorporated new counterparts and we continued strengthening our work at a regional scale, with the following purposes:

  • Generating and strengthening the community of allied librarians at a local level.
  • Making accessible and disseminating the libraries’ collections, cultural heritage and the work of librarians in Wikipedia in Spanish.

What actions have we taken?

  • Consolidating alliances: we consolidated our alliances with the Institute of Superior and Technical Training, the Public Library of the University of La Plata, the degree of Library Science of the UNLP and the CAICYT CONICET (local office of ISBN).
  • Training Librarians: we offered training courses for librarians on free culture, digital archives and the use of the Wikimedia projects in their work spaces. We organized activities in the provinces of Córdoba, Neuquén, the cities of La Plata and Buenos Aires. As a result of these  activities, we trained 202 librarians. This is a 100% increase, compared to 2018.
  • Consolidating projects: we have consolidated 1bib1ref project, at a national and regional scale. Besides we have started to establish our work with Wikidata in libraries.
  • Creating quality content: our work resulted in 522 articles created and improved by librarians.

c) Creating locally relevant content through alliances with governmental and civil society organizations

During 2019, we continued working to reduce content gaps in the Wikimedia projects and making locally relevant content visible for the following reasons:

  • It allows us to adapt the program to our context and engage local communities as part of Wikimedia Argentina
  • We reduce content and information gaps that are important to the Argentine society.

What did we do 2019?

We worked with a diverse range of cultural, civil and governmental partners on very diverse topics:

Partner Activity Topics Impact
Fundación Espigas Workshop Latin American Art Involve a community of experts as editors
Dirección General de Verdad, Justicia y Reparación Workshop + Material Release Human Rights Quality content improved
Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación Edit-a-thon + Material Release Culture and Gender Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content improved

SEDRONAR Workshop Current Issues Involve a community of experts as editors
CAICYT Workshop + Material Release + Webinar Current Issues Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content improved

Universidad Nacional de la Plata Workshop + 1bib1ref Current Issues Involve a community of experts as editors.
Directorio Legislativo Data base release Current Issues Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content improved

Médicos sin Fronteras Webinar Current Issues Involve a community of experts as editors.
Subsecretaría de las mujeres de Neuquén Edit-a-thon + Material Release Gender Involve a community of experts as editors.
Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Nación Edit-a-thon Gender and Science Involve a community of experts as editors.
Universidad General Sarmiento Edit-a-thon and Material Release Gender and Science Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content released.

UTN - Regional Campana Edit-a-thon Gender and Science Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content released.

CONFEDI Edit-a-thon Gender and Science Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content released.

L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Material Release Gender and Science Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content released.

Museo Estación Cultural Lucinda Larrosa Material Release Local culture Quality content improved
CAREF (Comisión Argentina para Refugiados y Migrantes) Workshop and Edit-a-thon Local culture Involve a community of experts as editors.
Open House Buenos Aires 2 Trainings + photo contest Local culture Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content improved.

Open House Rosario 2 Trainings + photo contest Local culture Involve a community of experts as editors.

Quality content improved.

As a result, we partnered with 11 cultural, civil and governmental institutions, we trained 511 people on free licenses and 10 institutions released locally relevant content for the first time (meaning 2239 files)

Highlight: Making women scientists visible on Wikipedia

In 2019 we have continued working on science & gender for two main reasons:

  • Women scientists are one of the most underrepresented groups on Spanish wikipedia
  • The topic that has been on the public agenda throughout 2019 and has allowed us to create new and quality content

What did we do during 2019?

  • Engage our online community: we organized several contests with the purpose of improving content related to Latin American women scientists that resulted in over +500 created and improved articles.
  • Create educational projects: we designed an online platform with educational and statistical resources regarding the situation of women scientists in Wikipedia, available for schools, organizations and institutions outside the community of editors.
  • Positioning WMAR in strategic spaces:  we organized 6 edit-a-thons in different cities, we offered 4 talks and we mentored 2 different communities of women.
  • Strengthening partnerships: We worked with different partners involved in gender and science like Argentine network of gender, science and technology (RAGCYT), Federal Council of Deans of Engineering (CONFEDI), National Technological University (UTN).

Which have been our results, so far?

  • We created and improved 717 articles, meaning a 18% of content increase in Wikipedia
  • We engaged 310 editors in 2019, 70 new.

What results did we achieve, beyond the numbers?

  • Establishing long-term alliances allow us to institutionalize free culture as a policy inside institutions that have been very conservative historically.
  • Gaining access and releasing locally relevant cultural content that is currently missing in the Wikimedia projects, especially regarding Argentine and Latin American history, Latin American art, sciences and Human Rights.
  • Strengthening our alliances with all Argentine cultural sectors - librarians, archivists, civil society cultural organizations and government.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
Promote the free culture in 10 institutions 13 7 10 2204 documents released
300 new cultural leaders involved in our cultural program 632* 367 511 n/a
5 cultural communities New target 3 5 NGOs - Data Scientists- Government organizations-Librarians- Photographers
2 new GLAM cultural partners n/a 2 4 Universidad de La Plata - Academia Nacional de Historia - Parque de la Memoria - Biblioteca del Congreso
Number of editors involved (700) 328 318 750 Women editors: 310
Content improved/created besides digitizing project: n/a 12676 22005 n/a
Content improved/created: digitizing project 441 (123,556 pages uploaded to commons) 185 books (52,519 pages uploaded to commons)
375 books* (96559 pages uploaded to commons)

340 items in Wikidata.

Wikipedia page views 9,411,474 1,784,072 9.784.970 n/a
% of diverse content release New target 90% 90% Our strategic lines of work are oriented to free content of Argentine popular culture

Gating factor: Partnerships during the electoral period


2019 was a year marked by Argentina’s electoral calendar. This circumstance is key to understand the development and performance our cultural program which has been affected by the following challenges:

  • End of a government period
  • Lack of budget and human resources

However and despite the situation we managed to strengthening new projects and alliances through strategies such as:

  • Establish long standing partnerships : signing agreements can be key to maintaining the pace of work during an election year. Although in Argentina and in many Latin American countries work is done with a certain amount of informality, in election years, formalizing relations is a good strategy to guarantee the continuity of the work.
  • Establish long-term working agendas: working on long-term goals helps to keep some of the work active during the months of change.
  • Make the work done visible more than ever: generating reports on the work done is essential to be able to continue it when there is a change at the management level.
  • Involve more references in the project: generally, our program has a reference that leads and coordinates our projects within the institutions. Expanding and involving more cultural references is fundamental to ensure project continuity, especially in Argentina, where a change of government is always accompanied by a change of management.
  • Expand the diversity of partners: partnering with other cultural institution beyond GLAM to furthering our cultural projects.

Free Knowledge Awareness


Success: Promotion & access to free knowledge


During 2019, continued working to:

  • to position Wikimedia Argentina as a legitimate actor in the defense and promotion of digital rights at a local and regional level.
  • to promote the access to free knowledge in an equitable way for all the Argentinean society.

To this end, during 2019 we have worked as follows:

a) Advocate for free knowledge

During 2019 we continued our work on advocacy with local and regional scope with the following goals:

  • to promote WMAR as a respected interlocutor regarding public policy.
  • to promote the role of the Wikimedia projects as allies on matters of Human Rights in Internet.

What did we do during 2019?

  • Strengthen local alliances: we kept working with CC Argentina and Fundación Via Libre, organizing regular encounters regarding a common agenda. Together we worked with national representatives as senators that lead changes on intellectual property and copyright laws, particularly regarding the new European Directive.
  • Develop new strategic partnerships: we worked with the Spanish collective Akelarre Ciberfeminista, R3D (Mexican Network for the Defense of Digital Rights) Uruguay’s Artica Online and Karisma from Colombia in matters related to the European Copyright directive that might affect us as a region.
  • Accessing to new communities: we have continued to boost digital rights trainings locally and regionally. We carried out 6 webinars about internet safety, Digital Rights and Access to culture in digital environments. Over +200 people enrolled in the series of webinars. 200 were in-person participants and 700 were subsequent views, from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico and Spain.
  • Participate in strategic forums: 2019 was the year in which we participated in more advocacy spaces both locally and outside Argentina, such Argentina Abierta the Internet Day or the regional meeting on the European directive at the IGF in Berlin, were we got full scholarship from Karisma to assist to the encounter.

b) Promote access to free knowledge

We have realized that as important as to advocate for free knowledge is to promote access to knowledge, ensuring as much as possible, that Argentine society as a whole has the possibility to enjoy it, regardless of its resources. This is important because:

  • although access to culture is a human right, it is not equitable for the whole of Argentine society.
  • the possibilities of access to culture in Argentina are largely determined by where you live and the resources you have.
  • this limits the access to the Argentinean history and culture for a part of the society.

Therefore, during 2019 we developed a pilot project with the aim of bringing culture and free knowledge to communities in provinces with limited access to the Internet

What did we do during 2019?

  • Alliance with UNESCO: we decided to carry out a project -the Archive in the classroom- of filling pendrives with content related to Argentine culture and released by Wikimedia Argentina, to disseminate it in educational spaces.
  • Design of educational proposals: we selected appropriate content according to the curricular programs of elementary schools and high schools, so it can be used in the classrooms. Also, we designed an activity book to use the content by the educators of all levels.
  • National reach: we have managed to reach 90 rural schools from Argentina.
  • Participate in strategic forums: we participated in different conferences to promote the potential of working with free cultural heritages. As an example we were present at the National Conference of Librarians organized by ABGRA or the Conference of Digital Libraries where we presented this new proposal.

What results did we achieve, beyond the numbers?

  • Connect with diverse new partners: our advocacy work has opened us the possibility to work with partners outside the traditional cultural spectrum, dealing with present-day issues.
  • Consolidating high level partnerships: working in advocacy and access to free knowledge has given us the possibility to consolidate great partners. Beyond regional digital rights organizations, working with UNESCO opens up the possibility of scaling up our project beyond Argentina, an opportunity we are currently exploring.

Main results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
Involving 200 trained on digital rights 172 94 204 +700 views after
5 new partners n/a 3 5 Unesco - Karisma - Aquellare Ciberfeminista - R3D - Artica Online, Fundación Via Libre.
30 volunteers involved n/a n/a n/a Cancelled due to the electoral year
Reach n/a n/a n/a Cancelled due to the electoral year

Gating factor: Wikipedia en debate & media crisis


The election year impacted on our culture program and this made it impossible for some programmed activities to be carried out for the following reasons:

  • The public agenda prioritized a number of issues that forced us to change our schedule.
  • Argentina is an ideologically divided country. As a consequence we suffered a lot of media pressure from different political tendencies accusing us of bias in the content of Wikipedia. This situation lasted at least 6 months.

For these reasons one of our major projects for 2018 - Wikipedia in debate - was postponed. We also postponed activities on disinformation and fake news, a line of work that we have been promoting since 2017. While these were complex decisions, we believe that they were correct because of the way the conflict was escalating in some mass media in Argentina.

Still, it was a great learning process and we strengthened even more the relationship with our partners at the local and regional level. As a results, during 2020 we will continue developing this line of work rethought as trainings for citizens on the use of Wikipedia as a source of information along with other Wikimedia affiliates and regional partners.

Community Building Program



During 2019 the community program focused on strengthening and growing the local community based on three objectives:

  • Expanding and building a motivated community as part of WMAR.
  • Defining new volunteer opportunities to build a more diverse and inclusive community.
  • Reaching out expert communities with the aim of creating of new content, locally relevant to the Argentine society.

Building communities


Success: expanding, supporting & strengthening local and regional communities


During 2019 we have continued to work to incorporate new members as part of our community and to provide the necessary support to those who are already part of it both locally and regionally. In order to do so, we have implemented the following strategies:

a) Expanding themed communities

2019 has been the year in which our themed communities consolidated. This implies the continuity of work groups and also thinking about our role when supporting and mentoring communities. Also, our communities have not been unconnected from the local context and agenda, which has forced us to rethink activities and strategies along the year. Despite these challenges, working with themed communities has allowed us to:

  • Generate stable bonds among volunteers with similar affinities.
  • Engaging relatively new volunteers to become established members of the community
  • Position communities as referents in their areas of expertise.

In this sense, during 2019 we worked with themed communities in the following way:

What have we done in 2019?

Community Activities Results
Photographers community
77 volunteers involved

6854 new images

4 projects mentored and supported

Gender Community
  • Monthly encounters to edit Wikipedia with a gender  perspective
  • Photo campaigns.
  • Trainings on gender and technologies
161 participants

293 articles improved or created

Litoral Community
  • Photographic coverage of the women's movement in Santa Fe and Paraná
  • Collaborative communication workshops for journalists.
  • Collaborative photography workshops.
  • Projects mentoring and support
17 volunteers involved

1564 articles improved or created

  • Participation in conferences
  • Editing meetings
  • Workshops
  • Elaboration of materials in Spanish.
  • Support to the Spanish Wikidata Telegram
28 volunteers involved

1713 articles improved o created

7 offline meetings

88 participants in the Spanish Telegram group

What have we learnt after four years of working with themed communities?

Even though this strategy was born as an answer to the needs of our community, it has also allowed us to create a sense of belonging for long-standing and new members and generate direct impact on the construction, not only of equitable bonds among groups members, but also of self-sustainable communities.

How have we achieved this?

These last years, we have worked in the following way:

  • Decentralization of leadership: we identified new leaders and decentralized power and decision-making processes. This has allowed us to provide support to communities while also mentoring and strengthening new leaders.
  • Co-creation of strategies: we have worked with each group in the definition of their strategy. We have adapted our work to the interests and demands of each community and we have guaranteed access to the needed resources.
  • Flexibility: keeping our schedule open, flexible and adaptable has been essential. Argentine society, and therefore our community as well, moves to the rhythm of the social agenda. In order to maintain interest in our mission, it is key to regularly evaluate, support new projects and mentor changes, even if in some cases this represents a change in our goals.
  • Contextualizing our support: it is important to define what we want to do, with whom we are going to do it, for what and how. This evaluation allow us not only to design projects according to the context of the communities involved but to evaluate the local context in advance in order to obtain the expected results.

b) Supporting our long-standing community

In the activities organized by Wikimedia Argentina and by our communities, 80% of participants are new editors. This is essential to incorporate diversity, new roles and profiles, but it is also a challenge regarding our long-standing community of editors. They are a priority community for the program: their work is fundamental for the growth and quality of the Wikimedia projects. For this purpose:

  • We designed specific activities that boost their work in the Wikimedia projects
  • We guarantee access to resources and support.

What did we do during 2019 to support this community?

  • Call for projects: we launched a call for projects, to support and give room to their projects and ideas. In 2019 we supported 4 projects lead by our long-standing community.
  • Activities that suit their interests: during 2019 we organized 9 activities, engaging 45 editors.
  • Community getting-together: we organized 3 encounters, in which 123 editors participated. This also helps reduce the gap between long-standing and new editors.
  • Acknowledgement: we incorporate their work to our designs and merchandising as a way to acknowledge and appreciate their efforts.

Why are these actions important?

  • To strengthen the sense of belonging to WMAR.
  • To reduce the gap that in many cases separates the online community from the newer volunteer's members of Wikimedia Argentina
  • To generate meeting spaces for the transfer of knowledge among long-standing and new editors.

c) Strengthening bonds with communities of the region

During 2019, we worked at a regional scale with two objectives:

  • Supporting the creation of new communities and boosting existing ones
  • Strengthening bonds with communities of the region.

Accompanying a newly formed community in Paraguay

We continued working to promote the development of a community of editors in Paraguay, a project that began two years ago and has progressed hugely during 2019.

Why have we undertaken this project?

  • Paraguay is one of the countries in South America without an active community of editors.
  • The current content gap on Paraguay and particularly on Paraguayan women is very big in Wikipedia. Paraguayan women represent 7% of the content vs 18 % of Argentine women, for example.
  • There is a strong and organized feminist movement with which we can work to make the history of Paraguayan women visible in Wikipedia.
  • Paraguay’s official language is Guarani, so promoting the development of a community of women editors can boost the growth of Paraguayan content in its native language.

What action did we take in 2019?

  • Alliances: we consolidated alliances with 6 local organizations.
  • Outreach workshops: We carried out 3 talks for 74 participants regarding the Wikimedia projects and the gender gap in Wikipedia.
  • Edit-a-thons: We help to organize 5 gender edit-a-thons, engaging 23 editors and +40 new content regarding Paraguayan women.

As a result:

  • we help develop and support the emerging community of women editors in Paraguay. The group currently has 15 active women editors who get together regularly.
  • we help engage new women leaders within the movement. One of these leaders got a full scholarship to attend to the Queer Conference in Austria, becoming the first Paraguayan woman to attend a Wikimedia event (before that was canceled for the Coronavirus pandemia).

Strengthening bonds with the region

During 2019, we continued working to strengthen bonds and communities in the region with a double purpose:

  • Disseminating and expanding the outreach of the projects we carry out at a regional level
  • Identify potential new communities in the region

What did we do in 2019?

a) Training workshops: we organized 5 training workshops on how to work with the Wikimedia projects, involving Wikimedians from 5 different countries and training 67 people. The webinars came about in response to the need for training of the community. To do so:

  • we surveyed training needs among those who organize events on the Wikimedia projects
  • we designed 5 meetings that respond to the common themes and problems as editing in Wikipedia, how to communicate with the online community, how to organize editing workshops etc.
b) Outreach workshops: we have held 4 outreach workshops in 6 Latin American countries in order to identify new communities interested in the Wikimedia projects. As a result, beyond Paraguay, today we are mentoring El Salvador, country that has a newly born community established.

What results did we achieve, beyond the numbers?

  • We generated specific exchange spaces for each community that allowed us to develop more stable bonds among the volunteers.
  • We position Wikimedia Argentina as a flexible organization willing to develop diverse activities according to the multiple interests of our volunteers.
  • We have worked to continue promoting the growth of communities in the region and -above all- of smaller groups and their leaders, so they gain leadership spaces within the movement.
  • We generated innovative proposals to expand our outreach to new counterparts, with the purpose of promoting the potential development of new communities in the region.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress End of year (projected or actual) Comments
Established communities
40 engaged volunteers. n/a 37 45 n/a
At least 15 of them women or as of LGBTI's collectives n/a 97 107 n/a
4000 improved/created articles 69117
8112 12750 Mainly in commons
80% feels supported and describe WMAR as an inclusive organization where is easy to participate. 80% feels supported and describe WMAR as an inclusive organization where is easy to participate. n/a 90% 90% n/a
New communities
2 new communities 2 2 2 n/a
30 new members n/a 36 42 n/a
At least 15 are women or as of LGBTIQ+. n/a 26 27 n/a
5 new alliances n/ 3 7 n/a

Gating factors: Retention & Gender community


During 2019 we had two major challenges within our community program:

a) Adapting to the needs of the gender community

b) The challenge of retaining webinar participants

What did we do in 2019?

a) During 2019 we continue to hold our monthly editing meetings, and the edit-a-thons with a gender perspective. Unlike other communities, the gender community has the particularity that those who participate are not just active editors within the Wikimedia projects, but are activists who seek to make visible the role of women in history within the Wikimedia projects. In this sense, the monthly editing space gradually lost strength and the most powerful activities ended up being those that we coordinated together with civil society organizations to work on issues of the gender agenda beyond the biographies.

b) Webinars are a great tool for outreach but in the case of the community program - where our goal was to involve potential communities - it has been complex to retain participants actively. In this sense, webinars worked very well to strengthen the leadership and learning of established regional communities, while customized trainings have generated better results for new communities.

What are we going to do in 2020 to meet these challenges?

  • strengthen the links with gender organizations and their communities to further develop activities.
  • expand the editing topics beyond women's biographies, according to the interests and expertise of the women involved.
  • promote more tailored training with potential new communities at the regional level, to accompany them according to their pace and needs.

Diversifying our community


Success: Involving diverse social actors as creators of locally relevant knowledge


One of our greatest objectives was to work with local experts & civil society organizations' communities on important subjects for the Argentine society, with the following purposes:

  • promoting and positioning Wikimedia projects as a useful tool for all citizens
  • engaging experts in the creation of locally relevant content

During 2019 we have worked in the following way:

  • Identifying interests: we analyzed Argentina’s social agenda and carried out activities and alliances with organizations that answer to the identified interests.
  • Prioritizing themes: we defined areas of interests according to WMAR’s strategic planning.
  • Strategic alliances: we generated alliances with civil society organizations and social movements.
  • New editors: we identified specific audiences in order to engage them as new editors.
  • Customized activities: we developed projects according to each topic, audience and organization.

What did we do in 2019?

  • We trained 7 civil society organizations in the use of the Wikimedia projects: ACIJ, Fundación Huésped, MINU, Red de Comunicadoras del Chaco, PADF, Ciclo Positivo, Spotlight.
  • We mentored 3 civil society communities so they can put the Wikimedia projects into practice as part of their own projects.
  • We organized 11 activities with 175 experts and activists to improve articles on  themes that are key for the society.

Why is this work important?

Our current and future community participates in our activities if it feels implicated by a cause and thinks invested time has an impact. Even though this implies keeping a flexible and adaptable work schedule, this allows us to continue expanding our community and legitimizing the Wikimedia projects as a space to access local information that is of interest both for citizens and for our counterparts.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress End of year (projected or actual) Comments
250 people from outside the Wikimedia movement trained or participating in our community activities. n/a 108 273 n/a
65% women/LGBTIQ+. n/a 51% 50% n/a
Engage 25 new participants as volunteers (retention) n/a 19 35 n/a
80% of the participants consider that the Wikimedia projects are a fundamental tool of citizen construction and / or the projects of the program respond to their needs and interests. n/a 100% 100% n/a

Learning: Why organizing activities even if they don’t produce great quantitative results in the Wikimedia projects?

We understand the wear and tear of organizing activities that in theory don’t produce great quantitative results, however, we believe that by doing them we highly improve the outreach of our projects. Leading this kind of projects opens doors to new people and organizations that we didn’t know before and at the same time it positions WMAR as a strategic ally to generate locally relevant and quality content.

As we have stated in previous reports, WMAR considers its community to be composed not only of people who edit, but also of those who articulate with us creating new connections, sharing ideas and those who share our ideals and stand for them in their own communities. This allows us to diversify our community with new profiles, just as important as the editors who create content, as was also pointed out in the WMF report on Movement Organizers.

The Wikimedia Movement development & WMAR


Success: Iberocoop & Wikimedia strategy process


During 2019 we have continued to support the development of a stronger Wikimedia movement. Some of our actions can be found in the progress report . However we found important to highlight the following:

a) Mentoring and accompanying established communities in the region

We continued accompanying and transferring knowledge and learnings to mentor the development of established regional communities in the following way:

  • Mentoring program for EDs: we accompanied Wikimedia México and Wikimedia Chile in the training process of their new Executive Directors with mentoring programs in Chile and Buenos Aires. Besides resources and expertises, we helped involving them as part of the EDs group and we have established channels of everyday communication in order to coordinate joint actions and support each other within the Wikimedia movement.
  • Support on projects development: we have transferred our experience and knowledge, mentored alliances and offered resources - human, technical and financial- to communities in Venezuela, Colombia and Spain.

b) Supporting the strategy process

We have been actively involved in the strategy process throughout 2019 in different roles such as:

  • Part of the Roles and Responsibilities working group in which we perform coordination tasks.
  • Group representative during the Harmonization Sprint in Tunisia
  • Co design the post Tunisia meeting process
  • We took part of the writers group, also attending the face-to-face working meeting in Berlin for a week.
  • Subsequent involvement in the drafting of the recommendations during the month of December and January, until their publication.
  • Coordination of meetings with the regional groups.
  • Community feedback incorporation and final drafting of the recommendations at the NY meeting.

Throughout the process we have always tried not only to bring the Latin American perspective to the decision-making spaces but also to communicate the development of the process to our colleagues in the region.

We are committed to continue promoting the region's involvement in the strategy phase. However, it is necessary to allocate the necessary resources to guarantee the involvement of movement's diverse communities as it is required for the next phase, where we will really implement the proposed change. It is almost impossible to do it successfully without supporting and guaranteeing the necessary resources for it.

Revenues received during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
FDC grant USD USD 279.784 USD 163.162 USD 0 USD 0 USD 116.532 USD 279.694 USD 279.784 USD 279.694 n/a
Canada Fund- Sexual diversity inclusive communication project USD USD 10.618 ARS 10.618 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 0 USD 10.618 USD 10.618 USD 10.618 n/a
Total RevenuesOriginal budgeted sources USD USD 290.401 USD 173.780 USD 0 USD 0 USD 116.532 USD 290.312 USD 290.401 USD 290.312 n/a
Membership fees ARS USD 0 ARS 0 ARS 3.842 ARS 0 ARS 3.842 ARS 7.684 USD 0 USD 159 This income was not incorporated in the previous budget. We used it for Administration Expensses.
In-kind donations ARS ARS 205.000 ARS 139.500 ARS 139.500 ARS 92.500 ARS 185.000 ARS 556.500 USD 5.000 USD 12.427 n/a
Ministry of culture - City of Buenos Aires ARS ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 176.000 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 176.000 USD 0 USD 4.632 This income was not incorporated in the previous budget. It was used in the digitalization project of the Culture & Open Knolowdge program.
Facultad de Información y Comunicación - City of Uruguay ARS ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 36.518 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 36.518 USD 0 USD 961 This income was not incorporated in the previous budget. It was used in the Education program.
Pan American Development Foundation - City of Buenos Aires ARS ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 101.439 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 101.439 USD 0 USD 2.669 This income was not incorporated in the previous budget. It was used in the Community Support program.
Total Revenues ARS ARS 10.078.651 ARS 6.743.139 ARS 457.299 ARS 92.500 ARS 188.842 ARS 7.481.780 USD 295.401 USD 311.161 The main reason for the variance was a higher income donation than expected.

Spending during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Percentage spent to date ARS Explanation of variances from plan
Staff Expenses ARS ARS 5.235.588 ARS 1.288.737 ARS 889.651 ARS 1.817.634 ARS 1.746.421 ARS 5.742.442 USD 127.697 USD 124.129 97,2% 109,7% High inflation and an even higher devaluation leads prices in ARS be higher than expected, but prices in USD lower than expected. Thus, over execution in ARS and under execution in USD
General Administration ARS ARS 1.350.000 ARS 333.951 ARS 473.460 ARS 434.953 ARS 615.247 ARS 1.857.612 USD 32.927 USD 40.303 122,4% 137,6% During 2019 the prices of services such as light and renting, grew much faster than the rest of the prices (there was a stept reduction in subsidies of public services due to the fiscal deficit)
Education program ARS ARS 1.758.587 ARS 415.406 ARS 261.771 ARS 550.632 ARS 317.548 ARS 1.545.357 USD 42.892 USD 34.930 81,4% 87,9% Since the Buenos Aires Conference was directly linked with this program, many resources (including human) during some months of the last semester were used in that program.
Culture & Open Knowledge Program ARS ARS 1.155.750 ARS 227.910 ARS 154.971 ARS 216.400 ARS 638.904 ARS 1.238.185 USD 28.189 USD 24.790 87,9% 107,1% We recieved unexpected incomes for this project which rised the amount to spend higher.
Community Support program ARS ARS 1.004.665 ARS 181.121 ARS 261.611 ARS 150.128 ARS 499.792 ARS 1.092.653 USD 24.504 USD 22.787 93,0% 108,8% We recieved unexpected incomes for this project which rised the amount to spend higher.
Buenos Aires Human Rights Conference* ARS ARS 1.401.872 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 1.359.590 ARS 9.053 ARS 1.368.643 USD 27.242 USD 27.329 100,3% 122,5% High inflation and an even higher devaluation leads prices in ARS be higher than expected, but prices in USD lower than expected. Thus, over execution in ARS and under execution in USD
Wikimedia Movement ARS ARS 284.950 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 0 USD 6.950 USD 0 0,0% 0,0% WMF paid for travel to attend strategy meetings
In-kind donations ARS ARS 205.000 ARS 139.500 ARS 139.500 ARS 92.500 ARS 185.000 ARS 556.500 USD 5.000 USD 12.427 248,5% 271,5%
TOTAL ARS ARS 12.396.411 ARS 2.586.624 ARS 2.180.964 ARS 4.621.838 ARS 4.011.965 ARS 13.401.391 USD 295.401 USD 286.695 97,1% 107,9% High inflation and an even higher devaluation leads prices in ARS be higher than expected, but prices in USD lower than expected. Thus, over execution in ARS and under execution in USD

Exchange Rate Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
ARS for 1 USD ARS 34,00 ARS 38,00 ARS 50,00 ARS 66,00
ARS 36,00 ARS 58,00



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As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".


Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".



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Resources to plan for measurement


Resources for storytelling
