Grants:PEG/WM MX/Annual grant 2014-2015/Report/Half-year report

Interim report accepted
This interim report for a Project and Event Grant has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

Project status

Are you complying with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?
Do you expect this project to be completed by the date specified in the approved grant submission?
Since the GAC and staff revision delayed some months, the money wasn't deposited till December 12, 2015. So, some items will be disbursed so late as January or February 2016.
Did you use any of the grant funds?

Activities and lessons learned



You can read the report of activities of WMMX related to the months since we got the grant in the next links:

The main activities related to this grant are the follow:

1) Editatona

First "Editatona".

In order to accomplish the ratio of 5% of activities related to Gender Gap, our Board member Carmen Alcazar has leaded since January the "Editatona" wich is an edit-a-thon organized by women and about women. We can talk on this as a feminist edit-a-thon.

  • We have had 3 editatonas so far with an average assistance of 13 women per meeting.
Read the post about "Editatona" in Wikimedia blog «The Editatona: Helping women edit Wikipedia in Mexico»
Page on Wikipedia of the First Editatona.
Page on Wikipedia of the Second Editatona.

2) Editathons

Video of the editathon "Wikipedia viaja en el metro". (Recorded with the camera purchased thanks to this grant)

We continue doing thematic editatons. During this year we have had 2 editathons:

  • Wiki ama el cine (Wiki Loves Cinema). We partnered with the main cinema archive in Mexico: Cineteca Nacional. February 14.
Read our report and some metrics about this editathon Reporte. Wikipedia ama al cine.
  • Wikipedia viaja en el metro (Wikipedia travels on subway). An editathon related partenring with the Subway Sistem and Transport authorities in Mexico City. March 7.
See the page of the event in Spanish Wikipedia. Editatón Wikipedia viaja en Metro

Wikipedia Education Program


Since a cuple of years we are applying the WEP in come schools. During the last months we have worked with the follow educative institutions:

Wikimedia México chapter development

Another video recorded with camera Nikon 5200 purchased with the grant, documenting the "Editatona".

We are growing as chapter. We are getting more institutional recognition in our country and inside the Wikimedia movemente. In this grant we asked for a couple of thins needed to mantain our good reputation and solve some needs that our volunteers and our events asked for the last year. During the last months we have evolved by means the next changes:

  • We got an office! Now we have a place to hold our meetings and come together. It will help also during Wikimania 2015 as headquarters.
  • We purchased a videocamera in order to report better our meetings and activities. You can see come ot the videos recorded during these months in Commons.

Lessons learned

What lessons were learned that may help others succeed in similar projects, or that may change the way you are doing this project?
What went well, or is going well?
  • We have balance between programatic actitivies and Wikimania 2015 organization. So far, we are surviving without burnning out our volunteers.
  • In January this year we complete a full year of reporting continously.
  • We are growing our membership.
  • More institutions are asking to work with us.
What did not go well, or is not going well?
  • We still have problems with our bank, now is related to paying of account comissions, we consider that amounts for account manage are too high. We are loosing around $18.5 USD by month and $1.00 USD per check billed.
  • We still are struggling with becoming a more organized and methodical organization. The info flows slowly and our volunteers forgot to apply/answer surveys to get metrics.
From your answers above, do you plan to change anything you are doing as your project continues?
We are looking for a new bank with lower charges but we will delay the change until passing Wikimania.
We will make a talk to aware our volunteers about the importance of reporting.

Outcomes and impact



Provide the original project goal here.
  • To increase the participation in the Wikimedia Foundation projects in more states of the Mexican Republic.
  • To bring continuity to the actual Wikimedia Mexico projects about education, linking with cultural partners and community support.
  • To ensure continuity of the chapter in administrative and financial topics.
  • To optimize the work of spreading the word about the work of the chapter
Do you expect to reach your project's goal? Why or why not?
Because we commited to do it.
Besides, because we have got similar goals in a lower rate during past years and the grant is catalyzing the results.

Progress towards targets and goals

  • We have done more activities outside Mexico City. Our higlights are in Puebla, Aguascalientes and Guadalajara.
  • The WEP continues in 3 universities and the educators are willing to continue with it.
  • We continue learning and growing as chapter. We have now 4 years.

Measures of success


Project metrics

Project metrics Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
5 edit-a-thons of Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikivoyages, Wikinews) projects 4 edit-a-thons We still have half year to complete the last one.
At least 10 talks in schools and 10 in other sites. 40% of these activities should be out of Mexico City. 6 talks. 2 of them (33%) outside Mexico City. We still have half year to complete.
12 monthly workshops 5 so far. We have not failed so far.
At least 2 events (one edit-a-thon and one talk) aimed at reducing the gender gap. 4 (2 talks with 2 edit-a-thons) The event was a success. The participating women are asking for one more.
20 new users per month 13 The calculation is taken mainly from WEP and one editathon. In preliminar results we got at least 60 new users from WEP and 5 from the editathon, what means 13 on average by month. We haven't calculated the new editors from our monthly workshop and other edithons.
At least 200 new or enhanced articles (avg. 17 by month) 104 so far (avg. 21 by month) The calculation is taken mainly from WEP and one editathon. In preliminar results we got at least 61 from ITAM students and 43 from the editathon, what means 20.8 on average by month. We haven't calculated the new articles from our monthly workshop and other edithons.
At least 200 new or enhanced articles (avg. 17 by month) 104 so far (avg. 21 by month) The calculation is taken mainly from WEP and one editathon. In preliminar results we got at least 61 from ITAM students and 43 from the editathon, what means 20.8 on average by month. We haven't calculated the new articles from our monthly workshop and other edithons.

Provide an overall assessment of how your project is going according to these measures.
Accomplished taking on account we are in the half of the year.
While doing this project, have you decided to track any other measures of success not listed in your grant submission? If so, please list them here.

Remember that you will need to report on Global Metrics in your final report.



Remember that you will need to report on your project's impact on WMF's mission and strategic goals in your final report.

Reporting and documentation of expenditures


This section describes the grant's use of funds



Remember that you will need to send receipts or documentation of all project expenses to WMF at the time your final report is submitted.


Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here here.
These expenses should be listed in the same format as the budget table in your approved submission so that anyone reading this report may be able to easily compare budgeted vs. actual expenses.
Note that variances in the project budget over 10% per expense category must be approved in advance by Project and Event Grants program staff. For all other variances, please provide an explanation in the table below.

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Actual cost per unit Actual total Budgeted total Currency Notes
1 1.1-a Catering (Cofee break for events) 1 pack of every product 3 990.25 2,970.76 $6,030.00 ($1,465 per month) MXN We bought only the catering for 3 months to avoid waste food. It was $465 MXN per month cheaper than planned. It has been quite useful during editathons to retain people untill the end.
2 4 Office 1 month leasing 14 12,000 99,369.4 72,000 MXN 1) The total budgeted cost is in fact a wrong calculation. If you see the grant we ask for 14 months x $12,000 MXN, what should be $168,000. But due to a mistake we set as final budget 72,000. Anyway it was cheaper than planned. We would require the difference.
2) Besides the amount of the rent we are paying the service of electricity which wasn't considered in the grant originaly but is essential to work. We have paid so far $620 MXN, it must be paid every two months. We doesn't have internet service in the office, we are thinking in getting a service.
3 5-b Printer (EPSON L350) 1 1 2,468.44 2,468.44 3,850 MXN
4 6-a Renewal of domain and mail services 1 year 1 year 439.64 439.64 450 MXN
5 10-a Travels for talks and/or incubation of new communities into Mexico. 1 1 3,500 1,300 35,000 MXN This item will be disbursed little by little during the year. The costs will vary according to distance and days. The current travel is recent and still pending of reporting.
6 11-a DSLR camera (Nikon 5100) 1 1 11,729.4 11,729.4 11,500 MXN We purchased the model Nikon 5200 for almost the same price. It includes 2 lens.
Total amount spent on this project so far (with currency)
118,897.64 MXN
Total amount of WMF grant funds spent on this project so far (with currency)
118,897.64 MXN
Based on your spending, will you need to request any changes to your budget? If you do, please see the guidelines for requesting changes to your budget.