Grants:PEG/WM RS/Wikimedia Management Congress 2011; Belgrade, Serbia

This was a submission to the Project and Event Grants Program from an group, organization, or individual in 2013-14, but was withdrawn by that group, organization, or individual before a funding decision was delivered.



General information

Legal name of chapter
Wikimedia Serbia/ WMRS
Grant contact name
Mile Kis
Grant contact user-name or e-mail
Grant contact title (position): General secretary
Project lead name
Juliana da Costa José
Project lead user-name or e-mail
Project lead title (position), if any
Conference lead
General Manager
Orsolya Gyenes
General Manager e-mail
Full project name
Wikimedia Management Congress 2011
Amount requested
20575 €, 29809 $
Provisional target start date
October 21, 2011 (official start)
Provisional completion date
October 23, 2011 (official end)

Project scope


At this moment more than 30 Chapters exist in the Wikimedia world and young active Wikipedians want to found new ones on every part of the world.

The problem is that idealism and engagement is enough to make a Chapter successful in the long run. The Chapters need offices, the offices need professional people for managing, foundraising and accounting to support their Community in a satisfying way and without the suspicion of taking advantage of the situation and drag the reputation of the Wikimedia movement into bad light.

The call for professionalization is loud in Wikimedia world. Some pilote projects has started like the Organizational Growth & Development Network. But the problem is: they have been mostly too expensive and limited to a narrow exclusive group, which closed out smaller Chapters. As a matter of fact, especially these poor Chapters need consultation first to grow and become successful to avoid the imbalance of the rich Chapters who get richer and richer, (because they can afford professional delivery) and the poor Chapters who stay on a low financial level, depending on sponsorships of richer Chapters and/or WMF because they cannot afford any faciliation. This is not good for self-confidence and engagement and causes jeallousy and distrust between the Chapters, which is not good for a social cohesion which is urgently needed to make the Wikimedia movement successful!

Wikimedia Management Congress 2011 is a three-day event organized by Wikimedia Serbia and its partners. The concept is justified on the strategy and goals of Wikimedia-movement, which applies to a wider focus. All Chapter should have the chance to give their part for developing the others and themselves in winning and mentoring new users, increasing outreach, development and support of Wikimedia chapters worldwide, their staff, fund-raising and their cooperation with local educational and cultural institutions.

The project will gather existing and planned chapters that are in the forming process. The concept of the congress includes a strong collaboration with local institutions, business, educational and cultural facilities, to give the event a unique character, and empower the identity of the organizing chapter.

We believe that an international civil society gathering for advancing the ”Free Knowledge” movement and solving complex problems is important to be held between stakeholders, not as a side meeting, but a main event in itself.

Application process


There are 60 places for attendees and 10 places for speakers and 15 members of crew.



The attendance fee is arranged in a staggered manner:

  • 30 places with 100% subsidy
  • 16 places with 50% subsidy
  • 14 places with 25% subsidy

Calculation-cost consists of traveling costs, accommodation (4 nights) and food (breakfast, lunch and dinner at the venue). This will be subvented for the participants. To guarantee that attendees will to come to learn and not only to have a “fun-congress” a formal application will be needed. The applicant must bid for attendance and explain:

  • his/her short CV
  • his/her engagement in Wikimedia projects
  • his/her expectations with this event
  • his/her portion to make this event successful
  • why he/she thinks that he/she is the right person to come to this congress

Decisions will be made by the members of the program committee, the board of WMRS (the host of the event) and one member of WMC’s financial supporting Chapters. Two persons per Chapter are invited to join the event.



The speakers' travel-, food- and hotelcosts will be fully paid.



Crew will get food for free at the venue.

Project goals


Wikimedia Management Congress is one of the largest NGO events in Europe and, as such, it is one of the most important events of the continent. This congress established both local and global goals to fulfill.

Local goals


One of the primary goals of WMRS coincides with the global aims of WMC and that is professionalism. Besides this, the host itself has a lot of goals:

The most important will be to promote WMRS and Wikimedia projects in the Republic of Serbia and support free knowledge in the Balkan region. We'd like society to benefit from our work and reach new levels of attainment. We want to help spread free access to knowledge in Serbia, increase fund-raising and develop Serbian Wikimedia projects.

In order to do that, WMRS is planning a media conference for WMC which will also promote our goals to the public. Appearing in local newspapers and broadcasts in television channels will make fund-raising for future projects within WMRS easier.

WMRS is one of the oldest chapters and organized more than 200 meetings of Wikipedians and Wikimedians in the last six years. Over 1500 people attended these events altogether. Four of them were regional, with participants from several European countries. Every conference organized so far has relied solely on voluntary work of the members. See:

Within these projects WMRS was able to build fruitful relationships with several organizations like:

For more, please visit the following links:

Most importantly, it helped to establish Creative Commons Serbia. We hope we will continue to join further cooperations after the conference.

Global goals


WMC is planning to gather existing and forming chapters. Enabling them to attend the Wikimedia Management Congress will provide strong support for their efforts to promote Wiki projects in their countries or region.

WMC’s global goal is to help chapters with similar situations through thematic workshops on how to manage, achieve and improve projects in their target area using the Wikipedia platform.

From a sociological point of view, this event, which brings together participants from all around the world, will contribute to a better communication between local branches and let us exchange ideas, experiences and problems that actually are faced by each & every organization. We will invite external experts and Wikimedians to give lectures on different topics and have participants learn from their successful projects.

The core of the congress is the “learning by teaching”, because the chapters have different levels of professionalization. All chapters have their strong points, and their weak ones, too, that block effective work and collaboration in the worldwide movement. Through helping each other, the chapters will be more team players as they will realize the importance of social solidarity and protection overarching national and ethnic borders.

One big issue will be conflict management: there will be talks about teaching new users about accepting and handling social and psychological problems and issues.

At the end of WMC there will be a discussion about what we have learned. All content will be provided for download after the event.



The congress is divided into three thematic parts: Office, Wikimedia external and Wikimedia internal projects.


  • running an office: leadership, innovation, communication and press, staff recruitment, development and retention, capacity building and sustainability,
  • accounting and rights: fiscal management and employment rights and problems, successful fund-raising: proposal and report writing; budgeting and accountability; campaign marketing, media and public relations; team building,
  • successful project-management: strategic planning; implementation and deliverables, motivation of volunteers, insurance and rights, project-management software, team-working problems, psychological items like avoiding burn-outs and frustration, how to deal with conflicts and jealousy or aggressions

Wikimedia external projects

  • organizing workshops/work with schools and universities: project mapping, pedagogical basics, problems with working with kids and young people, organizing cultural events: event management basics, targeted proposals, calculating budgets, reporting and accountability, finding sponsors and supporters without "selling your soul to the devil", the special work with artists and copyrights,
  • work with press and media: communications strategy basics, writing a press release, internal and external communication; give and conduct interviews, media competence
  • win and work with VIPSs: win notabilities and other “Very Important People” for fund-raising campaigns and for support of important projects

Wikimedia internal projects

  • win and mentoring new users: creating appeal or program, motivating and teaching the Wiki-Syntax, contribution and editing protocols; research of sources, writing and uploading an article, problems with licences, working with photos, videos or animations
  • conflict management: basic people management, communication, anti-aggression training, how to handle psychological and social problems of users, understanding the general environment, support parameters for users and chapters, special-case management
  • Wikimedia-world: grant and support systems, how to use the different Wikis, Channels and Groups, the “Who-is-who” in WM-World, the “Go´s” and “No-Go´s” in the system

Non-financial requirements


We are open for any offer.

Fit to strategy


The project will help chapters to manage their projects (with the above mentioned seminars and workshops and the possibility of different Wiki projects to have a better running organization or Wikipedia) and participation (either in the chapter or by engaging new people to participate in different Wikimedia projects). Organizing such an event would increase our chances to work with other chapters and other organizations outside the Wikimedia world.

Other benefits

  • Cooperation with business companies
  • Local government attention and cooperation
  • Partnership with cultural institutions
  • Media cooperation and mass media attention by a press conference and press release
  • All attendees and organizers will get certificates for job-related CV

Measures of success

  • The main measure of success are the practical skills. The core of the concept is not to discuss things, it is to learn how to handle things. The “how to” of being professional.
  • Media attention is also a great measurement. If we can convince the major Eastern European newspapers and newsportals to spread the word about Wikimedia we can use the contacts to increase fund-raising campaigns to get more donation for all upcoming chapters of the Balkan region.
  • The conference is successful if it creates organizational growth and development among the project participants. More specifically, success will be defined as follows:
    • On the last day we will survey the participants about the event and we will also ask how the conference changed their goals or strategy. If each participating chapter has set up for itself at least 1 project to put together in the following year while engaging all significant stakeholders, that is a success.
    • Three months later we will ask for feedback and see how they implemented the knowledge into their chapter-work. If 10 Chapters could use what they learned, we will consider it as a great success. After the conference we will make all the presentations available for download at our website.



Budget breakdown


Original on GoogleDocs

Please note that the budget breakdown will be in Serbian dinar (RSD) for exact calculation, US dollar and EUR value only for comparison purpose.
Rate: 1 USD ~ 67.8022 RSD; 1 EUR ~ 98.2318 RSD

Preparation & Fundraising

A No Preparation and fund raising Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Communication cost (cellular and fax) 2 persons 5 months 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Print and papers 5 months 3,000.00 15,000.00 221,23 152,70
3 Fundraising approach (transport reimbursement) 5 months 4,000.00 20,000.00 294.98 203.60
4 Coordination meeting 5 months 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Banner (Logo) design for the website 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 Posters 6 600.00 3,600.00 53.10 36.65
Subtotal RSD 38,600.00 USD 569,30 EUR 392.95


  • For items number 1,4 and 5 cost is free - decision of volunteers from WMRS

Fundraising in cooperation with Dom omladine Beograd

B No Preparation & Fundraising Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Transport (to embassy) 2 persons 3 months 12,000.00 24,000.00 353.97 244.32
2 Courier (mail cost) 2 persons 3 months 3,000.00 6,000.00 88.49 61.08
Subtotal RSD 30,000.00 USD 442.46 EUR 305.40

Crew's training

C No Crew's training Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Auditorium rent cost (beginners training, August 25; advanced training, August 30) 2 persons 2 days 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Trainer meals and transportation 2 persons 2 days 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Participant meals (beginners training, August 25) 15 persons 1 day 100.00 1,500.00 22.12 15.27
4 Participant meals (advance training, August 30) 15 persons 1 day 100.00 1,500.00 22.12 15.27
5 Training equipment for participant (handouts) 15 persons 2 days 50.00 1,500.00 22.12 15.27
Subtotal RSD 4.500,00 USD 66.37 EUR 45.81


  • Auditorium is donation of DOB
  • Trainer meals and transport is free - decision of trainer
  • Assistant transports - decision of assistent

Accommodation and meals for the organizers

D No Accommodation and meals Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Apartement 1 apartments 1 month 73,673.85 73,673.85 1,086.60 750.00
2 Meals 4 persons 21 days 2,200.00 184,860.00 2,725.50 1,881.26
3 Transport for Home-Belgrade-Home 4 persons 52,000.00 766.94 529.36
Subtotal RSD 310,474.00 USD 4,579.11 EUR 3,160.62

Meals for crew

E No Meals for crew Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Lunch 15 persons 3 days 687.62 30,943.02 456.37 316.00
2 Dinner 15 persons 3 days 687.62 30,943.02 456.37 316.00
Subtotal RSD 72,200.37 USD 1,064.87 EUR 735.00

Accommodation for chapter members

F No Accommodation Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Accommodation 60 persons 4 night 2,652.26 636,542.06 9,388,22 6.480.00
Subtotal RSD 636,542.06 USD 9,388,22 EUR 6.480.00

Meals for chapter members

G No Meals for chapter members Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Breakfast 60 persons 4 days - - - -
2 Lunch 60 persons 3 days 687.62 123,772.07 1,825.49 1,260.00
3 Dinner 60 persons 4 days 687.62 165,029.42 2,433.98 1,680.00
Subtotal RSD 288,801.00 USD 4,239.47 EUR 2,940.00


  • This is the calculation for 60 participants

Snacks & refreshments for all participants

G No Snack Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Juice, water and coffee during the break-time 90 persons 3 day 21,333.33 64,000.00 943.92 651.52
Subtotal RSD 64,000.00 USD 943.92 EUR 651.52


H No Homepage Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Domain 1 domain N/A days
2 Hosting 1 host 1 year
3 Wiki 1 wiki 1 year
Subtotal RSD N/A USD N/A EUR N/A


Technical equipment

I No Technical equipment Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Video projector with projection screen 1 prices 3 days 2,946.93 8,840.86 130.39 90.00
2 Laptop 3 pieces 3 days 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Printer 1 pieces 3 day 7,000.00 7,000.00 103.24 71.26
4 Cables 15 persons 1 day 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Flipchart table 3 pieces 2 days 9,200.00 27,600.00 407.07 280.97
Subtotal RSD 15,840.86 USD 640.70 EUR 442.23

Name tags

J No Name tags Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Name tags 100 persons 100.00 10,000.00 147.49 101.80
Subtotal RSD 10,000.00 USD 147.49 EUR 101.80

Program leaflets

K No Program leaflets Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Program leaflets 100 persons 100.00 10,000.00 147.49 101.80
Subtotal RSD 10,000.00 USD 147.49 EUR 101.80


L No Venue Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Venue 1 venue 3 days 610,125.57 9,630.57 6,000.00
2 Technical support 3 pieces 3 days 44,204.31 651.96 450.00
3 Wifi 3 day 2,000.00 6,000.00 88.49 61.08
4 Security 2 persons 3 days 14,734.77 217.32 150.00
Subtotal RSD 654,329.88 USD 9,650.57 EUR 6,621.08


M No Accommodation, meals and travel cost Qty Unit Qty Unit Unit Price (RSD) Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Accommodation 10 person 3 night 2,652.26 106,090.34 1,564.70 1,080.00
2 Meals 10 persons 3 days 2,062.87 20,628.68 304.25 210.00
3 Travel cost 10 persons 400,000.00 5,899.51 4,072.00
4 Visa N/A persons N/A N/A N/A
Subtotal RSD 526,719.02 USD 7,768.47 EUR 5,362.00

Total cost

Total A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I + J + K + L + M RSD 1,993,516.74 USD 29,809.01 EUR 20,574.97

No Revised Total Price (RSD) Total Amount (USD) Total Amount (EUR)
1 Dom omladine Beograd 589,390.80 8,692.00 6,000.00
2 Twoonix 34,600.00 510.31 352.23
3 Wikimedia HU 10,000.00 147.49 101.80
4 Wikimedia Serbia 34,500.00 508.83 351.21
Subtotal RSD 668,490.80 USD 9,859.43 EUR 6,805.24

Travel costs


Additional information


Financial support

  • things that we got for free:
    • free venue for 3 days (6.000 €)
    • free website, design and logo (100€)
    • free website hosting, domain and email addresses (60€)
    • free projectors (400€)
    • free microphones (100€)
    • free chairs and tables (250€)
    • free flipchart tables (200€)
    • free cleaning service (60€)
    • free PR and media relations personnel (100€)
    • free technicians at the venue (150€) it is doubled
    • free site manager of the venue (100€)
    • free car to use during the congress with our logo (3500€)

Total saved more than 11.500€.

  • things we got for a lower price:
    • All partners of WMC will give us discount to make the congress happen:
    • hotel - 30%
    • security - 60%
    • catering service - 30%
    • venue - 100%
    • cleaning service - 100%
    • technicial staff of the venue (2 persons) 50%

In total we saved more than 15.000€.

The WMF has committed (during WMCON2011) to support this event, if it takes place, by up to $15,000, pending an approved project plan and there being funders for the rest of the budget.

Other support


The following Chapters experessed their support throghout written communication to us or/and would be interested to send lecturers:

  • Wikimedia Hungary
  • Wikimedia Indonesia
  • Wikimedia Kenya
  • Wikimedia Macedonia
  • Wikimedia Mexico

We thank very much for all partners, helpers and supporters of the WMC 2011!