Grants:APG/Proposals/2018-2019 round 1/Wikimedia Czech Republic/Progress report form
Purpose of the report
editThis form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing grant metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.
Metrics and results overview - all programs
editWe are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Grant Metrics. We understand not all Grant or grantee-defined Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and
- Next to each required metric, list the outcome/results achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
- In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success
For more information and a sample, see Grant Metrics.
METRIC AND RESULTS OVERVIEW | A. EDUcation Program | B. Multimedia Programs | C. Wikidata & TECH programy | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. number of total participants | 720 | 61 | 239 | 1020 | EDU: in comparison to overall benchmark of 375 for the entire year, we are at the moment way above the set nr.
MG+WPC: We have 13 active photographers in MG activity and 1 in WPC activity. We didn't achieve 5 active users of WPC, because of its postponing. We didn't set the goal for Mediagrant. We have decided not to develop this activity further. GLAM: Two editathons in which participated 48 persons. Mid-term aim (20) fulfilled. Wikidata/Tech: Most of these were Wikimedia Hackathon participants, other events were less participant-heavy. |
2. number of newly registered users | 270 | 30 | 3 | 303 | EDU: By the time of mid-term evaluation, we are close to reach the amount set for entire year, which was established at the level 280.
MG+WPC: Mediagrant hasn't been attracting almost any new people last years. Moreover, the original members are leaving the movement (29 of them were active last year). It was one of the reasons for creating WCP activity, which should be more welcoming for photographers. We didn't achieve the planned amount of 5 new users for the first half a year, because of postponing WPC. GLAM: to turm focus of our editathons on beginners became a profitable strategy, 30 people is much more than we imagined. The aim was 15. Wikidata/Tech: We don't focus much on educating new editors at the moment, which can be seen in the low number of newly registered. Most new Wikidata enthusiasts had already edited Wikimedia projects before. |
3. number of content pages created or improved, across all Wikimedia projects | 1791 | 20375 | 46676 | 68842 | EDU: The overall nr. consists of content pages from Wikipedias, Wikidata and Images from Wikipedia Commons in total. The overall nr. for the year was set on the level of 2610, so by mid-term, we are already above half of the quorum.
MG+WPC: Nr. consists of new or edited WP, WD and WC pages. We haven't achieved the goal of 5,000 content pages because of postponing WPC. GLAM: Nr. consists of new WC and new or edited WP pages. Special thanks to the Prague City Hall's donation, which considerably have exceeded the mid-term aim set at 5,000. Wikidata/Tech: Certainly, robotic tools enable to reach great numbers of content pages edited. Most were either "authority items" of the National Library, Bibliography of Czech History database or small heritage items. |
4. Number of active GLAM cooperations | 34 | 9 | 14 | 57 | EDU: Universities (6), (high)schools (3), Libraries (8), NGOs (4), Foundations (2), professional networks/guilds (6), Others (5)
GLAM: U.S. Embassy, American center, Embassy od Sweden, Embassy of Canada, Goethe-Institut in Prague, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague City Hall, Prague Zoo Advocacy: IuRe, EduIn Wikidata/Tech: National Technical Library, National Library, Faculty of Math and Physics, DrobnePamatky database, Krizky a Vetrelci database, University of Palacky in Olomouc, Wikiskripta, TDKIV database, Pamet naroda database, Library database of the National Library, National Heritage Institute, Prazdnedomy database, Bibliography of Czech Lands database, Czechitas |
5. Number of events | 32 | 2 | 3 | 37 | EDU: Training cycle SePW (6 lectures), Training cycle Librarians (3 courses/lectures), Tech (with) Wiki, Wikiclubs, festivals, lecturers meet up
GLAM: editathons WikiGap and Shared Cities in Prague Wikidata/Tech: Wikimedia Hackathon, Wikidata workshop, Wikiskripta lecture |
OTHER PROGRAM METRICː | A. EDUcation Program | B. Multimedia Programs | C. Wikidata & TECH programy | ||
6. Bytes added (edu) | 1870490 | EDU: bytes added from all educational events except wikiclubs, since Wiki Education Dashboard is not use to measure wikiclubs. | |||
7. Mediagrant+WPC: Number of files used on Wikimedia projects (Distinct files used) | 1533 | It means the distinct files on Wikimedia Commons used in at least one Wikimedia projects. | |||
8. WPC: Number of newly illustrated Wikidata items | 229 | ||||
9. Number of gained and on Commons uploaded files within the GLAM cooperation | 6817 | ||||
10. Number of GLAM files used on Wikipedia (Total files used) | 144 | Total number of usage of files gained within GLAM cooperations in all the Wikimedia projects. | |||
11. Number of GLAM institutions, that response to our contact | 8 | Our plan is to regularly address the Czech institutions. This number represents nr. of institutions which responded (regardless of their interest). |
Telling your program stories - all programs
editPlease tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.
- We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
- Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
- We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
- We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
- You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
A. EDUcation Programs

A. EDUcation Programs | |||
Description: EDUcation Program is a part of the association's activities to expand awareness of Wikimedia projects and also the active Czech community. The main target groups are youth, students, and seniors. In addition to organizing courses, we also provide support for creation of target groups for shared or supported editing - such as themed editing or wiki clubs. | |||
1. Seniors Write Wikipedia | |||
Description: SWW’s activities are aimed at addressing a target group of seniors who, with their knowledge and experience, can become Wikipedia editors.
Seniors are addressed at our regular courses directly and indirectly through local libraries, where they can attend courses led by librarians. Because of this, we also try to educate librarians in editing and conducting courses.
SWW has great PR potential, because it enables us to promote the activities of WMCR and thereby further promote the meaning of Wikimedia projects. | |||
Medium term goals
Comments (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
1. | Involve more librarians so that the programme can be more widely disseminated. | We are encountering success stories such as in České Budějovice where a former participant of course for Seniors actually became member of our lecturer team. | The main promotion activity to get more librarians and libraries involved is Wiki Week with Libraries based on their already well established practise - it will take place in week commencing 30/9/2019 |
2. | |||
Activity Development Plan
Progress (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
a. | a) More emphasis put on the development of library courses.
There is a separate system of education for Librarians: i) Basics editing course - the broadest target group ii) Editing workshop - a follow-up course for deepening knowledge from the basics of editing iii) How to teach seniors to edit Wikipedia - a specific course for the librarians, who would like to organize local senior courses |
The courses as described are up and running and except librarians, they as well attract other target groups - the general public, social workers, NGO representatives, teachers. One (3rd) cycle took place in spring. | 4th cycle of the Librarian course is set and planned for September/October, the promotion has been partially done already. We have planned some few smaller events or single trainings in cooperation with local libraries. |
b. | b) Follow up activities for Librarians | Follow up activities are mainly oriented on keeping librarians involved in delivering their own activities after courses. Main support measure we identified was mentoring offer once they finish courses. Since in spring we offered it only on a voluntary basis, there was no interest from the librarians’ side to use this service. | Mentoring will be implemented as a compulsory part of the training cycle starting with autumn - to be tested as the pilot version and evaluated. Wiki Week with Libraries will be implemented, during which individual librarians can get involved and create content about their own library or town. |
c. | c) The formation of a lecturer's team - a team of external collaborators who are able to teach about Wikimedia projects - paid external staff who is flexible in terms of time and location of workshops | We established a team of semi-external lecturers, some are Wikipedians by origin, some are teachers, librarians or former participants of our educational activities. 1st lecturers meeting in 2019 took place on 23rd February. | The 2nd lectures meeting for 2019 has been already proposed and will take place at the end of September. It will mostly focus on sharing experiences with each other and setting up for new training season. |
d. | d) Accreditation for existing trainings | -- | The work on the accreditation process was planned for 2nd half of the year, we should start the preparation work in August. |
Lessons learned: | Despite the mentoring, which as the voluntary offer, was not successful, we didn't have any other significant learning plans for this part of the year in this program. | ||
2. Students Write Wikipedia | |||
Description: Students - especially universities - are a good target group for generating quality content for Wikimedia projects as part of a range of topics in the classroom.
Addressing students is traditionally done through university educators who choose to edit Wikipedia as one of the forms of examination in their course. The involvement of teachers is ideally assisted by a close wikipedist. The wikipedists are students who become Wikipedia ambassadors who can assist professors at the university. | |||
Medium term goals
Comments (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
1. | Increase the amount of content | Steady process, amount of content is growing. From January until April, the whole programme ran with basic maintenance and support for teachers - helping with Dashboard, initial workshops - introduction to SWW programme etc. | Prepare and organise the 2nd edu council meeting - August/September. Regarding all the changes we undergo, the stability and at least stable growth of content will already be a success. |
2. | Increasing the number of teachers involved | We faced changes in the first half of the year - the idea was to hire a coordinator for program Students write Wikipedia from January. In reality, it happened only in April and the new coordinator worked for two months when we decided to end the cooperation. At the same time, we underwent a hand-over of the Education manager position due to the maternity leave. Those aspects have slowed down our internal processes in this program in general and influenced the situation, in which Wikipedia Ambassadorships had to be postponed and frozen in the current state of affairs. | Concrete steps to be taken are described below, however the main aim is to stabilize the work of the edu team. At the moment we have one coordinator for both of the programmes - Seniors Write Wikipedia and Students Write Wikipedia, and a new Education manager. Side by side they now work to identify the few specific steps to be taken until end of the year. We believe we are on the right track again. |
Activity Development Plan
Progress (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
a. | Promotion among teachers | In January there has been meeting (edu council) with currently involved teachers from both programmes - SWW, Teach (with) Wiki, where we identified obstacles for teachers to start using wiki in teaching. | In August and beginning of September - we will start a new campaign to attract new teachers and info packages/newsletter are to be sent out to a currently engaged group of teachers to make sure they will continue with us next year again and receive the support they might need. We will use success stories of those who already implemented wiki in their teachings. |
b. | Teaching tools for teachers | Tools have been maintained, the information and training service have been provided to those involved. | Better support for using Dashboard, offer online training at the beginning of September for those who are new or need to refresh their know-how. Update of website, instruction manual. Create a checklist for teachers - inspired by the checklist we already have for lecturers. |
c. | Creating Wikipedia ambassador concepts: - Wikipedists who can support university staff in implementing wikipedia concepts and activities in the university.
i. Activities: Addressing future teachers, librarians, IT´s (students), long-term collaboration ii. Teacher support - help with using tools - Dashboard, editing - iii. Creating of the environment and conditions that will support them |
The concept of a Wikipedia Ambassador ("Wikiambassador") has been inspired by concept working well in Serbia, which previous education manager Gabriela brought with her as inspiration from international edu staff meeting. As long as some sort of Ambassadorship make a lot of sense and would be a valuable support measure, the original idea with initial weekend training has been postponed. In May and June preparation jobs for promotion and launch of first Wikiambassador training have been done, the call has been published, but a) after the coordinator has changed, b) there was no real interest in this offer as it was launched. We decided to rethink the concept and came up with several steps to take in autumn in this regard. | For promotion and seeing the real interest in the programme we plan in upcoming weeks: - identify several student/university events where we can present this program and idea behind Wiki ambassadorship - talk with existing initiatives working with wiki in universities - identify few personal contacts we have in the academic sphere and set individual meetings - aim is to see if we can find few pilot places where to implement Wikiamabassador position as "in-house service" - bring this topic to Wikiconference in November and discuss it with community - prepare a blended way of support for wikiambassadors we will manage to attract for this idea - partially physically, partially online set of meetings/trainings. We will be ready to launch this for beginning of 2020 - new school term will be starting. |
Lessons learned: | The programme deserves a bit more of focus and everyday care for certain period for its stability and further development. Cooperation (especially) with universities is specific since it is very diverse and different procedures will apply on each university, different needs will be identified across the different fields (technical, humanistic, medical, etc.). We need to talk with representatives (teachers, students) and in focus talks identify their specific needs. We need to find a solution how to effectively incorporate those who add content, not in Wikipedia, but e.g. for Wiki Commons - different support structure in Dashboard, different work to be done on metrics, etc. We as well identified a significant amount of initiatives working with wikis at universities, but not contributing to the content of Wikipedia itself - rather using their own internal wikis etc. | ||
3. Teach (with) Wiki | |||
Description: Many active members of the community became wikipedists in their adolescence, so we try to reach out to this target group at a time when they are forming their sense of self and choosing their free time activities.
At the same time, we are raising a generation that will be able to use information from wikimedia projects in the education process and understand the concept of their free use. With this idea, we appeal to secondary and elementary school teachers - the goal is that teachers will create and share these tools themselves for how they creatively teach (with) wiki. | |||
Medium term goals
Comments (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
1. | Simplify the process of teaching (with) Wiki for teachers | In programme Teach (with) Wiki we are at the more less right on track with foreseen specific steps to fulfill this overall goal by the end of the year 2019. We proceed with the bigger part, which was work on the methodological guide, we delivered several courses and workshops for teachers, some of them in cooperation with our strategic partners for the field of teaching with wiki. | For August the plan is to finish the jobs on production of the Methodological guide, followed by preparation and PR activities for the starting new school year such as; drafting and producing new leaflet about programme Teach (with) Wiki, since we are missing specific promotion material for this programme and it would come handy in many occasions where we have a chance to present the programme to our target group. The plan is as well to provide with online support for teachers during September in case they would like to have training on using Dashboard etc. - this will be need/request based offer. In the last two months of the year 2019 the content of the support website should be further developed and launched. |
Activity Development Plan
Progress (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
a. | Create a clean landing page for Wiki Learn - a know-how area and methodological guides which teachers can use - crowdsourcing activity collection - a tool for creating materials by teachers themselves | Due to personal changes in the Education team and other limits in 1st half of year there has been only maintenance of current state of the page, the other steps has been frozen. We profit from fact that one of our active lecturers - author of the methodological publication has created for his own need a very structured user-friendly site about his Teach (with) Wiki activities. | Setting up a new landing page is part of wider process of restructuring and updating all the Education programme pages, creating clear link and division between them, targetting better diverse groups we have involved in educational activities. We (re)identified this need in the current Educational team as relevant and to be sorted in up-coming weeks before the new academic/school season will start. |
b. | Create a Methodological Guide for Teachers -How to teach (with) Wiki? - a base created by WMCZ tutors | The methodological guide for teachers has been written during the last three months, while many parts of the content such as specific activities and methods, have been developed and tested already before. At the moment we have in our hands a final draft of a compact brochure consisting of approx. 30 pages, including introduction to Teach (with) Wiki programme, 5 different methodological blocks with elements such as a handout for teacher, handout for students etc. The content of the 5 elements makes a logical structure leading into pupils being able to use Wikipedia for learning purpose, critically review the source of information provided, being able to correctly quote from Wikipedia as source and last but not least as well contribute to the content of Wikipedia, if they wish to take that step. The publication is written in Czech language. | The next steps to be taken are: to proofread the complete text, create its layout and print the publication's first edition. This should happen in August 2019 so that the publication is ready for the use in upcoming school year period. The publication will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons as well and spread to wider interested public of teachers and educators. |
c. | Well-arranged offer of activities for schools and teachers | Specific steps in that regard haven't been taken yet. | This will be fulfilled once we finish processes mentioned above and below this point. Main step will to reorganise the current website, give it more clear structure and up-date the content (mainly overview of the activities which took and are taking place). |
d. | Accreditation for courses | The current Accreditation is valid until summer 2020, however since the time we requested the last accreditation we progressed with content of the courses, the whole programme is more compact, methods has been properly tested, and we will now have the new methodological publication available. | Therefore it makes sense to include the current developments into the accredited course structure. Since accreditation process is only open several times per year and it takes a while to proceed with it, the aim is to start new accreditation process in autumn 2019 in order to avoid discontinuity of the delivery of accreditated courses. The other relevant aspect to the process will be the fact that the key competences and general development plans for pupils are being up-dated according to new scheme from the European Commission and educational programmes should be in line with the updated versions so they serve the best to the needs of teachers to develep their own skills according to the scheme. |
e. | PR activities | During the 1st half of the year the PR focused mainly on regular promotion of organised courses and covering our social media channels with fresh content or regular base. | Plan is to produce a leaflet for the programme.
Promotion of planned courses and workshops in autumn, which several of them are already plan with our partners, the dates yet to be specified. Continue with social media coverage. |
Lessons learned: | Even we aimed to collect structured diverse feedback from currently involved teachers on the methodological guide, unfortunately the return of the feedback have been very low. Whether we just set a wrong timing within school year or wrong timelime in general or rather that we aimed to outsource already very busy target group will perhaps remain a question mark. | ||
4. The other EDU activities | |||
Activity Development Plan
Progress (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
a. | Develop a process of collaboration with lecturers - gradual emerging of a lecturer team | We have good contact with some individual lecturers, involved in different educational projects we currently carry on. As mentioned below, in the current scale personal contact and care for their needs and opinions is the key for having them present and involved. We established a regular one day meeting with lecturers from senior courses - it is about learning, feedback and sharing with each other the hints and tips from their practise. | The lecturer team of the senior course is about to meet at the end of September again, for the 2nd time this year, the meeting is already set and prebooked by all the invitees. According to their expressed needs we are going to give more time for sharing and learning from each other. Since some od our lecturers are active Wikimedia CZ members and active contributors to Czech Wikipedia community, we aim to meet with many of them at Czech WikiConference in November - especially with those who are involved in other programmes (Teach (with) Wiki, Students write Wikipedia) - in order to see, if there is possibility to establish more regular team-like contact with them too. |
b. | Wikiclubs - a regular editing meetups of wikipedians - keeping and trying to develop them | Regular Wikiclubs are taking place in three cities - Prague, Pilsen and Havířov. Unfortunately Wikiclub in Brno is not taking place this year. In Havířov a diverse group of attendies is coming to meet every month, which many of them commuting from nearby towns. In Pilsen mainly the former attendees of Senior courses are coming over to meet every other week; for them this is an effective follow-up activity how to keep their newly gained knowledge in use and practise their skills with editing. In Prague the club takes place every week and in general it is very succesful. In the 1st half of 2019 we had 76 unique visitors (in 23 meetings, all together 211 individual visits, many comes on regular base or return). Out of that more then half are female, and/ or people with little experience with editing Wikipedia, so it creates a natural good match the the other very experienced half of attendies. They bond well and keep on supporting each other. |
The goal for the autumn is to re-open Wikiclubs in towns Brno and Česká Lípa. On top of that the ideal would be to empower establishment and opening of one more new club in other town. Regarding the current statistics from Prague Wikiclub it appears we will overcome last years numbers (in 2018 it has been 107 unique visitors, and 333 visits overall). |
c. | Development of cooperation with experts - methodology, graphics, etc. | Several steps has been taken in development of our publications and information services (leaflets,online content, social media) .We have now logo available for most of our educational programmes, badges for seniors programme and volunteers etc. | By the 2nd half of year we should have available more pictograms, and general logos in Wikimedia commons which are for general use to Wikimedia programmes and promotion materials. |
d. | Basic courses How to edit Wikipedia for the public
a. Activities: targeted thematic editathons |
All Edit-a-thons which took place in 1st half year are well described in section Multimedia, this is done in collaboration. | Since we encountered interest in courses for librarians as well from wider public and other target groups we would like to focus on the marketing part of the training cycle as well towards the other target groups. Organize more such courses in partnerships where we provide with knowhow and the partner provide with place, participants, finances etc. This in based on demand we identified and will be tested. |
e. | Wider connection with GLAM activities | -- | Better support mainly for libraries - new website with clear description of services.
Senior WikiTown will take place in 2nd half of September and focus on seniors which are usually ex-participants of our courses, but not yet so self-confident with joining other wiki events. |
f. | KISK (Division of Information and Library Studies) - cooperation within social innovations in libraries | We have been in initial contact with KISK and we keep each other informed. KISK was in last months piloting some new development and educational programmes with mainly local libraries in smaller cities, helping them to re-purpose their mission and role in the local community and serve beyond library services. Because they have been busy and we were facing hand-over of employees, the next steps in cooperation to be done in 2nd half of the year. | We are planning a personal meeting with KISK representative to determine possible matches in their and our programs and implement some more specific steps.
For sure KISK will be involved in promotion of our course for librarians, Wiki Week with Libraries etc. |
g. | Czech Wikiconference - as the biggest annual activity for Czech community | Czech Wikiconference is at the very moment in the kick of preparation phase, there is fixed dated, place and organisational team set.
The first preparation steps started within May and June 2019. |
Czech Wikiconference is by far the biggest event in the fiscal year for the community to meet, share, discuss and learn from each other. As for the edu team we are planning to be present at conference, share with the community current and upcoming developments, mainly regarding the project Wikipedia Ambassadors concept. We are as well involved in preparation and deliver of the activity, in support role for the local team. Wikiconference will take place in November 22-23, 2019 in Pardubice, larger city nearby Prague where we have strong youth base of Wikimedia members. |
Lessons learned: | On the scale we are the moment with most of the above mentioned activities and attempts for cooperation, what is essential is good personal contact, being present in the relations and seek for personal contact with participants, volunteers, local organisers and partners from other institutions. Once the personal contact is establish is much easier for us to keep those activities rolling. This fact as well clearly set the limits, as we can be all the time present everywhere. |
B. Multimedia Programs

B. Multimedia Programs | |||
Description: The Multimedia Program supports creation of open source, free license content in general as well as other related community activities.
In addition, the program promotes the proliferation of free license content, most often in collaboration with institutions such as galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM) that collect multimedia content - especially photos, works of art, videos and other works. It also informs and promotes the use of free licenses when making information and media accessible on the Internet. | |||
1. Mediagrant activity + We Photograph Czechia | |||
Description: This activity supports community driven free license content creation and acquisition. Mediagrant supports local projects held by the members of Czech community that support free content creation. | |||
Medium term goals
Comments (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
1. | Piloting and developing the activity: “We Photograph Czechia” (WPC) in the way that the process of taking pictures in total for Wikimedia Commons/ Wikidata is simple and comprehensive. | Achieved. After almost a year of work we managed to open the most simplified form of support for wiki-photographers under the name Fotíme Česko (We Photograph Czechia). Simoultaneously we improved the process of approving financial support (travel costs) for photographers, which is now much more appealing. | The WPC goal is to illustrate the Wikidata items. Therefore, the related Wikidata project can influence the attractiveness of the program and allow its continuous growth. Wikidata project is currently trying to build a database of thousands of small Czech landmarks and will definitely continue to acquire other items as well. |
2. | Creating a collaborative group of volunteers for Multimedia | Achieved. A cooperating volunteer advisory group is working smoothly. Several volunteers are available for direct help too, although rather occasionally. | --- |
3. | Activation of local communities and projects | Achieved. We have completed the first step to activate the Czech wiki community. We have created a "Community Minigrants" (CMG) project, which aims to financially support community-based wiki projects. Our goal is a community actively involved in the development of Wikimedia projects all around the Czech Republic. We will provide inspiration and support for them. | This single, first step is certainly not enough to motivate people. We will be looking for other attractive ways (such as local GLAM activities). We will promote the Community Minigrants regularly. |
Activity Development Plan
Progress (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
a. | Piloting and developing the activity: We Photograph Czechia. We will evaluate the effectiveness of the activity after a defined amount of time. | WPC without any major changes shifted from testing to official mode. Since we have not yet promoted it outside the community, it has just a single permanent and active participant (who belongs to our most productive photographers). He is satisfied with the program for its simplicity and freedom and gave us a detailed feedback. We have already incorporated a number of relevant opinions on the project. | WPC is designed in a way that it does not require almost any care by WMCZ employees. The former and original program for photographers (Mediagrant) came to halt in terms of the rate of pictures taken. We are not planning any changes related to it at the moment. |
b. | PR for the activity We Photograph Czechia | Due to the trial period and the work on official promotional graphics, we have so far promoted the WPC only in our community, which consists of about 15 active photographers. | With new promotional material, we will promote the WPC online and offline (printed leaflets). We plan to inform about it both in groups of photographers on Facebook and other online sites, as well as in different local venues visited by potential recipients. Our goal is to address and gain as many new photographers as possible even among non-wikimedians. |
c. | Create an active advisory group for Multimedia | Already during 2018 we have set up an advisory group of 4 volunteers (members of our close community) who have an insight into the areas of the Multimedia program of WM CZ. The program manager is now contacting them whenever he needs feedback or opinion on new plans or project development. In Multimedia we also used direct, ad hoc help from other voluntary Wikimedians (eg. to organize events). |
It would be a good idea to invite a few more members to the advisory group. We will try to find them. Contemporary helpers from our community are often busy elsewhere (work, hobbies) and cannot be given tasks consistently. An intended permanent group of voluntary assistants is very unlikely to achieve currently. |
d. | Another community activities prepared in collaboration with members of the community / with community/ by community: | We have created and published "Conditions for organizing community events supported by WM CZ". We responded to absence of comprehensive rules and the definition of responsibilities of WM CZ and the organizers of events. Anyone who is willing to organize a wiki-action and requests support from WM CZ, must meet those conditions. | We will try to show more appreciation to the hard work of voluntary organizers of wiki-actions. We have created an electronic wiki-badge called "Duchacek" (refering to the skillful character of Mr. Duchacek from the legendary Czech comedy), which we will serve as an award for specific actions (most often running events) that had been well organized. |
i. Fotoworkshops | A photoworkshop is planned for September 2019. | ||
ii. (Photo) editathons | Together with two community members we are preparing a three-day editathon in the South Bohemian town of Prachatice. | ||
iii. WikiTown | The WikiTown is planned for August 2019. | ||
iv. Wikiexpedition | An WikiExpedition is planned for October 2019. | ||
Other community projects - individual community members' activities, such as editathons, photo-expeditions, workshops, etc. | Thanks to the initiative of one community member, we created an open call for editing competition related to the 30th anniversary of the restoration of democracy in the Czech Republic and Slovakia called "Hvězda svobody" (The Star of Freedom). We started to work on the photo competition "Czech Wiki Photo 2019", which will also be a "thank you" to our voluntary photographers. We would like to reward the best ones. |
Hvězda svobody's results will be officially known in February 2020. The results of Czech Wiki Photo will be announced in December 2019. | |
e. | Facilitate the creation of manual of instructions and knowledge for the preparation and process of activities. This manual should come be from the community and for the community. | We didn't expand any of the manuals in this half-year. | With the current organizers we plan to improve/create a manual for future organizers of WikiTown and Wikiexpedition. |
f. | Planning of We Photograph Czechia/Mediagrant's community activities - activating a local community for long-term cooperation. | There was a wrong text in this cell. The right one is (we will translate it asap):
Tento rok jsme chtěli dát více prostoru (a také podnětů) pro projekty, které vzejdou z komunity (např. editatony, workshopy, soutěže apod). Akce by měly zapojovat další wikimediány včetně nováčků a být nejlépe mimopražské. Otevřeli jsme proto tzv. "Komunitní minigranty", grantový program, ve kterém mohou lidé žádat o finanční podporu. Chtěli bychom umožnit uspořádání asi 10 takovýchto akcí za rok. Kdykoli pořádáme jak v Praze, tak mimo ni nějakou akci, vyzýváme místní dobrovolníky k zapojení (aktuálně pro Wikiměsto a editaton Prachatice). |
It is now up to the community whether they want to use this support. However we will try to create an "example to follow" (with the help of some specific autumn event that could inspire other members to use Community Minigrants). Publicizing of such "challenges for volunteers" we will be more strongly recommending in our manuals and conditions for event organizers. |
Lessons learned: | The lessons learned remain the same as last year: It is not possible to realize all of our original intentions, because during the year a lot of activities emerged we had not expected. This year we spent most of our time preparing two competitions (one of the reason is that volunteers are spending less time on it than we expected) and a grant application for the US Embassy. Neither of these activities was planned at the beginning of 2019. Thus, the original plans are postponed again or lasted much longer (eg. promotion of WPC). In the future, it will be better to agree with volunteers in advance on the volume of their work and set up regular meetings. | ||
2. GLAM activities | |||
Description: As part of the activity, we are creating new partnerships especially with GLAM institutions, to provide or distribute content managed by these institutions under free licenses.
We are also fostering an environment for community members to build partnerships with these (especially local) institutions. | |||
Medium term goals
Comments (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
1. | Creating a community guide for establishing local partnerships | Not acomplished. We have not reached this point. Yet some Wikimedians are reaching ou to the institution on their own. | The form of guidelines deserves to be given deeper consideration and discussion with the community. |
2. | Establishing new partnerships / cooperation | We have newly established GLAM cooperation with the Prague City Hall, which agreed to share considerable amount of its photographs. | Hopefully, we will finally be able to devote to systematical addressing of GLAM institutions. We have a set of arguments and a beautiful flyer. |
3. | Centralization of information about existing partnerships and collaborating institutions, and establishing information channels between WMCZ and community | Not accomplished. | Database with information on existing partnerships and collaborating institutions we will surely manage to establish. |
4. | Maintaining and developing of existing partnerships | Thanks to the 2nd edition of WikiGap (on March 8th @American Center, Prague) we again cooperated with the Embassy of Sweden, the US Embassy, the Czech Women's Lobby and the Sociological Institute of Czech Academy of Science. The event went well beyond our expectations. 30 people arrived (compare with 7 last year) - probably also thanks to targeting the event on beginners. The event was personally supported by the Ambassador of Sweden in the Czech Republic, Viktoria Li, the Ambassador of Canada, Barbara Catherine Richardson and the Ambassador of USA, Kelly Adams-Smith. All parties are interested in cooperating in 2020.
The American Center also informed us about the possibility of receiving a US government grant for our activities. We developed and applied with a two-year project of 5 wiki-events (2 editing competitions, WikiGap in Prague and Brno, LGBT editaton, editaton for NGO employee) and eventually received great financial support for them. Thanks to this we have also created the position of project coordinator. As a "thank you" for organizing WikiGap, we were invited to the reception of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Stockholm (being held during Sweden Wikimania). |
5. | Content gain for Wikimedia projects | We received 14,000 photos (capturing the repairs of the Old Town Tower and reconstruction of the Šlechtovka restaurant) from the Prague City Hall. We attempted to get free media from Post Bellum association, Czech Broadcasting, Sokol association or the author of photos of Prague public transport stops - unsuccessfully so far. |
This aim is closely related to the "Establishing new partnerships / cooperation" point, which we have planned in 2019. |
Activity Development Plan
Progress (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
a. | Establishing new partnerships with central institutions - by a multimedia manager | We created a new partnership only with the Prague City Hall. | In the second half of 2019, we will most likely start systematically addressing institutions to participate in GLAM projects. |
b. | For the community | ||
i. Creating complex materials for the community and beyond - over-writing rules for local partnerships (with local institutions) | It is worth considering whether GLAM projects should be negotiated randomly and directly by community members. The founder of GLAM, Liam Wyatt, does not think so. We haven't manage to analyze this idea yet. | This idea deserves a thoroughful revision. We'll try to get to it in the autumn. | |
ii. Call for Cooperation - Local Volunteers | See the "b.1" | ||
iii. Coordination of cooperation and centralization of documents | See the "b.1" | ||
c. | Residents | ||
i. Educational material for GLAM residents | Not accomplished. Relates on the point a. (Establishing new partnerships...., which didn't materialize. | ||
ii. Guiding of local volunteers - Creating a test group of residents | |||
iii. Education and coordination of residents | |||
Lessons learned: | Similar to the "Mediagrant" activity: Due to unexpected activities we had to postpone the planned ones. In the next period, hopefully no surprises await us - all major projects and plans are accomplished, so we are strongly focusing on our "GLAM plans". | ||
3. Advocacy | |||
Description: The aim of the advocacy activity is to disseminate information on the use of free licenses for works made available on the Internet and to promote the principles of free licenses in both European and Czech legislation.
We offer advice to community members in situations where the licensing terms of their works within Wikimedia projects are being violated. | |||
Medium term goals
Comments (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
1. | Participate in the most prominent advocacy promotions | As one of the few European countries, we shut down Wikipedia on 21st of March 2019 in a protest against the draft of The Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive. | |
2. | Inform the community of what is happening in advocacy | We managed to inform the Czech public (and the community) about all of the important updates, plans and run activities. | |
3. | Creating a base of advocacy counseling | Not achieved. See "c." | |
Activity Development Plan
Progress (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
a. | Processing of basic legal information | We informed the community and the public about the stands of the Wikimedia towards the forthcoming Copyright Directive (The Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive). | We will further inform about the process of implementation of the Directive into Czech legislation. |
b. | Participation in the largest Czech / world advocacy activities that directly affect Wikimedia projects | In March 21, Czech community decided to turn off Czech Wikipedia to protest against some proposed points of the Directive. Blackout of Wikipedia emerged in all the big Czech media. We were also guests on Czech Television and DVTV channel. On this day, Czech Wikipedia received 2.25 million visits. | Over the next two years, Czech Ministry of Culture will be implementing the approved Directive into Czech legislation. The process will begin in September. As stakeholders, we are invited to consultations by the Ministry of Culture. We have a manual available to us for negotiating the implementation of the Directive into Czech legislation, prepared by our representative in Brussels, Dimi Dimitarov. |
c. | Create a community advisory tool / authority - for frequently asked questions | At the moment we do not have voluntary lawyers and it would be useful to create a stable legal advisory board. | |
Lessons learned: | Within the current personnel capacity of our chapter, we cannot engage in broader activities other than PR and participation in the largest advocacy activities. |
C. Wikidata & TECH program

C. Wikidata & TECH program | |||
Description: The aim of the program is to assist the development of the technical community and its activities that support volunteer work for Wikimedia projects, while also providing content for Wikimedia projects, especially Wikidata. | |||
Medium term goals
Comments (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
1. | Maintain existing collaboration with the community | Community is very active and cooperates in topics which were commonly evaluated as key development aspects. A dedicated Facebook group updates posts from the members on a daily basis. The group consists of 125 members at the moment (twice as much as last year) including academics and GLAM employees. Most importantly, there are also power users in this group, able to answer any question, fix bugs or develop completely new tools For instance, user:Mormegil adapted and improved a tool called "POI importer" which is now used by the Czech community to import data into Wikidata. | In the 2nd half of 2019, we plan to use the Facebook community and its collective wisdom to crowdsource a new Wikidata guideline for GLAM institutions which are interested in improving Wikidata with us. |
2. | Action plan to create a database of small heritage | Several database imports related to our project took place in the first half of 2019, including "Prazdnedomy" database of built heritage and "Drobné památky" database of small heritage (import still ongoing). As more and more GLAM institutions get into contact, we're trying to reach long-term sustainability. The plan is to 1) offer more support to power users and potential power users, eg. through specialized workshops; 2) Write a Wikidata guideline for GLAM institutions to help them understand Wikidata and remove some work from our volunteers. | As the action plan is basically formulated, we are now implementing steps towards its realization (see comments section). We also plan to create an e-mail contact for Wikidata-interested parties in connection to this new guideline. |
3. | Create an community advisory group for wikidata & TECH themes | The first meeting of the advisory group already took place in the 2nd half of 2018 and we are now considering establishing next one. | There will be a meeting of the community advisory group. |
4. | Find the Program Coordinator | We currently do not have financial means to fund a project coordinator for this program. | - |
5. | Increase the number of Wikimedia Commons mobile app users | Work on the mobile app has been largely passed on to the international group which develops the app and is funded from WMF. In the meantime, we are working on promoting the app in the Czech Republic. The app is regularly featured in our communication channels. | We do not expect to increase activity in this field as we are concentrating on support of local Wikidata community; development and promotion of the app is relatively sustainable to date - without our central role. |
Activity Development Plan
Progress (at end of Q2)
Projected (end of year)
| |
a. | Wikidata / tech workshops | A wikidata workshop for advanced users took place to improve their knowledge of SPARQL. The goal was to support community and especially the power users within. | We are preparing one more workshop this year, aiming at new users. |
b. | Prague Hackathon 2019 | Wikimedia Hackathon 2019 was successfully organized; it was definitely the most demanding event in the history of our chapter from a logistical perspective. More information will be included in a report ( From the perspective of the Czech Wikidata/Tech program, we highly value the meeting of Czech technical users during the Wikimedia Hackathon which attracted 22 Czechs - the largest Czech technical meeting up to date. | - |
Other activities | We respond to interesting offers as they come and two have especially stood out this year so far. The first is a collaboration with the Faculty of Math and Physics of the Charles University, where a group of informaticians is developing a tool to make regular import from databases easier and more automated (tool is called LinkedPipes and received a grant from WMF with our help). The second project worth mentioning is our highly successful and dynamic collaboration with the National Library of the Czech Republic, especially its "national authority database". They received a ministerial grant to connect their database to Wikidata and automate regular updates. | LinkedPipes will present a functional prototype which we will help comment on and test. We will also help write documentation for the tool. As for the National Library project, we are deciding our role in the team but it is probably we will be directly responsible (and paid for) for some of the goals set in their grant proposal. | |
Lessons learned: | As we do not have any paid project managers in Wikidata/Tech, we tried to be relatively modest in our expectations. Still, we seem to be able to fullfill most of the set goals (maybe except the Wikimedia Commons app promotion which has been largely beyond our time capacity). As for workshops, we will probably overcome our goal. Some of the most exciting developments come from long-standing collaboration (Faculty of Math, National Library), underlining the need for stable chapter infrastructure in dealings with this kind of projects. | The most ambitious goal will be to create an innovative guidebook for GLAM institutions which are interested in helping Wikidata. This has been mostly neglected by the Wikimedia community worldwide so it will be a pioneering work for us and we are crowdsourcing the community to get as complete picture as possible. We seem to be on track to fullfill our goals and we also support previously unplanned activities which are coordinated by our partnering organizations in the Czech Republic. |
Revenues received during this six-month period
editPlease use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.
Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan WMF APG 2019 CZK 2,788,330.00 506,929.63 608,940.51 F G 1,115,870.14 122,770.17 49,131.76 MONETA Foundation 2019 CZK 50,000.00 23,412.00 600.00 F G 24,012.00 2,201.50 1,057.24 Veolia Foundation 2018/19 CZK 50,000.00 25,447.10 24,552.90 F G 50,000.00 2,201.50 2,201.50 WMF Wikimedia Hackathon 2019 CZK 1,557,396.25 D 1,511,589.08 F G 1,511,589.08 68,572.15 66,555.26 expences from 2018 was reimbursed in 2019 - expences sum in Q2 TOTAL CZK 4,445,726.25 555,788.73 2,145,682.49 F G 2,701,471.22 195,745.32 118,945.78
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
- Non-monetary
Revenue source | Currency | Anticipated | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Cumulative | Anticipated ($US)* | Cumulative ($US)* | Explanation of variances from plan |
Active 24 a.s. | CZK | 7,000.00 | 1,875 | 1,875.00 | 3,750.00 | 341.37 | 170.68 | Hosting domains and servers for free | ||
Advocacy Law Firm Koutná & Fáberová | Pro Bono legal service | |||||||||
LMC | Job recruiting advertisement for free | |||||||||
Techsoup Czech Republic | Software with discount for NGO´s | |||||||||
National Library of Technology | Rent of a venue for Hackathon with discount |
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
All our donors and partners are transparently monitored on this page.
Spending during this six-month period
editPlease use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.
Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- (The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan Media Acquisition/Multimedia Program CZK 205,000.00 1,026.39 15,396.75 F G 16,423.14 9,026.15 723.11 8.01 EDUcational program CZK 69,800.00 10,364.00 4,494.16 F G 14,858.16 3,073.29 654.20 21.29 Wikidata/TECH Content & Community CZK 15,000.00 0.00 1,903.02 F G 1,903.02 660.45 83.79 12.96 Staff CZK 2,075,130.00 423,130.80 496,297.60 F G 919,428.40 91,367.97 40,482.43 44.31 Operational costs CZK 423,400.00 72,408.44 90,848.98 F G 163,257.42 18,642.30 7,188.22 38.56 TOTAL CZK 2,788,330.00 506,929.63 608,940.51 F G 1,115,870.14 122,770.17 49,131.76 40.02 N/A
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
editIs your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?
editAs required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.
Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
edit- Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
- Josef Klamo (talk) 10:19, 6 August 2019 (UTC)
editResources to plan for measurement
edit- Global metrics are an important starting point for grantees when it comes to measuring programmatic impact (Learning Patterns and Tutorial) but don’t stop there.
- Logic Models provide a framework for mapping your pathway to impact through the cause and effect chain from inputs to outputs to outcomes. Develop a logic model to map out your theory of change and determine the metrics and measures for your programs.
- Importantly, both qualitative and quantitative measures are important so consider both as you determine measures for your evaluation and be sure to ask the right questions to be sure to capture your program stories.
Resources for storytelling
edit- WMF storytelling series and toolkit (DRAFT)
- Online workshop on Storytelling. By Frameworks institute
- The origin of storytelling
- Story frames, with a focus on news-worthiness.
- Reading guide: Storytelling and Social change. By Working Narratives
- The uses of the story.
- Case studies.
- Blog: 3 Tips on telling stories that move people to action. By Paul VanDeCarr (Working Narratives), on
- Building bridges using narrative techniques. By
- Differences between a report and a story
- Question guides and exercises.
- Guide: Tools for Knowledge and Learning. By Overseas Development Institute (UK).
- Developing a strategy
- Collaboration mechanisms
- Knowledge sharing and learning
- Capturing and storing knowledge.