Grants:IdeaLab/Create "conduct administrators" with some trivial power to slow down or soft ban mean people.

Create "conduct administrators" with some trivial power to slow down or soft ban mean people.
Grant people with a record of good conduct towards others the ability to do something mildly bad to those with bad conduct, like slow down their ability to edit or ban them for an hour, or something.
idea creator
this project needs...
created on11:55, 1 June 2016 (UTC)

Project idea


What is the problem you're trying to solve?


We can't stop people having bad conduct, but we can make it have a cost. Bringing bad conduct to an administrator is probably not going to be worth the admin's time, unless it's very serious. Creating many more administrators would probably lead to tyranny, since the community won't be able to vet the administrators well enough if we're trying to add a ton more all at once.

What is your solution?


If we granted "Conduct administrators" much weaker powers, we wouldn't have to worry so much about vetting them.

I think rather than standing for election like administrators, admins (and maybe other veteran users) could offer "Conduct admin" status to anyone they see handling themselves well and de-escalating others well in a tough situation. Said admin could of course remove those privileges at any time, if the admin suspected they were being abused, and a record of the uses of Conduct admin powers would be available to the granting admin. Of course, it doesn't have to work like that, but the idea was that we should be able to create a pile of conduct admins quickly without all the overhead of full admins.



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About the idea creator


I work for NSA. I'm hoping to prevent or slow down the free flow of information in order to achieve certain classified national security objectives.




  • I think this is a great idea, it would also allow regular administrators to focus more on the encyclopedia and waste less time dealing with harassment. Music1201 talk 03:49, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
  • We need someone to keep the trolls in check! DietrichXD (talk) 10:14, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I welcome this suggestion. I don`t believe in blocking people outright; it goes against the principle of universality of an encyclopaedic community like Wikipedia. However, there must be some penalties when someone choses to go beyond debate and deliberately hurts others . Slowing down trolls would act as a penalty.

I also prefer community nominating its peers to act as enforcers, rather than having them dropped in from above. This appeals to me in this proposal.

I would ask however if others feel the conduct administrators` mandate should have a time limit or it should be open-ended. Dvermeirre (talk) 14:31, 3 June 2016 (UTC)

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