Grants:APG/Proposals/2018-2019 round 2/Wikimedia Indonesia/Progress report form

Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing grant metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.

Metrics and results overview – all programs


Details progress
Metrics Goals Achieved outcome Status Explanation
1. number of total participants 4,137 2,210
53.4% complete
On track
2. number of newly registered users 2,647 1,204
45.5% complete
On track
3. number of content pages created or improved, across all Wikimedia projects 32,430 10,116
31.2% complete
Some of GLAM and Content Creation projects will kick off in the 2nd semester
4. Active collaborations 66 49
74.2% complete
Most partners are coming from Education Program
5. Volunteer hours 26,770 11,337
42.3% complete
On track



Wikimedia Indonesia has been working for several years to improve local contents and build the offline community to make sure that we can be one of the healthiest community, either in online or offline presence, in the global movements. Since 2017, we have got annual grants from Wikimedia Foundation, the first year was in Simple APG and in the second year we joined in APG FDC grants process until now. We also developed five-year plans 2018-2022 and implemented them in our yearly work plan. In our third year, we want to reach more community and institution, so our local content can increase and empower Indonesian, so they can access the knowledge in Indonesian or another local languages.

Our working is covering in a very vast area, Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world, extending more than 5,000 km from the western to the eastern part of Indonesia. We also have more than 700 languages and 300 ethnic groups. Every year, we encourage the underrepresented contributor, either in languages or area, and invite them to join our community. On December 2019, we have established five-strong community presence in Bandung, Denpasar, Jakarta, Padang, and Yogyakarta. In the next few years, we plan to reach and engage the community in Banjarmasin, Gorontalo, Makassar, and Surakarta. We also hold annual conference for Indonesian contributors since 2019. We aim to make our community can be stronger by having an in-person meeting as part of our effort to bonding and increase the offline presence of our community.

Beside Community Building and Support Program, we also try to increase the new user and participation in our Education Program, we collaborate with various institutions, including Indonesian Teacher Association, regional language community, schools and universities, even human rights activist group. We also participated in WikiGap and WikiForHumanRights effort by Wikimedia Sverige and Wikimedia Argentina respectively. On October-November 2019, we also collaborated with the Delegation of European Union to Indonesia to improve Indonesian Wikipedia articles about climate change topic in EUforia Wiki4Climate writing competition. We decide to be one of the best open education organizations in Indonesia by encouraging new partnership and connect with various institutions to aims our objective, including bringing the new voices and underrepresented community to raise their voice and include them in our projects.

We still have several competitions to increase and in the same time to make sure that important contents can be improved, including local topics, underrepresented contents for specific topics via writing competition and photo competition, e.g. Wiki Loves Culture and Wiki Loves Earth.

Telling your program stories – all programs


Community Building and Support


Sustaining the Wikimedia movement in Indonesia, we work on some programs that focus on local communities. Three programs in this field include (1) community building, (2) community support or grant, and (3) conference. On the first two, we also set guidelines with the help and input from the community in order to standardize several aspects, mainly in the administration. We believe that including the community voices and building trust is key to the growth of the Wikimedia movement in Indonesia. Focusing on offline and online activities, we believe that communities can sustain if the members know each other interpersonally, not only behind the screen. We also expect that our support to local communities can shape the way we interact with our volunteers. We want our volunteers to see us as friendly, approachable, and supportive of their Wikimedia activities by means of the above mentioned three programs. At the end of the day, we expect that boundaries between volunteers and staff will be less visible.

Our story


Community building covers funding for monthly meetings and one social event for each of five local communities; there are five formal city-based local communities in Indonesia until December 2019: Bandung, Denpasar, Jakarta, Padang, and Yogyakarta whose very active members vary from 6 (Denpasar) to 15 people (Yogyakarta). Community guidelines have also been established for them to organize meetings and social events. Until now, there is not any problem for them following the guidelines despite some adjustment along the way.

Community support or grant provides funding for communities to create their own programs on content enrichment. Communities propose their programs on Meta and Wikimedia Indonesia will assess if their programs are suitable for funding. Until now, there are 14 proposals on Meta with 8 of them already get funded. We are going to continue the last national conference WikiNusantara to be held again this year. For 2020, the conference will take place in Padang bringing the theme collaboration and open movement. The committee has been formed last November and we are now still working on it.

We measure all that happened with quantitative and qualitative means. Quantitatively, we counted every volunteer who was involved in local communities, grant programs, and the conference committee and also considered how much time they spent on this volunteerism. Qualitatively, we observed their activities if there are things that can be standardized for future community guidelines, e.g. guidelines for community meetings and social events, guidelines for grant programs, and guidelines for the conference.

Lesson learned


There were some small adjustments to the guidelines along the way we run the three programs. On community building, we set a new rule that a local community coordinator can only last for one year; there are 5 city-based local community coordinators at the moment. On grants, we had to set a new rule on grants in the middle of the semester so that volunteers can only do offline activities (e.g. photo walks) near their community base.

On the other hand, new communities may grow considering our programs are run nationwide (e.g. Makassar & Surakarta communities). However, there are not any guidelines yet for setting up such a new community so far. Moreover, we still only focus on growing city-based communities.

Our observations on the activities of local communities tell us that having detailed guidelines is better for the upcoming activities. For the future, it is a must to review our guidelines, especially considering to rule out on how to set up a new community.



Our Education Program for this year still emphasizes to integrate newcomers into Wikimedia projects. We encouraged the newcomers to join us while at the same time try to maintain them by having a special program to make retention can be increased.



Local Language as a Medium to Expanding Wikipedia to the Local Society

This year, we also expanded our coverage to another local language, which is Buginese. Buginese Wikipedia ( has been exist since 2005, yet recently they had not had any activities from the contributors. This had made Buginese Wikipedia nearly inactive. The momentum came in September 2019, when we were introduced to Makassar Heritage Society, a community-based in Makassar, South Sulawesi, that had concern over Buginese as well as the script (Lontarak). In November 2019, we arranged a Buginese Wikipedia workshop for this community and others who were interested to try writing on Buginese Wikipedia or wanted to preserve both Buginese language and Lontarak. From this workshop, we hope that there will be more Buginese people who are willing to contribute and share their knowledge to Buginese Wikipedia, especially when it comes to local content, such as Buginese tradition or Buginese culture.

Also, great news from Bali. Thank you to the volunteers who worked hard contributing to Balinese Wikipedia, the site finally released from its Incubator in October 2019. Today, we have about 6 active contributors from Bali which both contributing online and conducting offline training in Balinese to the society.

Our story

In the first semester of 2019, Wikimedia Indonesia began to collaborate with National Board of Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PB PGRI) which was a 6-weeks Wikipedia training-of-trainers (ToT) program for the selected teachers. The results of that collaboration can already be seen in this semester. The teachers who successfully managed to finish the ToT program have started to share what they have learned during the ToT through organizing their own Wikipedia workshops for teachers and people with similar expertise in many other regions in Indonesia (Jabodetabek, Pontianak, Bandar Lampung, Kendari, and Surabaya).

Last December 2019, we have also collaborated further with PGRI in conducting a ToT for the teachers in Makassar and Gowa, South Sulawesi. In this collaboration, there were 30 teachers who participated in attending the ToT. They are currently in the process of finishing their assignments, which are to create articles in Indonesian Wikipedia and also to hold their own Wikipedia workshops for other teachers in South Sulawesi.

Again, in August 2019, we invited 28 volunteer trainers from various cities in Indonesia (Bandung, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, Semarang, and Balikpapan) to attend the 2nd intensive training-of-trainers for 2 days straight in Jakarta. We introduced a new-simulation session to verify the volunteers’ understanding of conducting Wikipedia training. This simulation also aimed to prepare the volunteers for various questions that the Wikipedia workshop’s participants might ask. Most of the volunteers gave satisfying answers, even though there were some who also had some difficulties. It is a sign that the quality of our training is nearly equal in all regions.

Lesson learned

Wikipedia communities in Indonesia expanding along with the development of their local language. Today, we have 5 local communities consistent conducting training once a month. The specialities of these communities are, they can conduct Wikipedia training in two languages, for example, our communities in Padang able to conduct in Indonesian and Minangkabaunese, our communities in Bandung able to conduct in Indonesian and Sundanese, etc. So, in our next move, we have the plan to conduct training in bilingual language, that is in Indonesian and local language, depend from the region. We have 11 local languages that already exist so far but only 4 of them that have their offline communities. Now we are looking for new communities in other regions that can conduct their own training. From this strategy, we hope that Wikipedia will be easier to be accepted and relevant to the local societies in Indonesia.

Wikipedia Masuk Sekolah (Wikipedia Goes to School)

Wiki Goes to School in Universitas Andalas, West Sumatera.

Educational institutions play a huge part in producing, sharing and consuming knowledge and information through the teaching and learning activities. Even so, there are still teachers and learners that are not aware that those previously-mentioned activities can also be done online. Coming from this situation, Wikimedia Indonesia believes that by running a project that enables us to collaborate with educational institutions, it will also improve the capabilities of the students, in particular, to achieve better skills in producing, sharing and consuming knowledge, especially through a digital platform in a critical way. Therefore, still with the attempt to prove that ‘Wikipedia belongs in Education’, we have decided to carry on with our previous project, Wikipédia Menyang Sekolah (Wiki Goes to School) with a slightly different name this year (but conveys the same meaning), which is Wiki Masuk Sekolah (WMS).

This project integrates the educational institutions’ teaching-learning activities with editing Wikipedia activities. Through this project, we hope that this program will be a way to encourage them to be more confident when writing on a digital platform using their local languages in particular. Apart from that, by giving assignments in the form of writing articles on Wikipedia with minimum qualification, we focus on introducing Wikipedia as a means of teaching and learning, both for the learners, as well as for the teachers. Aside from that, we intend to make the learners feel more involved in the process of producing and sharing knowledge online so that they can understand the importance of open knowledge sharing and do not only take it for granted. The expected outcomes from this project are content enrichment and also volunteer engagement.

Our story

In our previous WMS, we only focused on Javanese Wikipedia. In this year’s WMS, we are pleased to be able to expand the coverage of our project. We decided to focus not only on one, but on three local languages Wikipedias, they are Minangkabau Wikipedia, Sundanese Wikipedia, and Javanese Wikipedia. There are also three communities involved in this year’s WMS project, they are Yogyakarta, Padang, and Bandung communities. The WMS program in Padang focused on Minangkabau Wikipedia, in Bandung focused on Sundanese Wikipedia, and in Yogyakarta focused on Javanese Wikipedia. Wikimedia Indonesia offered full support to the communities in running the project by providing guidance throughout the process and also evaluation after the project finished. With more coverage, this project definitely involves more volunteers. The volunteers from those three Wikimedia Indonesia’s local communities are the ones who carried out the WMS program in their regions and their local languages.

The program this semester lasted from August 2019-November 2019, including the preparation stage, the implementation, and the evaluation stage. At the end of the project in each institution, we instructed the students to submit a number of articles as a part of their assignments. These articles were then assessed by our volunteers and the grades were then submitted to the teachers.

So far, we have collaborated with 3 universities, they are Andalas University (UNAND) in Padang, West Sumatra, Yogyakarta State University (UNY), and also Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) that are both located in Yogyakarta. Besides collaborating with the universities, there were also collaborations with some high schools, in which WMS became a part of their extracurricular programs. They are SMA 6 Padang (Padang 6 Senior High School) in Padang, West Sumatra and SMA 1 Cisarua (Cisarua 1 High School) in Cisarua, West Java. In this year’s WMS, UNAND has the most classes that are integrated with the WMS program. In total, there are 3 classes that we handled for the WMS program and 93 students. All of the WMS programs focused on Minangkabau Wikipedia.

Lesson learned

However, this project was not without any flaws. Some things did not meet our expectations during the execution of the project. Some of our volunteers have encountered some problems with the facilities before the meetings even began. This caused the meetings to be cancelled and moved to next week, and on some occasions, the meetings had to be delayed for another two weeks. This made the WMS program to be less effective than we expected, because the more time we had between the meetings, more than likely the students would forget about the materials that were taught previously. In some schools, the attendees also got less day by day. The reasons were either they got engaged with some other urgent activities from the school or they just did not attend with no reasons at all. We have conferred with the schools/universities about these matters and they had tried their best to keep up with our requirements, yet what happened still could not be avoided.

Some students also complained about not being able to catch up with the materials given, because they thought that the pace was too fast for them to keep up with. We admit that for some of the students, the curriculum that we have built can be considered rigorous and demanding. We would work to improve and adjust this for the next program so that no students will feel burdened by this.

We did learn some important things from this project that we hope will be able to be minimized in the next semester’s program. The first one is the prerequisite for WMS to happen in educational institutions, which is making sure that the educational institutions really dedicate themselves to the program as written on the MoU. This includes arranging the schedules for the program to happen in the classroom, providing needed facilities, such as an internet connection, a room, and the learners, and also prompt the learners to attend the meetings and finish the assignments given. The second one is we would take some suggestions from our volunteers to make a study group for the program. This idea came from some of the students’ complaints about having difficulties in catching up with the materials. We would consider these suggestions thoroughly, as there will be a few things that we have to adjust if we are about to implement this advice.

Education internship


In order to run a project, Wikimedia Indonesia also needs some hands from volunteers who are active contributors to Wikimedia projects. We think that one of the best ways to engage more people to engage with Wikimedia projects both offline and online voluntarily is through an internship program. This internship program is aimed to support our Education programs and other programs, as well as to grow our community.

We have previously held an internship program in Wikimedia Indonesia’s Yogyakarta Community which resulted in 4 interns finished the program. Three of the four interns are still active in contributing online and also helping us with our other programs, such as GLAM, Community, Competitions, and Wikipedia workshops. The last internship has proven to be an effective way to develop our community. From the manpower that we got from the previous internship, our community in Yogyakarta has grown and become more active in participating in Wikimedia projects, both offline and online.

The internship program itself only opens twice per year with two slots available per batch. The recruitment process of the Internship is handled by the volunteers of the community, while the Internship itself is supervised by the Community Program Coordinator and the Education Program Coordinator. Each batch of the program lasts for two months with minimum hours of 96.

During the Internship period, the interns are taught about Wikimedia projects and are guided on how to contribute to Wikimedia projects. In the first month, they are trained to edit Wikipedia and to contribute to Wikimedia Commons. They are required to improve and write a number of articles. In the second month, they started to be involved in the community’s activities such as Wikipedia workshops and Wiki meet-ups. Additionally, they are given the opportunity to explore themselves and what they want to contribute to the community. When they have managed to fulfil their tasks as an intern, they will be given a letter of internship completion and will be involved in more Wikimedia Indonesia’s activities.

Our story

In this year’s internship, Wikimedia Indonesia gives opportunities to our communities in Yogyakarta and Padang to also organize and Internship program in their community spaces. Our communities were thrilled to find out that they will be given chances to have an Internship program at their community spaces and were willing to take the chances.

Our community in Padang opened the recruitment in August 2019 and the internship also started in the same month until October 2019. There were 170 people signed up for the Internship program in Padang. However, we only had two slots available, so the chosen candidates were two students from Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) and Universitas Andalas (UNAND).

While our community in Yogyakarta, began the recruitment process a month later, which was in September 2019. The chosen interns came from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). The internship started in September 2019 and finished in November 2019. Because we gave the opportunity to the interns to also present their ideas to the community, one of the interns came up with the idea of proposing a donation request to governmental institutions. The donation that we expected to get was in the form of books that we could use as materials to be written during Wikipedia workshops. Both of the interns handled this donation request and in results, we obtained several books contained local knowledge that we could write on Wikipedia. We stored the books in our Yogyakarta community space’s library.

We kept the tracks of our interns by requiring them to fill the attendant’s list with their active hours and their activities during the day. This list is monitored by the community’s coordinator and will be reported to the Education program coordinator to see their performance during the program.

Lesson learned

Even though our communities and the interns had fun organizing this Internship program, there are still a few things that we need to evaluate. The first one is the assistance provided by the community coordinator throughout the whole internship process. There was an intern that was kind of slower compared to the others in terms of fulfilling the tasks until the end of the internship period. As a solution to this problem, we will apply a time-extension for the next semester’s Internship. So the interns can take more than 96 hours to finish their tasks, or if they want to improve their skills more. Obviously we will put a limit on this that will be discussed further.

After the internship ended, it also got quite difficult to reach out to some interns and to get them involved in more community’s activities. For that reason, we think that the community coordinator needs to motivate the interns more so that they will be encouraged to get involved further, even after the internship finished.



GLAM institutions in Indonesia have a tremendous collection of our culture, yet the collection is displayed to the public. Most of the collection is being kept and hidden from the public because they can not display their huge collection. Since several years ago, we have been done a lot of outreach and effort to make them understand how important digitizing and archiving their collection online are.

In 2019-2020 we are working with local governments and institutions to digitize and archive their collections. We believe by opening up their collection and publishing in the digital platform could address several problems, including unaccessible collections and bringing them into the public.


Our story

Welcoming the arrival of local institutions and their collections on the internet

Since mid-2019, Wikimedia Indonesia has begun to actively search for local gallery, library, archive and museum institutions in Indonesia. The aim is to introduce the concept of archiving in digital form and open copyright-free collections to the internet through Wikimedia Commons. With this collection, the existence of these institutions will be recorded on the internet and open up opportunities to be visited by online visitors from all over the world.

GLAM Indonesia is an effort of Wikimedia Indonesia to digitize local treasures from Indonesia from a number of local GLAM institutions. The materials which become the object of digitalization are manuscripts, magazines, books or photographs, whose copyright has expired and become the public domain. Also, we are open to cooperation relating to the release of work to a free license, which will benefit the community.

In the first semester, we have been working with six institutions; some of which are government institutions.

  1. Wikimedia Taiwan & National Cheng-chi University (Taiwan, Republic of China) — status: done
  2. Minangkabau Culture Information and Documentation Center (Padangpanjang City, West Sumatra) — status: ongoing
  3. Dewantara Kirtigriya Museum (Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta) — status: ongoing
  4. Yayasan Sastra Lestari (Surakarta, Central Java) — status: ongoing
  5. Ajip Rosidi Library (Bandung City, West Java) — status: ongoing
  6. Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute (Medan City, North Sumatra) — status: ongoing
  7. Sumatran Numismatic Museum (Medan City, North Sumatra) — status: done
  8. Information Agency of Indonesian Air Force (Jakarta, Special Region of Jakarta) — status: ongoing
  9. Pekanbaru City Library and Archives Agency (Pekanbaru City, Riau) — status: proposing cooperation
  10. Museum of Indonesia of “Beautiful Indonesia” Miniature Park (Jakarta, Special Region of Jakarta) — status: proposing cooperation
  11. Museum of West Kalimantan (Pontianak City, West Kalimantan) — status: proposing cooperation
  12. Yogyakarta Cultural Value Conservation Center (Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta) — status: proposing cooperation

Although the number of institutions working together is increasing, we consider that the effort is not yet finished. We see opportunities to work together with other institutions that share the same mission and goals in the future. Thus, the gap of Indonesian local content on the internet can be reduced, and people in Indonesia, who come from various ethnic groups, can be represented.

Lesson learned


Apart from the positive results above, we learned that approaching various channels to introduce GLAM to its movements, both through social media, brochures, and personal related to GLAM institutions in Indonesia, could increase the insights of these institutions about their obligations towards their collections. There is little awareness of the institution (which we have met) to open access to its collection to the public. This certainly limits the community to see the cultural richness of other regions (remember that the land of Indonesia is very broad and requires large costs to see cultural diversity outside of its own culture).

With the manuscript protection law, it is very difficult for us to invite institutions to open a collection of manuscripts to the internet, even though the manuscript is already in the public domain. We are very careful not to break the law by not uploading such content to Commons, although there is still hope that a few snippets of the manuscript can be uploaded with certain terms and conditions.

Content Enrichment


Retas Budaya


Retas Budaya is a collaboration project between Goethe Institute, Wikimedia Indonesia, and the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. It is a project of connecting the stakeholders of culture: GLAM institutions, artists, art community, programmers, hackers, and general audiences to collaborate in order to document and to make use of our knowledge about culture for the greater good.

This event is inspired by Coding da Vinci, an annual hackathon on open culture data in Germany, where Wikimedia Deutschland is one of the organizers of the event. However, we are going to make adjustments so that it will fit the current condition in Indonesia since it is different from Germany.

During this preparation stage, we have conducted workshops, surveys, and meetings with GLAM institutions to discuss their status as centers of knowledge exchange, digital strategies that they can employ, challenges, and approaches that we can try together. Hopefully, we can hold this event in the last quarter of 2020.


Building the community of Wikidata editors in Indonesia

The majority of people in Indonesia already know Wikipedia, but many of them haven't even heard about Wikidata. The importance of Wikidata as a knowledge base, centralized repository for Wikimedia projects, along with its surging popularity throughout Wikimedians is a call for Wikimedia movement in Indonesia to start building the Wikidata community. This year, we focused on organizing Wikidata training in many cities across Indonesia.

Our story

We believe that by building the community of local Wikidata editors, the Wikidata contents about Indonesia is not only increasing in number, but it will also capture the local context of some data, especially cultural data, which can't be automated easily.

We expect that in many years coming, Wikidata will become more prevalent in Indonesia. There will be more collaborations with education and cultural institutions; the Indonesian content will near complete, and there will be many editors who will participate in making use of Wikidata.

Lesson learned

It is hard to make the general audience understand the importance of linked data and how it can be used. Therefore, we still have a lot of homework in the training division, to make the technical aspects of Wikidata easier to understand, and to look for more examples of Wikidata usage in different projects. We also realized that we need more Wikidata trainers, and we may hold the Wikidata training of trainers for our next step after this project finished.

Javanese OCR


The first half period of the project Optical Character Recognition for the Javanese Characters has spent to develop e-learning software for Javanese characters, geometric correction of the scanned text inputted to the OCR software, increasing the Support Vector Machine’s (SVM) performance for character recognition module, and rewriting the segmentation code into a software package which achieves 83.3%. The e-learning software is aimed to serve double purposes: introducing the use of Information technology in the teaching-learning process of Javanese for generation Z, and serving as a tool for providing training data. In addition, we have scanned also the whole book of Serat Mangkunegaran IV volume II in this half year project period.

During the process of deploying the Javanese e-learning software at BOPKRI Satu High School, we have got one valuable lesson. We tried hard to finish the development of the Javanese e-learning software and to use it for data annotation according to the timeline that has been set up. We have tested the use of this e-learning software in local server several times and we found out no bug. As we uploaded all codes of this software to the web server and used it as a tool for teaching Javanese characters in 6 classes of BOPKRI Satu high school, it seemed there was nothing wrong. However, as we evaluated the results, we found out that the works of students from 6 classes were not saved into the database. We realized that we missed a process, that is, testing the software after it has been uploaded into the Web server. The error is caused by the different rule set up on the database between the local and the Web servers, whereas the rules on the database server are stricter. This caused a big deal of lost for us since approximately 8.772 Javanese characters should have been annotated as training data. One lesson learned is that in future we should always do the testing and any retesting at any step of software development before its deployment in the real use case. In addition to this technical thing, we need to organize the real use testing of the software at different days and time.

Revenues received during this six-month period

Conversion rate

Rp 1 → US$ 0.000071

Note: S1 is per 31 December 2019.

Details report in here

Revenue Source Currency Anticipated S1 S2 Cummulative Anticipated (US$) Cummulative (US$) Explanation of variances from plan
FDC APG Grant IDR 4,292,505,000 2,494,945,810 2,494,945,810 304,767.86 177,141.15
In-kind donation IDR 163,785,000 97,085,000 97,085,000 11,628.74 6,893

Spending during this six-month period

Conversion rate

Rp 1 → US$ 0.000071

Note: S1 is per 31 December 2019.

Details report in here

Expense Currency Budgeted S1 S2 Cummulative Budgeted (US$) Cummulative (US$) Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
Office and administrative support IDR 705,000,000 375,567,489 375,567,489 50,055 26,665 53.27%
Salaries IDR 1,185,325,000 554,041,304 554,041,304 84,158 39,337 46.74%
Community Building and Support IDR 796,600,000 166,673,588 166,673,588 56,559 11,834 20.92% 60% budget is for the national conference (WikiNusantara) in and will happen in March
Education IDR 752,080,000 468,620,172 468,620,172 53,398 33,272 62.31%
GLAM IDR 366,500,000 77,319,420 77,319,420 26,022 5,490 21.10% GLAM volunteer meeting and Wikisource competition will happen in the second semester
Content Enrichment IDR 285,000,000 48,080,741 48,080,741 20,235 3,414 16.87% Most of the important projects including Wiki Loves Culture, Earth, and Cultural Hackathon tour will happen in the second semester.
Program Support IDR 202,000,000 63,332,855 63,332,855 14,342 4,497 31.35%



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