Grants:APG/Proposals/2020-2021 round 1/Wikimedia UK/Proposal form

Proposal by Wikimedia UK to support its annual plan with £345,000 ($460,515).

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  • Use this form if you are eligible to submit a proposal in the current round, to request funding in the current round.
  • This form must be published on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round to be considered, and no changes may be made after the submission date without staff approval.
  • This form complements your organization's annual plan, detailed budget, and strategic plan. It won't be considered complete without a detailed budget and strategic plan.
  • Organizations may apply for a funding period that does not exactly match their fiscal years. Follow the instructions carefully to understand what time period each question refers to.
  • Refer to the framework, guidance from the Board, and the FDC's recommendations before using this form, so you have an understanding of the Annual Plan Grants process.
  • Please Email with questions about using the form.

A few terms used in the form:

FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms

Introduction, context and strategy


Wikimedia UK is applying for an Annual Plan Grant of £345,000 ($460,515) from the Wikimedia Foundation for the period 1st February 2021 to 31st January 2022. In this proposal we share our plans and priorities for next year within the context of Wikimedia UK’s own 2019 - 2022 strategic framework and the movement strategy recommendations. The structure and contents of this proposal relate explicitly to the framing requested by our grants officer in September 2020, in the form of a set of questions to which we have responded here.

Overview of Wikimedia UK's Strategic Framework for 2019 - 2022

Wikimedia UK works in partnership with organisations from the cultural and education sectors and beyond in order to unlock content, remove barriers to knowledge, develop new ways of engaging with the public and enable learners to benefit fully from the educational potential of the Wikimedia projects. The work of the UK chapter is informed by and supports the strategic direction of the global Wikimedia movement, and focuses on the knowledge and communities that have been left out by structures of power and privilege.

Our vision is of a more tolerant, informed and democratic society.

Our mission is to be the platform which enables the long-term sustainable development and use of open knowledge in the UK.

We are currently delivering activities across four interconnected programme strands, as follows, which are aligned with our strategic aims:

  • Increasing Knowledge Equity
  • Developing Digital Literacy
  • Changing Policy and Practice
  • Growing Wikimedia UK’s Profile and Capacity

Our current three year strategy covers the period February 2019 to January 2022. Given the significant impact of Covid-19 on our partners, supporters, contributors and ourselves, we decided to revisit the assumptions underpinning our current programme at our board awayday in September 2020. In particular, we took a fresh look at our external environment, and updated this section of our strategic framework here. At this meeting - and in further conversations with the staff team - we also explored a number of emerging programmatic themes, detailed below under ‘Emerging themes and priorities’.

Here are a number of reports, articles and research papers relating to some key issues for the cultural, education and civil society sector in the UK, that underpin our own organisational priorities. This is not an exhaustive list but gives a flavour of the current context and external environment that informs the chapter’s work.

Wikimedia UK’s commitment to the implementation of the global movement strategy

Wikimedia UK has been involved in the development of the Wikimedia 2030 movement strategy since its inception, and remains committed to its successful delivery. During September and October 2020 we held discussions with staff and trustees to identify global priorities for implementation and to explore the recommendations and initiatives through the lens of our own organisational priorities, as well as the skills and expertise that the UK chapter and community could bring to the wider movement. We have further meetings planned in early November with the Celtic Knot community and (separately) contributors to English Wikipedia, to explore these questions with volunteers.

The clearest overlap between the movement strategy and Wikimedia UK’s own strategy is Recommendation 8: Identify topics for impact. In particular, our work to develop diverse content and contributors and increase the engagement and representation of marginalised people and subjects, resonates closely with initiatives 8.37 Bridging content gaps and 8.38 Content initiatives in underrepresented communities. We also see ourselves being able to play a role in the delivery of initiative 8.36 Misinformation, identifying impactful topics given our strategic focus on developing information literacy skills to help to combat misinformation. Depending on how the movement structures its global knowledge sharing and programme coordination, we see ourselves able to lead on or support thematic hubs set up around Recommendation 8 (through our expertise in Wikimedians in Residence, underrepresented content, and digital literacy).

Wikimedia UK’s other priorities in terms of our involvement and contribution are Recommendation 4: Ensure equity in decision-making and Recommendation 9: Innovate for free knowledge. In terms of the latter, we feel particularly able to contribute to 9.41 Continuous experimentation, technology and partnerships for content, formats and devices.

The staff and board of Wikimedia UK have identified a number of other initiatives within the movement strategy which relate to our own strengths and priorities, although these may not be identified as immediate priorities for implementation in 2021:

Recommendation 1: Increasing the sustainability of the movement
1.3 Increased awareness about the Wikimedia movement
1.4 Global revenue generation policy and fundraising strategy
1.8 Align with environmental sustainability initiatives
Recommendation 2: Improve User Experience
2.11 developing resources for newcomers
2.12 Peer-to-peer spaces
2.14 Cross-project tool development and reuse
Recommendation 3: Provide for safety and inclusion
3.16 Code of Conduct
3.20 Advocacy - local capacity development
Recommendation 4: Ensure equity in decision-making
4.27 Guidelines for board functions and governance
Recommendation 6: Invest in skills and leadership development
6.31 Global approach for local skill development
Recommendation 7: Manage internal knowledge
7.34 Facilitate a culture of documentation
Recommendation 10: Evaluate, iterate and adapt
10.42 Monitoring, evaluation and learning at all levels with support and mutual accountability

Additional priorities and areas of synergy may be identified through our upcoming movement strategy preparation meetings with volunteers.

An overview of Wikimedia UK's programmes


Wikimedia UK develops and delivers a wide range of activities to support our vision and mission. The nature of the Wikimedia UK programme is iterative, informed by the external environment and emerging opportunities as well as by ideas from volunteers, partners, staff and board. We apply the following selection criteria to prioritise new projects and partners

Strategic alignment - to what extent does it contribute to our strategic aims and objectives?
Evidence of need - is the project designed to meet a specific, identified need?
Potential impact/benefit - to what extent could the project affect long-term change, and/or contribute towards meeting our targets?
Resources - how much will it cost in money, staff time and/or other resources?
Funding - is there an opportunity for external funding for this activity? Could a gift in kind be secured?
Partners - are partner organisations involved and if so, who? How strategically significant is/are potential partners?
Community - to what extent does or will the work involve volunteers? Is there any potential reach in terms of our members or donors?
Risks - Are there any financial or reputational risks related to the project and if so, can these be mitigated?

Our annual delivery plan was reviewed and updated over the summer and early autumn of 2020, with the planning period extended to cover 2021 - 2022. We are attaching this plan to this proposal for further information and detail about our planned activities under each of our strategic aims (which correspond with our four programme strands) and objectives. The plan will be reviewed and updated again - but not recreated in its entirety - in January 2021, to refine priorities and plans for 2021 - 22. This will allow us to integrate any new activities arising from the Movement Strategy transition period and resulting implementation plan.

In the light of current circumstances and particularly the shift to remote/online activities, a clear need for a lighter and more flexible programme has emerged, with a new focus on organisational resilience. We are developing several strands of work in this area:

  • Revenue generation: paid training and other forms of earned income, including seconding staff to other institutions as consultants/expert open knowledge practitioners
  • Developing and supporting our networks: facilitating peer learning amongst staff and volunteers, online Train the Trainer, supporting Wikimedians in Residence
  • Foregrounding accessibility as well as safety and security issues for our online events
  • Sharing Wikimedia UK’s developing expertise in online working with the global Wikimedia movement
  • Building new workflows and partnership models: multi-part training offer, workflows for staff contributions steered away from their normal jobs during lockdown (National Library of Scotland Wikisource model), and asynchronous workflows for larger organisational partners.

Wikimedia UK is currently delivering work across four separate but highly interconnected programme strands, which relate to our four strategic aims. In this section of the proposal, we have included a short overview of each programme and its strategic context. Please see our logic models to understand more about our theory of change for each programme, and how our programmes relate to and support the delivery of our overall strategic framework.

Programme One: Increasing Knowledge Equity

Wikimedia UK has been focused on underrepresented knowledge for the past five years, with this work coalescing around the key themes of underrepresented cultural heritage, minority languages, the gender gap and diverse contributors. The movement for equality and civil rights is facing significant challenges worldwide and we believe that open knowledge and knowledge equity have a central role to play in securing social justice for all.

Over the past two years, we have also been developing a particular thematic focus on decolonisation, both as this affects cultural institutions (decolonising collections) and the education sector (decolonising curricula). In Autumn 2020, we commissioned a piece of research into the way in which non-western visual arts are covered on Wikimedia, to test our assumptions about how certain types of content is represented. We hope that this research by Waqas Ahmed and Dr Martin Poulter will inform our programme in 2021, and possibly serve as a template for exploring other knowledge gaps.

This programme strand relates to our long term outcome of ensuring that the Wikimedia projects reflect our diverse society and are free from systemic bias, as well as our strategic aim for the period 2019 to 2022 to increase the engagement and representation of marginalised people and subjects on Wikimedia. This programme feeds directly into the movement priority of knowledge equity, and our work in this area maps across to the initiatives under Recommendation 8: Topics for Impact.

Programme Two: Developing Digital Literacy

In the UK, as in other parts of the world, societal fragmentation is increasing, driven by media and political polarisation, and fuelled by misinformation and disinformation. Wikimedia can play an important role in combatting these issues, and in developing the information and media literacy skills that are fundamental to a well functioning civil society. Wikimedia UK believes that engaging with the Wikimedia projects – particularly through becoming a contributor – enables learners to understand, navigate and critically evaluate information as well as develop an appreciation for the role and importance of open education. Using Wikimedia in the curriculum can teach students key skills in information literacy, collaboration, writing, editing, information synthesis, source evaluation and data science.

With lockdown in the UK, schools have been closed and there has been increased awareness of homeschooling and the importance of access to free, accurate online information. At the same time, this year has seen higher than ever levels of misinformation - with Ofcom (the UK communications regulator) reporting that young people are the most affected - and a further decline in trust in the news media, according to Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Within this context, working with school-age students is becoming an increasing priority. Planned activities in this area for 2021 include a joint information and media literacy project for 16 - 18 year olds with social enterprise Shout Out UK (subject to external funding), as well as a continuation of the groundbreaking education work being delivered in Wales.

This programme strand also maps very broadly to Recommendation 8: Topics for Impact, however the movement strategy initiative regarding misinformation (8.36) is focused on the threat to our projects, rather than on equipping young people with the skills and knowledge to recognise misinformation.

Programme Three: Changing Policy and Practice

This programme is about the changes that we are working towards at an institutional, sectoral and public policy level to enable open knowledge to flourish. It involves a wide range of activities and local, national and international partnerships across a range of sectors, with a particular focus on culture, education, the open movement and civil society. Our Wikimedians in Residence are particularly crucial in helping us to achieve institutional change, advocating for open policies and practice and working to develop and embed these to ensure sustainability.

At a sector wide and public policy level, our policy priorities in 2021 will be around open licensing (particularly in the context of Brexit and the UK Government’s decision not to adopt the EU Copyright Directive); knowledge equity (a key strategic priority for both Wikimedia UK and the wider Wikimedia movement); and misinformation (for the same reasons shared above under the digital literacy programme strand). Some of our emerging plans around the latter theme include participation in a UK based working group to influence future policy on school education and curriculum content, and involvement in a cross-sector transatlantic group on misinformation relating to barriers to COVID-19 vaccine takeup.

Wikimedia UK continues to contribute financially and strategically to the work of the EU Free Knowledge Advocacy Group, although inevitably our involvement is considerably less than it used to be prior to Brexit. This group has defined a new strategic goal, which is that Wikimedia shapes crucial conversations on legislation that concerns our movement. Within this overarching goal there are two concrete objectives, which are to be the voice of ‘good tech’ and self-governing communities; and to bring evidence-based expertise to keep the internet open. The group’s public policy priorities in 2021 are the Digital Services Act, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Governance, as well as to wrap up work on the Terrorist Content Regulation, E-evidence and the transposition of the Copyright Directive.

Programme Four: Growing Wikimedia UK’s Profile and Capacity

Our fourth strategic aim is focused on developing Wikimedia UK’s capacity and profile, as this underpins the success of all of our other work. Some of the activities that fall under this programme strand are largely externally focused - such as volunteer development and international working - while others are more internal, such as fundraising and organisational development. As highlighted above, in the context of the pandemic we have been particularly focused on our own organisational resilience and capacity, and supporting that of our partners. We have also been placing more of an emphasis on documenting and communicating our work, particularly regarding our learning around online delivery and new models of engagement.

The cultural and education sectors, with whom Wikimedia UK works most closely, have arguably been the most profoundly affected by the pandemic and accompanying shutdown in the UK (with the obvious exception of the medical profession and other frontline workers). We were already concerned about the impact of Brexit on both of these sectors, but now the pandemic has brought existential challenges to many cultural organisations and higher education institutions which will take some years to play out fully. Within this context, and given the extent to which our programme delivery is supported and largely funded by our partners, the need to establish a sustainable business model underpinned by diverse and stable funding becomes even more imperative. To this end, we are very pleased and grateful to have been awarded additional funding from the Wikimedia Foundation towards the development of our fundraising capacity over the next few years.

Activities, Projects and Partnerships


Ongoing Programmes

Our programmes encompass a wide range of strong, ongoing activities, partnerships, and delivery themes. Within the final year of our 2019-22 strategy we aim to continue to develop and deliver the work that has been particularly successful, as follows:

  • Connecting with partner organisations and community groups engaged in closing the gender gap (including Art+Feminism events, and the Protest & Suffragettes group)
  • Supporting and amplifying the work of our long standing and innovative major partners. This includes Menter Môn, National Library of Wales, Wellcome, Edinburgh University and Coventry University, all of which host Wikimedians in Residence, or permanent Wikimedian posts that have grown out of fixed-term residencies
  • Working closely with our more recently established but nonetheless important major partners, including the Science Museum and the British Library. We are also hoping to continue our partnership with the Khalili Collections.
  • Continuing our language work in Scotland and Wales - including our renewed focus on the Scots Wikipedia - and exploring how this learning could be applied elsewhere; for example, learning from en-masse article generation on Welsh Wikipedia to support the growth of other Celtic languages, or replicating successful approaches in England
  • Strengthening our work by providing network support and community building for partners and communities (e.g. Wikimedians in Residence, GLAMs in Scotland)
  • Supporting and developing our volunteer community, in particular through the delivery of our highly regarded Train the Trainer programme
  • Continuing to build relationships across relevant sectors in the UK; participating in collaborative advocacy initiatives as appropriate, and lending our voice to our allies where their public policy and campaigning activities overlap with our policy agenda
  • Building on our successful social media activity, and continuing to create engaging and professionally designed publications and printed materials, which help us to advocate to potential partners and build our case for support
  • Extending newer initiatives from this year which have resonated particularly well, for example Code the City (the Scottish organisation for civic engagement with data) and Wikibase support and facilitation for collection-holding organisations .

Emerging themes and priorities

At Wikimedia UK, new programmes emerge in response to a changing external context, and our dynamic loop from evaluation and learning to delivery. With this in mind, here are some of the emerging themes and priorities for next year - including, where relevant, potential projects and partnerships that we are developing in response to these.

A focus on underrepresented content remains central to our programme, but in 2021 we want to go deeper, working even harder towards knowledge equity. Whilst decolonisation has been a growing theme of our work in the past few years, we are mindful that there is a need to unpack the language and action around decolonisation, ensuring that we are facilitating participatory and inclusive approaches, and rebalancing whose stories are told. This work will, we hope, be underpinned by the introduction of an equity, diversity and inclusion framework for the whole organisation, which will cut across our staff, board, volunteers, partners, processes and programme delivery - ensuring that we ourselves reflect the full diversity of our society. Research and development relating to this framework is currently underway, but we are envisaging that the process will continue well into 2021.

Within Wikimedia UK’s overall work to help develop knowledge equity, we are conscious that we haven’t specifically foregrounded work with black communities and heritage; and that this is a gap that needs to be addressed. Discussions are currently taking place with partners in Scotland about how to develop and deliver explicitly anti-racist, participatory heritage projects, and at a UK level we are involved in a large-scale funding bid, led by English Heritage, for a data-led project focused on the relationship between Britain’s role in the Transatlantic slave trade and our present built environment.

This funding proposal is in response to the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) programme Towards a National Collection: Opening UK Heritage to the World, and it’s worth noting here our involvement with several other projects that are hoping to achieve funding through this programme. These include Art in Place: Connecting 1000 years of painted pages led by British Library, and a project led by the Science Museum; both of whom we are currently working closely with on residency projects, as well as these potential projects.

Another emerging theme for Wikimedia UK’s programmes is climate change, reflecting the accelerating climate emergency and the importance of Wikimedia’s role in providing up to date, accurate and unbiased information about the crisis. We are talking to several organisations working in this field about possible partnership projects, including the University of Exeter’s Global Systems Institute, with whom we are currently fundraising for a Wikimedian in Residence focused on climate information. Several Wikimedia volunteers, based in different parts of the world, have been crucial to the development of this proposed project, and will be integral to its delivery if we are able to secure the necessary funding.  

Access to health information has clearly risen to prominence during the pandemic, with Wikimedia UK exploring a number of potential partnerships to support the community’s work in this area over the past six months. We see this as a continuing need going forwards, related to our strategic priority to help combat misinformation. We are particularly interested in exploring how people with learning disabilities and other accessibility issues can access health information, perhaps through Simple English Wikipedia.

As well as these emerging programmatic themes, 2020 has also been a year for experimenting with new models of delivery, as a result of the shutdown. As an organisation we have done well in adapting to remote delivery (with notable successes including the online Celtic Knot Conference, in partnership with Wikimedia Ireland, and our AGM; as well as board meetings, meetups and regular editing events) and plan to continue developing our online training delivery. In particular, having got past the initial period of adjustment, we would like to ensure that we are working as inclusively and innovatively as possible, and maximising the opportunities presented by remote working to extend our reach.

Wikimedia UK has a commitment within our strategy to support technical innovation. Whilst this has not been a high priority for us over the past few years, we do see a role for the chapter in supporting the development of technical tools, particularly where they relate to our strategic priority to uncover or amplify underrepresented content and heritage. Examples of ongoing initiatives include schema development for artists’ publishing as part of a wider project led by arts organisation Banner Repeater, and a successful partnership with Aberdeen-based Code the City. Our ongoing partnership with Science Museum also has a significant technology angle, as they are exploring the use of Wikidata to manage their extensive collections data, with a particular focus on research capabilities and the possibilities offered by linked open data.

Finally, as 2021 marks 20 years since the launch of the English Wikipedia, we are developing plans for a year-long birthday celebration, incorporating fundraising, communications and programme activities.

What we wish to discontinue and why

We have considered as a staff team whether there are any whole programmes or delivery models that we wish to discontinue, and at this point there are none. However, there are a few things that we anticipate doing less of over the next year, for a range of reasons:

  • Fewer one-off editathons; saying no to projects and partnerships where the strategic alignment and potential for long term impact isn’t clear.
  • Working with communities/people that are not aligned with our values, particularly around equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • The uncertainty facing the higher education sector prompted some reflection. How would our programme look if partnerships with universities fell away due to reduced capacity for course leaders to incorporate Wikimedia into their teaching given the pressures and constraints caused by the pandemic? It would allow us to redirect some of our capacity to working more with schools (as indicated earlier in this proposal). Education and digital literacy are important to Wikimedia UK, and are areas where we can provide significant value.
  • Investing time and resources into potential partnerships where there isn’t evidence of a real commitment to working with Wikimedia to open up their organisations
  • Office management, paperwork and commuting five days a week have obviously been less of a feature of everyone’s working lives since March. Whilst there are some issues with remote working, all staff feel that they have benefited from the increased flexibility and we do not plan to return to our former way of working, even when we re-open the office.

There are also some things that we want to see less of (or ideally eliminated) on the Wikimedia projects - such as harassment, centralisation of power, and paying lip service to decolonisation. Of course, working to reduce these things is likely to create more work for the organisation, rather than less.



Our planned income and expenditure for next year is included below (in sterling), however please bear in mind the following key points:

  • Our internal planning cycle means that our more detailed budget for 2021/22 will be considered by our Audit and Risk Committee and the full board in December, and so the draft included with this proposal is likely to change. In particular, the budget presented to the board in December will be informed by our Quarter 3 reforecast of the current year, and our projected outturn at the year end (31st January 2021)
  • The current situation regarding Covid-19 and the implications both for our programme delivery and our fundraising means that we are drafting this budget with less certainty than previous years. Having said that, Wikimedia UK currently holds sufficient reserves to cover an unexpected fall in revenue from sources other than the Wikimedia Foundation in 2021 (i.e. individual donors and major grants).
Annual Plan Grant 345,000
Small donations 190,000
Gift Aid 17,000
Gifts in Kind 148,000
Major gifts/grants (core funding) 25,000
Major gifts/grants (project funding) 40,000
Other income 1000
Volunteer and Community Support 11,000
Partnership programmes 12,500
Gifts in Kind 148,000
Projects (subject to additional external funding) 40,000
External Relations and Advocacy 11,000
International 2000
Fundraising costs (processing fees) 15,500
Premises 52,822
IT & Telephony 22,360
Other Office Costs 13,554
Governance 4000
Membership 150
Audit & Accountancy 10,100
Staff salaries, National Insurance and Pensions 415,833
Staff other costs (including training and travel) 6950
Surplus/Deficit 231



As indicated by our Progress Report for the current year’s activity, Wikimedia UK is on track to achieve or exceed all our targets for 2020/21, with the exception of newly registered editors. The reasons that our results for this metric have been lower this year relate to the challenge of reaching new audiences in the context of lockdown, and the impact of the pandemic on our Wikipedia in Classroom courses, We expect this trend may continue into 2021, which is why our target for newly registered editors is fairly conservative for the upcoming year.

In this proposal we include targets for 2021/22 in our three universally-applied grant metrics and our two grantee-defined metrics, based on our expected year end results for the current year and our plans for the upcoming year:

  • Participants 7,000
    • We have maintained this target at the same level as 2020/21. We believe this is an ambitious target for the year ahead, since we will have fewer opportunities to reach participants through presentations and workshops at in-person events and conferences.
  • Newly registered 1,200
    • This target is lower than the current year, as we believe it will be more challenging to reach new editors given the ongoing Covid-related restrictions within the UK.
  • Content pages 450,000
    • This target is significantly higher than 2020/21. We hope this will be achievable given a greater emphasis on Wikidata in our partnership activities, in a year when outreach to new audiences is less viable.
  • Volunteer hours (grantee-defined) 25,000
    • This is the same target as the current year, when a lot of volunteer time went into the Celtic Knot conference. We won’t be leading on the conference in 2021 and so believe this is still a stretch target.
  • Total direct engagement (grantee-defined) 75,000

We are also including our full table of metrics, as agreed by the Wikimedia UK board, with a brief explanation of what these mean. These measures give Wikimedia UK a more comprehensive insight into the reach and impact of our work, in order to inform future programme planning as well as support external fundraising:

# metric What we need it for
1 Total audience and reach (grant metric, grantee defined) Sum of metric #2+3, helping us track the breadth and depth of our communications and engagement work
2 Digital media reach Output communications metric, to monitor the breadth of our comms work.
3 Total participants  (global grant metric, GM1) Output delivery metric, to monitor the in-depth reach of our work.
4 Number of newly registered users (global grant metric, GM2) Output delivery metric, to track how many new contributors we brought to the Wikimedia projects (albeit this isn’t the key focus of our work)
5 Number of leading volunteers Output community metric, to monitor the number of engaged Wikimedia UK community organisers. We aim to maintain a steady number of lead volunteers, although the individuals involved will vary
6 % of leading volunteers who are women Output community metric, to monitor our efforts in maintaining diversity of our volunteer leaders (we believe that diverse leaders can translate into overall diversity of the contributor community)
7 Estimated number of volunteer hours (grant metric, grantee defined) Output community metric (primarily), to capture and therefore value the work that our volunteers put in to help us deliver our programmes. It also helps track community health by tracking the level of engagement of the community.
8 Volunteers would recommend WMUK Outcome community metric. Assesses volunteer satisfaction.


9 Volunteers feel valued by WMUK Outcome community metric. Assesses volunteer satisfaction and assumes continued engagement through feeling valued.


10 Volunteers have developed new skills Outcome community metric. Assesses volunteer satisfaction and picks up on the impact of volunteering in terms of skills development.


11 Images/media added to WM Commons Output content metric. Tracks the volume of our content-generation work.
12 Images/media added to WM article pages (and %) Outcome content metric. Tells us, broadly, whether the images we uploaded were useful in plugging any content gaps on Wikipedia pages.
13 Content pages created or improved, across all WM projects excl. Commons (global grant metric, GM3) Output content metric. Tracks the volume of our content-generation work.
14 Number of articles created Output content metric. Tracks the volume of our content-generation work.
15 Reach of content - image/article views Outcome content metric, tells us about the public engagement reach of the content we helped release. Useful for GLAM partners advocacy.
16 Content diversity - % of events where the focus is on underrepresented content Output delivery metric, to monitor and check that we are focusing as many of our events as possible on the aim of addressing underrepresented content. Tells us how closely the delivery supports the strategy.
17 Language diversity - how many languages have we worked across Output content metric telling us about the linguistic spread of our work, and by extension to what extent we are providing diverse audiences with the content we generate. Potentially important for knowledge equity monitoring.


18 Geographical reach - % of events outside of London Output delivery metric, to monitor and push our engagement away from the capital, in order to meet our strategic objective of ‘Diversifying content producers’ (geographically!)
19 # education courses we work with Output education metric, to track the breadth of our work in higher education (broader=better, more scalable programme)


20 Digital skills - Improved skills and confidence Outcome education metric, focused on learners. Tracks changes in students’ digital skills as a result of engaging with Wikipedia classroom assignments.


21 New inclusion in courses and curricula Outcome education metric, focused on decision makers. Tracks how many educators / education policy makers adopted Wikipedia-focused teaching as a result of our advocacy


22 Policy touchpoints Proxy impact-oriented advocacy metric. Counting the number of engagements (policy consultations, meetings with policy makers) helps us track how much effort we put into change-making.
23 Policy change Impact oriented advocacy metric. Tracking positive changes in legislation which can reasonably be attributed to our lobbying policy work.

Please note that some of these are quarterly measures, and so will be reported on in our Progress Report, whereas others will be captured on an annual basis only.

To see how our metrics help us test progress towards our theories of change, see the logic models mapped out below.

Verification and signature


Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.

The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. General operating support through the FDC may not be used to cover political and legislative activities, although you may make a separate grant agreement with the WMF for these purposes.
I verify that no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation will be used
for political or legislative activities except as permitted by a grant agreement

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IMPORTANT. Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.
Please sign here once this proposal form is complete, using four tildes. LucyCrompton-Reid (WMUK) (talk) 17:20, 30 October 2020 (UTC)