Grants:IdeaLab/Some ideas for avoid bullying among wikicolaborators

Some ideas for avoid bullying among wikicolaborators
Why bullying? Who's bullying? How we could avoid it?
idea creator
JA Galán Baho
this project needs...
created on06:12, 15 June 2016 (UTC)

Project idea


What is the problem you're trying to solve?


A Better comunication, rules and manners among wikicolaborators.

What is your solution?


Wikicolaborators and its definition: All of us need to be identified and authentified by. A new profile: People with a strong formation or autoformation, for entry in a proyect, may to be considerate among members of the team: his profile and story, his formation and manners and by that way a scoring sistem who depending in several ways: works, antiquity, degrees of involvement, manners, education, relationships, etc, etc.

All of this rules are running to put appart to undesirable for our common proyect.

In other side: People who works only in wikipedia for control to others, unfortunately, make much mistakes and are very strict in their decisions, that people may to be part of a program of continuous training from wikipedia, much times, bullying born here and not there.



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About the idea creator


I'm JA Galán Baho, since years I'd just spending my time and my formation investing in a great library and studying at university in my ages for contributing with my work at Wikipedia, I'm 53 old and my children grew, my life had changed y had more free time. In my inner nature, I am identified in Wikipedia as a nice and important proyect to make better mankind and bring opportunities in formation everybody worldwide. This proyect is serious and very important for all of us.





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