Grants:Conference/Wikimedia Australia/ESEAP Conference 2022/Report
- Report under review
- To read the approved grant submission for this project, please visit Grants:Conference/Wikimedia Australia/ESEAP Conference 2022.
- Review the reporting requirements to better understand the reporting process.
- Note that if a grantee is unresponsive or uncooperative for 21 days or more, this report will be moved by WMF to incomplete.
- With questions about commenting on a report, or with questions about submitting a report, please Email conferencegrants at wikimedia dot org.
- Review all Conference Grant reports under review.
Guidelines on how to fill out this grant report
edit- If you wish to write your report in your native language, you are free to do so. Please indicate (in English) what language are you using.
- If you prefer to submit the narrative report in a video format, you can. The video should be in English. Please upload the video to Wikimedia Commons and share the link in your report page. Make sure to answer all the required questions. All Financial documentation will still need to be submitted in a written form.
- If you struggle with some of the questions, or wish to have a debrief meeting with your Program Officer before submitting your report, we are very happy to meet and walk you through the report template. This can be especially helpful if you want our help in identifying and reflecting on lessons learned. Please get in touch with your Program Officer.
- If you have other ideas, preferred methods on how to submit your Conference Grant Report or concerns - please reach out to us.
Outcomes and Impact
editThanks for bringing value back to the Wikimedia movement by sharing in this report. Everything you learned during your project is useful knowledge to offer future Wikimedians planning similar work.
In this first section you are asked to reflect on your initial goals and the impact the event had on your community. Remember there is no right or wrong answer. Even if your goals have changed over time, or the impact was different than what you expected. Feel free to share your long or short answer - we are happy to hear whatever you have to share.
- Did your event have any impact that you did not expect, positive or negative?
There was much greater interest in the conference than we expected from the ESEAP community as well as other regional communities, special interest groups and WMF staff. This was ultimately a positive for the conference itself as we had a very high level of interest and engagement however it did put a strain on the COT, the WMAU committee and staff and the budget.
- Please tell us about the top 2-3 innovative (new to you and your community) or things you tried this conference.
- Videos via Zoom - the Zoom option allowed some hybrid, and provided good quality videos. The decision to stream all presentations on Zoom from one main conference room (Kangaroo room) helped to plan, manage and obtain good quality live streaming and recordings to be available on Wikimedia Australia's YouTube for all communities to access. Additionally, once uploaded to YouTube then translation can be automatically applied.
- Adjacent to academic conference - the decision to run the ESEAP regional conference consecutively with the WOW (Worlds of Wikimedia) academic conference was a very innovative move that generated a lot of interest and increase in attendance both locally and from the ESEAP region. The conferences complimented each other well, and allowed for greater sharing of knowledge, ideas and networking.
- Translation - we tried using a free, app-based option. Due to time and budget constraints we were not able to arrange for people to be Translators. However after some research and exploration we trialed the Microsoft Translate web-app which appeared to offer good live online translation, as well as offering nearly all the languages we required for our ESEAP region. It wasn't successful due to technical issues when presenter changes stopped the translation. We would only consider it again for smaller meetings, but not large scale conferences.
- Were there any significant changes from the initial grant proposal?
Most items were relatively close to the budgeted amounts with the main budget issues related to items that were not considered as part of the initial budget, but added during planning. These include:
- Social event - Harbour cruise was not considered in early planning but we included it based on delegate expectations, and the focus on ‘connecting’. This turned out to be a highlight of the weekend.
- AV and streaming - we wrongly assumed the AV included in the original venue quote would be sufficient. Additional requirements were very expensive, mainly due to hiring AV assistance over a weekend which increased pay rates. We resolved this by doing most of the AV and IT support ourselves, rather than pay additional.
- Travel - was higher than budgeted but not entirely unexpected given the difficulty with visas (which turned out worse than expected)
- Live translation - was not budgeted for
- Event management - company costs were much higher than expected or budgeted for and therefore we could only afford to pay for a travel company to deal with flights. There was difficulty finding a conference organiser who would do the full conference at an affordable rate - 10% of total event cost being the preferred model which would have amounted to AUD $25,000 (way over the AUD$10,000 budgeted) so we were not able to hire a full event management service. Maxim's agreed to our preferred per head option, which was $160 per head for travel and accommodation.
- What do you think will be the long term impact of this conference?
Many new connections and relationships have been established as a result of this conference:
ESEAP Hub Interim Committee - A key aim of the conference was to make the next move towards an ESEAP Regional hub. This was achieved very effectively with three sessions mapped out across the conference to review what a hub would look like and for the community to discuss and agree on an interim steering group. This group, which has representatives from across the region has had its first meeting and plans to develop guidelines for an ongoing hub and a staff member in time for Wikimania 2023.
Greater collaboration across the region - With so many young delegates who were attending their first Wikimedia and/or ESEAP conference there was great enthusiasm and excitement to engage and learn. Many networking opportunities in person have created significant increases in contact between delegates, affiliates and chapters. With Wikimania 2023 in Singapore in July and Wikidata con 2023 in Taiwan in October there will be many opportunities to now follow up on projects and ideas with new friends from across the region.
New affiliate and organisation partnerships - The conference provided an opportunity for affiliates committee members and staff and WMF staff to meet and share knowledge and ideas which will be further developed.
- Do your best to estimate the number of attendees in your event that have never attended any Wikimedia event before. How were you able to support and engage this group?
Two thirds (70%) had not attended an ESEAP conference previously. New participants were acknowledged and welcomed at the opening event and given they were a majority were able to be supported. All participants were very engaged and enthusiastic.
We also had a good diversity of ages.
- Do your best to estimate the number of participants who have been involved in Wikimedia activities for more than 5 years. How were you able to support and engage this group?
Over half of the evaluation respondents have been editing for more than 5 years. The conference provided them with an opportunity to engage with friends and contributors from across the region and also learn new skills and share their knowledge.
Learning and next steps
editConferences and events do not always go according to plan! Please use this section considering the perspective of what future event organizers within our movement organizing a similar style conference can learn. Make sure to include lessons around work with external/ internal partners; your communication efforts; your work with the community and volunteers etc.
- What would you do differently next time and why? Please share with us if there's anything you wouldn't do or something future organizers should avoid.
- Ensure the scholarship team has crystal clear policies in place BEFORE granting scholarships, and gets agreement of scholars up front about exactly what the scholarship covers, including how many/which nights accommodation (based on travel times), what will be reimbursed, plus a clear process for any additional stays or accompanying persons.
- Allow more time for processing and approval of Visa applications, which then results in more time to book travel and accommodation earlier. This would reduce stress on conference organisers and participants including planning presenters for the program, as well as ensuring better value travel and accommodation costs resulting in less impact on the overall budget.
- Confirm the program earlier and ensure all presentations were completed and supplied before the conference. This assists in planning for all conference aspects, as well as giving AV and tech support plenty of time to prepare for smooth running of the slide decks and demos.
- Was there any non-financial support that the Wikimedia Foundation could have provided that would have better supported you in achieving your goals?
Having access to an online published checklist or handbook prior to doing the budget would have been helpful. Questions we now know we should have asked:
- What health and health insurance was available from WMF and what information we needed to give delegates about this.
- How to train Awareness & Safety representatives (we eventually received a really helpful suite of documents from Wikimedia Deutschland).
- Support the visa, travel and accommodation processing and booking process.
- Support with Translation (both in-person and technical options).
- What would you recommend on a local and/or regional level as the best next step to leverage your success and momentum? (Please consider potential new allies and partners; internal wiki collaborations; future projects etc. We don't expect you to necessarily do those, we are only looking for more ideas from your own perspective.)
There are a number of strategies and steps in place:
- Continue to develop and build an ESEAP Hub model through the Interim Hub Committee and regular consultation with the chapters, user groups and affiliates.
- Promote relationship-building between chapters, affiliates and user groups who are undertaking similar projects or challenges.
- Encourage chapters, user groups and affiliates to present their papers at other ESEAP country online meet-ups (eg, Bali Lontar project could be presented online at New Zealand meetup, etc).
- Encourage delegates to translate presentations and post on the meta-wiki as part of their learnings post-conference.
- Follow-up on the projects and tools presented (Web2Cit, Census tool, Bali Lontar project, Pasifika Arts Wikiproject, etc) at regular intervals and feature them in WMAU or ESEAP communications (newsletters, social media, meetings, etc) to inform on progress and uptake.
- Sharing of learning and education resources from across the region focusing on edit-a-thons, training editors, and running events to encourage new editors and members.
- Does your organizing team / affiliate / user group have any plans to follow up with your attendees in the future or support efforts related to the outcomes of this conference within your community?
The following opportunities are continuing and being actively progressed:
- Regular ESEAP meetings
- Interim ESEAP Hub Steering committee meetings (in the lead up to Wikimania 2023)
- Conference requests for regional/global conferences
- Wikimania 2023 ESEAP Hub session (15 or 16 August 2023)
- Please add any 3 operational recommendations for future events organizers.
- Do fun stuff that shows the human side of people - singing, dancing and sharing language and culture. This is what really helps people connect.
- The “pre-conference conference” - an online information session that ran 10 days before the conference was essential and gave delegates opportunities to ask questions, receive current information and be better informed for travel. This worked very well in avoiding some travel issues, and additionally created options for most delegates to connect and communicate before the conference.
- Plan plenty of time for finding and testing translation options - whether using technical solutions or real people to undertake in-person or online. All delegates must be able to engage, contribute and have the best experience. Translation can’t be left undecided or organised at the last minute. Some languages are not available in translation software which is skewed to European languages, so some regional languages and dialects don’t have good coverage, if any at all. Select and test solutions well before the event.
- Allow more time for processing and approval of Visa applications, which then results in more time to book travel and accommodation earlier. This would reduce stress on conference organisers from all aspects including planning presenters for the program, as well as ensuring better value travel and accommodation costs resulting in less impact on the overall budget.
Program Summary
edit- The programs consist of 20 sessions combination of submission and invitation, which increased by 30% from the 2018 conference, 14 sessions. The technology sessions are new programs for this year's conference with platform discussions/workshops including Commons, Wikidata, Wikisource, Web2Cit, and the new project by WMF "WikiStories".
- 5 communal/non-submissions were added to the program. Instead of visiting an art performance like the 2018 conference, "Kecak Dance", the performer comes from the participant themselves from 5 different countries (Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, South Korea, and Indonesia). The participant also had a Sydney Dinner Cruise, to Darling Harbour which is one of the icons of the city.
- 54 Wikimedians participated in the program. This number consists of 39 Speakers, 12 Moderators, and 3 did both. More than 50% of total attendees participated in the programs from 11 different countries + WMF. Even though missed 3 countries (Japan, Timor Leste, and China), 3 countries didn't participate before joining the program (Australia, Vietnam, and Myanmar).
Please find the PDF report here
Financial documentation
editThis section describes the grant's use of funds
- Budget table
Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions. Review the instructions here. These expenses should be listed in the same format as the budget table in your approved submission so that anyone reading this report may be able to easily compare budgeted vs. actual expenses.
Nr. | Item description | Budget | Final cost | Currency | Notes |
A | |||||
A1 | Venue hire UTS quote room hire 3 rooms x 2 days | 6705 | 7205 | AUD | |
A2 | Catering lunch, morning and afternoon tea | 17000 | 16500 | AUD | |
A3 | Catering opening event | 5000 | 7200 | AUD | |
A5 | AV and streaming | 4,087.57 | AUD | ||
A6 | Translation | ||||
A7 | Welcome to Country | 635 | AUD | ||
A8 | Health & Safety | 328.55 | AUD | ||
A9 | Catering | 8729 | AUD | ||
A10 | Catering WoW conference | 3300 | AUD | ||
A11 | Catering Wikimania CoT | 3250 | AUD | ||
B | TRAVEL | ||||
B1 | Airfares | 90000 | 110,989.44 | AUD | |
B2 | Transfer to and from airport | 3000 | 1,493.80 | AUD | |
B3 | Travel insurance | 6000 | 1,432.10 | AUD | |
B4 | Visa application fees | 8700 | 4,767.31 | AUD | |
B5 | Accommodation | 72000 | 74,548.00 | AUD | |
B6 | Accommodation Wikimania CoT | 8800 | AUD | ||
C1 | Print materials | 2000 | 1,592.8 | AUD | |
C2 | Presenter gifts | 770.0 | AUD | ||
D1 | Event manager | 10000 | 1,951.21 | AUD | |
D2 | Travel consultant | 5000 | 7,040.0 | AUD | |
D3 | Host/facilitator for 2 days | 800 | AUD | ||
E1 | Contingency | 22620 | AUD | ||
TOTAL | 248,825 | 264,619.83 | AUD |
If you have any tips or insights on creating a budget or allocating funds, please feel welcome to share!
- Summary of funding
Total project budget (from your approved grant submission): AUD $226,205
Total amount requested from WMF (from your approved grant submission): AUD $248,825
Total amount spent on this project (this total should be the total calculated from the table above): AUD $264,619.83
Total amount of WMF grant funds spent on this project: AUD $248,634.83
Are there additional sources of revenue that funded any part of this project? List them here.
- Wikimania Core Organising Team - AUD $12,050
- Wikimedia Australia - $3,935
- Wikimedia Australia in kind staff time for 3 months
- Remaining funds
Are there any grant funds remaining?
- NO.
Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.)
editOptional - Event Evaluation Toolkit - In this page you can find a list of basic questions that the Wikimedia Foundation uses to evaluate large movement events like Wikimania and other regional and thematic events. Feel free to use any part of these questionnaires to evaluate your own event. You will find: Registration Questions; Post-event questions for participants and Follow-up questions for participants.
ESEAP 2022 Conference Evaluation Report
editThe conference evaluation survey was shared with participants on the final afternoon of the conference and further reminders were provided in the week or two after the conference.
In total there were 53 responses to the conference evaluation - around half of the participants.
About the respondents
editThe vast majority (89%) of participants were editors - creating, contributing or editing content on Wikimedia platforms and nearly two thirds (59%) were involved in organising Wikimedia projects. Just under half (42%) represented an affiliate. A small percentage (11%) worked for pay or participated in some other way.
Respondents came from 14 different countries and spoke at least 17 languages: English, Indonesian, Korean, Mandarin, Thai, Cantonese, Minangkabau, Malay, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Filipino, Bikol, Tagalog, Spanish, Persian, Vietnamese.
Conference application process
editA majority of respondents found the application process was easy to understand and complete.
A vast majority found the conference venue was accessible and the majority found that language was accessible and they felt safe, respected and comfortable. The general view was that the venue was convenient to the hotel and that “It was a great space that worked well for this event.”
Conference content
editMost respondents strongly agreed or agreed that the content was interesting for them, was appropriate for my skill and experience level and that they learned new skills.
Topics of most interests were: the ESEAP Hub, Wikidata, Wikisource
Many people also appreciated connecting with each other.
The collaboration between ESEAP stakeholders on key issues and projects presented was the highlight of the event.
- “Discovering the vibrant and active Wiki communities of the Asian region.”
- “Seeing how indigenous people around the world were finding ways to contribute to Wiki projects, especially Wikisource”
The most popular sessions included the opening event, the dinner cruise, lightning talks, and many specific sessions.
- The welcome, when more and more people came up to welcome us all in their own language
- My favourite sessions are lightning talks and panels, such as affiliate leadership development, language diversity, education, and tools. I believe experiences from another country will widen my perspectives.
- Hatch-a-wiki project, Paiwan Wikimedia UG, Event Registration Tool, I1 Wikidata Workshop
- World cafe, hubs & Wikimania. Wikisource is one topic that didn't get much spotlight before became the star of the conference
- The Dzongkha Wikipedia initiative by Bunty Avieson and Lontar manuscript preservation project by the Indonesian community (Balinese) are some of the inspiring projects for me.
- It was a really great diversity of content from across the region which brought together some really interesting perspectives on how Wikimedia projects operate.
- I loved it when the speakers from Taiwan spoke in their preferred language and provided English translations on their slides. It worked well and felt appropriate to the conference's diversity and love of languages
- In 12 years of attending various offline movement events, this is the first time I heard so many languages being spoken during the panel or session. It feels nice to celebrate the language diversity. While some people might feel frustrated to hear that, it is a good start for better inclusivity in the region.
- I want to appreciate the programming of this conference, because the arranged sessions are varied but still provide me enough flexibility to mingle with fellow participants. This makes the learning atmosphere conducive and relaxed, which is very important for me when attending a conference
Suggestions for the program included
- I think there should be more workshops and trainings
- I wonder if the presentation pages on Meta couldn't perhaps benefit from being a bit more detailed (or link to more detail). Being able to prepare for presentations by reading about them helps, especially when English is maybe not the speaker's first language.
- I hope the conference will be regular each year. ESEAP deserves the same treatment other regional collaboratives are getting in terms of getting budgetary allocation and technical support it gets from the foundation.
- The best content was developed in conversations between sessions, so some sort of "speed dating" or meeting time built in, instead of short tea breaks, would have been good. For example, the exercise with post-it notes identified many interesting topics to pursue, but these were then ignored for the remainder of the weekend!
Follow up activities and Connecting with community
editMost people Strongly agreed or agreed that they connected with people they don’t usually see and made new connections. Collaboration was more mixed however over 50% strongly agreed or agreed that collaboration happened.
Follow up activities mentioned include: Meetups, community meetings, editathons, events, editing and technical improvement, knowledge sharing, social media sharing.
- Online national meetup, city in person meet up and briefing session at work
- We can fine tune the support we provide in Movement Comms and in return better learn from the leaders and contributors in the region that we now know better.
- i will share what i learn to community that i manage on our monthly meeting
- Connect with local GLAM institutions to see how we can work together
- I apply by facilitate discussions on hubs and advance it to have a permanent structure & statutes in place. And also make Wikimania 2023 the with the best user experience.
- Incorporate tools into my editing on-wiki, discuss at monthly meetings
- Mostly about running events like that (smaller scale though)
- Continuing to use new tools and skills in my own editing, plus teaching others at work and in our user group and at future wiki edit a thons
Suggestions for community connection and improvements
Respondents noted that many countries were missing from the conference including Japan, the Pacific, Mongolia, Timor Leste, PNG, Brunei, Indigenous Australians, some other South East Asian countries. And those who couldn’t get visas. There was concern to make sure ESEAP tries to include everyone.
- More hands on sessions and workshops,
- More social time
- More translation and more multilingual presentations
- Wikimedia Hackathons have a tradition for lightning talks where people line up and have 1 minute or something to say what they're working on. It's speedy and fun and doesn't require any preparation. Might be interesting to try something like that? But no, everything was great, really!
- I would like to hear more about research on and about Wikimedia and especially related to the region. I also wish we could have had a few more people from other regions - just to hear about how they are doing their collaborations eg Africa hub, CEE, India, latin america etc. But I know this was out of scope.
- More science & biodiversity stuff
- Maybe more opportunities for non-English speakers to contribute in their native languages somehow
General appreciation comments
editMerchandise like stickers were brought and shared by people from their local communities - Thank you so much for this wonderful event that brings me an overall view about what people are doing on the wiki to contribute to the global knowledge.
- The event was very inspiring for many of us. People were very friendly and supportive. The event was also organised in a timely manner.
- The Sydney Harbour Cruise will be a hard act to follow :-)
- Thank you very much for the organizers. I didn't take my meds to Australia but I suffered no panic attacks! I was in such a warm and safe environment. Thank you also for making the participants come and leave at comfortable flights time and day. Good pick on the hotel and the venue (next to each other, close to the CBD).
- Best thing about conferences, especially in the movement, is meeting others and making connections outside of the sessions. There was a really friendly and collaborative vibe, and no trust and safety issues that I was aware of.
- Wikimedia Australia and the core organising team did a fantastic job organising a warm, inclusive, interesting event. Congratulations!
- Thank you for the inspiring conference. I want to go to Wikimania next year now :)
Anything else
editIs there anything else you want to share about the conference or event?
- ESEAP Hub link on meta
- ESEAP is a regional collaborative composed of nationalities & Wikimedia affiliates of Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Vietnam. Membership also includes nationalities and informal communities of Brunei, Cambodia, China, Japan, Laos, Macau, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Timor Leste and Pacific island nations FS Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
- The original proposal was a 50-60 place affiliate stream to bring affiliate and regional leaders and organisers together to develop ESEAP Hub proposal. At the urging of the community and broader voices, this was increased to 100 places - determined by venue, the timeframe for organising travel etc, and our ability to manage as this was our first conference in Australia. We were keen not to overload the conference with native English speakers and thus overshadow the significant language diversity in our region.
- Evaluation showed ESEAP conference delegates came from 14 different countries and spoke at least 17 languages: English, Indonesian, Korean, Mandarin, Thai, Cantonese, Minangkabau, Malay, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Filipino, Bikol, Tagalog, Spanish, Persian and Vietnamese.
We had hundreds of photos taken during the event! Check out the main category on Wikimedia Commons.
You can also find below some of the image categories:
Photos by day: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
10 videos are available on YouTube. This includes all sessions from the main Kangaroo room.
Blog posts
Following ESEAP, Wikimedia Australia published a recap of the conference: ESEAP 2022.
Plenary Conversation Cafe Responses
editOur opening session had everyone at ESEAP answer a series of questions around challenges and lessons learned across their communities.
Responses to the conversation cafe questions organised into broad themes by Amanda Lawrence at the end of the conference - not all responses included. Further thematic analysis could be done as this is just a quick first run through.
Question 1: Challenges
editWhat are some of your challenges when engaging in wikimedia projects and/or community?
Cross region issues
- More knowledge sharing needed - Each country doesn't know what other countries are doing
- Communities with diverse levels and knowledge - Information Gap
- Time zones
- Language barriers
- Distance and travel
- Difficult knowing how to get in touch with the different ESEAP communities in an equal and engaging manner
- Local contributors not interested in global movement
Community issues
- Internal community challenges with community governance
- Polarised communities
Wikimedia issues
- Idea of wikimedia is not very clear to various people
- Difficulty explaining our model
- Negative perception of wikipedia and its sister projects among educational academic communities
- User interface needs to be more welcoming and modern
- Hard to set up accounts
- Flow on impact of changes to system info e.g. deletions of photos being used
Volunteers retention and engagement
- Onboarding and training new editors difficult
- it's hard to participate in English-speaking spaces,
- Low tech skills and Limited technological infrastructure
- It is overwhelming and unfriendly for newcomers
- How to find good ones
- Organisations that need to be engaged with (who hold images and publish useful information) do not know much about how wikipedians operate
- Team building and Staff needed
- Volunteer organisers are overworked
- Knowing where to find the answers
- Low skill of technology - need more training from foundation
- very small community
- Childcare support
Tensions on content
- Academics vs editors
- questions about reliability for students
- Lack of representation e.g. indigenous people
- Fear of editing controversial topics especially about a person (legal action)
Technology and policy
- Vandals + bad guys
- Internet connection
- In Korea - content is blocked in Korean Web Portal
- Copyright + open access
- Inconsistent and changing copyright periods
- Government censorship
- Threats from government, politicians and/or some police/military organisations which don’t understand wikimedia projects
Question 2: Lessons learned
editWhat are some of the most important things that you and/or your community have learned that you would like to share with others?
ESEAP connection
- Collaboration with other editors across nation and language boundaries is very productive and a lot of fun
- Translating property labels in wikidata i important
- ESEAP is a region with a great community, diversity and lots of potential for growth (overall)
- Wikimedia works because it is decentralised and open
- Engaging young community through wiki (long-term) competition can hatch new members of community/organisation
- Meet ups are important
- Online meetings have greater coverage and are flexible
- Meeting regularly a month is a good thing!
- Having a place paid for by wikimedia for volunteers to gather
- Social media to socialise the movement
- Communication is really important - we have to break barriers, collaborate with other members, be involved more to know more
- Community consensus is important so that everyone can agree with a discussion or policy
- Step by step tutorials
- Making trainings shorter, to the points, keeping it simple
- Wikisource is a great on-boarding platform
- Pay people for training
- Open refine skills allow wikidata to collect higher volumes of data
- Making partners (NGO’s, private orgs, government) realise that working with us is high value because we help solve knowledge problems in the global village
- Wikisource working with public libraries
- Localised audiovisual materials
- Mother tongues are crucial in the development of wikipedia
- Not much info about Cambodia on wikipedia - there is opportunity
- Can bring new life to old things. Manuscripts can be digitalised in Bali
- Interest of youth in wikipedia editing in pop culture/entertainment, but not in academic context
- Plan to nominate users who live outside of Thailand to be admin against threat in my country (at least two users)
Capacity building
- Having paid staff in chapter
- Start small and follow-up is very important
- Even if trainers don’t keep editing, there is a better understanding of projects/literacy. Need different measures
- Foundation grants support growth and staff capacity in Aus
- Prioritising where your efforts and resources go
- Good documentation of working knowledge
Wikimedia understanding
- Explaining rules, concepts, principles and dynamics the wikimedia projects to newbies
Tech and policy issues
- It’s decentralised - no one can control everything
Question 3: Magic fix
editIf the Wikimedia Movement could magically solve one challenge, what would it be? What change would it bring?
- Improved international relations (understanding)!
- Able to engage marginalised communities - language and cultures
- Able to integrate/cite oral knowledge, opening door to excluded contributors
- Spirit of volunteering - people open to share knowledge
- Equality - more women contributing on wiki projects
- Time Zones allow ESEAP folk to participate in global committees and share our voice
- Engagement for new generation volunteers
- Make wikipedia a paid gig - brings more people and engagement
- Making an oral wikipedia to support minority indigenous communities
- Education - accessibility to knowledges - if internet accessible to everyone
- Present positive images to minority groups that are historically misrepresented
- Quick and clear communication of how movement works - intro to everything
- Equal access to knowledge
- Wikipedia training in primary school
- Fun short video content
- Human resources
- Tell professors in university that wikipedia is fun!
- Connect readers to community
- On-the-ground, in-community advocates for wikimedia projects
- Documentation of local languages in one usable space
- super etymology machine)
- Making wikipedia available in 6000 language
- Tower of Babel (languages problem)
- Not many academic articles are in Thai
- All organisations (arts and education) understand copyright and share well described images
- Total eradication of disinformation/misinformation - 100% truth and accuracy - no edit wars or bad editing
- No political, religion, sexual conflicts
- Technology - internet connection, devices for everyone
- Extension of freedom of panorama in countries where is doesn’t exist or is restricted
- Fix stereotype that wikipedia is not reliable
- Tackling stereotypical views - from “don’t cite wikipedia” to “help make wikipedia more reliable”
- Freedom of speech in Thailand (without government censorship)
- No copyright, doxxing or hate
- Updated interface
- Disability friendly
- Real-world verification for (all/more) users