Grants:IEG/Open Access Reader/Timeline

Timeline for Open Access Reader

Timeline Date
Final Report 1st July 2016

Proof of Concept Demo

  • Identify best Open Access Aggregator
  • Find simplistic but quick-to-implement significance filter
  • Explore correspondence between aggregator papers and Wikipedia citations
  • Publish static output & elicit feedback

Simple Citation Hitlist Tool

  • Design robust significance filter
  • Produce a system that generates a live list of most significant papers
  • Design metrics
  • UX design
  • Release tool & elicit feedback

Add Topic Filtering

  • Assess paper metadata
  • Research, Design & implement topic filtering
  • Update UX
  • Share with topic subcommunities (wikiprojects, etc)

Monthly updates


A detailed project diary was kept.

Is your final report due but you need more time?

Extension request


New end date


1st July 2016



The original budget proposal was significantly higher than in the accepted grant, and was designed to support a larger project. This was revised down to support just an initial exploration, with an (off-record) promise of being reinstated should the exploratory period be successful.

After this was over, the funding was not forthcoming so the project could not be completed and lost momentum. I have continued to make an effort to find alternative funding from elsewhere, but I have not managed to successfully secure any, and while some of this project could feasibly be continued with volunteers, the extensions to CORE are necessary and have an unavoidable spend associated with them.

While I think the initial exploration was promising, and the project remains relevant, the grants committee have asked me to close out this project since there is little activity and I'm not able to use the remaining funding.

Thank you for this explanation, Ed. I'm approving this extension request for a new end date of July 1. I'll be in touch by email to schedule a time to talk about possible next steps. Cheers, --Marti (WMF) (talk) 12:21, 22 June 2016 (UTC)