Grants:PEG/T.K Sujith - WikiSangamotsavam 2013/Malayalam Wiki Conference 2013

This submission to the Project and Event Grants Program was funded in the fiscal year 2013-14. This is a grant to a group.

IMPORTANT: Please do not make changes to this page without the explicit approval of Project and Event Grants Program staff. They will be reverted.

Basic information


Project details

Official project name
WikiSangamotsavam 2013 - Malayalam Wiki Conference 2013, the second annual conference of Malayalam Wikimedians
Project start date
21 December 2013
Project completion date
23 December 2013
Brief Description
WikiSangamotsavam 2013 [abbreviation: mlWS2013] (Malayalam Wiki Conference 2013) is the second edition of the annual grand conference of Malayalam Wikimedians ( & sister projects), of Kerala, India. Apart from an annual get-together of all ml Wikimedians, this project serves to some intensive experience sharing, wide media coverage and social attention. The programme incorporates a set of pre-conference outreach and GLAM events, some featured events and edit-a-thons predominantly for Malayalam wikipedia. As of now, WikiSangamotsavam is the biggest Wikipedia outreach event in India conducted by a local language community. Details of the first edition of WikiSangamotsavam, which was a great success, can be found here.

Financial details

Currency requested
Indian Rupees (INR)
Amount requested in currency requested
INR 221,385
Equivalent amount in US$ on the date of this submission
List the exchange rate used to calculate the amount listed in US$
US$0.015812777 per euro (quoted from on 11 November 2012)

Special Note


The overall project cost is INR 654575 (US$ 10351.) However, we would like the WMF take up only a part of this expense (US$3501), i.e. for Food, Accommodation and local conveyance. We are also soliciting the help of more entities such as Wikimedia India and CIS-A2K etc.

Grantee details


See the eligibility requirements for more information.

Are you an organization, an individual, or an individual submitting on behalf of a group?
Remember that individuals submitting on behalf of a group must provide 2 project leads who will be cosignatories on the Grant Agreement and cobeneficiaries on the project's bank account.
Group information
Name of group:
WikiSangamotsavam -2013 Organizing Committee
Purpose of group:
A regional group of Wikimedians who conduct the annual conference of ml.wikimedia community on a regular basis, but are not a formal chapter or incorporated entity.
Link to information about your group:
Organising Committe (Malayalam), WikiSangamotsavam -2013 Organizing Committee

Contact information

1st Project Lead
Project lead name:
Adv. T.K Sujith
Project lead username or email:
User:Adv.tksujith, tksujith at gmail dot com
Project lead title (position within group), if any:
General Convenor of Wikisangamotsavam Organising Committee
2nd Project Lead
Project lead name:
Adv. P. Manojkumar
Project lead username or email:
User:Mpmanoj‎, manojkumarmano at gmail dot com
Project lead title (position within group), if any:
Treasurer of Wikisangamotsavam Organising Committee

Goals and measures of success


Project goal


Please briefly describe what will be accomplished if the project is successful.

Project goal
The planned second edition of Malayalam WikiSangamotsavam 2013 ('mlWS2013') aims to reinforce the synergy of community by improving upon their peer co-operation, mass outreach and absorption of fresh contributors. The program will result in greater content enrichment, content quality and emancipation of potential knowledge sources related to Wikimedia projects, in all Indian languages in general and in Malayalam language in particular. mlWS2013 will further catalyze our already recognized achievements in liaising with the government, academics, writers and students and common public.

Measures of success


Please provide a list of measurable criteria that will be used determine how successful the project is. You will need to report on the success of the project according to these measures after the project is completed.

Measures of success
  1. A significant boost in the number of active users (Up by at least 100)
  2. A significant boost in the number of article creation and edit rates, particularly on focused topics
  3. A new approach in synergizing content creation among Indian language community wikis by focusing on topics of common interest
  4. A nation-wide media exposure to the cause and mission of Wikimedia projects by print, air and online media.
  5. Conception of new GLAM collaboration ventures between wikimedia community and public agencies over the severl months to follow.
  6. Penetration of Wikimedia and open knowledge platforms into more student and teaching communities

Project scope and activities


This section describes what will happen if this project is funded. Who will do what, and when?

List of activities

The budget statement below points out all the activities planned. We have presented all details regarding the program and its management at our community Wikipedia project pages but in Malayalam language. We are also adding translations of these pages into English to the Meta under the folder WikiSangamotsavam-2013, gradually. A Committee comprising of active Wikipedians, local leaders, volunteers and well wishers have been formed with a well defined responsibility matrix in place.

Budget and resources


Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here.

Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.

Project budget table

Assumed Exchange Rate: 1 US$ = 63.24 INR (As on 12/11/2013)

Budget Summary

Sources of revenue
Code No. Item INR US$ %age Notes
WMF 1 WMF 221385 3501 33.8%
CIS 2 CIS - A2K Program 150440 2379 23%
WMIN1 3 Wikimedia India (Conference Infrastructure) 84750 1340 12.9%
WMIN2 4 Wikimedia India (Featured Events) 28000 443 4.3%
WMIN3 5 Wikimedia India (Inter community Interactions) 50000 791 7.6%
WMIN4 6 Wikimedia India (Wiki Handbooks) 60000 949 9.2%
subtotal of Wikimedia India 222750 3522 34%
subtotal of Wikimedia associated sources 594575 9402 90.8%
LS 7 Local Sponsors 30000 474 4.6%
REG 8 Registration 30000 474 4.6%
Total 654575 10351 100 %

Portfolios of expenses
Code No. Item INR US$ %age Notes
PCE 1 Pre-Conference expenses 17000 269 2.6%
EFM 2 Conference infrastructure 102250 1617 15.6%
SPI 3 SWAG, publicity material & information dispesral 235940 3731 36%
FE 4 Feature event expenses 28000 443 4.3%
FAT 5 Food, Accommodation & Local conveyance 221385 3501 33.8%
ICI 6 Scholarships for other language communities 50000 791 7.6%
Total 654575 10351 100 %

Estimated expenses

Food, Accommodation and Local Transport
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
FAT 1 Breakfast 220 8800 139 0.63
FAT 2 Local transport 11 11000 174 15.81
FAT 3 Forenoon refreshments 619 12380 196 0.32
FAT 4 Lunch 625 51105 808 1.29
FAT 5 Afternoon Refreshments 614 12280 194 0.32
FAT 6 Evening Refreshments 291 5820 92 0.32
FAT 7 Dinner 250 20000 316 1.27
FAT 8 Accommodation 225 90000 1423 6.33
FAT 9 Local Transport & TA for guests 10 10000 158 15.81
Total 221385 3501
SWAGs, Publicity and Information Dispersal
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
SPI 1 WikiHandbook 1000 60000 949 0.95
SPI 2 Creative Commons Handbook 1000 60000 949 0.95
SPI 3 Wiki T-Shirts 300 0 0 0.00
SPI 4 WikiPen 1000 10000 158 0.16
SPI 5 Wiki keychains 250 6250 99 0.40
SPI 6 Wiki School Bags 100 30000 474 4.74
SPI 7 Wiki Stickers 1000 5000 79 0.08
SPI 8 Brochures 500 5000 79 0.16
SPI 9 Notice 1000 4000 63 0.06
SPI 10 Poster 1000 20000 316 0.32
SPI 11 Print-outs & Photocopies 100 1000 16 0.16
SPI 12 Badges Type 1 (Committee) 25 500 8 0.32
SPI 13 Badges Type 2 (Guest) 25 750 12 0.47
SPI 14 Badges Type 3 (Volunteer) 35 700 11 0.32
SPI 15 Badges Type 4 (Participant) 330 3300 52 0.16
SPI 16 Registration 330 990 16 0.05
SPI 17 Special Momentos for Chief Guests 5 2500 40 7.91
SPI 18 General Mementos 30 6000 95 3.16
SPI 19 Certificates 330 4950 78 0.24
SPI 20 Arch 2 10000 158 79.06
SPI 21 Boards 5 5000 79 15.81
Total 235940 3731
Event facilities and management
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
EFM 1 Auditorium 2 10000 158 79.06
EFM 2 Hall 2 6000 95 47.44
EFM 3 PA system 3 18000 285 94.88
EFM 4 Internet 2 10000 158 79.06
EFM 5 Video streaming 2 4000 63 31.63
EFM 6 Media Interface 2 5000 79 39.53
EFM 7 Fire & safety 1 1000 16 15.81
EFM 8 First Aid 1 1000 16 15.81
EFM 9 Projector 3 4500 71 23.72
EFM 10 Stationary 1 1000 16 15.81
EFM 11 Labour 6 3000 47 7.91
EFM 12 Decorations 1 5000 79 79.06
EFM 13 Recording & Documentation 1 25000 395 395.32
EFM 14 Police permissions & Security 1 1000 16 15.81
EFM 15 Standby Generator 2 4000 63 31.63
EFM 16 Phone charges 5 750 12 2.37
EFM 17 Postal 100 3000 47 0.47
Total 102250 1617
Featured events (Wiki Wetlands Explore, QR Code & GLAM)
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
FE 1 Boat Rentals (Capacity 30 persons each) 3 18000 285 94.88 Passenger cruise boats covering the backwaters and wetlands of ecological and bio-diversity importance on a 6 hour cruise. Live demonstrations and lectures by subject matter experts. Aquisiotion of valuable imagery for Wikimedia Commons.
FE 2 Alappuzha Loves Wikimedia (Photowalk) 2 4000 63 31.63
FE 3 Site Digitisation (QR Code) (GLAM) 2 6000 95 47.44
Total 28000 443
Inter-community interaction (Scholarship for delegates)
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
ICI 1 Travel Ticket Re-imbursement 50 50000 791 15.81 Scholarship to other Indic language community members for economy 2nd Class (Non A/C Sleeper) train ticket.
Total 50000 791
Pre-conference expenses
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
PCE 1 Committee meetings 4 5000 79 19.77
PCE 2 Pre-conference outreach workshops 4 12000 190 47.44
Total 17000 269
Summary of expenses
Code No. Item INR US$ %age Notes
FAT 1 Food, Accommodation and Local Transport 221385 3501 0.34
SPI 2 SWAGs, Publicity and Information Dispersal 235940 3731 0.36
EFM 3 Event facilities and management 102250 1617 0.16
FE 4 Featured events (Wiki Wetlands Explore, QR Code & GLAM) 28000 443 0.04
ICI 5 Inter-community interaction (Scholarship for delegates) 50000 791 0.08
PCE 6 Pre-conference expenses 17000 269 0.03
Total 654575 10351 100 %

Expenses as allocated to different grants

Expenses to be met by WMF grant
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
FAT 1 Breakfast 220 8800 139 0.63 Breakfasts
FAT 2 Local transport 11 11000 174 15.81
FAT 3 Forenoon refreshments 619 12380 196 0.32
FAT 4 Lunch 625 51105 808 1.29
FAT 5 Afternoon Refreshments 614 12280 194 0.32
FAT 6 Evening Refreshments 291 5820 92 0.32
FAT 7 Dinner 250 20000 316 1.27
FAT 8 Accommodation 225 90000 1423 6.33
FAT 9 Local Transport & TA for guests 10 10000 158 15.81
Total 221385 3501
Summary of expenses allocation
Code No. Item INR US$ %age Notes
WMF 1 WMF 221385 3501 33.8%
CIS 2 CIS 150440 2379 23%
WMIN 3 WMIN 222750 3522 34%
LS 4 Local Sponsors & Registration fees 60000 949 9.2%
Total 654575 10351 100 %

Schedule of estimates

Food, Accommodation & Local transport
Date Time Source Code Item Rate Quantity Amount Notes
width ="60" INR US$ VA LP RP NP SP CG HA MR Total VA LP RP NP SP CG H4 MR Total
2013/12/20 06:00 WMF FAT Breakfast 40 0.63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2013/12/20 11:00 WMF FAT Forenoon refreshments 20 0.32 5 3 8 100 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 160
2013/12/20 01:00 WMF FAT Lunch 75 1.19 10 4 14 750 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 1050
2013/12/20 03:00 WMF FAT Local transport 1000 15.81 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000
2013/12/20 04:00 WMF FAT Afternoon Refreshments 20 0.32 15 5 20 300 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 400
2013/12/20 07:00 WMF FAT Evening Refreshments 20 0.32 20 30 30 5 85 400 0 600 600 0 0 100 0 1700
2013/12/20 09:00 WMF FAT Dinner 80 1.27 20 30 30 5 85 1600 0 2400 2400 0 0 400 0 6800
2013/12/20 10:00 WMF FAT Accommodation 400 6.33 30 30 60 0 0 12000 12000 0 0 0 0 24000
2013/12/21 06:00 WMF FAT Breakfast 40 0.63 30 30 60 0 0 1200 1200 0 0 0 0 2400
2013/12/21 03:00 WMF FAT Local transport 1000 15.81 1 1 2 1000 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 2000
2013/12/21 11:00 WMF FAT Forenoon refreshments 20 0.32 20 50 50 30 100 4 2 256 400 1000 1000 600 2000 80 0 40 5120
2013/12/21 01:00 WMF FAT Lunch 75 1.19 20 50 50 30 100 4 2 256 1500 3750 3750 2250 7500 300 0 150 19200
2013/12/21 04:00 WMF FAT Afternoon Refreshments 20 0.32 150 50 30 6 3 239 0 3000 1000 600 0 120 0 60 4780
2013/12/21 07:00 WMF FAT Evening Refreshments 20 0.32 50 30 6 86 0 0 1000 600 0 120 0 0 1720
2013/12/21 09:00 WMF FAT Dinner 80 1.27 50 30 80 0 0 4000 2400 0 0 0 0 6400
2013/12/21 10:00 WMF FAT Accommodation 400 6.33 50 30 80 0 0 20000 12000 0 0 0 0 32000
2013/12/22 06:00 WMF FAT Breakfast 40 0.63 50 30 80 0 0 2000 1200 0 0 0 0 3200
2013/12/22 03:00 WMF FAT Local transport 1000 15.81 1 1 1 1 4 1000 0 1000 1000 0 0 1000 0 4000
2013/12/22 11:00 WMF FAT Forenoon refreshments 20 0.32 20 150 50 30 6 2 3 261 400 3000 1000 600 0 120 40 60 5220
2013/12/22 01:00 WMF FAT Lunch 75 1.19 20 150 50 30 6 2 3 261 1500 11250 3750 2250 0 450 150 225 19575
2013/12/22 04:00 WMF FAT Afternoon Refreshments 20 0.32 20 150 50 30 6 2 3 261 400 3000 1000 600 0 120 40 60 5220
2013/12/22 07:00 WMF FAT Evening Refreshments 20 0.32 50 30 80 0 0 1000 600 0 0 0 0 1600
2013/12/22 09:00 WMF FAT Dinner 80 1.27 50 30 80 0 0 4000 2400 0 0 0 0 6400
2013/12/22 10:00 WMF FAT Accommodation 400 6.33 50 30 80 0 0 20000 12000 0 0 0 0 32000
2013/12/23 06:00 WMF FAT Breakfast 40 0.63 50 30 80 0 0 2000 1200 0 0 0 0 3200
2013/12/23 03:00 WMF FAT Local transport 1000 15.81 1 1 1 1 4 1000 0 1000 1000 0 0 1000 0 4000
2013/12/23 11:00 WMF FAT Forenoon refreshments 20 0.32 20 30 30 8 2 4 94 0 400 600 600 0 160 40 80 1880
2013/12/23 01:00 WMF FAT Lunch 120 1.90 20 30 30 8 2 4 94 0 2400 3600 3600 0 960 240 480 11280
2013/12/23 04:00 WMF FAT Afternoon Refreshments 20 0.32 20 30 30 8 2 4 94 0 400 600 600 0 160 40 80 1880
2013/12/23 07:00 WMF FAT Evening Refreshments 20 0.32 5 5 30 40 100 0 100 600 0 0 0 0 800
2013/12/23 09:00 WMF FAT Dinner 80 1.27 5 5 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400
2013/12/23 10:00 WMF FAT Accommodation 400 6.33 5 5 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000
2013/12/22 12:00 WMF FAT Local Transport & TA for guests 1000 15.81 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0 0 10000
INR = Indian Rupees; VA = Voluntary Assistants; LP = Local Participants; RP = Regional Participants; NP = National Participants; SP = Student Participants; CG = Chief Guests; HA = Helper Assistants; MR= Media Representatives)

Total cost of project
654575 INR (10351 US$)
Total amount requested from the WMF Grants Program
221385 INR (3501 US$)
Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded
Please see the first table - Sources of revenue above.

Non-financial requirements


See a description of nonfinancial assistance available. Please inform Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requirements for non-financial assistance now.

Requests for non-financial assistance
We will require permission to use the logos of Wikipedia and similar projects for use on the SWAG, information brochures and media publicity materials used for this event. None of such materials are produced or distributed for a price or profit. We shall approach and request such permissions separately to the concerned departments at WMF separately and shortly.
It is our earnest desire to take maximum advantage of this occasion by way of massive publicity and media exposure to the maximum possible extend, even at a global level, as it will greatly boost the morale and motivate many new contributors. We request WMF to assist, endorse and augment such media outreach.
We also request WMF to support us in our seeking grand requests and assistance from other sources (as projected above) in whichever way and extend possible by way of WMF's goodwill and influence.
We are striving hard to produce or gather a moderately sufficient quantity of SWAG merchandize to the conference attendees and students using the limited resources available. It will be highly appreciated if WMF can supplement this by sending additional quantities of stickers and similar materials,
We may want to publish one or more blog posts on our project on WMF's blog. We will need help reaching out to the communications team at WMF to coordinate this.



This section is optional. It may be used to highlight the potential grantee's potential for successfully executing this project.

Consider including the following information:

  • List of team members (names or usernames):
  • Onwiki evidence of community support (such as a project about this discussion):
  • Endorsements from community members or movement groups:
  • Special skills or qualifications this potential grantee or project lead brings to this project:
  • Evidence of past success in executing similar projects:
List of team members
Community Support

Social Media: Facebook

Team Competency
  • Malayalam Community have organised more than fifty outreach programmes within the state of Kerala, neighboring regions and also at locations abroad where target community members are densely populated: See the template
  • Project Lead Adv. T.K Sujith have organised more than a dozen events within past 3 years.
  • The conference and associated events are taking place in a city where the community has a strong base. There is also a handsome number of off-wiki volunteers who are wholeheartedly supporting the movement and now prepared to help the program management.
  • The community maintains very good reputation and relations with the governmental, academic, media and local administration agencies. This will ensure smooth transactions and facilitations for the successful completion of the program.
  • Many of the team members are professionally qualified, trained and experienced in conducting such events for both corporate and non-profit entities.
  • They also share a lot of lessons learnt from a similar large program (WikiSangamotsavam 2012) conducted last year at en:Kollam.
Success Stories



In the sections below, please describe how the project is related to the Wikimedia mission and Wikimedia's strategic priorities.

Fit to strategy

How will this project support the key organizational objectives of
  • increasing reach (more people will access or contribute to Wikipedia or our other projects),
  • participation (more people actually contributing),
  • quality (more content, more useful content, or higher-quality content),
  • credibility (more trust in our projects),
  • organizational maturity and effectiveness (how it will move you or the Wikimedia community forward),
  • or financial sustainability (how it will help you achieve more in the long run)?
This statement should address at least one of the strategic priorities listed here specifically. See WMF Grants Program criteria for decisionmaking.
  • WikiSangamotsavam 2013 is Conceived with the ultimate objective of penetrating the movement into more masses. Our previous efforts have been slowly bringing visible changes in the perception of public about Wikimedia projects. Today, a considerable segment of the common public in Kerala are aware of the existence and altruistic cause of Wikipedia. However, like other parts of India and Global South, the massive influx of potential editing contributors to projects still needs to be increased to make it a reputable number. This program aspires to set another significant milestone on this long road map.
  • mlWS2013 includes a 'WikiVidyarthi Sangamam', a gathering of selectively invited School students who are already exposed to Wikipedia as early contributors or are in the process of the same currently. A minimum of 100 students will be participating in this. [Malayalam community had collaborated with such students and schools in previous years and has introduced several important public domain volumes into ml.Wikisources enriching both the contents of Wikisource as well as the computing skills of those students]. Plans for a student's conference this year is already well received and appreciated by many schools of the region. The infusion of Wikipedia concepts and collaborative advantages into the minds of these students will go a long way enhancing the content and readership of our projects on a statewide scale.
  • mlWikiSangamotsavam includes a meet for 'differently abled' users. Some successful leaders in this field, some of them themselves differently abled, will present, demonstrate and train their tools and methods in using Wikipedia without a helping assistant, to the a specially invited target group users.
  • One of the core session of WikiSangamotsavam is planned to be a seminar-cum-symposium on the symbiotic accomplishments and future possibilities between the stakeholders of Malayalam language and the Wikimedia projects. This is programmed to be participated and directed by eminent personalities from the academia, government, media and literary and creative intelligentsia. The expected outcomes are intense mutual assurance and a very lucrative future interaction and engagement. This is going to affect the prospects of GLAM, Wikipedia content, Wikisource input, Wikimedia Commons repositories and the user base of WM projects in a very positive way.
  • The location where the program is being conducted, en:Alappuzha, is well known as one of the Ramsar wetlands hot points. Currently, in Kerala and in India in general, a massive public awareness momentum is being built up, on the need of preserving special climatic regions and its effect on sustained environmental and biodiversity systems. Leveraging on the circumstances, we intend to add several feature events to this program such as a half-day Wetland study trip "Wiki Jala Yatra" (Wiki Wetland Exploration). A select number of active Indian Wikipedians (including delegates from 14 other Indic Wikimedia communities) together with eminent subject matter experts, scientists and teachers will participate in this expedition. The participants are expected to create and/or enrich articles on related topics in their own community wikipedia pages, imbibing lessons from this experience.
  • The program will also include a photowalk around the city and its vicinities prior to the core events. We intend to initiate a QR Code project within a few weeks after the conference, with the permission and co-operation of the state government departments (of tourism, forest, transport etc.) as a pilot model which has the prospects to be scaled up massively over the entire state of Kerala. Such a project will benefit both the interests of Wikipedia as well as the people and government of Kerala.
  • The conference will invite upto 30 delegates, specially selected and invited, from the other Wikipedia communities from India. We intend to make use of this opportunity to start new models of national collaboration where contributions within each community projects can be reused efficiently among the remaining ones. The long term focus areas for these models will be political geography, railways and surface transport, biological taxonomy, geodesic information, films and music. The models will heavily rely on the upcoming interfaces of Wikidata.


If the project will benefit a specific online community, please tell us.
Malayalam Wikimedia community and all of its projects. In addition, most Indic Wikimedia communities by way of lessons learnt on collaborative exchange of content enriching and content management.
Please provide a brief statement about how the project is related to other work in the Wikimedia movement. For example, does the project fit into a work area such as GLAM, education, organizational development, editor retention, or outreach?
Please see above under section "Fit to strategy". GLAM, Wikisources, WikiVoyage, Wikimedia Commons are some of the specific areas the program will effect positively.
If successful, will the project have the potential to be replicated successfully by other individuals, groups, or organizations? Please explain how in 1–2 sentences.
Yes. At Malayalam Community, we always like to impart and share our experiences and lessons learnt to peer communities as well as any organizations and movements connected with open knowledge and educational missions. The delegates to the conference can benefit from some of the first hand experiences on the innovations and steps we undertake to keep ourselves as one of the most vibrant communities in India.
Please list other benefits to the movement here.
Please see above under section "Fit to strategy".
For grantees

If you are the grantee or representative that wrote this grant submission, you may request changes by using these links: