Grants:PEG/WM FI/WMFI 2015 H2

WM FI/WMFI 2015 H2
Wikimedia Finland proposes to continue GLAM activities and start activities in the education domain. This is an application to cover H2 of 2015.
targetFinnish and Swedish Wikipedias, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata
strategic priorityincreasing reach, improving quality
start dateJuly 1
start year2015
end dateDecember 31
end year2015
budget (local currency)38 681,20 EUR
budget (USD)43,539.90 USD
grant typeOrganization
non-profit statusYes
contact(s)• susanna.anas(_AT_)• Tommikovala
organization• Wikimedia Finland


This proposal covers the activities of Wikimedia Finland in the latter half of 2015.





Wikimedia Finland will employ an administrator / project manager with 0,75 FTE. The division of work between the tasks is 50% project management and 25% administration. This will allow continuing work with the Wikimaps project, while no other direct costs to the project have been included.

Description Measures taken Measures needed
There is no rewarding development for the work done for the chapter We must consider options of security of the employee relationship, allow more stable contracting and working conditions.
Assistant work is limited, creating a burden on a single employee. We are allotting more work to the assistants again. We must be allowed to use our contractors, who are skilled, and willing to work in the irregular pattern.
The division of work between administration is different from anticipated. Better working hour tracking will be used.



Wikimedia Finland has a shared office space together with other open knowledge actors. The current contract covers the period until the end of 2015.

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
We have rented a non-permanent laptop space at the Open Knowledge Finland office for the rest of the year. The project Manager works there for most of the time, the assistants primarily still work remotely. We connect with other open knowledge actors on a daily basis and initiate joint projects. Common projects, shared understanding. Integration of Wikimedia into all open knowledge projects. Coming together of different aspects of open knowledge in innovation and development.

Running costs


consist of server fees, CRM service fees for 2 people and diverse postage & photocopy costs.

Financial costs


includes accounting, financial documents and auditing.

Board participation support


is meant for Board members' travel to meetings. There has very few face-to-face Board meetings and it would be better to have at least one live meeting per term.

General meeting costs


are to support participants travel from other cities, and for catering.

Strategy meeting


Following a tradition started last year, a strategy picnic will be arranged. All interested are invited, travel and catering is covered.

Participation in Wikimedia events



Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
We are giving a scholarship to one participant and hope to send another representative also. The grantee has a presentation accepted with second highest evaluation. We need to send another representative to connect broadly with the international community. We bridge between GLAM and OpenGLAM activities. The grantee can connect with international GLAM activists. Therefore it is important this representative is active in our activities. More connections and influences. More versatile programming, more international planning. More high impact programming due to wider perspectives.



Wikidays / Wikihacks


Wikidays is a novel format, a monthly gathering with a changing theme. The aim is to host an event monthly, either in Helsinki or in a city outside Helsinki. The events are planned to fuse editing Wikimedia projects, gathering of local history, making Wikimedia hacks, and working with different groups such as GLAMs or pensioners' gatherings. 5 events are planned for 2015 H2, 2 of which in Helsinki and 3 outside. The ones outside Helsinki go under the name Local Wikipedia.

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
2 staffers host the event. The space is at the office or elsewhere free of charge. We offer coffee and cookies. We educate the usage of Wikimedia projects, try out combinations of different information sources and environments. We try to address passers-by. We have met with mappers, and we aim to meet with open data practitioners, Wikipedians, hackers, GLAMs, locals or thematic groups. Knowledge of Wikimedia projects and open environments increases. Contributions to Wikimedia projects and open environments increase Contributing to open environments becomes a cross-over practice. Cross-pollination produces collaborations that drive change.
Description Measures needed
There is not very active participation. We must strengthen communication, address editors directly, and engage the community in planning more tightly. This will include place, time and topic.
We do not reach the audiences we wish to reach. Currently the event has lasted all day. We must target early evening hours, or work directly with a specific group that gathers in the daytime.
The event is a confusing mix of topics. We have tried lowering the barrier of Wikipedia editors participation by imposing a loose agenda. Instead, we must focus each event precisely.
The work is labour-intensive We must seek to compare with similar initiatives to find the right combination of effort and effect.
There is no evident recurring schedule We must create more events, or ensure that there is at least one monthly event in Helsinki.
Measures of success per event
Description Target Additional info
Participation (editors)
Number of active editors involved 3
Number of newly registered users 2
Number of individuals involved 8
Content (articles)
Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 3
Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 3
Other metrics
Number of external communities involved with 1

Local Wikipedia

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
PM and assistant travel to another city. An institution hosts an event, perhaps gathering more institutions, groups and individuals together in the city. Planning ahead requires effort because of many actors coming together, perhaps a visit prior to the event. In these events we plan the theme together with the participating institutions, groups and individuals. The starting point is to address the local environment and themes arising from that. We introduce many aspects of the Wikimedia projects and show examples of linking also outside of them. We must pick a theme. The key aim is to bring together institutions and Wikipedians and communities of interest locally and to offer models for collaboration. Knowledge of Wikimedia projects and open environments increases. Contributions to Wikimedia projects and open environments increase Contributing to open environments becomes a cross-over practice. Cross-pollination produces collaborations that drive change.
Description Measures taken Measures needed
The risks of little participation. When we are working with actors in another city, we can rely on our partners for engaging their communities
The need to focus Although we do not want to focus on a niche theme, we must identify a topic around which different projects are presented.
The work is costly. We will rely on our partners in providing space. There are additional costs for long hours, but the number of paid personnel is low.
The work will not result in a changing action These events can only work to introduce the open practices. Different activities will be needed to maintain the interest and to create a lively community.
Measures of success
Description Target Additional info
Participation (editors)
Number of active editors involved 5
Number of newly registered users 5
Number of individuals involved 10
Content (articles)
Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 5
Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 8
Other metrics
Number of local communities involved with 1



We continue to offer support for meetups, but the possibility is not used. We will inform more actively about the possibilities of asking small amount for catering or transportation in these events.



GLAM events


GLAM events will be arranged together with memory organizations. We hope to work towards more programme addressing the GLAM personnel directly, and engage them in arranging programs that involve their communities. We will create a more systematic approach and a roadmap for GLAM participation during the term.

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
Planning time, presenting, continued involvement in building practices. Analyze the capacity of the GLAM, propose a plan for engaging with Wikimedia projects.

Arrange learning events for professionals.

GLAM professionals who work with their audiences or can affect the internal practices. Familiarize more GLAM professionals with open projects. The GLAM engages their stakeholders in contributing to the open projects. Make contributing to open projects a standard practice in GLAM organizations. Create living practices for reciprocal relation of institutions and their audiences in contributing to open environments..
Planning and arranging time. Organize GLAM events together with GLAM professionals GLAM communities, Wikipedians, GLAM professionals. New editors, articles edited, images added. Creating a fertile ground to add more information in all contexts created for contribution. Make contributing to open environments a standard citizen practice.
Planning time. Create a more systematic approach and a roadmap for GLAM participation during the term GLAMs seeking to make projects in collaboration with a wikimedia GLAM organization, Wikimedians creating similar event. Make clearer the practicalities of GLAM activities for us and the GLAMs. Allow evaluation and development of the practices. Gain from standardizing practices. Evolution of GLAM projects into sustainable models for sharing cultural knowledge between institutions and Internet users of cultural heritage.
Description Measures taken Measures needed
There is too much demand for training and event organizing at institutions Individual wikimedians may give lectures and run training sessions.
Training given by individual wikipedians bypasses the association We must come up with outspoken best practices and recommendations.
Measures of success per event
Description Target Additional info
Participation (editors)
Number of active editors involved 6
Number of newly registered users 6
Number of individuals involved 15
Content (articles)
Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 6
Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 15
Other measures per all events
New institutional partners 50%
Further activities planned 100%
Other types of activities planned 80%

Education program


Wikimedia Finland will start investigating setting up a systematic framework of collaboration with educational partners. The plan is to create a volunteer steering group and assign an assistant to work with it.

We plan to contact our initial partners at Helsinki University, translate 3 key brochures, and set up the education extension. The work conducted this year will lead into an employment of an educational coordinator next year.

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
The work of a group of open education activists in and outside Wikimedia Finland. Working hours for one assistant coordinating the activities with the university partners. Run the steering group, arrange one live meeting and necessary online meetings. The key personalities in open education in Finland. We team up with the Open Education team at OKFFI. Collect and connect with the open education community in Finland. Be informed about interests. Disseminate through the network Initiate coordinated activities.
Steering group time, Project Manager time, assistant time. Contact educators at University of Helsinki. University professors and lecturers Form the initial community for the program. Get feedback, iterate the plans. A partner in future activities, an advocate of the program.
Volunteer work in translating, assistant work in coordinating Translate and print 3 key brochures of the education program. Educators at all levels, around the country. Dissemination of information about the program online and offline. Establish the program, give it a sense of continuation and support. Accumulation of knowledge, educated community to contribute to the task.
Volunteer work in translating, assistant work in coordinating, technical assistance by the technical assistant, if needed. Translate and deploy the education extension. Active and aspiring educators with their group. Give a sense of what the program can offer. Have the extension ready for contributions. The extension has been identified as a key asset by many colleagues in structuring the education efforts.
Assistant work. The steering group or the volunteers cannot initiate the required activity, thus starting lightweight with assigning working hours for an already existing resource is the most effective option. Educate the initial educators. Learn ourselves. Educators in the first group. Form a knowledgeable learning group. Expand by engaging the initial participants. Part of creating a self-supporting network.
Description Measures needed
Committee work with education has not produced results in Wikimedia Finland so far. We take a different approach. We engage a larger community, both the online Wikipedia community and the steering group, and assign the assistant to oversee the tasks.
Measures of success
Description Target Additional info
Participation (editors)
Number of active editors involved 30
Number of newly registered users 25
Number of individuals involved 30
Content (articles)
Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages 30
Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 30
Other measures
Number of brochures distributed 500
Number of course leaders involved 2

Education coordinator or assistant


The coordinator is one of our current assistants. For the next year, we aim to employ a dedicated coordinator for education.

Meeting of open education advocates


We are gathering the key personalities in open education in Finland, and teaming up with the Open Education working group at Open Knowledge Finland for the steering group. We will host one F2F meeting and necessary online meetings.



We will translate 3 key education publications with the help of the Finnish community. The coordinator will manage the printing process and look after the translation process.



Wikipedia Library

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
Assistant time in coordinating the effort. Volunteer activity in translating and contacting publishers. Initiate the library, contact local publishers, translate the platform. Publishers, wikipedians. Make Wikipedia articles better. Inform about Open Access. Advance Open Access.
Description Measures taken
Resources are not adopted by the volunteers Assistant is working closely with the community in creating the library
Measures of success
Description Target
Participation (editors)
Number of editors involved 10
Content (articles)
Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects during H2 50
Other metrics
Amount of Finnish publishers involved 5

Tech pool

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
We will purchase a camera, tripod and microphones for interviews. The equipment is used for documentation projects and can be lent to volunteers. Volunteers, staffers Better audiovisual content in Wikipedia The creation of more audiovisually ambitious projects. Better articles, better reach. Expanded participation through usage of broader material.

Projects without dedicated funding




The Wikimaps continues by finishing off the tasks that have been postponed while waiting for the resolution of the previous grant application. The next stage will be to connect with providers of a variety of tools in agreeing about a shared idea of using these tools together in an online maker space that goes by the name Wikimaps.

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
Working time of the Project Manager. Carry out previous engagements in UX development for the Warper. Initiate new sprints to enhance the environment. Wikimedia community with maps interest (GIS and GLAM), international cartographic and mapping communities. Make Wikimaps Warper agreeable to use. Coordinate with several projects dealing with displaying historical data. Initiate Wikimaps as a maker space for historical storytelling.

Community & readership survey

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Short term
We connect with researchers interested in conducting a readership survey. Plan for a survey project Find a researcher to conduct the survey.

Projects with external funding


Publication: Translation of Wikimedia Deutschland's publication

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
Assistant time Translate, localize, design and print the brochure. Journalists, artists and others making use of open licenses Have a Wikimedia oriented publication at hand. Coordinate with other copyright activists. Have more openly licensed content available.

Upload tool & content donations (External funding)

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
Technical assistants time Develop a metadata enhancement tool to work together with the GLAM-Wiki Toolset. GLAMs, GLAM coordinators, GLAM oriented volunteers. Make quality mass uploads easier. Participate in the development of a workflow from an archive to the open. Make available collections of cultural heritage in the global volunteer environment. It will allow the reciprocal and collaborative research between the organizations and the individual researchers (volunteers/hobbyists...)

Wikidata & cultural data (External funding)

Input Output Outcome
What we invest What we do Who we reach Short term Medium term Long term impact
We will employ a dedicated coordinator to run a networking and learning affort on WIkidata. Create a network for learning, arrange 2 workshops, conduct data imports. Users of Wikidata for indexing (i.e. The Finnish Broadcasting Company), open data advocates, public sector actors producing and maintaining open data. Learn about the use of Wikidata Be capable of advocating and consulting the use of Wikidata. Initiate projects that take extensive use of Wikidata.



Target readership

Finnish and Swedish Wikipedias, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata (+ OpenStreetMap, intermediate platforms).

Fit with strategy


What crucial thing will the project try to change or benefit in the Wikimedia movement? Please select the Wikimedia strategic priority(ies) that your project most directly aims to impact and explain how your project fits. Most projects fit all strategic priorities. However, we would like project managers to focus their efforts on impacting 1–2 strategic priorities. Examples of strategic priorities can be found here.

Increase reach and participation. The efforts are directed towards engaging new audiences and tying editing Wikimedia projects an everyday activity for anyone to do. We hope to tap into different motivations for editing, emphasizing the perceived benefit from contributing to the Commons.



Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines.

Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.

Project budget table

You may also consult the spreadsheet version.

FTE amount unit unit price subtotal costs PEG funding
Staff 38,4%
Project manager / Admin 75% 6 months 3 500,00 € 15 750,00 € 30% 20 475,00 €
Staff 20 475,00 €
Administration 6,4%
Running costs 308,00 €
Financial costs 1 660,00 €
Board participation support 4 trips 75,00 € 300,00 €
General meeting costs 1 meeting 600,00 € 600,00 €
Strategy meeting costs 1 meeting 525,00 € 525,00 €
Administration 3 393,00 €
Participation in Wikimedia events 4,5%
Wikimania 2 375,20 €
Participation in Wikimedia events 2 375,20 €
Participation 5,6%
Wikidays / Wikihacks 3 events 435,40 € 1 306,20 € 1 306,20 €
Local Wikipedia 2 events 611,40 € 1 222,80 € 1 222,80 €
Meetups 3 meetups 150,00 € 450,00 € 450,00 €
Participation 2 979,00 €
GLAM 2,5%
GLAM events 3 events 448,60 € 1 345,80 € 1 345,80 €
GLAM 1 345,80 €
Education program 10,8%
Education coordinator or assistant 80 hours 21,50 € 1 720,00 € 30% 2 236,00 €
Meeting of open education advocates 1 event 125,00 € 125,00 € 125,00 €
Publications 3 publications 1 135,40 € 3 406,20 € 3 406,20 €
Education program 5 767,20 €
Projects 4,4%
Wikipedia Library 546,00 € 546,00 €
Tech pool 1 800,00 € 1 800,00 €
Projects 2 346,00 €
Projects with external funding 27,4%
Publications 1 brochure 4 413,00 € 4 413,00 € 4 413,00 € OKM2
Upload tool & content donations 6 006,00 € 6 006,00 € OKM
Wikidata & cultural data 4 166,80 € 4 166,80 € OKM
Projects with external funding 14 585,80 €
Projects without specified funding
Community & readership survey
Wikipedia in Simple Finnish
Wikimedia Commons support group
Total 53 267,00 € 53 267,00 €
Proposed funding 2015 H1 2015 H2 Change
Wikimedia Foundation PEG WMF 32 655,00 € 38 681,20 € 18%
Finnish Ministry of Culture OKM / GLAM OKM 0,00 € 10 172,80 €
OKM / Copyright OKM2 0,00 € 4 413,00 €
Total cost of project

53 267,00 €

Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants program

32 655,00 €

Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded

14 585,80 € (0,00 € funded, decisions due in June)

Non-financial requirements


See a description of non-financial assistance available. Please inform the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requests for non-financial assistance now.

Requests for non-financial assistance, if any



Community notification


You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a village pump, talk page, mailing list. Please paste a link below to where the relevant communities have been notified of this proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?




Do you think this project should be selected for a Project and Event Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.