Grants:IEG/Improve 'Upload to Commons' Android App/Timeline

Timeline for Improve 'Upload to Commons' Android App

Timeline Date
Phase 1: Existing bugs/crashes fixed 29 July 2016
Phase 2(a): Tutorial & other newbie-friendly enhancements implemented 5 September 2016
Midpoint report 16 October 2016
Phase 2(b): Location-based features implemented 24 October 2016
Phase 2(c): Title & categorization enhancements implemented 5 December 2016
Phase 2(d): Enhancements to reduce workload for Commons volunteers implemented 15 December 2016
Phase 3: Publicity work completed 16 January 2017
Final report 15 February 2017

Note: I have made arrangements with the grant administrator for a 2-week break - this break has now been scheduled from the 20th of September to the 3rd of October. The timeline has been adjusted accordingly.

Monthly updates


Please prepare a brief project update each month, in a format of your choice, to share progress and learnings with the community along the way. Submit the link below as you complete each update.

Month 1 (July)

  • Phase 1 (fix existing bugs) completed.
  • List of bugs fixed in Phase 1 and the associated Google Play releases: blog post.
  • Monthly report: blog post.

Month 2 (August)

  • Phase 2(a) (newbie-friendly enhancements) and 2(b) (new location-based features) in progress.
  • Monthly report: blog post

Month 3 (September)

  • Phase 2(a) awaiting collaboration for tutorial task (3/4 tasks completed). Phase 2(b) completed.
  • Vacation from 20th of September to 3rd of October
  • Monthly report: blog post

Month 4 (October)

  • Phase 2(c) (Enhance titles and categorization) in progress (3/4 tasks completed).
  • Monthly report: blog post

Month 5 (November)

  • Tutorial task in Phase 2(a) completed. Phase 2(d) in progress.
  • Monthly report: blog post

Month 6 (December)

  • Phase 2(d) (Prevent uploading multiple copies of the same image) completed.
  • Waiting for decision on minor budget change request and feedback on midpoint report.

Month 7 (January)

  • Project temporarily halted due to dealing with personal commitments.

Month 8 (February)

  • Personal commitments settled at the end of February, resuming work on project.
  • Feedback on midpoint report received, moving forward with Phase 3.

Month 9 (March)

  • Several improvements and bugfixes were made to prepare app for publicity. Publicizing will start at the end of March.
  • Blog post for the past couple of months

Month 10 (April)

  • Revamped screenshots and Google Play listing, had a write-up done for the Wikimedia blog, and contacted several websites that have written about the app before to update them about its current status.
  • A group of us are planning to work on several improvements for the app during the Vienna Hackathon and Prague pre-hackathon (which I am organizing in collaboration with WMCZ). The final publicity step (press release sent out to a broad range of websites) will be put on hold until after the hackathon.

Month 11 (May)

  • Attended the Wikimedia Hackathon 2017 and the pre-hackathon in Prague, where a group of us worked on the app. More details: blog post

Extension request


New end date


31 March 2017


  • I would like to update licenses to achieve parity with Upload Wizard and improve license selection in the app, as proposed in budget change request (optional - subject to approval)
  • Personal commitments that turned out to require much more time than expected

New end date


15 April 2017


  • Several improvements (and bugfixes for issues stemming from those improvements) needed to be made to prepare the app for publicity, so additional time was needed for Phase 3

New end date


31 May 2017


  • Attending the Wikimedia Hackathon Vienna (19-21 May) and pre-hackathon in Prague (12-16 May). A group of us are planning to get together and make several improvements to the app during that time, so I think it would be best to hold off on the final part of publicity until that is completed.

New end date


20 June 2017


  • Fixing leftover bugs from the new features that were implemented during the hackathon. Will complete the publicity phase and start writing final report very soon.