Grants:Conference/WMAR/Iberoconf 2017
Iberoconf 2017
June 10 - 12, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Goals and outcomes
editPlease list three to four priorities that the community has identified that they want to focus on at this conference. These should be specific and actionable.
Iberoconf 2017’s main goal is to promote regional cooperation through the professionalization of the organizations belonging to Iberocoop.
In order to do that, the specific goals of the event are the following:
- Supporting and promoting learning spaces that help the participating organizations to acquire new skills to strengthen their professionalization at a local and regional level.
Iberoconf 2017 is going to be focusing in developing the following skills:- Reporting/ Storytelling
- Fundraising/ APG-FDC process
- Strategic planning
- Promoting, developing, strengthen and maintaining the cooperation among organizations at a regional level.
editIt is helpful to get an understanding of why this event is important to your community, and what experiences you have had in the past. Please answer the applicable questions below.
- 1. What inspired your community to begin planning this event?
- Iberocoop (Initiative of Cooperation for the Ibero-American Region) is currently one of the more stable and longer-lasting regional cooperation networks within the Wikimedia movement. Since it was first organized in 2010, the network has established itself as a space to exchange experiences and sharing projects.
- Since 2011, the network promotes an annual conference called Iberoconf. This conference has been organized uninterruptedly from 2011 to 2014 and has been fostered by different organizations belonging to the network. In 2014, it was decided that it should become a biannual conference, in order to improve our regional work, to strengthen local organizations and to plan the conference with a focus on generating results and learnings for the participating organizations. With this in mind, we went from organizing an annual conference as a gathering space to organizing an event as a learning space.
- After two years without Iberoconf, the network has worked in pursuit of these goals. In particular, since 2015, Iberocoop has promoted +5 large activities (La mujer que nunca conociste, Translating Ibero-American, Wiki Loves the Olympics, Her Story campaign, Women in Architecture) that resulted in +4000 new articles in Wikipedia in Spanish. These results have been proof that we can work coordinately and get good results.
- However, Iberocoop still faces challenges. One of the most important of them is being able to include, in an equitable way, all the different organizations in their different development phases. This is very difficult to understand at a distance. Even if the more developed chapters are used to help those in development, we understand that some learning processes are needed to consolidate these groups in the region.
- Iberoconf 2017 expects, above all, to become a learning space that promotes growth and development for the chapters and groups of users at a local level, with the goal of strengthening regional cooperation by means of projects and proposals that can be implemented in every specific context.
- Iberocoop (Initiative of Cooperation for the Ibero-American Region) is currently one of the more stable and longer-lasting regional cooperation networks within the Wikimedia movement. Since it was first organized in 2010, the network has established itself as a space to exchange experiences and sharing projects.
- 2. How does this event tie into other activities that your group has done?
- Iberoconf 2017 will be the fifth conference of the Iberocoop network. As we have stated before, the approach to these conferences has changed in order to turn them into a space for learning and growth.
- In this sense, the first three conferences had the objective of consolidating the group and providing it with common goals. From the fourth conference in Buenos Aires onward, Iberoconf began to consolidate itself, not only as a space for strengthening regional cooperation, but also to promote and support different groups of users and chapters by means of proposals that foster the development of useful and necessary skills for each specific local context.
- Iberoconf 2017 is planned as a continuation of the work done in 2014, going deeper into providing answers to the needs and demands of the participating organizations, both at a local and a regional level.
- 3. If your community has hosted a similar conference in the past, what outcomes and benefits have you seen from past conferences?
- Since our last conference, the Iberocoop network has promoted different projects and activities. These activities, which have become strategic lines of work, are the following:
- Gender and Wikipedia: The Iberocoop network is one of the most committed networks with the issue of gender and Wikipedia. Since 2014 and after Iberoconf, we have promoted different projects and activities with the goal of reducing the gender gap in Wikipedia. In particular, after Iberoconf 2014, we organized a contest called “The woman you never met”. This is probably the network’s most participatory activity. It was originally launched by Wikimedia Mexico, and – in its two editions up to date – it translated into the creation and improvement of over 1700 articles.
- Also, during 2015 and 2016, through the network we supported the realization of gender edit-a-thons in Central America and South America countries where the users community is very small.
- The incorporation of Wikimujeres and the regional work that we’ve promoted to organize the WikiWomen Camp are also a reflection of the network’s commitment to this issue.
- Cultural promotion projects: Cultural promotion activities, mostly related to GLAM, have grown inside Iberocoop. Specifically, during 2016 we carried out editing contests outside Spanish Wikipedia, in which we saw Iberocoop as a space where different communities can come together. These activities have not only required coordinated work from the network, but also involved the effort of over 15 Wikipedias of the movement and the creation of over 2000 articles.
- Mentoring and support spaces: Although still at a preliminary stage, Iberocoop is generating mentoring and support spaces at a regional scale. It is precisely at this stage when differences among the degree of development of each chapter and group of user are more evident and that is one of motivations to organize a conference during 2017. In this sense, Wikimedia Argentina has organized the First Regional Mentoring Program, together with Wikimedia Mexico, where we have shared projects and learnings for 3 days, which translated into better cooperation and defining similar strategic lines of work for both chapters.
- Gender and Wikipedia: The Iberocoop network is one of the most committed networks with the issue of gender and Wikipedia. Since 2014 and after Iberoconf, we have promoted different projects and activities with the goal of reducing the gender gap in Wikipedia. In particular, after Iberoconf 2014, we organized a contest called “The woman you never met”. This is probably the network’s most participatory activity. It was originally launched by Wikimedia Mexico, and – in its two editions up to date – it translated into the creation and improvement of over 1700 articles.
- Since our last conference, the Iberocoop network has promoted different projects and activities. These activities, which have become strategic lines of work, are the following:
- 4. Please list the focus priorities identified in the report from the last conference organized by this community. What progress have you made in those areas?
- The main expected results for Iberoconf 2014 were the following:
- Producing projects and activities with the goal of strengthening regional cooperation, especially within the Education and GLAM programs.
- Establishing program leaders at a regional level, with the goal of professionalizing the network.
- Consolidating strategic lines and work guidelines for our collective activities.
- The main expected results for Iberoconf 2014 were the following:
- In relation to these expected results, Iberocoop made the following progress and got the following results:
- Generation of projects and activities: Iberocoop still finds it very difficult to articulate education-related projects in a coordinated way. We understand that the reason is the disparity of contexts and the inability to navigate those obstacles together. Nevertheless, we have made progress in activities related to the GLAM program, with stable proposals that replicate year after year and that have translated into the creation of over 4000 articles, up to date.
- Establishing program leaders: During 2015, we set up a voting system to choose the program leaders of Iberocoop. We thought this would give the network certain regularity and order, but it didn't work. The main problem was the fact that this is voluntary service that implies coordinating chapters with a lot of activity, groups of users with very small communities and difficulties to carry out activities. Iberoconf 2017 expects to be the place where these obstacles are overcome. We don't want to make the same mistakes, so we expect to improve the communication of the network by creating more spaces to work together.
- Consolidating strategic lines and work guidelines: During 2015 and 2016, Iberocoop has defined its strategic lines, that respond to the activities and projects we’ve sustained along these years, in the following way:
- Gender gap, promotion and enhancement of Ibero-American culture as cross cutting themes of the activities fostered by Iberocoop.
- Iberocoop as a space of support and empowerment of the initiatives promoted by chapters, groups of users and new communities in the region. This implies the support we've given to initiatives that – through our cross cutting themes – have been fostered by local organizations in contexts where there is no organized Wikimedia community
- In relation to these expected results, Iberocoop made the following progress and got the following results:
- 5. If your community has hosted a similar conference in the past, what key lessons were learned, and what would you like to improve on?
- Learnings
- Regional conferences must be something else apart from a gathering space or a space to share projects. In the case of Iberocoop, sharing learnings and successful projects does not directly translates into a larger number of group projects. It is essential to generate more practical spaces and group work in order to articulate group proposals.
- It is essential to rely on the active participation of those organizing the conference and especially the program so that learning is substantial.
- In the case of Iberoconf 2014, outsourcing specific training translated into learning that was more focused on the real needs identified by the participating organizations.
- Learnings
- Improvements for Iberoconf 2017
- Iberoconf must be a learning space for those organizations with established local communities, which have good opportunities to grow. It is necessary to incorporate selection criteria regarding the participants in order to guarantee that the participating organizations are truly active communities.
- It is necessary to set deadlines in order to promote participation in the definition of the event and especially of the program, in order to make sure that all the organizations see their interests represented and also in order to avoid obstacles for the organizing team.
- Allowing more time for the construction of specific group proposals to be carried out at a regional scale.
- Diversifying the work team outside the chapter organizing the event is an opportunity to incorporate new perspectives and to make the process more transparent.
- Improvements for Iberoconf 2017
Measures of success
editPlease provide a list of both quantitative and qualitative criteria that will be used to determine how successful the project is. You are welcome to modify, delete or add to the metrics listed below so they reflect the goals of your event.
- 35 participants from 12 different communities of the Wikimedia movement will take part in Iberoconf 2017
- At least 10 of the participants will be speakers and facilitators in workshops
Skills improvement:
- At least 85% of participants believes that their skills for projects, reporting, fundraising and strategic planning have improved after taking part in Iberoconf 2017.
Iberocoop improvement:
- 100% of the chapters and groups of participating users have a strategy planning at the end of Iberoconf 2017
- Establish a mentoring space for Iberocoop affiliates from 2018 ongoing.
- The Iberocoop affiliates with funding, reports on time during 2017-2018.
- At least 3 chapters have their first employee by the end of 2018.
:# At least 80% of participants will be interested in putting activities into practice in the network, especially those related to Education, GLAM and Gender.
- An Iberocoop strategic plan will be established, to be implemented in 2017- 2018
- During 2017-2018, Iberocoop will organize its first group activity at a regional level, on Education.
During 2017-2018, Iberocoop will promote at least 5 GLAM and Gender themed proposals. This will translate into the improvement or creation of 5000 articles in 2017-2018.
editIberoconf 2017 is the answer to the needs and demands set out by the Iberocoop organizations. After Iberoconf 2014, we thought it was necessary to give the organizations time to grow and consolidate their communities in their local contexts.
Since 2016, the network has used online and on-site platforms like Wikimedia Conference and Wikimania to organize the conference with a focus on improving the chapters’ and groups of users’ abilities and learnings.
In order to achieve that, we intend to organize an event based on the participation of all chapters and groups of users belonging to the network. In this sense, we will approach the planning of this event in the following way:
- Program: The Iberoconf 2017 program will be organized using the input of each of the participating organizations. To achieve that, apart from the answers we receive in the “question and needs” section, we will carry out a thorough survey. Also, we will include the organizations in the process of revising the proposal.
- Strengthening the community and the network: Iberoconf 2017 intends to be much more than a gathering space. We will generate many more working spaces in a practical manner - design projects' workshops, reporting, strategy etc-, so projects can be planned as a group. Also, we will offer leisure spaces in order to strengthen our bonds as a community and as a network.
Apart from these premises, the Iberoconf 2017 plan can be found on this link.
The most significant points of the schedule are the following:
January - February 2017
- The Selection Committee will be set to choose the participating organizations
- Definition of the participating organizations
- Definition of the work team
- Questions and Needs
- Definition of dates and venues
March- June 2017
- Planning the trip of the participants and the logistics of the event
- Definition of the program
- Preparation of volunteers
- Definition of speakers, outside facilitators, etc.
- Finalizing details of the event with the work team + outside team + volunteers involved
Venue and Logistics
editJust like it was done for Iberoconf 2014, Wikimedia Argentina has forged an alliance with Argentina’s National Ministry of Modernization. The venue is going to be Centro Cultural General San Martín. In the venue, there will be:
- Two rooms where we can work simultaneously, both equipped with tables, internet, projector and other features. Each room has a capacity of approximately 50 people. Even when some sessions will imply the work of the entire team, the Iberoconf 2017 format requires simultaneous sessions. Two representatives will act in place for each organization, so we will be able to carry through this program format.
- Gathering space, catering service and informal meetings: the venue has a specific space for catering service and large resting space for the community.
editIberoconf 2017 participants are going to be accommodated at the Own Recoleta Hotel located in the Recoleta neighborhood in Buenos Aires. Recoleta is a central residential neighborhood in the city of Buenos Aires. It is an area of historical and architectural interest, especially due to the Recoleta Cemetery. It is an important tourist and cultural focus of the city. The D and H subway lines have stations in the area.
Participants will be accommodated in comfortable double rooms. We will respect the participants’ decision to share the room with whomever they choose. Also, Iberoconf 2017 intends to be a space that favors the participation of the best-qualified representatives. In this sense, children are welcome.
General logistics during the event
edit- Daily transportation:
- The venue is at walking-distance from the hotel where participants will be staying.
- We will provide participants with SUBE cards charged with 200 AR pesos, so they can use public transportation freely during their stay in Buenos Aires.
- Meals:
- Wikimedia Argentina will offer breakfast and lunch during the event. We will respect different diet choices and needs. We will also offer a welcome dinner.
- Translation service:
- If required, we will offer interpreters for Italian and Portuguese, since they are official languages of the network. We are not considering interpreters for any other languages.
- Child care:
- If required, Wikimedia Argentina will offer childcare service during the event.
- Medical insurance:
- Wikimedia Argentina will provide medical insurance to all the participants during their stay in our country.
Leisure activities
editWikimedia Argentina is going to organize a cultural and leisure program, complementary to the event’s activities. We expect to have it ready along with the program.
- Friendly space policy
- Please link to the friendly space policy that your community will be using for this event.
We are using a translation of the Wikimedia Foundation Friendly Space Policy that can be found here.
Event Program
editPlease give a brief outline of the conference schedule or program and any events or activities you are planning for participants. The timing, topics and format of each session should be finalized and published on Meta six weeks before the event.
As we stated before, the program will be defined in a participative way. We will carry out a thorough survey among the participants. We expect the program to be finalized by mid April 2017.
Nevertheless, we would like to underline some specific points in the program that we consider relevant:
The conference will last three days. Two of them will be full working days and the third day will be part time.
We will have the support of outside facilitators for all training workshops.
- Iberoconf 2017’s priority is to improve the potential of local organizations, so we think that the program will be divided in the following way:
- 70%: workshops on the following themes:
- Project management: report writing, making activities and results visible, session on metrics and impact.
- Fundraising: getting funds, possibilities for resources within the movement
- Strategic planning: building the strategy of the regional organizations, local communities management, teams, new and strategic counterparts, new communities.
- 30%: regional work spaces:
- Organization of common projects as a network: special session on Education/GLAM and strategic planning of the work in the region.
- Abilities of the participating organizations: strengths and learnings that can be shared to nourish the rest of participating organizations.
- 70%: workshops on the following themes:
For further details on the progress of the program, you may check the following website.
Community Input
editGrant reviewers will be interested to read how the planning discussion developed and who was engaged. Please link below to all of the places where discussion about this conference are happening, i.e. talk pages, Facebook groups, meetup pages, notes from meetings. The most central, up to date, and relevant page should be highlighted in BOLD letters.
After Iberoconf 2014, Iberoconf had reached a turning point as a gathering space. We needed to make progress in relation to results. That is why we decided to organize the conference every two years. This was also suggested by WMF. The decision about this issue was made by some of the members of Ibercoop at the end of the 2014 conference. The following conference was planned for 2016. The decision to organize Iberoconf 2016 was made and agreed upon using the network’s mailing list and usual communication channels. It was also confirmed during the Wikimedia Conference 2016 and Wikimania 2016. Even though it was decided and planned to have a conference in 2016, it could not be carried out due to internal reasons within the chapter in charge of organizing the event.
In this context, and taking into account that WMAR is the organization with the most resources and staff, we thought it was necessary and essential for the network that we organize Iberoconf 2017. We hope that after this year’s conference, other organizations feel confident and willing to promote the event and that it can be organized every two years, as planned.
editIt is crucial that most participants have a minimum level of Wikimedia experience so that they can engage actively in workshops and discussions. Please answer all applicable questions below.
- 1. Please describe the target audience for this conference or event.
Participants are representatives of groups of users and chapters of our region. As per the dynamics of Iberoconf, there will be two representatives per group. The final list of participating organizations can be found here.
- 2. If you are requesting funds for travel scholarships, what criteria will be used to select scholarship recipients?
Wikimedia Argentina will pay for most of the local expenses with its annual grant. Nevertheless, as we have requested for this grant, we have asked for funding to pay airplane tickets and accommodation and therefore guarantee the participation of the organizations. In order to use the movement’s funds appropriately, we have established a Selection Committee and special criteria to choose the participating chapters and groups of users. These criteria were based on the following:
- Reports: just like for the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin, we checked that the organizations’ responsibilities regarding reports for WMF were up to date. We also took quality into account.
- Activities: we evaluated the amount of activity of the organizations, particularly in the latest 6 months.
- Community: we evaluated the community and group activity of each organization.
The entire process can be found here.
- 3. If your conference has an outreach component, how will you ensure engagement with these participants after the conference, and what impact do you see them having on the projects?
Iberoconf 2017 does not have an outreach component. Nevertheless, we will count on the participation of local counterparts with regional exposure. Our goal is to work not only as a link for other organizations but also to work together with these institutions at a regional scale.
- 4. Are you thinking about inviting WMF staff to attend or participate in the event? If yes, please list individuals or teams who you may want to invite, or describe how you would like WMF staff to be involved in the event.
Yes, the organizers of Iberoconf 2017 are considering inviting WMF staff as facilitators. However, it hasn’t been decided who in particular will be invited because we don’t have a program yet. We are considering the following people:
- Jorge Vargas: LATAM coordinator of affairs and partnership strategist. Thanks to his expertise, we expect to build a regional strategic planning. He is also part of the Selection Committee.
- Delphine Ménard: It is an urgent requirement to professionalize regional organizations in every sense. Delphine is the link of the movement with the chapters. She has wide experience on how to report and how to present a grant to get funds. She has also been part of the Selection Committee.
- Kacie Harold/Edward Galvez/María Cruz: sessions on metrics, how to evaluate and how to share experiences and stories are essential to consolidate quality processes in the participating organizations.
editPlease describe how you plan to follow up with event participants after the conference.
Follow-up of the event will be carried through in the following way:
- Participation survey
After the event, we will carry through a participation survey with the following goals: Measuring the participants’ satisfaction in relation with the proposal and the achieved learnings. Measuring the participants’ perception of Iberocoop as a network and its image with regard to a future in common. Analyzing new alliances and whether the participants have developed new areas of interest. Identifying challenges and things to improve in the future
- Calendar of activities
As a result of the event, we expect to organize a calendar of activities or a common space -apart from the mailing list- in which to note down the activities to do or to consider for 2017 and 2018. This would not only help us to be better organized but make actions visible and make it easier for smaller organizations to join properly.
- Mailing list and on-site meetings
Iberocoop has a mailing list that we use regularly. Even if it’s used mainly by the most active organizations, it is a useful way to communicate what we are doing and what we would like to do. In the same way, our meetings in events like Wikimania or the Wikimedia Conference are very important to make progress toward our goals, especially during years in which the conference is not held.
Resources and risks
editDescribe the resource potential for successfully executing this project and the key risks/threats.
Wikimedia Argentina has appropriate staff and experience to organize this event. Some precedents have been:
- We organized Iberoconf 2014 in Buenos Aires
- Together with Wikimedia Mexico and WMF’s Education department, we organized the pre-conference on Education at Wikimania 2015.
- We are organizing the Education track together with Wikimedia Israel and WMF’s Education department, which will take place at WMCO 2017 in Berlin
- We are part of the organizing team for Wikiwomen Camp, México 2017.
The work team and the job description of each member can be found here.
Also, we will rely on outside facilitators in the following way:
- Facilitators and professionals related to project management
- Professionals related to WMAR’s programs or WMF experts.
- Also, we expect to count on a group of volunteers, similar to the one that worked in Iberoconf 2014, when 5 WMAR volunteers had a key role in the event.
edit- Organizing team
Photo | Username | Responsabilities |
Anna Torres (WMAR) |
| |
Luisina Ferrante (WMAR) |
| |
Giselle Bordoy (WMAR) |
| |
Sebastián Kersner |
| |
Mauricio V. Genta |
| |
Constanza Veron (WMAR) |
Volunteers Iberoconf 2017 |
Galileo Vidoni |
Ivana Lysholm |
Lucas Reynoso |
To be defined |
editExamples of risks, along with how you would minimize or overcome them, are:
- Argentina’s economical context is always a challenge to confront. Most of the quotes and estimated prices will expire one month after we receive them, because of the country’s inflation. If the grant is approved, doing it as soon as possible can help us avoid adjusting the budget later on.
- Relying on outside facilitators is a strategy that we definitely want to continue implementing, but it is very important that they are properly trained regarding Wikimedia projects.
- Lack of volunteers to help during the event.
- Logistics problems as lack of Internet connection, per example.
edit- Event budget table
Exchage rate is 1 USD= 16.2 ARS
Item description | Unit | Quantity | Cost per unit (USD) | Total cost (USD) | WMF contribution | Other sources | Comments | |
1. | Travel & Meals | 28,195 | 24,208 | 3,987 | ||||
1.1. | Accommodation | nights | 3 | 1,272 | 3,816 | 3,816 | 0 | 12 double rooms for 3 nights at Own Recoleta |
1.2. | International travel tickets | unit | 20 | - | 17,932 | 20,392 | 0 | See detailed description |
1.3. | Catering- Lunch | unit | 3 | 340 | 1,019 | 0 | 1,019 | Complete lunch for 40 people |
1.4 | Catering- Coffee break | unit | 5 | 167 | 833 | 0 | 833 | Coffee break for 40 people |
1.5 | Local transportation | cards | 30 | 12 | 370 | 0 | 370 | 30 SUBE card filled with ARS 175 will be provided to attendants |
1.6 | Opening dinner | participant | 40 | 44 | 1,765 | 0 | 1,765 | Dinner in "La Bistecca" Restaurant including three courses menu and beverage |
2. | Venue & Materials | 3,850 | 0 | 3,850 | ||||
2.1. | Venue | total fee | 1 | 280 | 280 | 0 | 280 | Centro Cultural San Martin |
2.2 | Merchandise & stationery | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1,410 | 0 | 1,410 | banners, pens, stationery, program, t-shirts, stickers |
2.3 | Video camera recording & editing service | unit | 1 | 2,160 | 2,160 | 0 | 2,160 | |
3. | Event Planning & Support | 2,192 | 0 | 2,192 | 0 | |||
3.1. | Facilitator | total fee | 2 | 618 | 1,235 | 0 | 1,235 | |
3.2. | Security | daily fee | 3 | 123 | 370 | 0 | 370 | |
3.3. | Cleaning service | daily fee | 3 | 93 | 278 | 0 | 278 | |
3.4. | Insurance | total fee | 1 | 309 | 309 | 0 | 309 | |
6. | Administrative and unforeseen expenses | |||||||
6.1 | Unforeseen expenses | estimated | N/A | 1,049 | 0 | 1,049 | 3,1% of total amount | |
Total | 35,286 | 24,208 | 11,078 |
Flight tickets detail:
Origin | Unit | Quantity | Cost per unit (USD) | Total cost (USD) |
Spain | Round ticket | 4 | 1,620 | 6,480 |
Venezuela | Round ticket | 2 | 861 | 1,722 |
Chile | Round ticket | 2 | 380 | 760 |
Italy | Round ticket | 2 | 1,510 | 3,020 |
Uruguay | Round ticket | 2 | 265 | 530 |
Brazil | Round ticket | 4 | 515 | 2,060 |
Ecuador | Round ticket | 2 | 810 | 1,620 |
Colombia | Round ticket | 2 | 870 | 1,740 |
Mexico | Round ticket | 2 | 1,230 | 2,460 |
*Price reference according to
- Total cost of event
35,286.00 USD
- Total amount requested from the Conference and Event Grants program
24,208.00 USD
- Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this event, and amounts funded
WMAR 11,078 USD
- Please confirm that you are aware that changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.
editDo you think this project should be selected for a Conference Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.
- Esteban (talk) 16:08, 24 February 2017 (UTC)
- On behalf of Wikimedia México, ProtoplasmaKid (WM-MX) (talk) 16:44, 24 February 2017 (UTC)
- On behalf of Wikimedia Chile, Warko (talk) 18:29, 24 February 2017 (UTC)
- On behalf of Wikimedia España, Millars (talk) 19:28, 24 February 2017 (UTC)
- Crang115 (talk) 19:51, 24 February 2017 (UTC)
- On behalf of Wikimedistas de Colombia UG, --Sahaquiel9102 (talk) 16:11, 25 February 2017 (UTC)
- On behalf of Wikimujeres, Mboix (talk) 20:31, 25 February 2017 (UTC)
- Very much. Jaluj (talk) 19:31, 25 February 2017 (UTC)
- On behalf of Wikimedia Italia, Atropine (talk) 20:18, 26 February 2017 (UTC)
- Thanks Wikimedia Argentina for doing this. Raystorm (talk) 19:22, 27 February 2017 (UTC)
- On behalf of Wikimedia Venezuela. Oscar_. (talk) · @ 21:16, 27 February 2017 (UTC)
- For grantees
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