
Draft report
This is a draft of a Conference Grant report for a grant funded for fiscal year 2016-17. Please do not respond or comment on it just yet
it's not yet ready for review. To read the approved grant submission, please visit Grants:Conference/Preload.

Guidelines on how to fill out this grant report

  • If you wish to write your report in your native language, you are free to do so. Please indicate (in English) what language are you using.
  • If you prefer to submit the narrative report in a video format, you can. The video should be in English. Please upload the video to Wikimedia Commons and share the link in your report page. Make sure to answer all the required questions. All Financial documentation will still need to be submitted in a written form.
  • If you struggle with some of the questions, or wish to have a debrief meeting with your Program Officer before submitting your report, we are very happy to meet and walk you through the report template. This can be especially helpful if you want our help in identifying and reflecting on lessons learned. Please get in touch with your Program Officer.
  • If you have other ideas, preferred methods on how to submit your Conference Grant Report or concerns - please reach out to us.

Outcomes and Impact


Thanks for bringing value back to the Wikimedia movement by sharing in this report. Everything you learned during your project is useful knowledge to offer future Wikimedians planning similar work.

In this first section you are asked to reflect on your initial goals and the impact the event had on your community. Remember there is no right or wrong answer. Even if your goals have changed over time, or the impact was different than what you expected. Feel free to share your long or short answer - we are happy to hear whatever you have to share. لا بالعكس لم اواجه اي اختلاف

  • Did your event have any impact that you did not expect, positive or negative?كمان لأ هذه أسئلة مبهمة
  • Please tell us about the top 2-3 innovative (new to you and your community) or things you tried this conference.بعد جائحة كورونا لم يكن الوضع الأجتماعي في بلدي على ما يرام ولكن بالنسبة لي ان الصين لم تترك لنا اي ابتكار او اختراع مع ذلك بحلم انه يكون في حدا بحياتي يكون ناجح ونكون فخورين فيه كثير مافي ابتكارات ولا اختراعات والسبب قلة الامكانيات وكثرة الفساد في مجتمعاتنا وقلة الوعي والثقافة
  • Were there any significant changes from the initial grant proposal?بالنسبة لي لم اشعر بفرق
  • What do you think will be the long term impact of this conference?سيكون رائع كلما تطورت الحياة وتطورة منظومة الشركة واوجدت حلول وابتكارات سوف يصبح شئ عالمي
  • 'Do your best to estimate the number of attendees in your event that have never attended any Wikimedia event before. How were you able to support and engage this group?التخطيط اساس كل نجاح
  • Do your best to estimate the number of participants who have been involved in Wikimedia activities for more than 5 years. How were you able to support and engage this group?يؤسفني لأن ان اقول انها اصبحت عادة بالنسبة لهم ولكن اعتبره ولاء وانتماء على المشرفين التجديد في طريقة الاحتفال وتغير انماطهم

Learning and next steps


Conferences and events do not always go according to plan! Please use this section considering the perspective of what future event organizers within our movement organizing a similar style conference can learn. Make sure to include lessons around work with external/ internal partners; your communication efforts; your work with the community and volunteers etc.

  • What would you do differently next time and why?قل لي من تعرف اقل لك من أنت Please share with us if there's anything you wouldn't do or something future organizers should avoid.
  • Was there any non-financial support that the Wikimedia Foundation could have provided that would have better supported you in achieving your goals?بصراحة لا أعرف لكن انا اعشق الاهداف الذكية وليس الاهداف العادية هنا كانت مشكلتي
  • What would you recommend on a local and/or regional level as the best next step to leverage your success and momentum? الألتزام بعلاقاتي العملية وعدم مصاحبة الأصحاب السلبيين (Please consider potential new allies and partners; internal wiki collaborations; future projects etc. We don't expect you to necessarily do those, we are only looking for more ideas from your own perspective.)وانا جاهز لتقديم افضل الحلول والافكار
  • Does your organizing team / affiliate / user group have any plans to follow up with your attendees in the future or support efforts related to the outcomes of this conference within your community? لأ لأنهم يعملون ١٣ ساعة في اليوم من الصعب ان يستوعب عقلهم الكم الهائل من المعلومات
  • Please add any 3 operational recommendations for future events organizers.

التعاون مع بعضهم البعض والمشاورة وحب الشئ الذي يقومون به

Financial documentation


This section describes the grant's use of funds حسناً

Budget table

Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions. Review the instructions here. These expenses should be listed in the same format as the budget table in your approved submission so that anyone reading this report may be able to easily compare budgeted vs. actual expenses.

Nr. Item description Budget Final cost Currency Notes
ليس من السهل معرفة التكلفة النهائية لانه لم يتم حصر العدد القادم ولكن هنالك فكرة في رأسي تقول "كمية العرض يجب ان تكون اكثر من كمية الطلب اي انه في حال جاء اكثر من 500 شخص احنا نكون مجهزين فقط ل 300 شخص ولا ننسى الفئات العمرية المختلفة كبار السن والأولاد الصغار وهكذا اي ان التكلفة نحن من يحددها وليس احد اخر

If you have any tips or insights on creating a budget or allocating funds, please feel welcome to share!

Summary of funding

Total project budget (from your approved grant submission):

Total amount requested from WMF (from your approved grant submission):

Total amount spent on this project (this total should be the total calculated from the table above):

Total amount of WMF grant funds spent on this project:

Are there additional sources of revenue that funded any part of this project? List them here.

Remaining funds

Are there any grant funds remaining?

Answer YES or NO.

Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.)



Optional - Event Evaluation Toolkit - In this page you can find a list of basic questions that the Wikimedia Foundation uses to evaluate large movement events like Wikimania and other regional and thematic events. Feel free to use any part of these questionnaires to evaluate your own event. You will find: Registration Questions; Post-event questions for participants and Follow-up questions for participants.

Anything else


Is there anything else you want to share about the conference or event?