Grants:PEG/WM US-NYC/Internship Program 1/Report
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:PEG/WM US-NYC/Internship Program 1.
- You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
- You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.
(High-res version on Internet Archive)
Project Goal: To expand Wikimedia NYC's capacity for working in the real world and interacting with local institutions though a student internship program.
Description of actual activities:
- G. Mugar. Developed Wikipedia:Videos as the first-ever Wikipedia video style guide, led WikiProject Lights Camera Wiki and produced several architectural videos to seed the initiative, and worked on Wikimedia NYC cooperation with the Open Video Alliance's effort.
- His video work was presented and discussed at the Multimedia Usability Project Meeting France in November 2009, at the Wikimedia Conference 2010 in April 2010 (where he joined as one of the representatives of the chapter), and at Wikimania (Let's Get Video on Wikipedia) in July 2010.
- WikiProject Lights Camera Wiki has subsequently been the inspiration for several Wikipedia ambassador classes by professor Jennifer Geigel Mikulay, and has been a jumping-off for a new video initiative by Andrew Lih.
- Since his "graduation", we have been proud to designate him a 'Wikimedia NYC Alumni Fellow', with his exceptional energy in continued Wikimedia video work, and to see his role as a Wikipedia Campus Ambassador at Syracuse University and in organizing a task force to support several universities in the Syracuse area.
What lessons were learned that could help others succeed in similar projects?
- G. Mugar with his specialized video skills, nonprofit experience, and continuing dedication, was a unique get for the chapter in expanding its cultural outreach at an early stage of its history. His still-deep involvement in the Wikimedia movement is a great bonus.
What impact did the project have on WMF mission goals of Increased Reach, Increased Quality, Increased Credibility, Increased and Diversified Participation?
- The project increased the quality and reach of Wikimedia by encouraging a new medium of contribution (video), and by developing increased and diversified participation from the video community and from education projects expanding beyong wikitext (which in Mikulay's case was a course at an all-women's college). The project also increased our credibility and sharing of resources with the local participants of the Open Video Alliance.
Detail of expenditures:
- G. Mugar: $1000 - stipend for Fall 2009 & Spring 2010
Amount underspent in US Dollars:
- $0
Will you be requesting re-allocation of remaining grant funding?
- N/A