Grants:PEG/7amleh/Workshops to promote Palestinian participation on Wikipedia/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Project and Event grant approved in FY Pending has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
  • You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.

Project status

Did you comply with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?
Is your project completed?

Activities and lessons learned



Three trainers conducted a series of 5 workshops for activists and journalists in Ramallah. Each workshop lasted for a total of six hours, which equipped participants with relevant and practical tools on the use of Wikipedia. The first workshop began with a lecture on the history of Wikipedia, and a comparison was made between Arabic Wikipedia and other Wikipedia sites in other languages. The aim of this activity was to highlight the disparity in quality and content in the Arabic Wikipedia compared to the sites of other major languages and thus highlighted the urgent need for enriching Arabic content on the Internet. In the second and third workshops, participants were introduced to the fundamental Wikipedia policies of editing, souring and attribution as well as the skills required for creating and editing articles on Wikipedia, such as research, editing, wiki syntax, referencing skills and critical reading. It was also during these two workshops that participants were trained on the technical aspect of the course such as guiding participants through account creation and teaching the basics of visual editing. The final two workshops focused on assigning the participants with a task to produce an article, allowing them to consolidate all of the learned skills, with the aim of producing their own independent content. The trainers utilized these sessions to discuss the experience of the participants and answer any queries or doubts. The fourth session was held in the library of Beirzeit university to allow participants to search for information and collect data from the range of library books in order to assist them in building their own content based on their individual findings. The number of participants ranged from 45 in the first workshop to 12 in the final workshop.

The project produced 10 new editors and 0 articles.

Lessons learned

What worked well?
The curriculum of the training, the trainers, the participatory approach.
What didn't work?
Length of workshops, period between each workshop that prevented continuous learning, conflicting interests of participants.
What would you do differently if you planned a similar project?
Tailor the workshops to the specific interests/field of the targeted group such as political content, historical content, cultural content etc. in order to ensure that everybody is engaged with similar experience in the given field. Also, a three day consecutive course rather than the workshops being spread out over a lengthy period of time.

Learning patterns


Outcomes and impact



Provide the original project goal here.

1. Increasing the quantity and quality of articles uploaded by Palestinians on the Arabic Wikipedia. 2. Increase the number of Palestinian volunteer editors to Wikipedia. 3. Create a small network of Wikipedia trainers who would be able to sustain the project into the future.

Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 short paragraphs.
The project produced 10 new editors and thus increased Arabic content on Wikipedia.

Progress towards targets and goals


Project metrics

Project metrics Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
15 new Palestinian editors/ contributors to wikipedia 10 new editors Many participants lost motivation throughout the workshops and/ or were simply not able to committ for the whole duration of the trainings
75 new articles added to the Arabic wikipedia 0 new articles added

Global Metrics


We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees. In addition to the measures of success for your specific program (in above section), please use the table below to let us know how your project contributed to the Global Metrics. We know that not all projects will have results for each type of metric, so feel free to put "0" where necessary.

  1. Next to each required metric, list the actual outcome achieved through this project.
  2. Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome. For example, if you were funded for an edit-a-thon which resulted in 0 new images, your explanation might be "This project focused solely on participation and articles written/improved, the goal was not to collect images."

For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.

Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of active editors involved 10
2. # of new editors 10 10 new active editors still involved
3. # of individuals involved 46 45 participants were trained on the use of relevant tools for wikipedia
4a. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
4b. # of new images/media uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (Optional)
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
Learning question
Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?

The trainings provided interested and motivated Palestinians with the means, knowledge and skills to edit and contribute to Wikipedia in Arabic.




What impact did this project have on WMF's mission and the strategic priorities?

Option A: How did you increase participation in one or more Wikimedia projects?

Option B: How did you improve quality on one or more Wikimedia projects?

Option C: How did you increase the reach (readership) of one or more Wikimedia projects?

The project had profound impact on the strategic goals of WMF. The project produced 10 new Wikipedia editors and contributors, thus enhancing participation of the Palestinian community. Despite Arabic contribution to Wikipedia constituting a large percentage of contributions, Palestinian content, which serves to reinforce Palestinian culture, identity and heritage, is severely limited due to lack of skills, knowledge and engagement. This project trained a total of 45 participants on the relevant tools for the use of Wikipedia as well as created a network of trainers who will further spread these skills to enhance input and quality.

Reporting and documentation of expenditures


This section describes the grant's use of funds


Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to grants at wikimedia dot org, according to the guidelines here? Answer "Yes" or "No".


Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here.

PLACEHOLDER TEXT. SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT Grants:Index/Create financial report.

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Actual cost per unit Actual total Budgeted total Currency Notes
1 Food & Beverages Lunch Per person 15 18 270 ILS
2 Food & Beverages Refreshments item 1 114 114 ILS
3 Food & Beverages Sandwiches per person 25 12 300 ILS
4 Food & Beverages Food per person 25 18 450 ILS
5 Food & Beverages Food Item 1 370 370 ILS
6 Food & Beverages refreshments item 1 260 260 ILS
7 Food & Beverages refreshments item 1 57 57 ILS
8 Communication Internet month 1 30 30 ILS for November
9 Communication Internet month 1 25 25 ILS October
10 Communication Telephone month 1 369 369 ILS September
11 Communication Telephone Month 1 378 378 ILS October
12 Communication Cellphone month 1 247 247 ILS April
13 Communication Internet infrastructure month 1 23 23 ILS October
14 Communication Internet Provider month 1 90 90 ILS October
15 Communication Cellphone month 1 44 44 ILS May
16 Communication Website item 1 1463 1463 ILS
17 Communication Telephone month 1 89 89 ILS November
18 Transportation Bus travel 1 1500 1500 ILS traveling to\from Haifa - Jericho
19 Transportation bus travel 1 1700 1700 ILS Traveling to\from Nazareth & Baqa - Ramallah
20 Advertising advertising item 1 2014 2014 ILS
Total project budget (from your approved grant submission)
2800 $
Total amount requested from WMF (from your approved grant submission, this total will be the same as the total project budget if PEG is your only funding source)
Total amount spent on this project
Total amount of Project and Event grant funds spent on this project
Are there additional sources that funded any part of this project? List them here.

Remaining funds

Are there any grant funds remaining?
Answer YES or NO.
Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.)
If funds are remaining they must be returned to WMF, reallocated to mission-aligned activities, or applied to another approved grant.
Please state here if you intend to return unused funds to WMF, submit a request for reallocation, or submit a new grant request, and then follow the instructions on your approved grant submission.