Grants:PEG/WM CL/2015 Projects and Activities

WMCL/2015 Projects and Activities
Wikimedia Chile will develop its projects and activities to achieve Wikimedia’s mission and broader strategic priorities. The grant includes activities such as: editing workshops, edit-a-thons, wikicontests, photo contests, acreditations for events, educational activities, and outreach
targetSpanish Wikipedia, Spanish Wikisource, Wikimedia Commons, Spanish Wikivoyage
strategic priorityIncrease participation and quality
start dateFebruary 27
start year2015
end dateDecember 31 February 29
end year2015 2016
budget (local currency)14,371,308 CLP
budget (USD)23,560 USD
grant typeOrganization
non-profit statusYes
contact(s)• eduardo.testart(_AT_)• juan.ruiz(_AT_)
organization• Wikimedia Chile
created on19:58, 20 February 2015 (UTC)



Wikimedia Chile will be able to organize: two projects to release material into Wikimedia Commons, and then transcibe it into Wikisource; the fourth implementation of Wikipedia in University; a series of outreach activites such as: wikipedia editing workshops, edit-a-thons and wiki takes events, social meetups through our Wiki Force Chile group and the Wikimedia Chile Conference 2015, to have the chance to stimulate and encourage volunteers, create community cohesion and commitment, and in general create awareness about the Wikimedia movement in a welcoming environment; to work in collaboration with cultural institutions such as the National Library of Chile; seek for accreditation in at least two sport teams events; organize several wikicontest to take advantage of the material generated by photograph contest in the past and in the upcoming year, and also support the recruitment of newer contributors; and organize a photograph contest about the meals and drinks from Chile.

Additionally, Wikimedia Chile will be able to accomplish its administrative tasks, some of them as requested in our bylaws, this involves the organization of our general assembly, secure participation of regular and board members on relevant activities, sending materials, as the formal letters for participation on the Assembly as well, to our members, pay our bank fees and replenish office supplies.




  • Administrative Tasks: The objective is to replenish office supplies and pay the bank and transfer fees, and help organize the General Assembly and board meetings, so the Chapter can normally function, fulfilling its bylaws and responsibilities, and also renew our site domains and acquire some fixed assets. All the prior will sustain and allow the execution of the projects and activities planned for this period.
  • Project: Birth and Death Registries of Leadership Seats of Chile[1][2]: The project's objective is to seek, obtain, record and digitally publish birth and death certificates of the Presidents and Governors of Chile and make them digitally available in order to preserve historical data (and allow Chileans and foreigners that want to use them) through Wikimedia Commons, as well as complete historical information relevant to Chile. The amount of certificates yet to acquire is 112, and according to the dates, 25 of them should be under the tuition of the Civil Registry and Identification, most of the remaining registries are located in the Archive of the Archbishopric of Santiago, and this would require further development.
  • Project: Official Speeches of Salvador Allende[3]: The Official Speeches of Salvador Allende (former president of Chile) is a project currently under development at Wikisource, supported by the Salvador Allende Foundation (FSA). FSA has in its archive near 217 different speeches (in some 247 documents), which consist of the surviving transcripts of his official speeches, since the rest have been destroyed or are missing. We developed a pilot project, consisting in ten speeches donated by the FSA. The files, originally provided in .PDF format, were converted to DjVu, and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. Afterwards the articles for the speeches were created in Wikisource, so they could be corrected and validated. We launched this project in stages: The pilot project included 10 speeches, the second stage 15 and the third one 25, which reached 50 speeches in total, therefore almost a 23% of the material available in the archive of the FSA has been freely licensed. In January of 2015, we held a meeting with the Salvador Allende Foundation, and a preliminary release of 400 pages of material to be freely licensed during 2015 was scheduled. We decided to change how we speak about and measure the releases, since the work in Wikisource is made by pages, and the latter is variable from speech to speech.
  • Project: Wikipedia in University[4][5]: This would be the fourth version of this project organized by Wikimedia Chile. The pilot project consisted of teaching law students in Coquimbo, from the Catholic University of the North, on editing Wikipedia, and 7 new articles were created by 39 students as a part of their regular curriculum. In the second version of the project, held in University of Valparaíso, 16 new articles were collectively created by 116 students. Also, after conversations that started in July, a third version of this project was implemented. Wikimedia Chile gave a speech/editing workshop by September, and by the end of 2014 two courses in Universidad de Chile, one called “Science and Technology on Urban Space”, and the second one “The Power of Science”, implemented Wikipedia as an educational tool. In the first course 12 individual students created 12 articles (but one was taken down); and the second course had 46 students distributed in groups of 6, working in articles, from that work, 6 articles where created, but only 2 articles remained. The plan is to organize a fourth version of this initiative during 2015, for a course of about 50 students, where each of them must create an article that does not exist in Spanish Wikipedia.
  • Project: Wikimedia Chile Outreach: During the organization of our projects and activities, were we tried a wide variety of activities related to outreach, we decided to focus on four aspects:
  • a) The first one is to organize at least 8 Wikipedia editing workshops, edit-a-thons and or Wiki Takes events. We already discussed the possibility to do an editing workshop in the National Library of Chile, particularly for senior citizens. Also, this type of activities will be necessary for the Wikipedia in University project, and the possibility of organizing an editing workshop paired with an edit-a-thon focused on the gender-gap is being discussed at the moment. For all this activities (editing workshops, edit-a-thon and or wiki takes events) we consider very important to acquire some materials and hire an online presentations software, to be able to make presentations in an easier and more professional way.
  • b) The second one are the usage of promotional materials. From all the things we have done, we believe that t-shirts and the printed institutional booklet, are the two with most impact. T-shirts have several uses, as rewards in activities, editing workshops, edit-a-thon and or wiki takes events, also in gatherings. On the other hand, giving the institutional booklet physically, has great impact for attendees and participants of formal and informal meetings, and is an easy way to show our activities and projects to others, turning both into very useful tools for doing outreach.
  • c) The third one is to keep using our group Wiki Force Chile. Key to all the prior has been our meetup group, which proved positive and helpful. At this moment, the number of wikists has risen to 55. The activities provided by the meetup group, have served as a catalyst to gather people that share an affinity or curiosity towards the world, conceptions and ideas of the Wikimedia movement. Therefore, speeches, social and editing meetings organized under this group, create a great “buffer space” to engage with these people (in a relaxed and safe context), that is why we want to keep the activities of this group for 2015. Also, related to this, we linked our celebration of the Third Anniversary of Wikimedia Chile, a very positive experience for our members and volunteers, which gave a positive impulse to our community, and we would like to be able to make an even more inclusive event this year, were we can host more people.
  • d) The fourth is to facilitate the handling of our social media and outreach tools. Thanks to activities and projects we organized in the 2013-2014 period, we were able to increase our likes in Facebook, up to 1,333 and also in twitter we have 987 followers, this means that every time we post information and activities we can reach more people than before. We also have good reasons to believe that these numbers will increase after our formal agreement with the National Library of Chile, turning more necessary for us a social media handling tool. All this makes us believe the necessity to hire an online service to handle and promote our projects and activities.
  • Project: Wikimedian in Residence in the National Library of Chile: This is a new project derived from our future agreement with the National Library of Chile. The idea is to work in collaboration with the National Library of Chile, improving articles in Wikipedia, and uploading material (books, images and maps) that belong to the public domain, which is archived in the National Library and scanned by Memoria Chilena, onto Wikimedia Commons, and Wikisource. At the present moment 76 images and 1 document have been uploaded thanks to this collaboration. We hope to upload and transcribe an average of 2 documents per month (a total of 10 documents), and improve about 20 articles commonly chosen, and create a manual in Spanish, as a guide for Wikimedians in Residence.
  • Project: Trans-Andean Edit-a-thon: This is an idea proposed by Wikimedia Argentina, to organize a bi-national editing event in Mendoza, Argentina. Preliminary conversations have already been held by Wikimedia Argentina with the National University of Cuyo, to organize this event, and also a date has been proposed, between September 30th and October 4. We would like to make possible for 10 volunteers to attend to this event, to take pictures and to improve articles that cross the common history of Chile and Argentina. To keep the costs as low as possible, we plan to travel by bus.
  • Project: Wikimedia Chile Conference 2015[6]: This project is a fusion of two activities that were not executed during our last grant, and we decided to postpone for 2015. Over that, we decided to add an additional element to the prior two. The overall activity consists in organizing a conference with four blocks: The future of Wikipedia, Free knowledge, GLAM and Education. We already reserved the room for the Conference since December, and the the National Library of Chile donated the cost of it, therefore, the venue will represent no disbursement for the project. We also have invited three keynoters, and already started reaching out people, to target the right audience for each track. We would like to reach the widest amount and types of cultural and educational institutions and people that might be interested in the world, conceptions and ideas of the Wikimedia movement, and within this group find people that is willing to engage in Wikimedia, GLAM and/or Educational activities, and hopefully would like to establish long-term, strong relations.
The venue, called Sala América, has a capacity for 135 people, and we would try to invite targeted audiences for each track. The first two tracks are going to be broadly open to the community, we will invite people from the Wikimedia Communities, Wikimedia Chile members, and the open public. We also already invited Patricio Lorente, vice-chair of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. For the GLAM track, we already have informally asked for support from the National Library to invite institutions from Dibam, which is the government organization that congregates Libraries, Archives and Museums, and it is composed by at least 30 institutions and networks, including: the National Archive, the National Library itself, two different networks of public libraries, the National Museum of Natural History, the National Museum of Beaux-Arts, the National History Museum, and other 26 regional museums and the National Council of Monuments; also, we will reach out for the Guild of Librarians to attend as well. For the Education track, we have reached out to three professors that have used Wikipedia as an Educational tool, so they are able to present this experiences, and invite other teachers that might be interested in attending so the presentations can be shown to their peers; also, we have reached out for "Enlaces", a Chilean government initiative, which seeks to "contribute to the improvement of the quality of education through educative informatics and the development of a digital culture"; we have also invited Melina Masnatta, who is in charge of Education at Wikimedia Argentina as well as Floor Koudijs from the Wikimedia Foundation. We also asked every keynoter to present concrete examples and practical cases, to have the biggest impact possible in the audience, we also know it is important as well, to target this presentations to the right audience, this is why we are making great efforts to invite the right people for each track.
  • Project: Sport and other Events Accreditation: This project consists in purchasing a professional camera to be able to get accreditation for sports and other events. We asked Wikimedia Spain, and Wikimedia Switzerland to share their experiences with the projects they developed on this matter, and what things should taken into consideration. Following this advice, we realized the importance of owning a professional equipment to be able to be granted accreditation for events. The main objective is to obtain accreditation for two, third division football teams as a starter; this decision was also based on the information presented by both Chapters. The idea is to build reputation and experience and in turn, show this to get accreditation to more exclusive events, either of higher divisions, other sports, and or other types of events. The overal goal is to document two different third division Chilean football teams and their sporting events.
  • Project: Wikicontests: We want to organize 4 different wikicontests. We realized through the organization of different photograph contests, that we were able to gather 11,000 images. Sadly, a vast majority of those images remain unused, for example: for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 contest, 7.35% of all images are being used; and for Wiki Tour Chile 2014 contest, 3.49% of all images are being used, also, a lot of images have not being categorized. We believe this is an opportunity to take advantage of this material, and organize contest to create articles, incorporate images to Wikipedia, and other sister projects, and categorize images. We also plan to make a contest for new editors, and hope to be able to seduce people out there, that have curiosity, but never made that extra step to edit. Also, this is project is also linked to the next one, since we decided not to make more photograph contests not linked to a wikicontest, that uses the material gathered through it.
  • Project: Wikiepic of the Meals and Drinks of Chile Photo Contest: Inspired by the success of Wiki Tour Chile 2014, the contest WikiCheese organized by Wikimedia France, and the poem by Pablo de Rokha "Epopeya de las Comidas y Bebidas de Chile", we decided to create a photograph contest called "Wikiepic of the Meals and Drinks of Chile". The idea is to obtain images of all kinds of food and drinks of Chile, upload them to commons, and then create or improve articles in Wikipedia and Wikivoyage. Therefore this project should be linked to a wikicontest.



Target readership


Fit with strategy


What crucial thing will the project try to change or benefit in the Wikimedia movement? Please select the Wikimedia strategic priority(ies) that your project most directly aims to impact and explain how your project fits. Most projects fit all strategic priorities. However, we would like project managers to focus their efforts on impacting 1-2 strategic priorities. Examples of strategic priorities can be found at here.

Increasing Participation

  1. Improving editor diversity by recruiting new editors from the global south
  2. Onboarding and educating new editors with workshops and edit-a-thons series
  3. Recruiting new contributors whose participation is limited to a photo contest
  4. Introducing people to editing in some one-off edit-a-thons or workshops
  5. Supporting the recruitment and acculturation of newer contributors by encouraging a welcoming environment
  6. Supporting offline and social events to increase community cohesion and commitment to the projects

Increasing Quality

  1. Increasing accessibility to reliable sources for editors
  2. Development of institutional partnerships and/or alliances
  3. Development of Wikimedian in Residence documentation in Spanish
  4. Development of metrics associated with institutional partnerships.
  5. Active interest-group collaboration on identifying articles for improvement
  6. Topic-specific online writing competitions
  7. Photo events with associated edit-a-thons focused on integrating media on wiki projects
  8. Give visibility to our activities through our communication channels.

Increasing Reach

  1. Organizing a conference with a targeted audience to spread information about Wikimedia’s mission, vision, values and practices, and help people to better understand our work, and motivate them to help us do it
  2. Expanding public awareness and support for the Wikimedia movement to a Chilean audience

Measures of success


Please provide a list of both quantitative and qualitative criteria that will be used determine how successful the project is. You will need to report on the success of the project according to these measures after the project is completed. See the PEG Program Resources for suggested measures of success. Note: In addition to your project-specific measures of success, you will also be asked to report on some Global Metrics at the end of your final report. Please keep this in mind as you plan, and we'll support you as you begin your project.

  • Completion of Administrative Tasks.
  • Execution of Projects and Activities.
  • Project: Birth and Death Registries of Leadership Seats of Chile
  1. Acquiring the Birth and Death Registries of Leadership Seats of Chile: 25 (Civil Registry) + 87 (Archbishopric of Santiago).
  2. Uploading the certificates to Commons (if #1 is accomplished).
  3. Transcribing the certificates in Wikisource (if #2 is accomplished).
  • Project: Official Speeches of Salvador Allende
  1. Acquiring the speeches of Salvador Allende: 400 pages.
  2. Scanning the speeches (if #1 is accomplished).
  3. Uploading the speeches to Commons (if #2 is accomplished).
  4. Transcribing the speeches in Wikisource (if #3 is accomplished).
  • Project: Wikipedia in University
  1. Engaging with a new cohort of students in a University we already executed the project.
  2. Increase the amount of new editors: 50 new editors and articles.
  3. Increase the amount of new or improved articles (if #2 is accomplished).
  4. Increase the amount of trained editors (if #2 is accomplished).
  • Project: Wikimedia Chile Outreach
  1. Organize Wikipedia editing workshops, edit-a-thon and or wiki takes events: 8 events.
  2. Expand public awareness for the Wikimedia movement through Promotional Materials
  3. Increase the amount of people participating in Wiki Force Chile: up to 100 participants.
  4. Increase the amount of people following us in our social media: up to 2,000 likes in Facebook and up to 1,500 followers in twitter.
  5. Increase the amount of Wikimedia Chile members: up to 40 members.
  • Project: Wikimedian in Residence in the National Library of Chile
  1. Selecting documents to be uploaded: 10 documents.
  2. Uploading the documents to Commons (if #1 is accomplished).
  3. Transcribing the documents in Wikisource (if #2 is accomplished).
  4. Selecting articles to be created or improved: 20 articles.
  5. Improving or creating articles (if #4 is accomplished).
  • Project: Trans-Andean Edit-a-thon
  1. Participating in the event itself: 10 attendants.
  2. Collaborating with an Editing Workshop: 10 attendants.
  3. Selecting articles to be created or improved on the Edit-a-thon: 10 attendants.
  4. Improving or creating articles (if #3 is accomplished).
  5. Taking and uploading pictures to Wikimedia Commons: 100 images.
  • Project: Wikimedia Chile Conference 2015
  1. Organizing the event itself.
  2. Increasing the number of people participating from the conference: 135 attendants (Up to 540 contacts in the best case scenario) (Reference: 58 attendants from GLAM-Wiki 2012).
  3. Creating a database of contacts: 135 contacts (Up to 540 contacts in the best case scenario).
  4. Increasing the number of participating institutions: 30 institutions (Reference: 24 institutions from GLAM-Wiki 2012).
  5. Making agreements or implementing concrete projects: 1 to 3 GLAM institutions, and 3 to 7 teachers or universities.
  • Project: Sport and other Events Accreditation
  1. Sending formal letters: 32 third division football teams.
  2. Acquiring access to teams: 2 out of 32 (if #1 is accomplished).
  3. Obtain images: 100 per club (players, trainers, offices, stadium and at least one match), for 200 in total (if #2 is accomplished).
  4. Upload new pictures to Wikimedia Commons: 200 images (if #3 is accomplished).
  • Project: Wikicontests
  1. Organizing the contest itself: 4 wikicontests.
  2. Increase the amount of images used and categorized from Wiki Loves Monuments 2012-2013: up to 400 new images used (if #1 is accomplished).
  3. Increase the amount of images used and categorized from Wiki Tour Chile 2014: up to 500 new images used and categorized (if #1 is accomplished).
  4. Incorporate and categorize the new images from Wikiepic of the Meals and Drinks of Chile Photo Contest: 10% of images uploaded used and categorized (if #1 is accomplished).
  • Project: Wikiepic of the Meals and Drinks of Chile Photo Contest
  1. Organizing the contest itself.
  2. Attract participants to participate in the contest: 400 participants (if #1 is accomplished).
  3. Upload new pictures within the frame of the contest: 3,000 images (if #2 is accomplished).
Project Participants
Birth and Death Registries of Leadership Seats of Chile Alpinu (talk); 3BRBS (talk)
Official Speeches of Salvador Allende La Mantis (talk); Nereidas (talk); Superzerocool (talk)
Wikipedia in University Mapc.088 (talk); Warko (talk)
Wikimedia Chile Outreach Pineapples100 (talk); Warko (talk); Superzerocool (talk); 3BRBS (talk)
Wikimedian in Residence in the National Library of Chile 3BRBS (talk)
Trans-Andean Edit-a-thon Volunteers from Wikimedia Chile
Wikimedia Chile Conference 2015 3BRBS (talk); Yakoo (talk); Zuirdj (talk); Lily Marleen (talk); Superzerocool (talk); Warko (talk); Carlos yo (talk); La Mantis (talk); Cristobal_carrasco (talk); Pineapples100 (talk); B1mbo (talk)
Sport and other Events Accreditation Carlos yo (talk)
Wikicontests Carlos yo (talk); Pineapples100 (talk); Warko (talk); Superzerocool (talk); 3BRBS (talk)
Wikiepic of the Meals and Drinks of Chile Photo Contest Carlos yo (talk); Pineapples100 (talk); Warko (talk); Superzerocool (talk); 3BRBS (talk)

Resources and risks



Currently, WM-CL has around 30 members, and about 12 active volunteers that participate regularly in our activities, also the Chapter is growing in members, and our Meetup group has 55 participants, so we consider we are developing and growing. We have a good record of activities in our last four years working as a Chapter, and in the last two years, we participated and organized on about 42 activities and projects (funded directly or indirectly by our last grant), as can be seen in our 2013-2014 report. This will also be our fourth grant, which proves that we are capable of handling funds correctly; you can also check our track of activities in the reports presented in the following link, that we believe shows our solid base in organizational terms. We also have an experienced group of wikimedians, with expertise in several field such as: Legal, GLAM, Education, Accountability, Organizational, etc. that can cover a wide range of subjects and solve different problems. We also participate in Iberocoop, which allows us to exchange ideas, projects, best practices and experiences, and is a great source of support for us as a local Chapter.


We believe that the risks are low. For our closest activity, the Wikimedia Chile Conference, we have formally secured the venue since December of 2014, also the very first day of the Conference, the signature of the formal agreement with the National Library of Chile should be signed. We have already spoken and agreed on the participation of three keynoters, one from WM-AR and one from the WMF for the Educational track, and the Vice Chair of the Board of the WMF to speak about the challenges for the WMF in the future. For several projects, we already have already spoken to the people in charge, for example: we talked to Martín Pérez, professor from the University of Chile, and agreed to implement Wikipedia as an Educational tool for the first semester on a course of 50 students; we already spoke with the Salvador Allende Foundation, and agreed on the liberation of 400 pages for the Official Speeches of Salvador Allende; and for the Trans-Andean edit-a-thon, WM-AR, which we are working on, have already had preliminary conversations with the Faculty of Arts and Design of the National University of Cuyo, and even a preliminary date for the first week of October has been proposed for the edit-a-thon/encounter. For the project Birth and Death Registries of Leadership Seats of Chile, we have to coordinate a meeting with the Archive of the Archbishopric of Santiago, and the results it will produce remains uncertain; last year we decided to postpone this meeting until we signed the formal agreement with the National Library of Chile, hoping this could help us in this meeting.



Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines. Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.

Project budget table


Exchange rate used: 1 USD = 610 CLP
Exchange rate used: 1 CLP = 0.0016393443 USD

1 - Administrative

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Currency Cost per unit Total cost Total in US dollars Notes
1.1 Office supplies Envelopes un. 100 CLP $100 $10,000 $16
1.2 Office supplies Toner un. 4 CLP $42,500 $170,000 $279 Toner for printers bought in past grants - quoting
1.3 Office supplies File folders / ring binders un. 5 CLP $3,50



1.4 Office supplies Gel pens un. 10 CLP $1,200 $12,000 $20
1.5 Office supplies Office supplies set (binders, stapler, hole punch) un. 2 CLP $7,500 $15,000 $25
1.6 Bank expenses Bank monthly maintenance fee m. 10 CLP $25,500 $255,000 $418 Monthly fee is 1 UF, unity changing monthly by indexation. It is the same cost considered in past grants
1.7 Bank expenses Wire Transfer Fee - Swift international commission un. 1 CLP $55,000 $55,000 $90 Wire transfer sent by WMF has an intermediation fee between US and Chile, near ~85 USD
1.8 Bank expenses Wire Transfer Fee - National commission by Santander un. 1 CLP $80,000 $80,000 $131 Wire transfer sent by WMF has an intermediation fee charged in Chile because the swift is sent using BEN code fee, we recommend to use OUR code fee.
1.9 Legal expenses Virtual Office rental 2015 m. y. 10 1 CLP $15,000 $130,000 $150,000 $130,000 $246 $213 Same office rented as previous months, for tax purposes
1.10 Mailing Shipping cost (National certified mail) un. 65 CLP $1,200 $78,000 $128 Formal communications with our members and partner institutions
1.11 Mailing Shipping cost (International certified mail) un. 20 CLP $2,400 $48,000 $79 Formal communications with our members and partner institutions
1.12 Mailing Shipping cost (packages) un. 5 CLP $12,000 $60,000 $98
1.13 Communications Business Cards un. 600 CLP $150 $90,000 $148 Same supplier than previous issuance
1.14 Communications Institutional Phone Plan 2015 m. 10 CLP $38,000 $380,000 $623
1.15 Web Domains Renovation un. 1 CLP $47,750 $47,750 $78
1.16 Web Sites Hosting Service 2015 m. 10 CLP $24,500 $245,000 $402 Linode webhosting
1.17 Web 25 DVD Pack (Backups) un. 2 CLP $4,000 $8,000 $13 quotation
Total $1,721,250 $1,701,250 $2,822 $2.789

2 - Fixed assets

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Currency Cost per unit Total cost Total in US dollars Notes
2.1 Equipment Podium un. 1 CLP $52,500 $52,500 $86 Presentations, workshops and events - quotation
2.2 Equipment Spider Banner / Pendón Araña un. 1 CLP $200,000 $200,000 $328 Institutional image
Total $252,500 $414

3 - WM-CL Assembly and Board meetings

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Currency Cost per unit Total cost Total in US dollars Notes
3.1 General Assembly Transportation tick. 8 CLP $75,000 $600,000 $984 Mean cost of air tickets taking into account the home cities of our members
3.2 General Assembly Accommodation nights 8 CLP $30,000 $240,000 $393
3.3 Gathering events 5 CLP $20,000 $100,000 $164 Snacks for at least: four Board Meetings (one public) and one General Assembly
3.4 Legal expenses Assembly and Board Meetings Books un. 2 CLP $5,000 $10,000 $16
3.5 Legal expenses Legal Costs (Notary) un. 3 CLP $65,000 $195,000 $320 Legalization of assembly and board minutes before a Notary
3.6 Legal expenses Certificates (Founder Members) un. 15 CLP $15,000 $7,500 $225,000 $112,500 $369 $184 Legal documentation required by the bylaws
3.7 Legal expenses Certificates (Honorary Members) un. 1 CLP $15,000 $7,500 $15,000 $7,500 $25 $12 Legal documentation required by bylaws
Total $1,385,000 $1,265,000 $2,270 $2,074

4 - Conference participation

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Currency Cost per unit Total cost Total in US dollars Notes
4.1 GLAM-Wiki Conference 2015[1]
4.1.1 GLAM-Wiki Conference 2015 - Local Transportation pers. 1 CLP $25,000 $25,000 $41 Local transportation to SCL airport and Schipol - Den Haag, Netherlands - reference
4.1.2 GLAM-Wiki Conference 2015 - Travel allowance days 6 CLP $25,000 $12,500 $150,000 $75,000 $246 $123 Basic expenses during stay
4.1.3 GLAM-Wiki Conference 2015 - Schengen Insurance pers. 1 CLP $25,500 $25,500 $42 Mandatory for Chileans travelling to Schengen agreement countries
4.2 Wikimedia Conference 2015[1]
4.2.1 WM-CONF 2015 - Local Transportation pers. 2 CLP $25,000 $50,000 $82 Local transportation to SCL airport and Berlin, Germany to the venue/hotel
4.2.2 WM-CONF 2015 - Travel allowance days 14 CLP $25,000 $350,000 $574 Basic expenses during stay
4.2.3 WM-CONF 2015 - Schengen Insurance pers. 2 CLP $27,500 $55,000 $90 Mandatory for Chileans travelling to Schengen agreement countries
4.3 Wikimania
4.3.1 Wikimania 2015 - Flight Tickets pers. 3 2 CLP $735,000 $2,205,000 $1,470,000 $3,615 $2,410 quoting
4.3.2 Wikimania 2015 - Accommodation nights 18 12 CLP $60,000 $1,080,000 $720,000 $1,770 1,180
4.3.3 Wikimania 2015 - Fee pers. 3 2 CLP $36,000 $108,000 $72,000 $177 $118
4.3.4 Wikimania 2015 - Travel allowance days 21 14 CLP $20,000 $420,000 $280,000 $689 $459 Basic expenses during stay
Total $4,468,500 $2,772,500 $7,039 $4,545
  1. a b The representative has applied for a Scholarship to attend, therefore these disbursements would only be made if the scholarship is approved.

5 - Projects and activities

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Currency Cost per unit Total cost Total in US dollars Notes
5.1 Presidents & Governors of Chile
5.1.1 Certificates Acquisition un. 112 CLP $3,500 $392,000 $643 Certificates and local transportation for acquiring certificates
5.1.2 Shipping cost (Certified mail) un. 10 CLP $1,200 $12,000 $20
5.2 Official Speeches by Salvador Allende
5.2.1 Allowances (Wikimedian in residence) days 4 CLP $5,000 $20,000 $33
5.2.2 Shipping cost (Certified mail) un. 4 CLP $12,000 $48,000 $79
5.3 Wikipedia in University
5.3.1 Printed Material un. 50 CLP $6,000 $300,000 $492 Translation and printing of Syllabus
5.3.2 Allowances (Speaker) days 2 CLP $5,000 $10,000 $16
5.4 Wikimedia Chile Outreach
5.4.1 Chromecast (Presentations) un. 1 CLP $36,500 $36,500 $60 quotation
5.4.2 Chromebook (Presentations) un. 1 CLP $150,000 $150,000 $246 quotation
5.4.3 Prezi Account un. 2 CLP $36,000 $72,000 $118 quotation
5.4.4 Hootsuite Account (Social Media Management) un. 1 CLP $65,000 $65,000 $107 quotation
5.4.5 Editing Workshop / Edit-a-thon / Wiki Takes event event 8 CLP $20,000 $160,000 $262
5.4.6 WM-CL Anniversary Gathering event 1 CLP $100,000 $100,000 $164
5.4.7 Meetup Website un. 1 CLP $30,000 $30,000 $49
5.4.8 WM-CL T-Shirts un. 200 90 CLP $6,000 $5,700 $1,200,000 $513,000 $1,967 $841
5.4.9 Institutional booklets (year 2013) un. 100 CLP $6,000 $600,000 $984
5.4.10 Institutional booklets (year 2014) un. 100 CLP $6,000 $600,000 $984
5.5 Wikimedian in Residence National Library of Chile
5.5.1 Allowances (Wikimedian in residence) days 40 CLP $5,000 $200,000 $328
5.6 Trans-Andean Edit-a-thon
5.6.1 Transportation p. 10 CLP $40,000 $400,000 $656 quotation
5.6.2 Accomodation nights 20 CLP $18,500 $370,000 $607 quotation 1 - quotation 2
5.6.3 Travel Allowances days 30 CLP $7,500 $225,000 $369
5.7 Wikimedia Chile Conference 2015
5.7.1 Venue 1/2 d. 4 CLP $230,000 $920,000 $1,508 Donation - Biblioteca Nacional
5.7.2 Reception p. 135 CLP $5,750 $776,250 $1,273
5.7.3 Coffee Break p. 405 CLP $2,750 $1,113,750 $1,826
5.7.4 Simultaneous Translation hr. 1 CLP $500,000 $500,000 $820
5.7.5 Brochure and Programme un. 400 CLP $300 $120,000 $197
5.7.6 Attendant Note Set un. 200 CLP $1,000 $200,000 $328 quotation (notebooks) - quotation (pencils)
5.7.7 Keynoter Transportation un. 2 CLP $36,000 $72,000 $118
5.7.8 Keynoters Reception Meal un. 2 CLP $30,000 $60,000 $98
5.7.9 Volunteers Lunchbox un. 24 CLP $3,500 $84,000 $138
5.7.10 WM-CL Regional Members Participation pers. 4 CLP $75,000 $300,000 $492
5.8 Sport and other Events Accreditation Project
5.8.1 DSRL Nikon 5200 + Lens un. 1 CLP $450,000 $450,000 $738 quotation
5.8.2 Accessories (SD Cards, Batteries, Cases and Bag) un. 1 CLP $80,000 $80,000 $131
5.8.3 Photography Workshop un. 1 CLP $80,000 $80,000 $131
5.8.4 Shipping costs (National certified mail) un. 32 CLP $1,200 $38,400 $63 Target: 32 third division football teams
5.9 Wikicontests
5.9.1 1st Prize un. 4 CLP $100,000 $400,000 $656 Target: Wikitour, WLM, Wikiepic, and Accreditation Project
5.9.2 2nd Prize un. 4 CLP $50,000 $200,000 $328
5.9.3 Shipping cost (Packages) un. 8 CLP $5,000 $40,000 $66
5.10 Wikiepic of the Meals and Drinks of Chile Photo Contest
5.10.1 1st Price un. 1 CLP $150,000 $150,000 $246
5.10.2 2nd Prize un. 1 CLP $75,000 $75,000 $123
5.10.3 Picture Voting App m. 2 CLP $18,000 $36,000 $59 quoting 1; quoting 2; quoting 3
5.10.4 Notary - Legalization of Terms and conditions un. 1 CLP $25,000 $25,000 $41
5.10.5 Prize Ceremony Gathering un. 1 CLP $20,000 $20,000 $33
Total $10,730,900 $8,571,900 $17,592 $14,052

Total cost of project


Exchange rate used: 1 CLP = 0.0016393443 USD

1 - Administrative $1,721,250 $1,701,250 $2,822 $2,789
2 - Fixed assets $252,500 $414
3 - WM-CL Assembly and Board meetings $1,385,000 $1,265,000 $2,270 $2,074
4 - Conference participation $4,468,500 $2,772,500 $7,039 $4,545
5 - Projects and activities $10,730,900 $8,571,900 $17,592 $14,052
6 - Reserves (10% 5% of the total) $2,062,017 $728,158 $3,380 $1,194
Total cost of the project $20,620,167 $15,291,308 $33,804 25,068

Additional sources of revenue

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Currency Cost per unit Total cost Total in US dollars Notes
5.7 Wikimedia Chile Conference 2015
5.7.1 Venue 1/2 d. 4 CLP $230,000 $920,000 $1,508 Donation - Biblioteca Nacional
Total $920,000 $1,508

Total amount requested

Description CLP USD
Total of the project $20,620,167 $15,291,308 $33,804 $25,068
Additional sources of revenue - $920,000 - $1,508
Total amount requested 19,700,167 $14,371,308 32,296 $23,560

Non-financial requirements


See a description of non financial assistance available. Please inform the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requirements for non-financial assistance now.

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Currency Cost per unit Total cost Total in US dollars Notes
7 Non financial requirements
7.1 Supplies for outreach Wikipedia Globe Buttons un. 10 CLP $6,200 $62,000 $102 quotation
7.2 Supplies for outreach Wikimedia Project Lapel Pins (16 Pack) un. 10 CLP $21,700 $217,000 $356 quotation
7.3. Printed Material Translation and /or printing of Syllabus un. 50 CLP $6,000 $300,000 $492 Wikipedia in the university project
Total $279,000 $579,000 $457 $949



Community notification

  • List of members of Wikimedia Chile
  • List of Wikipedians from Chile



Do you think this project should be selected for a Project and Event Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.

  • El nivel de trabajo y de esfuerzo necesario es grande y merece ser apoyado. Ciberprofe (talk) 01:22, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
  • It would be great to see another year with WMCL funded, so we can continue work with the Wiki Force Chile outreach, and share information about new and exciting projects we have lined up in 2015, amongst the public and chapter members. The Birth/Death registries and ´Wikiepic´projects (besides various other contests) are important iniciatives that let Chileans get "hands-on" in encriching and preserving their own colorful culture through documents, photos, articles, etc. for future generations. This is an experience not typically available to the average local, and could provide an important starting point of interest into other, parallel Wiki projects and even prolonged engagement with out local WMCL chapter. Best of luck, I'm ready to get started! Pineapples100 (talk) 14:42, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
  • I support this because the new projects for 2015, along with the previous ones, try to preserve different aspects of the Chilean culture and to share them with the coming generations. That's why it'd be really helpful to WMCL to be funded. Alpinu (talk) 20:35, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
  • Creo que el presupuesto nos permitirá realizar muchas cosas nuevas para este año y que realmente promoverán los nuevos contenidos. Voy a participar activamente del proyecto de acreditación de eventos y la Wikiepopeya de las comidas y las bebidas de Chile. Carlos yo (talk) 15:05, 7 March 2015 (UTC)
  • Espero poder asistir a las conferencias o actividades de este proyecto Vag 08 (talk) 17:56, 11 March 2015 (UTC)
For grantees

If you are the grantee or representative that wrote this grant submission, you may request changes by using these links: