Grants:APG/Proposals/2020-2021 round 1/Wikimedia Argentina/Proposal form/Program Alignment 2030 strategy

Strategy priorities Wikimedia Argentina


Local priorities

These are the priorities we identified at the local level. Some of them also have regional impact since they are projects that we will work with the region.

Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement: Assessing the needs of groups and volunteers, funding to support emerging and marginalized communities

Improve User Experience : Easy-to-find and easy-to-understand resources for newcomers, finding peers with specific interests

Provide for Safety and Inclusion Code of Conduct; Develop local capacity for advocacy

Invest in Skills and Leadership Development Global approach to skill development; Invest in new or existing technological infrastructure, processes to identifying and invite potential leaders

Manage internal knowledge: Facilitate a culture of documentation

Identify Topics for Impact : research and analysis to identify topic areas, fill content gaps on topics and areas that are missing, misinformation

Cross cutting priority:

Evaluate, Iterate, and Adapt: monitoring, evaluating and learning with local and regional partners, also with movement stakeholders. Evaluation regarding the strategy implementation at all levels

Regional & Global priorities

Regional: support, allocate resources, and actively participate in the implementation of the strategy at the regional level, according to the priorities defined by the region (3,4 and 8, so far)


  • Ensure Equity in Decision-making: development and implementation of the global council and Movement Charter, development of a more participatory resource allocation process for the Wikimedia Movement.

Priorities per program


Education and Human Rights Program


The Education & Human Rights Program is aligned with recommendations 1, 3 and 6 in the follow ways:

  • Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement (1) We will continue working to distribute technical, training and financial resources according to the needs of cultural communities, with the aim of supporting the development of cultural communities in LATAM, to expand and diversify the movement with new people. This is also a work in line with recommendation 4.
  • Provide for Safety and Inclusion (3) One of our main new lines of work is to develop the local and regional capacity for training on digital rights and safety. We will work to contribute and develop safer communities in the region, both for the present as well as for the future. We will also support the implementation of the Code of Conduct in the region.
  • Invest in Skills and Leadership Development (6) One of the program’s main priorities for 2021 is identifiying local needs to develop spaces for training and knowledge transfer, mentoring programs and technological infrastructure for learning. We expect to reach educational communities regionally.

Also, we will promote the following cross-cutting line:

  • Manage internal knowledge (7): We would like the movement to be learning-oriented, with skill development and knowledge transfer as fundamental pillars. From the Education Program, we will promote this transformation by designing localized and contextualized proposals, both locally and regionally, making them accessible for everyone.

Culture and Open Knowledge Program


The Culture & Open Knowledge program is aligned to recommendations 1, 6, 7 and 8 in the following ways:

  • Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement (1): We will continue working to distribute technical, training and financial resources according to the needs of cultural communities, with the aim of supporting the development of cultural communities in Argentina, to expand and diversify the movement with new people. This is also a work in line with recommendation 4.
  • Invest in Skills and Leadership Development (6): We will identify local and regional needs to develop training and knowledge transfer spaces and develop capacity building programs for cultural institutions at a local scale. We will also work to develop a new cultural network of support to involve new cultural leaders, at least in Argentina.
  • Managing internal knowledge (7): We will make internal knowledge resources accessible through platforms for cultural institutions in LATAM, to centralize all cultural resources and projects to promote the development of new local and regional projects.
  • Identify Topics for Impact (8): Content creation in areas that are missing

We will work to make locally relevant and underrepresented cultural content from Wikimedia projects accessible.

Cooperation and Inclusion Program


The Cooperation and Inclusion Knowledge program is aligned to recommendations 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8 in the following ways:

  • Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement (1): We will continue assisting, supporting and strengthening current and emerging communities in LATAM to expand and diversify the movement with new people and therefore foster its future sustainability.
  • Improve User Experience (2): We will continue to develop mentoring spaces and resources that favor the inclusion and incorporation of newcomers; also to facilitate their learning in the Wikimedia projects. We will create create new spaces of collaboration and mentoring at the global level to help find peers and mentors.
  • Leadership Development (6) Assess the needs and interests of our local community and develop training and knowledge transfer spaces to build a more inclusive Wikimedia Movement.
  • Managing internal knowledge (7): We will establish platforms to centralize learnings, knowledge and resources for better support communities at local y regional level.
  • Identify Topics for Impact (8): We will carry out research on content gaps to analyze what are the most relevant interests of Argentine and Latin American society in their use of Wikimedia projects in order to work on creating content and generate partnerships accordingly.