Grants:PEG/WM US-NYC/Kick start/Report
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:PEG/WM US-NYC/Kick start.
- You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
- You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.

Combining Grants:WM US-NYC/Kick start and Grants:WM US-NYC/Kick start supplement
Project Goal:
Establish the community presence of Wikimedia New York City by developing a sounder legal and structural basis, and by hosting some events focused on broad outreach to the local newbie and non-wiki community.
Description of actual activities:
The Kick Start grant has been largely spent on chapter infrastructure costs.
What lessons were learned that could help others succeed in similar projects?
- It is possible and very valuable to have the pro bono assistance of a legal team experienced in nonprofit governance, to assist with corporate and charitable status filings. It is also valuable to establish a part-time physical presence and regular recurring outreach events, but thought must be given to programmatic variety.
What impact did the project have on WMF mission goals of Increased Reach, Increased Quality, Increased Credibility, Increased and Diversified Participation?
- These projects increased and diversified participation and reach through regular wiki-workshops for newbies of a wide range of ethnicity, gender, age and tech knowledge; these attracted new types of interested people who could perhaps not be reached by online-only efforts. Our credibility was solidified through recognition as a tax-exempt charitable organization, as recognized by New York State and the US Internal Revenue Service; and also by the establishment of a part-time office. We also fostered the development of stronger Free Culture Alliance NYC, and student and community groups ties, though our participation in, and hosting of some activities of the Free Culture Conference at NYU.
Detail of expenditures: The Kick start grant and the supplement each provided $1500, so the chapter had $3000 total for these projects.
- US$52 on banking fees in 2009
- US$1800 office space, $300 per month for January 2011-June 2011
- Wiki Workhops at office space (Newbie Wiki Workshop)
- February
- April
- May
- June
- Free Culture Conference participation and party hosting at office space (Wikipedia:Meetup/NYC/February 2011)
- US$1151 legal registration as 501(c)3, a United States based non-profit organization
Total - US$3003
Amount underspent in US Dollars:
- $0
Will you be requesting re-allocation of remaining grant funding?
- N/A