Grants:Let's Connect Profile/Unabunwa Prudence
Unabunwa Prudence

Best way to connect: Via email
Wikimedia Nigeria - Imo State Network
Participating as: Indivudal
Nigeria • Middle East and Africa (MEA) region
Preferred times: Saturday, Sunday (12 - 16 UTC, 17 - 20 UTC)
Can dedicate: Between one (1) hour and three (3) hours per Month
Languages: English
Main Wikimedia projects: Wikipedia → encyclopedia
Areas of interests: Human Rights, Education
Other peer learning/training initiatives participating in: None at the moment
Skills this profile would like to learn
Preferred way of learning: By being mentored by an organization with more experience, Share resources through emails / platforms …
Organization skills: Building your organisation’s plan and strategy • Skills to better connect with networks within the Free Knowledge Ecosystem
Learning, evaluation and communications skills: Defining learning and evaluation plans • Methods and tools for qualitative evaluation • Wikimedia tools to measure quantitative metrics
Interpersonal skills: Processes and tools to promote healthy interactions on wiki • Processes and tools to manage conflicts • Processes and tools to deal with abuse and harassment control • Skills that are important for managing teams and volunteers
Click below if you want to connect with this profile to share skills they want to learn.
Skills this profile would like to share
Preferred way of sharing: Accompanying a person or a group for a certain period of time (mentoring)
Organization skills: Leadership growth and sustainability • Establishing governance • Knowledge management: documenting learning, organizing archives, documenting procedures
Learning, evaluation and communications skills: Designing learning /retrospective sessions • Documenting knowledge in ways that are easy to communicate with others • Engaging in social media, press, and broadcast media
Interpersonal skills: Skills that are important for managing teams and volunteers • Cultivate more inclusive and safe environments online and offline • Community development, capacity building and skills development
Click below if you want to learn any of the skills this profile wants to share.
More to learn
editFurther details about what I would like to learn.
Research skill, small editing events and processes with tools to deal with abuse harassment and control
Stories about sharing
editInteresting stories about applying the skills I want to share.
During the wiki for human rights Nigeria, I was able to identify vital topics of impact through the daily activities within the region. Also, translating article into other languages to reach the lower mass.