Grants:Let's Connect Profile/Ishmam Ahbab Mahee

More to learn
editFurther details about what I would like to learn.
1. Wikimedia Tools: We all know how easy the job of an Wikipedian becomes after using these tools but for me I am hardly acquainted with these tools. So, I have a request for the experts in this side to share their knowledge with me.
2. Tools developed to automate processes: I have no knowledge about this while I have grown some interest towards it. So, I want to learn about it and ask the experts' help.
3. Software and digital skills: For Wikipedia's development these tools can be considered undeniable. So I would like know these and also contribute in the development of Wikipedia.
Stories about sharing
editInteresting stories about applying the skills I want to share.
1. Identifying topics to impact: Recently, I have worked in a project which covered the 73 years old history of my own college. This involved collecting old historical books and documents, finding releasable photos, interviewing people etc. Every year, thousands of people search online about our college and the history was also absent on Wikipedia.
2. Handling Image Donations: I have worked in updating the 73 year old legacy of my college in Wikipedia and a bigger portion of this job was updating about 150 black and white photos the circle the history of our college. So I basically have a fair experience in this sector.
3. Building organizational plans and strategies: I have been proactive with my college's English language club for almost over a year and within this short period of time we have successfully organized 4events from our club that ended with handling a huge number of audience among which the least number was about 500. These events contains all about volunteer management, event management and staff management, design learning and above all remains organizational plans. Moreover, as COVID-19 situation struck up, I with some of my friends to open a non profitable online organization to use the Facebook platform in organizing various charitable events as well as motivating everyone to do something creative in that lockdown situation. I was successfully able to organize two events from my organization.