Learning and Evaluation/Archive/Survey drafts

Note: this is process we will follow in from now on. Current process differs somewhat. Jmorgan (WMF) (talk) 22:04, 19 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Links to L&E survey drafts (or the drafts themselves) are built in Qualtrics and then exported here to elicit feedback and allow revision by WMF staffers, Grant committee members, and other Wikimedians before the surveys are deployed. Once a survey has been deployed, the draft will be marked as archived and additional revisions or feedback won't be integrated, and new comments may not be seen by L&E.

Most surveys contain branching logic, so the number of questions that a given survey participant is asked will depend on their answers to previous questions. If a question depends on branching logic, the criteria will be listed under the question title, and before the question text, in italics.

Unless otherwise specified, at least one answer is required for questions that require a participant to select from a list of options. Options for these questions are generally presented as a bulleted list. Open-ended questions, in which the participant is asked to type a free text response, are generally optional: the participant can choose to answer, or not, and still continue with the survey.

For more information on L&E surveys, see Grants:Learning_&_Evaluation/About#Process_evaluation.

IEG post-grant survey




Thank you for being a WMF Individual Engagement Grantee! We'd like to hear about your experience. Please help us out by completing this brief survey, which should take less than ten minutes.

The results will be shared with the IEG committee, Wikimedia staff (WMF), and the wider community to help us understand what's working well, to strengthen the process, and to improve the grantee experience. We won't ask for your name or the name of your project during this survey.

Legal stuff: By answering these questions, you permit us to record your responses and agree to donate them to the public domain. This allows us to freely share your answers with others for open analysis, research, and study. We won't share your name, address, phone number, or email publicly, except as required by law. This commitment assumes that you don't include your personal information in response to a question that doesn't ask for it.

Thanks again for your feedback! Ready to get started? Click on the arrow below!

As part of your IEG grant, you were asked to complete monthly updates, as well as midpoint and final reports. Please tell us about your level of satisfaction with the process of completing each of these reports.

Select one option for each of the following three:

Header text Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Doesn't apply
Monthly updates O O O O O O
Project midpoint report O O O O O O
Project final report O O O O O O

Was there anything specific that you disliked or found frustrating about the reporting requirements?

  • Free answer:

Was there anything specific that you liked or found useful about the reporting requirements?]

  • Free answer:

While your project was underway, you met every month with the IEG program head Siko Bouterse. How satisfied were you with these monthly check-ins.

Select one option:

Header text Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Doesn't apply
Monthly check-ins O O O O O O

If your answer to Q4 was Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, or Neutral, go to Q5; or Satisfied or Very satisfied go straight to Q6.

Was there anything you disliked or found frustrating about these monthly check-ins? Please be as specific as possible.

  • Free answer:

Was there anything in particular you liked or found useful about these monthly checkins? Please be as specific as possible.

  • Free answer:

In addition to monthly check-in meetings with Siko Bouterse, did you receive any additional administrative support or information about your project from other WMF staff – for example, Grants Administrator Winifred Oliff, WMF communications staff? (Examples of this type of support include answering questions about reporting or financial requirements, or help with blog posts, travel, or publicity for your project.)

  • yes
  • no

If you answered "yes" to Q7 – How satisfied were you with the administrative (including grants admin, communications, and travel) support your received from WMF?

Header text Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Doesn't apply
Administrative support O O O O O O

If your answer to Q8 was Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, or Neutral – Was there anything in particular you disliked or found frustrating about the administrative (including grants admin, communications, travel, etc) support you received?

  • Free answer:

If your answer to Q8 was Satisfied or Very satisfied – Was there anything in particular you liked or found useful about the administrative support (including grants admin, communications, travel, etc) you received?

  • Free answer:

Did you receive any support or information about conducting research or using technical tools from WMF staff as part of your grant project? (Examples of research or technical support include help with design, data analysis, programming, or with using research tools such as surveys, WikiMetrics, or Wikimedia Labs.)

  • yes
  • no

If you answered "yes" to Q7 – How satisfied were you with the support your received?

Header text Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Doesn't apply
Research and technical support O O O O O O

If your answer to Q12 was Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, or Neutral – Was there anything in particular you disliked or found frustrating about the research or technical support you received?

  • Free answer:

If your answer to Q12 was Satisfied or Very satisfied – Was there anything in particular you liked or found useful about the research or technical support you received?

  • Free answer

Did you receive any support from other Wikimedia community members (besides WMF staff and IEG committee members) during your grant project? (Examples of community support include informal feedback, documentation, testing, outreach, advocacy, and publicity.)

  • yes
  • no

If you answered "yes" to Q15 – How satisfied were you with the support your received?

Header text Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Doesn't apply
Community support O O O O O O

If your answer to Q16 was Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, or Neutral – Was there anything in particular you disliked or found frustrating about the community support you received?

  • Free answer:

If your answer to Q16 was Satisfied or Very satisfied – Was there anything in particular you liked or found useful about the community support you received?

  • Free answer:

In additional to wikis, WMF staff also use other tools to communicate with grantees. How satisfied were you with the communication tools that WMF staff used to communicate with you?

Header text Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Doesn't apply
Personal email O O O O O O
Mass email or mailing lists O O O O O O
Google Hangout or Skype O O O O O O
Instant message (IM) or internet relay chat (IRC) O O O O O O
Telephone O O O O O O
Other tools (please describe on the following page) O O O O O O

Was there anything in particular you disliked or found frustrating about the tools used to communicate with you about your grant? Please be as specific as possible.

  • Free answer:

Was there anything in particular you liked or found useful about the tools used to communicate with you about your grant? Please be as specific as possible.

  • Free answer:

During your grant, did you receive financial support to attend any events (for example, Wikimania?)

  • yes
  • no

If you answered "yes" to Q22 – How satisfied were you with the experience of attending sponsored events?

Header text Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Doesn't apply
Sponsored events O O O O O O

If your answer to Q23 was Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, or Neutral – Was there anything in particular you disliked or found frustrating about participating in sponsored events?

  • Free answer:

If your answer to Q16 was Satisfied or Very Satisfied – Was there anything in particular you liked or found useful about participating in sponsored events?

  • Free answer:

We're interested in improving the IEG program experience for future grantees. Please rate the following aspects of the IEG program in terms of how useful and effective they were for you during your project.

Header text Needs improvement Average Very good Excellent Doesn't apply
Reporting requirements O O O O O
Monthly check-ins with program head O O O O O
Administrative support O O O O O
Research and technical support O O O O O
Community support and involvement O O O O O
Communication tools O O O O O
Wikimania and sponsored events O O O O O

How could we improve the IEG program to make it easier or more rewarding for grantees?

  • Free answer:

Would you apply to the IEG program again?

  • Yes, definitely, if there's a suitable opportunity
  • No, definitely not
  • I'm not sure/I haven't decided

Overall, how satisfied are you with the IEG program?

  • Very dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Very satisfied

If your answer to Q23 was Very dissatisfied or Dissatisfied – Why were you less than satisfied with your IEG experience?

  • Free answer:

If your answer to Q23 was Satisfied or Very satisfied – Why were you satisfied with your IEG experience?

  • Free answer:

How has your experience with IEG affected you or your involvement in Wikimedia?

  • Free answer:

Do you have any other questions, comments or concerns to share with us?

  • Free answer:



Thank you for participating in our survey! You may email IEG program head Siko Bouterse at sbouterse wikimedia.org if you would like more information.

Grants Partner Post-Grant Survey


A survey for grant partners who have completed a grant-funded project.

This survey uses skip logic. Participants will only asked certain questions if they had given a particular answer to previous questions.



Thank you for participating in the WMF Grants program! We would like to hear about your experience. Please help us out by completing this brief survey, which should take less than ten minutes to complete.

The goal of this survey is to gather information and feedback about your experience at different phases of the grants program process and overall. The survey results will be shared with the Grants Advisory Committee and the community as a whole to help us strengthen different points of our process to improve the grantee experience.

Some legal stuff: By answering these questions, you permit us to record your responses and agree to donate them to the public domain. This allows us to freely share your answers with others for the purpose of open analysis, research, and study. We will not share publicly your name, address, phone number, or email except as required by law. This commitment assumes you do not incorporate your personal information in response to a question that doesn't ask for it.

Thanks again for your feedback! Ready to get started? Click on the arrow below!

1. Was this the first grant (of any type) you have submitted to the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF)?

  • yes
  • no

What grants program through WMF have you participated in previously?

If answer to the previous question is no...

select all that apply

  • Travel & Participation Support program
  • Annual Plan Grants program (Funds Dissemination Committee)
  • Individual Engagement Grants program
  • Project & Event Grants program (formerly the WMF Grants Program)
  • A Wikimedia Chapter's Grants program
  • Don't know / Can't remember

2. Which of the options below best describes your role in receiving this grant?


select one

  • I received this grant as an individual
  • I received this grant as a member of an incorporated nonprofit organization
  • I received this grant as a member of a group
  • I received this grant as a fiscal sponsor of another individual, group, or organization
  • I'm not sure

3. After you submitted your grant request, your request was reviewed by the Grants Advisory Committee (GAC), WMF staff, and community members. How satisfied were you with the review and/or feedback you received from the GAC, WMF staff, or community members?

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

Was there anything in particular you disliked or found frustrating about the review or feedback?

If the answer to the previous question was Very Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, or Neutral...

free answer

Was there anything in particular you liked about the review or feedback?

If the answer to the previous question was Satisfied or Very Satisfied...

free answer

4. Once your grant was approved, you signed an agreement with WMF and provided WMF with some information needed to send you the grant funds. How satisfied were you with the experience of signing the grant agreement and providing the information needed to receive the funds?

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

Was there anything in particular you disliked or found frustrating about signing the grant agreement or providing the information needed to receive grant funds?

If the answer to the previous question was Very Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, or Neutral...

free answer

Was there anything in particular you liked about signing the grant agreement or providing the information needed to receive grant funds?

If the answer to the previous question was Satisfied or Very Satisfied...

free answer

5. While your project was underway, did you seek or receive assistance with or information about your project or grant from WMF staff (for example, Asaf or Winifred)?

  • yes
  • no

How satisfied were you with the assistance or information your received?

If answer to the previous question is yes...

select one

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

Was there anything in particular you disliked or found frustrating about the assistance you received?

If the answer to the previous question was Very Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, or Neutral...

free answer

Was there anything in particular you liked about the assistance you received?

If the answer to the previous question was Satisfied or Very Satisfied...

free answer

6. Do you feel that you were provided with enough information about reporting requirements?


For example, instructions about how to report project expenditures and outcomes?

  • Yes
  • No

Can you think of anything in these instructions that should be clarified?

If the answer to the previous question was No...

free answer

7. How satisfied were you with the process of writing and submitting your final grant report?

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

Was there anything in particular you disliked or found frustrating about the process of writing and submitting your final report?

If the answer to the previous question was Very Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, or Neutral...

free answer

Was there anything in particular you liked about the process of writing and submitting your final report?

If the answer to the previous question was Satisfied or Very Satisfied...

free answer

8. Would you apply to the WMF Project and Event Grants Program again?

  • Yes, definitely, if there's a suitable opportunity
  • Maybe
  • No, definitely not
  • I'm not sure/I haven't decided

9. Overall, how satisfied are you with the WMF Project and Event Grants program?

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

Why were you less than satisfied with your grants experience?

If the answer to the previous question was Very Dissatisfied or Dissatisfied ...

free answer

Why were you satisfied with your grants experience?

If the answer to the previous question was Satisfied or Very Satisfied...

free answer

10. How could we improve the Project and Event Grants program to make it easier or more rewarding for grantees?


free answer


If you contribute to Wikimedia projects in a personal capacity, please share the project you work on most (for example, "pt.wikipedia.org") below. free answer

12. The WMF Grantmaking programs are intended to support Wikimedia mission-aligned activities all over the world.


If you feel comfortable doing so, please share the country where you live (for example, "Indonesia") below. free answer

13. Do you have any other questions, comments or concerns to share with us?


free answer

Thank you for participating in our survey!


You may email the Project and Event Grants Program team at grants wikimedia.org if you would like more information.

Also, learn more about our other grants programs!

Grant Partners applicants post-notification survey


A survey for grant applicants who have been notified about whether their grant has been funded.

NOTE: This is a copy of a survey that has already been created in qualtrics. Please use highlighting and edit comments when making changes in order to make it easier to transfer those updates to the survey platform.



Thank you for submitting a grant proposal to the in the WMF Project and Event Grants (PEG) program! We'd like to hear about your experience. Please help us out by completing this brief survey, which should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

The goal of this survey is to gather information and feedback about your experience at different phases this stage of the grant proposal and selection process. The survey results will be shared with the Grants Advisory Committee and the community as a whole to help us strengthen different points of our process to improve the grantee experience.

Some Legal stuff: By answering these questions, you permit us to record your responses and agree to donate them to the public domain. This allows us to freely share your answers with others for the purpose of open analysis, research, and study. We will not won't share publicly your name, address, phone number, or email publicly, except as required by law. This commitment assumes you do not incorporate your personal information in response to a question that doesn't ask for it.

Thanks again for your feedback! Ready to get started? Click on the arrow below! >>>



How did you find out about the PEG program?

  • information posted on a Wikimedia wiki (1)
  • an email mailing list (2)
  • a Wikimedia blog post (3)
  • social media (for example, Facebook, Twitter) (4)
  • a friend or colleague (5)
  • a Wikimedia staff member (6)
  • a Wikimedia affiliate (for example, a chapter or thematic organization) (7)
  • at a Wikimedia-sponsored event (please specify) (8) ____________________
  • other (please specify) (9) ____________________
  • don't know/can't remember (10)



Was this the first grant (of any type) you have submitted to the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF)?

  • Yes (1)
  • No (2)



Answer If Was this the first grant (of any type) you have submitted to the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF)? No Is Selected

What grants program through WMF have you participated in previously?

  • Project & Event Grants program (formerly the WMF Grants Program) (1)
  • Travel & Participation Support program (2)
  • Annual Plan Grants program (Funds Dissemination Committee) (3)
  • Individual Engagement Grants program (4)
  • A Wikimedia Chapter's Grants program (5)
  • Don't know / Can't remember (6)



What is the current status of your PEG grant request?

  • funded (fully, partially, or provisionally) (1)
  • not funded (2)
  • withdrawn (3)
  • not sure/rather not say (4)



Answer If What is the current status of your PEG grant request? funded (fully, partially, or provisionally) Is Selected

Which of the options below best describes your role in receiving this grant?

  • I received this grant as an individual (1)
  • I received this grant as a member of an incorporated nonprofit organization (2)
  • I received this grant as a member of a group (3)
  • I received this grant as a fiscal sponsor of another individual, group, or organization (4)
  • I'm not sure (5)



Answer If What is the current status of your PEG grant request? withdrawn Is Selected

Why did you choose to withdraw your grant request?



Answer If What is the current status of your PEG grant request? funded (fully, partially, or provisionally) Is Selected Or What is the current status of your PEG grant request? not funded Is Selected

Approximately how many hours did you spend on your request before you received a funding decision?Please include hours spent developing and submitting the request, as well as responding to reviewers and revising your request in response to reviewer feedback.

  • Fewer than 5 hours (1)
  • 5–10 hours (2)
  • 11–20 hours (3)
  • More than 20 hours (please estimate how many) (4) ____________________
  • I am not sure / can't remember (5)



Answer If Approximately how many hours did you spend on your request before you received a funding decision?Please include hours spent developing and submitting the request, as well as responding to reviewer... I am not sure / can't remember Is Not Selected

Given the scope of your role and the amount of funding requested, do you think this amount of time was...

  • About right (1)
  • Too little time (2)
  • Too much time (3)



How satisfied were you with the process of writing and submitting your current grant request?

  • Very Dissatisfied (1)
  • Dissatisfied (2)
  • Neutral (3)
  • Satisfied (4)
  • Very Satisfied (5)



Answer If How satisfied were you with the process of writing and submitting your current grant request? - Very Dissatisfied Is Selected Or How satisfied were you with the process of writing and submitting your current grant request? - Dissatisfied Is Selected

Was there anything you particularly disliked or found frustrating about the process of writing and submitting your grant request?



Answer If How satisfied were you with the process of writing and submitting your current grant request? - Satisfied Is Selected Or How satisfied were you with the process of writing and submitting your current grant request? - Very Satisfied Is Selected

Was there anything you particularly liked or found rewarding about the process of writing and submitting your grant request?



Answer If What is the current status of your PEG grant request? withdrawn Is Not Selected And What is the current status of your PEG grant request? not sure/rather not say Is Not Selected

After you submitted your grant request, your request was reviewed by the Grants Advisory Committee (GAC), WMF staff, and community members. How satisfied were you with the review and/or feedback you received from the GAC, WMF staff, or community members?

  • Very Dissatisfied (1)
  • Dissatisfied (2)
  • Neutral (3)
  • Satisfied (4)
  • Very Satisfied (5)



Answer If After you submitted your grant request, your request was reviewed by the Grants Advisory Committee (GAC), WMF staff, and community members. How satisfied were you with th... - Very Dissatisfied Is Selected Or After you submitted your grant request, your request was reviewed by the Grants Advisory Committee (GAC), WMF staff, and community members. How satisfied were you with th... - Dissatisfied Is Selected

Was there anything you particularly disliked or found frustrating about the review process and the feedback you received?



Answer If After you submitted your grant request, your request was reviewed by the Grants Advisory Committee (GAC), WMF staff, and community members. How satisfied were you with th... - Satisfied Is Selected Or After you submitted your grant request, your request was reviewed by the Grants Advisory Committee (GAC), WMF staff, and community members. How satisfied were you with th... - Very Satisfied Is Selected

Was there anything you particularly liked or found rewarding about the review process and the feedback you received?



Would you apply to the WMF Project and Event Grants Program again?

  • Yes, definitely, if there's a suitable opportunity (1)
  • No, definitely not (2)
  • I'm not sure/I haven't decided (3)



change to 10 point net promoter scale Would you recommend the PEG program to others?

  • Yes, definitely, if there's a suitable opportunity (1)
  • No, definitely not (2)
  • I'm not sure/I haven't decided (3)



How could we improve the Project and Event Grants program submission and review process to make it easier or more rewarding for people who submit grant requests?



WMF Grantmaking programs are intended to support mission-aligned activities related to all Wikimedia projects. If you contribute to Wikimedia projects in a personal capacity, please share the project you work on most (for example, "pt.wikipedia.org") below.



WMF Grantmaking programs are intended to support Wikimedia mission-aligned activities all over the world. If you feel comfortable doing so, please share the country where you live (for example, "Indonesia") below.



If you feel comfortable doing so, please share your gender information with us. This information is helpful for us to know more information about the gender gap in our movement and this program.

  • Male (1)
  • Female (2)
  • Other gender (please specify) (3) ____________________
  • I'd rather not say (4)



Do you have Any other questions, comments or concerns? Please share them below.



Thanks for participating!If you have further questions or would like more information about any of the topics covered in this survey, feel free to email Wikimedia Learning Strategist Jonathan Morgan at jmorgan@wikimedia.org.