Grants:IdeaLab/Bikol Wiktionary Trainer's Training and Edit-a-thons/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2019-20 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

Bikol Wiktionary Trainer's Training and Edit-a-thons



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Though I did not reach the target pages for the Bikol Wiktionary on the requested time frame, I can say that the 6 event conducted were a success. I am happy to share that the invited editors were able to add a desirable number of pages to the Bikol Sentral Wiktionary. Also, the specific goals of the project were achieved.

Program Goals
No. Goal Outcome
1 To train editors on how to use the templates for Bikol Wiktionary. During the 6 events, new editors were trained to properly used the templates specifically made for the Bikol Sentral Wiktionary. As much a possible, we are avoiding broken links. Everyone else is helping each other on the actual editing. After the program, the trainers continued to add and edit on the Bikol Sentral Wiktionary. I can say that this is a good sign of commitment to further develop the platform.
2 To add more entries to the Bikol Wiktionary and make it up and running for the Bikol Community. As of the January 5, 2020, there is already 979 pages added and is still growing by the day. We are looking forward for the Bikol Sentral Wiktionary to be removed from its incubation status this year.
3 To promote the Bikol Sentral Wiktionary for the community. Having new editors and trainers for the Wiktionary is a good promotion for this platform. The trainers also commit to further promoting Bikol Sentral Wiktionary to our community, esp. students and the academe.

In conclusion, I can say that this program is a success.



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
4 meetings scheduled on a four consecutive weekends 6 meetings on a different date We experienced two tropical cyclones (Typhoon KAMAEGI and Typhoon KAMMURI) during the entire duration of the project. I opted to consider the safety of every one else and rescheduled the meeting to the most convenient time within the time frame of the project. Considering that I have already requested for an extension of the start date of the program, I decided not to request to extend it any longer.
5 editors per session Two meetings with 5 editors present and four meetings with three editors present. Due to my miscalculations on the start of the date of the project and the date of the budget to be received by my bank, other editors scheduled on the 16th and 23rd of November are no longer available on the nearest Saturday. I encouraged them to choose any day of the week to be able to have a meeting and continue the training on the editing on Bikol Wiktionary.
20 new recruited editors 22 editors old and new combined It is difficult for new editors to commit to a whole day training and editing because of the bad weather condition, power interruptions and the burdens of the Christmas holiday.
1000 or more word entries 979 word entries as of January 5, 2020 New editors find it difficult to master the html coding for editing in the Wiktionary. It would take them time to familiarize the symbols and codes. However, they still continue to learn and committed to add more entries on the Bikol Wiktionary.

List of editors that previously participated in Bikol Wikipedia edit-a-thons:

  1. User:Brazal.dang
  2. User:Kunokuno

List of new recruited editors:

  1. User:Rodeladam
  2. User:Dee.arcilla
  3. User:Prinsipe6314
  4. User:Rubygee
  5. User:Eybeeceedee
  6. User:ectorrente
  7. User:Dude99999
  8. User:Jaygaza
  9. User:Busypixie
  10. User:Dinanepo
  11. User:Markden24
  12. User:Kurasmag1980
  13. User:MaroBos
  14. User:Sherlock808
  15. User:BiancaBrazal
  16. User:Josefalcan
  17. User:Taripelucy
  18. User:Bokriv16
  19. User:Elvilubi



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

The commitment of the editors to participate and to improve the platform are recognizable. We all agreed to the dire need of the community to have its own online dictionary available for all and is free. It is very likely that more editors will be enjoined to add new pages and to develop Bikol Sentral Wiktionary.

  • What did not work so well?

One problem we encounter during the entire project was getting everyone to fit on a Saturday schedule because of the two tropical cyclones we experienced. Everyone is concerned about their safety and their families'. So I decided to let them choose a most convenient time for them, so they can still be trained and participate in the program. Another factor that is familiarizing with the templates. I somewhat overlooked that not everyone is well-equipped of html language, especially in our country. So, we took much of our time learning the templates, and also deciding on how to put our words to be searchable, considering that our language uses a lot of diacritical markings. Nevertheless, the entire program helps up learn more about our own language and its usage.

  • What would you do differently next time?

The trainers wishes to conduct another series of edit-a-thon with bigger audience and for a longer time frame. Next time, if given a chance I would choose a much more earlier schedule with longer duration to give enough time for the program to run more efficiently, and to have a time allowance just in case another weather disturbance occur. Also, we will involve more editors from the academe and the locale to have more reliable sources for the platform.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Project Expenses
No. Item Funds Actual Expenses Description
1 PC Rentals PHP 12,000.00 PHP 15,141.00 Payment for pc rentals used during edit-a-thons
2 Data Connection PHP 10,000.00 PHP 12,195.00 Payment for internet connectivity for 6 sessions
3 Food PHP 19,200.00 PHP 20,167.00 Payment for whole day meals of the event participants for 6 events with 22 old and new editors
4 Contingency Php 10,000.00 Php 4,506.00 Communication expenses and fare during the entire project implementation.
Total: PHP 51,000.00 | Total Expense: PHP 52,309

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

Yes. The actual grant request was Php 51,000.00. However I received Php 58,000.00 from the Foundation. As of today, there is Php 5,591.00 / USD 111.32 available. I would like to request that the funds remaining be used for one session of edit-a-thon for Bikol Sentral Wiktionary.

The funds remaining from this grant in the amount of $111.32 were deducted from another grant payment for Grants:Project/Rapid/1lib1ref in the Philippines.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

I would like to thank the Foundation for giving us an opportunity to develop this platform for our community. Bikol Sentral Wiktionary will be helpful for every Bikolanos especially now that we have a small amount of resources for our mother tongue-based education curriculum. Also, this program has brought new editors to the Bikol Wikimedian community. We are looking forward to having more sessions of edit-a-thon for continued development of the Bikol Sentral Wiktionary and Bikol Sentral Wikipedia.
