Grants:APG/Proposals/2019-2020 round 2/Wikimédia France/Impact report form

Purpose of the report

This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their results to date. For progress reports, the time period for this report will the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). For impact reports, the time period for this report will be the full 12 months of this grant, including the period already reported on in the progress report (e.g. 1 January - 31 December of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.



Despite the sanitary conditions, the association has been able to pursue its objectives and continue to develop its programs. The development of the association’s advocacy axis to inform the public authorities to the functioning of the encyclopedia was a major development this year. The association also launched a new online training platform for the association and maintained active support for the development of Francophone affiliates. GLAM and Wikipedia projects in the classroom are get into an important transformation process. First of all, the GLAM project by commissioning an impact study on open content which was associated with the organization of the Culture and Digital Day dedicated to open content in April 2021 and the come back of Wikimedians in residence in France. The Wikipedia in-class project is also changing with the final year of the high school Wikicontest in its current form. A new website for teachers, the strengthening of actions towards Universities and the conclusion of an important partnership with Vikidia will transform our actions about media and information education towards colleges. Lingua Libre continues to develop, generating new free content in nearly 120 different languages ​​and reducing linguistic bias on Wikimedia projects and on the web. We have strengthened our presence in the public debate through Wikipedia's 20 years. Finally, we have strengthened ourselves by organizing the closure of several services and by migrating others, particularly following the OVH fire in March. Unfortunately, the pandemic has considerably hampered our local activities carried by local groups and many of them are in decline after a year and a half of the pandemic. We will therefore have to be vigilant and listen to our members this year to support and encourage the rebirth of field actions that form the basis of our association.

Program A : Raising awareness and training to the Wikimedia Projets

Program B : Diversify participation in the Wikimedia Movement

Program C: Support, animate and strengthen the community

These programs are part of the association's 2019-2022 strategic plan (In French) :

Wikimedia France aims at three main impacts:

  • Improve access, understanding and use of Wikimedia projects
  • Support production and dissemination of free content
  • Act on the policies and practices of public institutions.

Global metrics overview - all programs


We do not include program figures directly in the report. To access it click on this link.

Impact report 2019-2020
Indicator 2020/2021 Target
Progress (at end of Q2) Impact (end of year) Comments
 Participants 4370 924 3402 The Covid 19 pandemic and the containment having paralyzed a large part of our activities from October 2020 to April 2021, we were not able to reach our goal
 Newly registered editors 1915 309 1104
 Pages added/improved 132100 145606 379820 The goal has been achieved. The contribution contests and Lingua Libre are the main providers of new content.
 Volunteer hours 6500 1764 5199
 Partners satisfaction 80% To be evaluated in June 2021 87,5% 87.5% of our partners believe that the objectives of the partnership have been achieved

Telling your program stories - all programs


Improve access, understanding and use of Wikimedia projects


List of activities included

  • WikiSolidaire
  • Monuments challenges
  • Wikiconcours high school student 2020-2021
  • Partnership with the Sans PagEs
  • Production of humoristic and informative podcasts around Wikipedia
  • Guyana project
Interview of a doctoral student who followed the training courses organized by Wikimedia France


The association wants to make the rules and operation of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects clear to the widest possible audience. It seeks to train and bring new knowledge to different audiences both on Wikipedia and on adjacent themes such as free, the commons or terms such as the free sharing of data and content. Through these training and awareness actions, it also seeks to bring new contributors to our projects by forging partnerships with friendly associations that work towards specific audiences or by organizing events and dedicated actions with a very inclusive approach to allow the participation of new people (for example by the awarding of prizes dedicated to new contributors during contribution contests). We are also working with specific audiences, for example with the establishment of a close collaboration project with the University of Guyana to develop the participation of the local population. Young audiences are also an important target for the association. That's why the High School Wikicompetition has received significant financial support this year before a complete overhaul for next year. At the same time, we have worked on establishing an important partnership with the Vikidia association and in particular the French-speaking community. Beyond supporting the technical maintenance of the project, Wikimedia France wishes to engage with this community for the years to come. Indeed, we are betting that the fight against participation bias but also media and information education work must involve action towards the youngest. The Vikidians form the future nucleus of French-speaking Wikimedia projects and we must reach out to them. This alliance therefore began with a survey of this community (787 respondents for 220 active contributors who made a modification in the last 30 days) and the first results seem to confirm our strategy. Of the people who have chosen to reveal their gender, 56% are women and more than 60% are under 18 years old. Vikidia therefore does not seem to suffer from a gender gap like the Wikimedia projects. It is therefore particularly interesting for the association to work to strengthen this community in order to strengthen it and develop its use at the college level.

1122 students and pupils received training and basic contributions to Wikimedia projects. Some of them, through the high school Wikiconcours, have created articles on Wikipedia on various themes even tackling certain biases, such as articles on female athletes from Reunion Island. 1104 new accounts were created on Wikimedia projects. This number is down slightly from last year due in particular to the virtual absence of face-to-face edits but also because of the decrease in the number of classes that participated in the high school Wikiconcours in 2020-2021. There was no edition of the Wikipedia MOOC this year due to the migration to our new training platform which has a de facto impact on our short term results. But we expect that with the announcement of the reopening and the arrival of the Wikidata MOOC in January 2022, our platform will experience significant growth. 3,402 direct participants in Wikimedia France actions in 2020-2021 (participation in a contribution competition, a conference or a training course organized by Wikimedia France) In three years, 16,338 people have participated in the actions of the association and 4,702 new accounts created on Wikimedia projects. Some of the projects carried out are the result of a long-standing collaboration that is renewed year after year. The high school Wikiconcours had its 8th edition while the partnership with the Lille doctoral school dates from 2009 2,063 people belonging to minority groups on Wikimedia projects have, directly or indirectly, been supported by Wikimedia France (gender, overseas population, minority language communities, etc.)


Support the production and the dissemination of free content


List of activities included

  • Photographic competition (WLM…)
  • Lingua Libre
  • Wikimedian residences
  • Editathon Women and Science
  • 1lib1ref
  • Support for volunteer actions
Lingua Libre tutorial


Wikimedia France is committed to improving the content present on Wikimedia projects. In these post-truth times and when the major platforms are particularly watched and spied on to ensure that they do not participate in the spread of false information, it is important that the movement act to improve and protect the content put online. . This obviously involves partnerships and actions carried out jointly with recognized institutions such as the WMF has been able to do so with the WHO but also by working to diversify the content available on Wikimedia projects. Photographic competitions are still a very mobilizing tool and generator of quality content, but the accessibility of this content on Commons remains problematic and that is why reuse to Wikipedia or Wikidata is an important element. On the same model as WPWP, we have created a French version around the monuments photographed within the framework of WLM. The Wikimedean residences that had disappeared in France since 2013 are finally back with a Wiktionary in residence (who improved nearly 30,000 pages on the Wiktionary in French) followed by a Lingua Libriste in residence at the University of Lyon. They will be closely followed by a new Wikimedian in residence at the University of Clermont-Ferrand. LinguaLibre crossed the symbolic threshold of 500,000 audio recordings in June 2021. With 658 different speakers and 134 different languages, the community grows stronger month after month despite the technical challenges we face. That's almost 27,000 new recordings every month made by around 50 speakers every month. Proof of its internationalization we find in the 10 most important languages ​​in terms of quantity of sounds produced, three languages ​​from the Indian subcontinent such as Marathi with nearly 30 different speakers who participate in Lingua Libre or even oriya. Thanks to the new sound library, it is now also very easy to listen to all these languages. Finally Lingua Libre already represents 25% of the sounds on Wikimedia Commons. Contribution campaigns like # 1lib1ref or the rare edits that we have been able to carry out are also moments of improvement in the quality of encyclopedic projects. That of Women of Science organized on the occasion of March 8 allowed for example the creation, improvement and translation of 65 pages of women scientists

The statistics of modified pages and contents have lost their usefulness. We are removing Wikidata from the statistics at a minimum so that it remains understandable and readable. Lingua Libre is starting to pose the same kind of problem. We are therefore going to emphasize the notions of quality and diversity of content but which are obviously more difficult to assess. Return of Wikimedians in residence in France which will bring new visibility and a faster conversion of institutions to open content and open data thanks to Wikimedia projects. In three years, Wikimedia France has contributed to the improvement of more than 820,000 pages on Wikimedia projects. (excluding Wikidata)


Act on the policies and practices of public institutions


List of activities included

  • Advocacy activities
  • Professional training
  • GLAM Project (Culture and Digital Days)
  • Renewal of the national education label


Wikimedia France has chosen to strengthen its presence in the public arena and in particular with political decision-makers by recruiting a person in charge of advocacy within its team. This recruitment has made it possible in particular to meet and raise awareness among many players over the past 8 months. (meeting stats) with intense activity around the various digital regulation projects in collaboration with the WMDE teams, the Free Knowledge advocacy group of Brussels and the WMF teams We have also continued and strengthened our actions with GLAM partners to convince them to adopt an approach in favor of Open content and Open data. In addition to the wikimedians in residence already mentioned, a study on the openness of content in France was commissioned from an impact agency with which we had already worked in the past. This national survey gathered information from 145 different cultural institutions and will allow us to support our action of openness and free sharing of knowledge with public authorities, but also to clarify the specificities of the French model internationally. The results, which will be publicly unveiled very soon, will be followed by the formalization of an observatory of open content practices in France and the creation of a label whose preparatory work has taken place throughout this year. This investigative work is connected to the field activities that the association organizes such as the Culture and Digital Days which, pandemic obliges, took place online in 2021. They brought together more than 200 people and enabled 61% of the participants to better understand Creative Commons licenses and Wikimedia projects. We also continued our training actions. If 50% of people trained during the year declared to have distrust of Wikimedia projects before the training, they are only 25% to maintain a partial mistrust afterwards. Likewise, 80% of those trained say they feel able to contribute to Wikimedia projects after the training. We are facing more and more requests from institutions wishing to take the plunge. There is no doubt that the Wikimedians in residence will also help us greatly in this process. Finally, the association obtained an extension of the label authorizing direct intervention in schools, recognition of the work undertaken for several years around media and information education.

70% of those trained say they understand the basic principles and rules of contributing to Wikimedia projects 9 national elected officials publicly supported Wikimedia projects during discussions around digital regulation bills in France 77% of the institutions present during the 2021 Culture and Digital Days declared that they wanted to initiate an open content process.

Testimony : “Thank you for organizing these sessions. A few years ago, open content brought together only a handful of people and now in 2021: the community is growing and taking up this subject with pleasure because it responds to a real questioning of the missions of cultural institutions in France. digital age. I appreciated the diversity of the interventions, the pace was really good, neither too long nor too short, which allowed me to stay attentive longer than usual when it comes to a 100% digital event. . ”Madeleine Hubert, National and University Library of Strasbourg.


Volunteer Program


This year of transition has made it possible to set up an online training program for the association's volunteers around themes aimed at improving online and offline relationships while providing them with tools and theoretical knowledge on the mechanics of conflicts and methods of resolution.

  • Better coping with conflicts for better interpersonal relationships
  • Dare to say no and say real yes
  • Communicate in a benevolent manner with the NVC
  • Initiation to active listening
  • Existing in a relationship while respecting the other: the issue of assertiveness.

The proposed themes were of interest to nearly 50 volunteers over the year from across the Francophonie, which has not been without generating challenges in terms of intercultural understandings or more prosaically technical issues for 100% online training. We will diversify the content of training next year with elements also more oriented towards technologies or mediatrainig. The association also set up during this year to best support its volunteers and the community, a telephone psychological assistance available 24/7. In January 2022, we will carry out an assessment of this initiative in conjunction with the partner. Finally, the association has rethought its material support for volunteers by setting up a more resilient loan system, always developing partnerships with service providers. This should allow us to meet more needs, in a shorter time frame and without all the responsibility for the management of this loan resting on the staff.

Revenues received during this period (12 months for impact report)


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Revenues received during this six-month period

Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
Various recipes Euro
Project Grants Euro 57 000 € 3 000 € 11 207 € 42 793 € 57 000 € 66.056 $ 66.056 $
WMF Grant Euro 425 000 € 106 250 € 106 250 € 106 250 € 106 250 € 425 000 € 492.523 $ 492.523 $
Financial Mécenat Euro
Memberships Euro 10 000 € 7 000 € 6 554 € 13 554 € 11.589 $ 15.286 $
Donations Euro 500 000 € 53 293 € 309 324 € 56 290 € 82 976 € 501 883 € 579.439 $ 566.037 $
Other products Euro 4 100 € 49 € 3 355 € 105 € 3 509 € 4.751 $ 3.957 $
Resumption of outstanding commitments Euro 15 000 € 24 768 € 24 768 € 17.383 $ 27.934 $
Load transfers Euro 5 000 € 1 531 € 1 531 € 5.794 $ 1.726 $

Spending during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
A - Raising awareness and training to the Wikimedia Projets Euro 218 252 € 39 726 € 52 627 € 41 497 € 92 320 € 226 170 € 252.928 $ 255.081 $ 103,63 %
B- Diversify participation in the Wikimedia Movement Euro 151 640 € 33 064 € 37 863 € 50 036 € 44 627 € 165 589 € 175.732 $ 186.756 $ 109,20 %
C - Support, animate and strengthen the community Euro 269 508 € 46 217 € 63 045 € 102 748 € 64 580 € 276 589 € 312.327 $ 311.945 $ 102,63 %
Fundraising Euro 58 731 € 9 769 € 18 877 € 8 550 € 19 555 € 56 750 € 68.062 $ 64.004 $ 96,63 %
Overhead Euro 317 969 € 72 614 € 62 441 € 81 099 € 120 144 € 336 298 € 368.487 $ 379.286 $ 105,76 %
TOTAL Euro 1 016 100 € 201 390 € 234 853 € 283 930 € 341 226 € 1 061 399 € 1.177.540 $ 1.197.070 $ 104,46 %

* With the various changes undertaken during the financial year, the statement of expenditure could only take place from January for the whole semester. So we know how much was spent on axis 1 on December 31, but not on September 30. This is why you will find on Q1 and Q2 the same amount. From Q3 we resume the usual calculation.



Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?


As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

  • Yes

Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

  • Yes



Rémy Gerbet WMFr (talk) 19:13, 2 May 2022 (UTC)

Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.

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