Grants:Conference/WMID/ESEAP Conference 2018

ESEAP Regional Conference 2018
Wikimedia ESEAP Regional Conference 2018 will be the first meeting of Wikimedians and Wikipedians from contries in East Asia, South East Asia & Pacific. The conference will take place in Bali, Indonesia in May 2018. This conference will be the first regional conference involving volunteers from the under-represented countries within the ESEAP region.
targetAll communities, user groups, and Wikimedians from countries within the ESEAP region such as Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Australia, Laos, Cambodia, Timor Leste, Mongolia, etc.
strategic priorityIncreasing participation and reach; Strengthen Wikimedia movements within region
event dates5-6 May 2018, based on community survey
amount-localIDR 553,500,000 (USD 41,219.6 (approx. ¥ 3,816,523 / € 30,775 / £ 27,618))
amountplease add the amount you are requesting (USD)
contact• ivonne.kristiani(_AT_)• biyanto.rebin(_AT_)
organization• Wikimedia Indonesia

Event overview


Purpose and vision

Please give a brief description of the event you are planning. What do you hope to accomplish during the event? Why is this event important for your community?

ESEAP region is one of the most under-represented regions within the Wikimedia community, although we have a large contributor base within the Wikimedia movement, we continue to struggle on moving to the next step by establishing a well managed community. This conference aims to bring participants from various ESEAP communities together to help learn more about the issues and solutions within the movement and its communities.

We also aims to connect the leaders of movements within ESEAP region so we can gather ideas to make regional collaboration and also learning about movements from each other that can't be achieved via online communication.

Important details

Please add key information to the table below. The dates, location and number of participants can be estimates and do not need to be finalized at this time.

Proposed date(s) 25-27 May 2018
Proposed location Bali, Indonesia
Number of participants 50
Event page ESEAP Conference
Primary contact person ivonne.kristiani and biyanto.rebin



Community input


Use the results from the community engagement survey to fill in the table below. Since you cannot cover all topics or meet all needs at one event, prioritisation is important. Please rank the priority of each topic, skill, project or problem as high, medium or low. Finally, please answer the questions below the table.

We've got 13 responses so far. We still collect the result until last November to get various feedback and also many people. Some ideas were also being discussed in offline meeting when we were in some Wikimedia conference such as Wkimedia Conference 2017 and also Wikimania 2017.

Description Priority
Strategic discussions:

What are the top issues affecting your community that need to be discussed in person?

  • Collobaration and community development within the region, especially for helping and reaching under-represented communities, such as gender, racial, language, etc in this area
Capacity development:

Are there important skills that many people in your community need to learn?

  • Project management - planning an event, project, story sharing skill, evaluation
  • Communication skills - how to reach and communicate with the under-represented communities as well as movement members within region effectively; public speaking
Working groups:

Are there joint projects that need to be planned in person?

  • Wikimedia Asian Month - What's kind collaboration that can make this project can reach minority languages communities
  • Collaboration with GLAM institutions in each Asian country - a lot of culture and collection of GLAM institutions are related within the region, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei; Taiwan, Hongkong, Macau, and China, etc.
  • WikiTraining for overseas worker - Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong has a lot of Indonesian and Philippines workers, it's huge potential to reach this community (not in the survey but from WMID and WMTW idea when WMTW was coming to site visit in Indonesia)
Community building:

Are there other in-person activities are important for community building?

  • Story and knowledge sharing
  • Gather ideas

Survey analysis:

  1. How many people did you send the survey to? How many people responded to the survey?
    We didn't have exact number because all of the committee sent the survey in various group in Facebook or in person, but we've got 13 responses until 06/09/2017.
  2. Did you see consensus around shared goals that this community wants to focus on in the next 12 months? What were the top 2 goals?
    Strenghten communication and partnership of ESEAP countries
  3. Based on survey responses, what are the most important things your community should do at the conference to achieve those goals?
    Project sharing and planning within ESEAP countries


1. What inspired your community to begin planning this event?
ESEAP region is one of the most under-represented regions within the Wikimedia community, although we have a large contributor base within the Wikimedia movement, we continue to struggle on moving to the next step by establishing a well managed community. This conference aims to bring participants from various ESEAP communities together to help learn more about the issues and solutions within the movement and its communities.
2. How does this event tie into other activities that your group has done?
Within ESEAP region, only Taiwan, Australia, and Indonesia who has their own chapters, and additional two user groups. Previously, several chapters has some collaboration, such as WMID and WMAU for holding a LangCamp in Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta; WMID also invited WMPH and WMTW to Indonesia and discuss about the possibility of join project.
3. If your community has hosted a similar conference in the past, what outcomes and benefits have you seen from past conferences?
Wikimedia Indonesia hold Creative Commons Regional Conference 2012 in Jakarta. There are 148 participants (127 are Indonesians, 21 are non-Indonesians; Australia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, The Philippines, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, The United States, Vietnam). As the parent organisation, Wikimedia Indonesia also launched the Creative Commons Indonesia (CCID). We connected with CC community from Asia and Pacific region.
4. Please list the focus priorities identified in the report from the last conference organized by this community. What progress have you made in those areas?
(Disclaimer; it's CC Regional Conference 2012 see poin 3, Wikimedia Indonesia haven't hold any conference for Wikimedia communities )
  • We gathered existing open projects sucah as Netlabels, Indonesian Web Series Communities, public figure like Pandji Pragiwaksono and Denis Adhiswara and inspirational figures like Professor Eko Indrajit and Onno W. Purbo;
  • We facilitated meetings between the communities with government officials like Indonesian Intellectual Property Office (Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual) and Open Government Indonesia.
5. If your community has hosted a similar conference in the past, what key lessons were learned, and what would you like to improve on?
(Disclaimer: based on CC Regional Conference 2012 committee)
Good event needs a good planning, especially for the targeted participants and also speakers, so we prepare the conference with more discussion and inviting more people to join in the team.

Goals and outcomes




The goals of this regional conference are:

  • Building stronger relationships and partnerships within ESEAP region and the movement (after conference)
  • Learning how to build positive communities by sharing session from established chapters and user groups (during the conference)
  • Connecting volunteers and communities from the under-represented countries within ESEAP region (during and after the conference)
  • Capacity building between participant and more established chapter or user group (during and after the conference)
Outcome and benefit:
  • 6 of new projects/partnerships initiated as a result of connections made, skills learned, or ideas shared at the conference (within 1 year after the event)
  • Involving more diverse people into Wikimedia movements
  • Having a stronger relationships and partnerships within ESEAP region (2 of new tools or communication channels created to better coordinate work amongst participants and the greater community)

Measures of success


Please provide a list of both quantitative and qualitative criteria that will be used to determine how successful the project is. You are welcome to modify, delete or add to the metrics listed below so they reflect the goals of your event.

  • A total of 50 participants from diverse and under-represented communities within the region
  • A total of at least 15 female participants
  • A total of at least 15 participants who present at or moderate sessions
  • 90% of participants responding to the post-event survey
  • 6 new projects/partnerships initiated as a result of connections made, skills learned, or ideas shared at the conference (within 1 year after the event)
  • 2 new tools or communication channels created to better coordinate work among participants and the greater community



Venue and Logistics

1. If the venue is more than 1 hour away from a major airport or transportation hub, how will participants travel to the event venue?
We'll rent a bus to commute the participants (there's no public transportation available in Bali)
2. Is the event venue within walking distance from the hotel? If not, how will people travel between the two locations?
Yes, it's in the hotel
3. Is the event venue and hotel accessible for people with physical disabilities?
Need further confirmation
4. Do you anticipate any challenges with using the space for the event you are planning?
Yes, we request more room in case we need more activities

Friendly space policy


Please link to the friendly space policy that your community will be using for this event.

Indonesian version

Event Program


Please give a brief outline of the conference schedule or program and any events or activities you are planning for participants. The timing, topics and format of each session should be finalized and published on Meta six weeks before the event.

Schedule and program (*not fixed yet)

The ESEAP Conference will he beld in two days of presentations, discussions, training sessions and hands-on activities. The day before conference (Friday) will have multiple hands-on activities for those who arrive early, such as photo excursions, grant-writing training and hackathon. In the main conference, presentation sessions will be filled through an open submission process like Wikimania. Topics of discussion will be picked by a survey on registration and the training sessions will be arranged by the program team.

The program theme is seeding communities and small community development, which will be the two tracks of the program.



It is crucial that most participants have a minimum level of Wikimedia experience so that they can engage actively in workshops and discussions. Please answer all applicable questions below.

1. Please describe the target audience for this conference or event.
Wikimedians in the East and Southeast Asia and Pacific region, especially for those who actively or have large interests in local community development. We would like to have people within movements from various backgrounds, especially from under-represented communities, and diverse language community, especially from minority languages; leader of UG/Chapters, project leaders, and also individual contributors.
2. If your conference has an outreach component, how will you ensure engagement with these participants after the conference, and what impact do you see them having on the projects?
We'll make sure that communication channel can enable a better communication, because we also hope that 6 of new projects/partnerships initiated as a result of connections made, skills learned, or ideas shared at the conference (within 1 year after the event)
3. Are you thinking about inviting WMF staff to attend or participate in the event? If yes, please list individuals or teams who you may want to invite, or describe how you would like WMF staff to be involved in the event.
We would like to have Katherine Maher and also WMF staffs that has a good ability and knowledge in communication, event planning and grant.


1. How many scholarships would you like to offer?
2. What expenses will the scholarship cover?
Airfare, travel insurance, accomodation, event
3. How will scholarship recipients be selected?
Based on her/his involvement and capability in Wikimedia movements, also we would like diverse participants

Resources and risks


Describe the resource potential for successfully executing this project and the key risks/threats.


Organizing team
Team Coordinator Members
Conference Grant Biyanto Rebin Ivonne Kristiani, Raymond Sutanto, Cahyo Ramadhani, Addis Wang, Robert Myers, Shangkuan Liang-chih
Logistics Ivonne Kristiani Raymond Sutanto
Conference Program Kartika Sari Henry/ Addis Wang Butch Bustria, Dody Ismoyo, Li-yun Lin, Taweetham, Takashi Ota, Cahyo Ramadhani
Scholarships Rachmat Wahidi/ Athikhun Suwannakhan Erick Guan, Dennis Chen, Robert Myers
Communications Biyanto Rebin/ Shangkuan Liang-chih Bonaventura Aditya Perdana, Erick Guan, E.A. Gu, Kounila
Event and Volunteer Coordinator Cahyo Ramadhani
Admin and Logistics Coordinator Nurleni Noertam



Examples of risks, along with how you would minimize or overcome them, are:

  • Skill gaps in project leadership team (e.g. no financial management experience)
  • Components of the measurement process that are hard to quantify

Examples of how to minimize these risks include:

  • Recruiting volunteers with desired skills to project leadership team.
  • Working with the WMF Learning & Evaluation Team to develop an appropriate measurement and evaluation plan.
  • Risks
    • More than half registered participants didn't come from diverse and under-represented communities
    • The participants are only able to speak in their own language
  • Minimizing risks
    • Encouraging and seeking participants actively via various Wikimedia projects
    • Pairing with someone who can help to translate to at least English, so he/she can grasps the details and involve more in the conference



Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines.

Event budget table
Code Item description Quantity Unit x Quantity Unit Cost per unit (IDR) Total cost (IDR) Total cost (USD) Notes
A Venue & Accommodation
A1 Full board meeting package 50 people x 3 day(s) 750,000 112,500,000 8,377.97 Based on offer by Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali. The package includes Twin Sharing Superior Room, 1 main meeting room rental, daily breakfast, 1x lunch, 1x dinner. The price is inclusive of tax and service charge. This hotel is a low cost option while located only 20 minutes from airport.
A2 Break out rooms 2 rooms x 3 day(s) 10,000,000 60,000,000 4,468.25
B Transportation
B1 Airfare 50 people x 1 return flight 4,400,000 220,000,000 16,383.60 Based on average of ticket price (middle price and direct flight) from 22 countries. We will be giving scholarships for 45 people that includes round trip travel and shared accommodations.
B2 Airport Transfer 50 people x 2 times 250,000 25,000,000 1,861.77 Based on offer by Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali.
B3 Travel Insurance 50 people x 1 package 500,000 25,000,000 1,861.77
C Communication Materials
C1 T-shirts 60 piece x 100,000 6,000,000 446.82
C2 Print materials & stationaries 1 package x 10,000,000 10,000,000 744.7 Such as printed program agenda, pens, banners, badges, stickers
D Worktime
D1 Administrative support x 80 day(s) 375,000 30,000,000 2,234.12
D2 Facilitator 1 person x 3 day(s) 5,000,000 15,000,000 1,117.06
E Miscellaneous
E1 Unseen expenses (10%) 50,000,000 50,000,000 3,723.54
Total amount 553,500,000 41,219.6 Currency rate on 11 September 2017 using
Total cost of event
USD 41,219.6 or IDR 553,500,000,-
Total amount requested from the Conference and Event Grants program
USD 41,219.6 or IDR 553,500,000,-
Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this event, and amounts funded
Please confirm that you are aware that changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.





Do you think this project should be selected for a Conference Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.

  •   Support A much required conference. It'll help a lot to strengthen the relations within Asian Wikimedia communities. Regards, Krishna Chaitanya Velaga (talkmail) 03:49, 15 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support I endorse this ESEAP Conference plan its a long over due and much needed event to bring the communities together, concerned that 50 is too small for the regions size but it needs to start somewhere and at a size the organisers are comfortable with managing. Gnangarra (talk) 15:13, 16 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support I'm sure that this conference will be helpful in accelerating the community growth in the region. Kenrick95 (talk) 15:16, 16 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support This will be a great opportunity to share knowledge and experience among Asian Wikimedians. --Takot (talk) 15:23, 16 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support It is high time that this region organize an event. --Exec8 (talk)
  •   Support regional camaraderie will strengthen sustainability of the movement.--Frhdkazan (talk) 20:13, 16 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support, this is a great event! But please, include participants from Siberia. For example, I'm from Tuva, people would be interested to know about the small asian nomads of Russia..--Sendam2 (talk) 08:30, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support, I've known people who works for ESEAP for a while. And they have put tremendous effort to run the conference. I simply hope we not only hold a successful conference, but also encourage the regional communication and community collaboration. --Fantasticfears (talk) 05:46, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support We have waited for at least three years, it is way way longer then we originally expected to host a conference. Thanks to Wikimeida Indonesia to host this internationally regional conference! WMID this is really a big thing that you are willing to take care of, and you are most capable of doing this event. Let's make this fly, haha :D --Liang(WMTW) (talk) 07:20, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support, This project is great for ESEAP and needed.... NaidNdeso (talk) 07:12, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support Great event for Asian Wikipedian communities. RaymondSutanto (talk) 07:58, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  • Can be a medium to strengthen Wikimedia Community in Asia region. ··· 🌸 Rachmat04 · 08:01, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support, I think it's very helpful to push Wikimedia movement in asia. --魔法設計師(Shoichi) (talk) 08:25, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support ESEAP Regional Conference is a great opportunity for connecting people with the Wikimedia community. It can encourage more people to join Wikimedia. --Jeane (talk) 22:55, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support Of course I support this. However, considering the date, I think it's better to hold the conference before/after the Ramadan month (15 May-14 June 2018) so it can better interest more Muslim participants to join. Wirjadisastra (talk) 12:25, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support This event is good for Asian Wikipedian communities.--Wolfch (talk) 12:38, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support There are many great wikipedians work on their fantastic projects in Asia. I think this would be a good start to share their work to this world. Yannmaco (talk) 15:15, 16 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support, It is great chance that wikipedians from different countries can join together and discuss many wiki issues. Make it happen! --Cyora0815 (talk) 06:41, 19 October 2017 (UTC)
  • This project very useful, because we can meet Wikipedians other country to discuss development Wikipedia, especially in local language. I hope, I can collaborate with Wikipedia in other country to develop local language.
I have a suggestion, if event won't be held on May-June. Because it is Ramadhan month, so moslem have fasting. I think it better held on July or August.
Thank you. Danangtrihartanto (talk) 23:11, 17 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support Great opportunity for Asian communities. --Athikhun.suw (talk) 12:06, 22 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support The Wikimedia Australia chapter supports this conference in the region as a significant opportunity to support small communities and to focus on community development appropriate to ESEAP.Pru.mitchell (talk)
  •   Support I think it's good for Asian Wikipedian. Aviel Dase (talk) 14:59, 29 October 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support Looking forward to this worderful event. It is very important to have such gathering of ESEAP Wikimedians. --Filipinayzd (talk) 08:20, 1 November 2017 (UTC)
  •   Support This is a great attempt! It will benefit countless ESEAP Wikimedians!--TSVC1190 (talk) 09:55, 19 November 2017 (UTC)