Grants:IEG/Digitization of Important Libraries Book Catalog in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana/Timeline

Timeline for Digitization of Important Libraries Book Catalog in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

Timeline Date
Project Start Date 01 January 2015
Milestone 2 Day Month Year
Milestone 3 Day Month Year

Monthly updates


Please prepare a brief project update each month, in a format of your choice, to share progress and learnings with the community along the way. Submit the link below as you complete each update.


  • This project started on 1st January, but we did much work before start, visited some of libreries, collected some of data from them
  • we have selected Annamayya Labrary for first one. it was located in Guntur Town of Andhra Pradesh
  • visited with Vishnuvardhan and Rahmanuddin, succeeded to give us the book catalog
  • second visit to Annamayya Library and given them training that how to write in Telugu on Wiki, what are benefits to writing catalog on wiki
  • meet people like
  1. Velaga Venkatappayya who did much work on Telugu Library movement on early days and was Chairman of the Public Library Sectional Committee of the Indian Library Association (sadly he died ofter some days)
  2. Modugula Ravi Krishna (PHD on Telugu Litarature and History), i got 2 books from him 1 is Rabindranath Tagore's Nivedhana (Geetanjali Telugu defferent versions of Telugu Authors, 2nd is 1st Telugu biography in Telugu Language of Ajjada Adibhatla Narayana Dasu from this book getting many references from his life time)
  3. Lanka Suryanarayana, who's more than 10,000 rare and oldest books given to annamayyaa librery of Guntur
  • Annamayya Librery Staff are loged in as tewiki members and they are writing some articles here
  1. Ramesh.galam2
  2. Gopi.Mogili
  3. Valluri harika
  • given idea to them to start work on catalog and some more articles with our help when ever they get time
  1. How to add references from Library old books
  2. demo about scan tiler (digitizing of old books)
  3. using Google input tools, inscript, anu keyboard maduler
  • went to Gowthami Library Rajahmundry and meet people whose contribution for Gowthami library growth (Y.P. Narasimharao, Sannidhanam narasimha sarma)
  • Gouthami librarian Suryanarayana Murty has given permission to tack Catalog of Gouthami Library
  • This Month members from this project (mainly we concentrating for girls from 1st year)
  1. వాడుకరి
  2. వాడుకరి:Divyaanusha.a
  3. వాడుకరి


  • this month we planned to do some out reach program like workshops, awareness programs ets, but could not dare to do them because of 2 reasons
  1. Swine influenza fevers spreading in Andhrapradesh and Telangana very past. it was danger to do like that programs. so i could not doing with my schedule plan. it will decrees for hot climate. Doctors in A.P says that in 32 degrees hot Swine influenza virus will die are decrees so we want wait some days to do outreach programs. untill we will do online catalogs and other articles witch are developing by library staff and members who starts from project
  2. Febuuary 14 and 15 Tewiki 11th Anniversary Celebrations held, i am one of committee member i have much work to do by prevues experience, on line works like plannings, writings, design certificates and banners ets. i was explained to siko about the situations - here is the latest developments of Swine influenza in our Places
  • 11 anniversary held in Tirupathi on 14,15 February 2015. it was great opportunity to new users of my project, they came there and learn some new things about Telugu Wikipedia and met other Wikipedians - later they mailed me that thank you giving like that good opportunity to meet some good people and friends, learn new things :)
  • We are experiments to convert Excel files to Tewiki Tables here- planing with other Wikipedians to make good structure on Project page

Month 3


Went to Srikakulam and Vijayanagaram to search Old Librerys. ̈* First I met Mr K.Venaktaraman who is active wikipedian from Srikakulam. We start to find Srikakulam's oldest libraries.

  • At first we visited Central library then went two libraries, but we found there many old books are lost with negligencey.
  • Then we went to Kadhanilayam, started with great Telugu writer Sri Kalipatnam Ramarao(this library started with good thought that every Telugu story should be there and every stories author info and photos also should be there. They collected more than 60 Thousand stories and 18 Thousand authors info and photos. We met Mr Kalipatnam Ramarao and took more suggestions for wiki growth. They are wiling to give Story Author's photos to wiki and we can succeed this by repeated visits to kadhanilayam.
  • Went to Dr.Vandana Sheshagirirao, who was actively wrote in early days and now stopped writing.we requested him to continue again and he accepted our request and told that he will start writing soon.Srikakalum is an ancient place,where many historical,piligrim and tourist places are found but information regarding them are less in wiki.So We are trying to take those information and photoes by repeating visits.(Some of them are History of River Nagaavali,Suryadevaliyam(Sun temples) which is one among two temples in India. Then we went to srikakulam municipal office and Sri kooramm temple(Lord vishnu in tortoise) form which is only one temple in the World.Finally Some info from nearby villages).

Next day reached to Vijayanagaram which is the Famous city to learn Classical Music, Classical Dance and Sanskreet. There are 3 famous Colleges we went to vist with the help of another Active Wikipedian and volanteer of the project Dr.Rajashekar's Brother Mr. Murali and Sree Krishnamurty.

  • First visit is the Maharajs College which is very oldest college in the A.P State. There are 26 principles worked and they all are famous persons in Andrapradesh in different trades. we talked to the working principal Ms. Kalyani to collect info of them and about the college, She told that they had a thought to give wiki training to their students.Then we told her that we are ready to give wiki training whenever they need.
  • From there we went to Sri Gudajara Appa Rao's house,who is famous writer.Now this house is under control of Vijayanagaram municipality. where they are using this as a library and museum.
  • Second visit is Government College of Music and Dance, it was also oldest and buillted by famous college of A.P State.The college works from 6Am-10Am and 4 -7PM so that we couldnot get much information from the office peoples ,they told us to visit evening principle and other staff will availble and you can get full information.
  • 3rd one is Sanskrit Collage of Vijayanagaram. we met Colage Prinicipal Dr. Penneti Swapna Haindavi, We Expalined What is Wikipedia, How irs work. She Permitted to give information about collage and Worked Principals, and Sanskrit Books of Collage Librery.
  • From there we vent to Maharaja's Port Building, vent to Manasas office of the rajas to tack permission about the port and other charities running by Rajas Family- unfortunately we did not get main persons of the rajas family. then came back
  • from there vent to Vizayanagaram Municipal office to tack some info about the oldest librerys but unfarutunatly we knowed that, those oldest librerys are now in very damaged and maney books are theft from readers and some are rusted and damaged.
  • Vent to check wenlac library - one of oldest librery of vijayanagaram, there alsoo same situvation we found, no more old books, staff are sys that, we lost maney valuble books by uncare and neglegency and some are teft, no reteruns
  • went to Pithapuram Suryarayandhra grandhalaya Librery. they want properly about wiki to give to data. we axpalined about wikipedia and they willing to give the cataloge, again we asked to learn them to write in telugu on wiki. they accepted to do workshap in the librery.
  • on 4th I met Mr. Suryanarayanamurty of Gouthami Librery
  • on 10,11 went to Annamayya Library and trained them to Wikisource, and copyrights - and put one book in te.wikisource.
  • trained them - how to use scan tiler and gimp. clarified some droughts by them and uploaded some pics by them in commons.

On 18th March We Conducted an a awareness program at Gouthami Librery Rajahmundry - thare are huse response at the program, and after the program until night we given training the audience who was interested to learn and write in Wikipedia - thare are 12 members joined and start writing about their Village Information.

  1. there are some article published in District Editions in all news papers about this program, and Prajapatrika weekly is given 7 pages big article about Wikipedia

Month 4


this month there are not much progress - there are meany causes to decrease the project work

  • Funds - first 3 months of good progress i often met the people and encourage them to do things.
  • work was slowed down duo to backlogged to distribute 2nd installment

Month 5

  • work was slowed down duo to backlogged to distribute 2nd installment amount

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New end date


i am working on this project with library people. they are adding some more books in the library with my support. and some are re arranging total books, and making new catalogs. so i am following with them. this will take some more time to finish - project completed 70 present of work. indeed i have no idea to give time exactly, but i am try to complete soon

