Grants:APG/Proposals/2018-2019 round 1/Wikimedia Israel/Proposal form


1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming funding period.

Wikimedia Israel’s work plan for 2019 keeps its core programs: Students write Wikipedia (Hebrew and Arabic), community sport (he-wp) and Wikipedia assignment project in Higher Education. The GLAMWIKI Conference that took place at the end of 2018, was a great opportunity to create new collaborations with Israeli GLAM institutions. Beyond that, WMIL plans to expand its activity to Wikidata.
The Wikimedia movement Strategic Direction 2030 gives Wikimedia Israel an opportunity to serve our users with the new website for editing Arabic Wikipedia that will be launched in the beginning of 2019. This website can be used all around the globe and hopefully will be warmly adapted by the Arabic Wikipedia community. This website joins a series of training tools that WMIL developed over the years. Adapting these training tools to different languages and communities will help Wikimedia movement to reach its goal of Knowledge equity.

2. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.
  • Legal name of organization: Wikimedia Israel
  • Organization's fiscal year: 01/01/19-31/12/19
  • 12-month funding period requested: 01/01/19-31/12/19
  • Currency requested: Israeli Shekel
  • Name of primary contact: Michal Lesrer

3. Amount requested.

Table 1

Currency requested US$
Total expenses for the upcoming year 1,808,000 ILS 489,191$
APG funding requested for the upcoming year 1,075,000 ILS 290,895$
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year 1,075,000 ILS 299,398$

4. How does your organization know what community members and contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?

WMIL has a very good relation with the he-wp editors that is based on dialogue and trust. The community coordinator follows the discussion pages of the he-wp community on a daily basis and wikipedians approached him and the ED on regular basis. The education program (Students write Wikipedia) has its special pages where the coordinator updates the community about articles that students are going to write. It is also the case with the Higher education program.
In 2019, we plan to conduct a community survey, which aimed at understanding the community needs. In the survey, we also hope to learn about the community's view to our activities.

5. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan, and a link to your separate annual plans for the current and upcoming funding periods if you have them.
Wikimedia Israel strategic plan focus on four directions of action:
  1. Wikidata
  2. Arabic Wikipedia
  3. International training center
  4. Free Knowledge Awareness

Annual plan summary


2019 workplan (Hebrew)


Community Support


The Hebrew Wikipedia community is WMIL’s main reference. Three sub-communities will be our focus:

  1. Young Wikipedians (12-17)
  2. Wiki-Women group
  3. Senior citizens

WMIL chooses to focus on theses sub-communities to increase diversity in he-wp community and each group brings unique value to the community and to our work. The young Wikipedians are the next generation of the he-wp, the Wiki-Women group helps to close the gender gap and the senior citizens are the group that continues to edit the longest period after the course.
The goal of this program through the focus on diverse groups is to ensure both the diversity of representation, as well as foster diversity in content creation and approaches.
In addition to focusing on the three main community groups, WMIL will continue to facilitate meetups, writing competitions and other activities in collaboration with the community.
Wikimedia Israel’s work plan for 2019 keeps its core programs: Students write Wikipedia (Hebrew and Arabic), community sport (he-wp) and Wikipedia assignment project in Higher Education. The GLAMWIKI Conference that will take place at the end of 2018, will be a great opportunity to create new collaborations with Israeli GLAM institutions. Beyond that, WMIL plans to expand its activity to Wikidata.
There are about fifteen participants in the young wikipedians group. Some of them knew each other before WMIL contacted them and other not. Strengthening the peer group is the main goal of this program. We’ll run three to four meetings. In each meeting there will be social part and short edit-a-thon. Most of the participants are male and we hope to identify also young female Wikipedians and to invite them to the group, hereby tackling the gender gap in representation. The Wiki-Women group became a game changer in he-wp. Over the years, thousands of articles were written by women and about women, gender and feminism. WMIL will continue to support the group on any of their needs. Its biggest challenge is increasing the number of leading volunteers. WMIL takes part in the effort of rise the number of face to face volunteers. WMIL started to run courses for senior citizens two years ago and many of them (20% +-) kept editing three months after the course and some of them kept editing for longer periods and volunteered in senior citizens courses. Beyond the courses, WMIL organized quarterly meetups for senior citizens who would like to increase their editing skills and offer to contact them to active Wikipedians for mentorship.



Students Write Wikipedia


Students Write Wikipedia, both Hebrew and Arabic, are WMIL’s flagship programs.
The Hebrew project will run in at least 28 classes and three special programs for gifted students. And following the successful pilot Students Write Wikitionary that took place in 2018, next year the program will run in eight hebrew speaking classes.
The metrics in the program remain the same as in the past years: no. of participants, no. of articles and less than 10% deletion of the articles. In 2019, WMIL plans to run a special seminar for school librarians to engage them in the Students Write Wikipedia program. We believe it will rise the quality of the articles and will increase the school's commitment to the program. Also lesson plans will be develop for the program The Arabic project will double its size and will operate in 20 groups. In 2019 we wish to create a local community to support the project through two initiatives: the Wikipedia Ambassador program that will start its activities at the end of 2018 and an editing course for Arabic speaking senior citizens. The great importance of these initiatives come from the real need of volunteers to support the Students Write Wikipedia program.

Higher Education


The Wikipedia Assignment program in Higher Education institutions will continue but the marketing strategy will be changed. In previous years, the coordinator approached lecturers, head of departments and Deans to invite them to join the program. We found this approach inefficient. Thus, WMIL will give all the support to professors who have approached us and chose to incorporate Wikipedia assignment project in their classes. The metrics in the program remain the same as in the past years: no. of participants, no. of articles.

Support cultural institutions for free content release


The GLAMWIKI Conference took place in TLV in November 2018, was a big success. It is a major opportunity for WMIL to launch new collaborations with GLAM institutions. We hope that the conference will be a game changer, and that at least three new institutions will start collaborating with WMIL and will contribute content to Wikidata, Wikicommons and Wikipedia.



WMIL’s board has highlighted Wikidata as the next area of activity. The work plan for 2019 includes promoting awareness of Wikidata in Israel, workshops (for Wikipedians, students and GLAM institutions), developing a learning tool for SPARQL and adding data.The metrics in this program are modest.

Training Curriculum Development and Training Team


Developing training tools are one of WMIL’s areas of expertise. In 2019 we plan to refresh the training tools in Hebrew, promote the new website for editing Arabic Wikipedia, both locally and internationally. Beyond that, WMIL will develop lesson plans to help teacher to run Students write Wikipedia program. The lesson plans will enable to run the program in their class independently.
Another strategic area WMIL aims to develop in 2019, is an International training center for the Wikimedia movement. Over the years, WMIL has gained rich experience in developing training tools and guiding various groups. During the year we will develop a model aligned with the Wikimedia movement strategic process and represent it various forums.

Free Knowledge Awareness


Wikimedia Israel will continue to be active in The Internet Freedom Forum and will take part in a variety of civil initiatives to monitor and keep the freedom of the Internet in Israel.

Organizational infrastructure


In 2019 WMIL expects to raise 527,000 ILS. From this amount 210,00 ILS has already been promised. In 2018 WMIL started to fundrise micro-donation with some success and plan to increase the funding to 4% of the annual budget. In addition to the funding needed for 2019, we’ll look for resources for the program: Students Write Arabic Wikipedia. Its funding will be exhausted at the end of 2019 and it goes without saying that this project has to continue.
In 2019 eight people will be working at WMIL, five full time positions: Executive Director, Academia & Projects Coordinator, Arabic Education Coordinator, Hebrew Education and Coordinator, Marketing & Events Coordinator, and three part time positions: Administrative and programs Coordinator (50%), Training coordinator (30%-50%) and Communities Coordinator (15%). WMIL will continue to be assisted by the Fundraising consultant that it has been working with for the last three and half years.


Program Participant Content Pages Index of choice Index of choice
Hebrew Wikipedia 550 WikiGnomings 10,000; Articles 625; Images 100 20% of the participants in Senior Citizens course (4 courses) will continue to edit 3 months after the end of the course; 3 girls will participate in the WikiCamp meeting (at least 3 meetings a year) WMIL will run satisfaction survey among the Hebrew Wikipedia Community
WikiData 230 2500 Items Raising awareness of Wikidata in 3 audiences: Student, GLAM sector and Wikipedians
Arabic Wikipedia (Program for Senior Citizens) 10 Articles 10; WikiGnomings: 60 2 to 4 participants will continue to edit will continue to edit 3 months after the end of the course 1 to 2 participants will become volunteers
Education: Middle & High schools (Hebrew) 1400 Wiktionary: 100; Wikipedia: 460 creating a lists of 700 eligibility topics suitable to high school students Three months after upload, at least 90% of the content is kept, with only minor changes
Education: Middle & High schools (Arabic) 370 Wikipedia: 320 Recruitment of 10 new schools to the program Students use the new “training website” and 80% report that it helpful
Higher Education 450 Wikipedia: 450;Wikidata: 100
Collaboration with GLAM institutions At least 3 institutions;50 Librarians Images: ; Wikidata: ; Articles: ; WikiGnomings: 500 (1lib 1ref) Creating local “now how” to work with local GLAM institutions.
Training Curriculum Development and Training Team building awareness to the “training website” nationally and internationally. (1000 users?) ; Improving the Hebrew Coursewares; Creating three lesson plans for teachers; Creating one training tool in Hebrew and improving existing training tools 30 volunteers; recruting 2 new volunteers; Six physical and online sessions for enrichment, consultation, networking and recognition


Summary of Revenues
Revenues USD Comments
Cash flow 54,120 USD
Revenues from private donations 6,765 USD
Revenues from round up 19,483 USD
Revenues from foundations 108,240 USD promised from Yadhanadiv Foundation 60,000 USD
Revenues from membership fees 541 USD
Wikimedia Foundation 290,895 USD
Revenues from collaborations 8,118 USD
Revenues from courses 1,082 USD
TOTAL income 489,245 USD

Summary of expenses
Program USD Comments
Community Support (Wikipedia) 53,300 USD The sun covers of activities, salaries and operation
Communities support (Wikimedia Initiatives) 3,410 USD WikiData
Open content and GLAM 74,144 USD The sun covers of activities, salaries and operation.
Some of components in this program depends on raising resources
Education - Hebrew (Middle & High schools) 48,433 USD The sun covers of activities, salaries and operation
Higher Education 49,425 USD The sun covers of activities, salaries and operation
Education - Arabic (Middle & High schools) 61,260 USD The sun covers of activities, salaries and operation
Training 29,491 USD The sun covers of activities, salaries and operation
Free knowledge awareness 33'825 USD The sun covers of activities, salaries and operation
Global engagement 9,200 USD Traveling
Communication and publicity 8,118 USD
Management and Administration 118,764 USD The sun covers ED salary and operation
Wikimedia Israel total expenses for 2019 489,191 USD

Verification and signature


Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.

The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. General operating support through the FDC may not be used to cover political and legislative activities, although you may make a separate grant agreement with the WMF for these purposes.
I verify that no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation will be used
for political or legislative activities except as permitted by a grant agreement

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IMPORTANT. Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.
Please sign here once this proposal form is complete, using four tildes. Michal Lester לסטר (talk) 20:44, 10 December 2018 (UTC)