Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Decolonizing Wikipedia

statusYear 2 plan funded
Decolonizing Wikipedia
As a feminist, anti-colonial organization, we seek a dramatic transformation in the nature and forms of knowledge that are accepted and shared on Wikipedia and the internet at large, as well as in the backgrounds and identities of knowledge creators and curators online. This proposal seeks to strengthen the programmatic work we have been developing for the last five years in which we support the leadership of marginalized communities to share their own stories and knowledges online.
start date2022-01-01T00:00:00Z2022-01-01
end date2023-12-31T00:00:00Z2023-12-31
budget (local currency)357964 USD
amount requested (USD)357964 USD
amount recommended (USD)357964
grant typeWikimedia Affiliate (chapter, thematic org., or user group)
funding regionNA
decision fiscal year2021-22
funding program roundRound 1
applicant and people related to proposalAdele Godoy Vrana: User: Aadele Anasuya Sengupta: User: Anasuyas
organization (if applicable)Whose Knowledge?
Midpoint Learning Report 

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Applicant details


Wikimedia username(s):

Adele Godoy Vrana: User: Aadele

Anasuya Sengupta: User: Anasuyas


Whose Knowledge?

Have you received grants from the Wikimedia Foundation before?

Applied previously and did receive a grant

Have you received grants from any non-wiki organization before?


Which organization(s) did you receive grants from?

The Andrew Mellon Foundation

The National Lottery Community Fund Open Society Foundations Lankelly Chase The Rumi Foundation The Tyler Riggs Foundation The Christopher Reynolds Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Organization details


What is your organization or group's mission?

We are a global multilingual campaign to center the knowledge of marginalized communities (the minoritized majority of the world) on the internet. With our communities, we are re-imagining and re-designing the internet to be for and from us all.

If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has. (optional)

Grant proposal


Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be a title for the Meta-Wiki page.

Decolonizing Wikipedia

Where will this proposal be implemented?

International (more than one country across continents or regions)

Indicate if it is a local, international, or regional proposal and if it involves several countries? (optional)


If you have answered regional or international, please write the country names and any other information that is useful for understanding your proposal.

What are the main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?

Historical and current structures of power and privilege continue to define what is considered “received” or “accepted” knowledge, who creates it, and how. Institutions and individuals embedded in systems of capitalism, colonization, patriarchy, racism, homophobia, and beyond have actively undermined, destroyed, or appropriated the knowledges of much of the world’s populations. This has led to severe knowledge (or “epistemic”) injustices against marginalized communities.

Take Wikipedia for example, the “world’s” encyclopedia, and the foremost source of free public knowledge online: only 20% of the world (primarily white male editors from North America and Europe) edits 80% of Wikipedia currently, and only 1 in 10 of the editors is female. The result is that there are more articles written about Antarctica than about most countries in Africa.

These inequities extend to visual knowledge on Wikipedia. Less than ¼ of Wikipedia biographies represent women. Many biographies of notable women don’t exist or are incomplete. And, when women’s faces are missing from Wikipedia, that invisibility spreads. Wikipedia it is in the top 20 most visited sites in the world, so gaps in Wikipedia have a big impact on the broader internet.

To address these challenges, we are focusing on these 3 main programs for the next 2 years:

Decolonizing Wikipedia

In partnership with Wikimedians, feminist and women’s organizations and GLAM institutions from around the world, we organize #VisibleWikiWomen, an annual campaign to add more diverse and quality images of women to Commons and Wikipedia. Over the last three years, it has brought online 15000 images of diverse women on Commons and Wikipedia, and has become widely recognized for its impact on Wikipedia’s gender gap.

Decolonizing the Internet's Archives

For the next two years, we will focus on expanding our Decolonizing the Internet efforts around digital archives by creating a safe and productive space in which community-based and institutional archivists can come together to share their experiences and develop critical decolonizing practices for archives currently and into the future.

State of the Internet's Languages

As we consider language to be a proxy for knowledge, we’ve partnered with researchers at the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) and Oxford Internet Institute (OII) to develop an openly-licensed multilingual and multiformat “State of the Internet’s Languages” (STIL) Report to be published in 2022.

What is the main objective of your proposal?

As a feminist, anti-colonial organization, we seek a dramatic transformation in the nature and forms of knowledge that are accepted and shared on Wikipedia and the internet at large, as well as in the backgrounds and identities of knowledge creators and curators online.

This proposal seeks to strengthen the programmatic work we have been developing for the last five years in which we support the leadership of marginalized communities to share their own stories and knowledges online.

Describe your main strategies to achieve this objective and the main activities you will be developing as part of these strategies.

Decolonizing Wikipedia

Key strategies for this program:

  • Bring new, high-quality images of women to Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia
  • Build partnerships and grow the network of non-Wikimedia partners
  • Increase team’s and local organizers’s capacity


  • Create workflows and resources for our campaign kit that especially support uploaders who are new to Wikimedia
  • Use a wide variety of communication channels to promote the campaign and encourage participants
  • Organize and host #VWW edit-a-thons and workshops
  • Hire a Global South-based Decolonizing Wikipedia Coordinator to manage and facilitate all the relevant activities for this program

Decolonizing the Internet's Archives

Key strategies for this program:

  • Create connections between institutional and community archives
  • Produce new community-led resources


  • Organize and host a virtual convening for a Knowledge Sprint to Decolonize Archives
  • Create an Advisory group of community archivists and institutional archivists
  • Hire a DTI Archives program coordinator to manage and facilitate all the relevant activities for this program

State of the Internet's Languages

Key strategies for this program:

  • Disseminate the “State of the Internet’s Languages” report as an awareness-raising tool, to help build an agenda for action, and to establish a baseline for assessing future actions
  • Build and expand public and institutional knowledge around language as a key proxy for knowledge, with significant mentions in mainstream media, knowledge and technology spaces
  • Expand community-led language initiatives: pilot up community-led language projects to test new approaches to language-related content and tech creation, curation and preservation


  • Publish and amplify the State of the Internet’s Languages report through 2022 and track the progress of the multilingual internet, by doing new research in 2023.
  • Create an Advisory group for Languages. We will rely on the expertise and experience of our language advisors as we explore and test new language-based approaches and tools that will come out of our community pilots
  • Hire a Languages Coordinator to manage and facilitate all the relevant activities for this program

Please state if you will be carrying out any of these activities within your programs? Select all that apply.

Organizing Meet-up online, Workshops, Edit-A-Thons, Train-the-Trainer, Photo/Media campaign

Are you running any in-person events or activities?


Please state if your proposal aims to work on any of the identified content knowledge gaps?

Content Gender gap, Geography, Language, Socioeconomic Status, Sexual Orientation, Cultural background, ethnicity, religion, racial

Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or thematic focus.

Advocacy, Human Rights, Culture, heritage or GLAM , Open Technology, Diversity

Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities? Select all categories that apply.

Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Geographic , Ethnic/racial/religious or cultural background, Disabilities, Linguistic / Language, Socioeconomic status, Digital Access

Please tell us more about your target participants.

Our target participants are people from the marginalized majority of the world including women, people of color, LGBTQI communities, Indigenous peoples and Global South communities, as we work together with them to center and amplify their knowledges online.

Our practices are as important as our frames and this translates into intentional, nuanced and powerful activities that center these marginalized communities.

For instance we design events where these communities are first in the room. About 80% of participants in our events are female identifying, in or from the Global South, and Indigenous or people of color.

We create welcoming spaces where these communities feel safe, heard and affirmed. We practice our feminist principles of love, respect and solidarity, by which we support attendees to be fully present in the room in heart, mind and body, while respecting themselves and each other, and being aware of our own privileges.

We seek to build community and create connections as we engage with unlikely allies, within and outside our movement. When we co-host and convene these critical spaces for conversation and reflections, we make sure to create channels for participants to keep having conversations, sharing resources and learning experiences via multiple channels (such as mailing lists, groups in a messaging app, etc).

Our website, podcast and newsletter are also open for guest publications and community features, so members of our communities can share their own work, experiences and reflections more widely.

Do you have plans to work with other Wikimedia communities, groups or affiliates in your country, or in other countries, to implement this proposal?


Please tell us about these connections online and offline and how you have let Wikimedia communities know about this proposal.

From its founding in 2016 as a global campaign and Wikimedia user group, Whose Knowledge? has been deeply involved in supporting new and experienced Wikimedia communities to challenge our existing knowledge and visual gaps.

We have partnered with a number of Wikimedia organizations and user groups, including through our #VisibleWikiWomen campaigns, served as an equity consultant to working groups in the Wikimedia 2018-20 strategy process, supported the Wikimania 2018 team to develop an equity-focused theme and most recently partnered with Wiki Movemento Brazil and Wikimedia Germany to co-host the Decolonizing The Internet’s Structured Data convening as a pre-conference event of WikidataCon 2021.

Due to limited team capacity, we were unable to build a participatory review process around this proposal as we strive to do. That said, we intend to share this proposal and gather feedback from our concurrently with the regional committee review.

Will you be working with other external, non-Wikimedian partners to implement this proposal?


Please describe these partnerships.

Since 2018 we have partnered with culture and memory institutions, Wikipedia editors, user groups, chapters, and women’s & feminist organizations, including AWID and Word Pulse, to bring more women’s images to Wikipedia.

We will also be focusing on creating and expanding our current network of archivists and people’s archives as part of our Decolonizing the Internet’s Archives, as well as our networks of organizations and individuals who are already working on multilinguality, and would like to amplify the findings and reflections of the State of Internet’s Languages report.

Besides our outreach and awareness work, over the past years we’ve worked to support marginalized communities in multiple ways, including by co-creating Numun Fund, the first dedicated fund for feminist technology in and for the Global South. The fund seeks to seed technological infrastructures for feminist activism, organizations, and movements led by women, non-binary and trans people.

How do you hope to sustain or expand the work carried out in this proposal after the grant?

  • Our shared frames and practices: All our transformative outcomes for knowledge justice on a decolonized internet are based on changing people’s worldviews and practices around knowledge and scholarship. Since decolonization for us is critically about changing the practices of power, we care less for specific attribution of our work, and far more about how useful and effective our work is in practical terms, in different spaces. This means that the work continues far beyond us, in ways that are often unanticipated and powerful.
  • Our learning resources: At the core of our long term sustainability strategy, is the resilience of the learning products and resources created through the support of the Foundation. We will continue to maintain our website with our openly licensed resources and media section, in multiple languages, for the ease of anyone wishing to adapt and use these.
  • Our networks and connections: the relationships of trust and collaboration we have built and are continuing to build ensure that our work and learnings are shared across different institutions, constituencies, and sectors.
  • Our radical, creative forms of communication: we see our communications work at the heart of what we do, as it allows us to share our decolonizing frames beyond our existing communities and amplify the voices, faces, stories, and knowledges of marginalized communities by speaking with and alongside them rather than “for” them.

Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?

List of team:

Co-Director (Anasuya Sengupta) User: Anasuyas Co-Director (Adele Mara Godoy Vrana) User: Aadele Communications Co-Lead (Claudia Pozo) User: Tinaral Communications Co-Lead (Priscila Bellini) User: Pribellini Communications Co-Lead (Vacant) Operations Lead (Ashima Bhardwaj) User: AshWK Fundraising Lead (Vacant) Decolonizing Wikipedia Coordinator (Mariana Fossatti) User: Señoritaleona VWW Coordinator (Vacant) Decolonizing Digital Archives Coordinator (Vacant) State of the Internet's Languages Coordinator (Vacant) Strategy Consultant (Mandy Van Deven) Organizational Wellness Consultant (Mandisa Mbaligontsi)

Board Members:

  • Amanda Menking (Feminist scholar at the University of Washington Information School, USA) - Secretary
  • Camille Emefa Acey (Mother, wife, tech worker, public speaker, podcaster, and an activist/organizer. Founding member of the Collective for Liberation, Ecology, and Technology) - Chair
  • Dumisani Ndubane (Convenor of first WikiIndaba for African Wikimedians, South Africa) - Director
  • Garfield Byrd (Chief Financial Officer, Kipp Foundation, USA) - Treasurer
  • Karien Bezuidenhout (Director, Shuttleworth Foundation, South Africa) - Director
  • Oona Castro (Digital rights activist and journalist, Brazil) - Director

Advisors group:

  • Jac SM Kee (Manager, Women’s Rights Program, Association of Progressive Communications, Malaysia)
  • María Sefidari (Professor of Digital Communications, Culture and Citizenship, Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, Spain)
  • Mark Graham (Senior Research Fellow and Associate Professor, Oxford Internet Institute, UK)
  • Nadine Moawad (APC EROTICS Coordinator, Nasawiya, Lebanon)
  • Sucheta Ghoshal (Open source web developer and human-centered computing researcher at Georgia Tech, USA)
  • Wendy Hanamura (Director of Partnerships, The Internet Archive, USA)

In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select a maximum of three options that most apply.

Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement, Provide for Safety and Inclusion, Ensure Equity in Decision-making, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development, Identify Topics for Impact, Innovate in Free Knowledge

Please state if your organization or group has a Strategic Plan that can help us further understand your proposal. You can also upload it here. (optional)      

Upload Strategic Plan

Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation


What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?

Our key learning questions are:

1. How do we support marginalized communities to feel safe, secure, and supported in bringing their knowledges onto Wikimedia projects and becoming contributors?

2. How do we work to build greater allyship and understanding within the current Wikimedia communities for the challenges that marginalized communities face in becoming contributors?

3. What are the most useful ways in which our experiences can help shift and transform Wikimedia practices so that they can be grounded in knowledge justice (and multiple epistemologies)?

Core Metrics


Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target
Number of participants This metric includes users who participated in our campaign by joining online or in-person workshops with Whose Knowledge? and partner organizations, from feminist networks to GLAM institutions.

The total for 2022 is 350 participants and for 2023 is 450 participants.

Number of editors Newly registered editors who have created their accounts during/as a result of workshops organized/co-organized by Whose Knowledge?. The number will be later complemented with the metric for returning members, as a means to identify who the contributors are, who keep coming back to Wikipedia and what strategies have worked to retain them.

The total for 2022 is 75 editors and the total for 2023 is 100 editors.

Number of organizers The total for 2022 is 15 organizers and the total for 2023 is 20 organizers. 35
Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target
Wikimedia Commons *5000 images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and at least 150 edits to Wikimedia projects by 2022
  • 7500 images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and at least 200 edits to Wikimedia projects by 2023
  • ⅓ of the images uploaded featuring women from/in the Global South

If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation.


Additional Metrics


Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.

Additional Metrics Description Target
Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A
Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A
Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability Strategic partnerships with organizations that work with Wikimedia projects, as well as community-centered initiatives and GLAM institutions in the Global South.

The total number will be 40 strategic partnerships in 2022 and 60 partnerships in 2023.

Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors Post-event forms collected from all activities listed in this application (10 events/year in 2022, 15 events/year in 2023)

Participants’ feedback from pre- and post-event forms and surveys, and other ways of involvement, including quotes and interviews to be featured in reports and blog posts.

Diversity of participants brought in by grantees Target: at least ⅓ of participants are in/from the Global South, ½ identify as women or non-binary, are indigenous/black/people of colors in origin.

Number of participants who are in/from the Global South, identify as women or non-binary persons, and are indigenous/black/people of color(s) in origin. Information will be collected as part of registry forms.

Number of people reached through social media publications *6000 followers on Twitter by 2022, and 7000 followers by 2023;
  • 300,000 impressions on Twitter in the months of #VisibleWikiWomen campaign in 2022;
  • 400,000 impressions on Twitter in the months of #VisibleWikiWomen campaign in 2023;
  • 300 mentions on Twitter in the months of the #VisibleWikiWomen campaign in 2022;
  • 400 mentions on Twitter in the months of the #VisibleWikiWomen campaign in 2023
Number of activities developed Number of workshops and edit-a-thons organized in partnership with organizations in the Global South, GLAM institutions, and feminist networks.

10 #VisibleWikiWomen events organized by 2022 15 #VisibleWikiWomen events organized by 2023

Number of volunteer hours N/A N/A

What other information will you be collecting to learn about the impact of your work? (optional)

Number of different Wikipedias and Wikimedia projects that we’ll contribute to, and the nature of these contributions

What tools would you use to measure each metric selected?


Events metrics Social media analytics

How do you hope to share these results so that others can learn from them?

Create a training workshop to show others what we learned, Share results on social media, Share results with our communities, Develop learning material for other users, Share it on Meta-Wiki

Financial Proposal


What is the amount you are requesting from WMF? Please provide this amount in your local currency. If you are thinking about a multi-year fund, please provide the amount for the first year.

357964 USD

What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?

357964 USD

Do you want to apply for multi-year funding?      


If you have calculated it, please provide an estimate of the year 2 or year 3 request.

The total amount for the Year 2 Request is : $189,086

It is a 11.97% increase from Year 1 Request.

Please share your budget for this proposal.  

Whose Knowledge? 2022 Budget
  • Total Program Expenses: $237,000
  • Total Personnel Expenses: $658,580
  • Total Infrastructure Expenses: $61,200
  • Operating Reserves: $75,000

Whose Knowledge? Total 2022 Budget: $1,031,780

Total WMF Grant 2022 Budget

  • Total Program Expenses: $24,700
  • Total Personnel Expenses: $136,638
  • Total Infrastructure Expenses: $7,540

WMF Grant Total 2022: $168,878

Whose Knowledge? 2023 Budget

  • Total Program Expenses: $120,000
  • Total Personnel Expenses: $670,140
  • Total Infrastructure Expenses: $68,200
  • Operating Reserves: $100,000

Whose Knowledge? Total 2023 Budget: $958,340

Total WMF Grant 2023 Budget

  • Total Program Expenses: $36,000
  • Total Personnel Expenses: $145,656
  • Total Infrastructure Expenses: $7,430

WMF Grant Total 2023: $189,086

What do you do to make sure there is a good management of funds?

Strategy Alignment:

WK? hosts a quarterly strategy and goals check in with the team to ensure that our work is in alignment with our overall strategy, and is on track to meet its goals set in our grant applications. A quarterly budget and cash flow presentation is shared during these checkins.

Board Approvals: WK? presents it’s most updated cash flow statements as well as quarterly budgets to our Board Members. Our Budget for the years of 2021-23 has been board approved.

Streamlined internal systems: WK? sends every transaction for approval to our coordinating committee and processes each one of those with dual approvals, both within systems as well as within our bank. We also carefully and systematically organize and store all documents related to grant funds, agreements, legal documents and payments.

Accounting and Bookkeeping: We have an experienced CPA who will be filing our tax returns and guiding our accounting practices. We use QBO to keep a track of our funds.

How will you contribute towards creating a supportive environment for participants using the UCOC and Friendly Space Policy?

We have always been really intentional in acknowledging and incorporating the UCOC and the Friendly Space policy in all our events and everyday interactions with event participants and our communities.

We also make sure they know what process to follow and who they can go to if they need to make use of these instruments and processes. In addition to these policies, our feminist, anti-colonial and anti-racist values guides our duty of care practices on and off-wiki.

Please use this optional space to upload any documents that you feel are important for further understanding your proposal.

Staffing plan or organogram:
Other public document(s):

Final Message


By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.

We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


Year 2 Plan

Annual Plan for Year 2

1.1. Please upload or indicate a link for Year 2 Annual Plan. (required)

1.2. Please describe any major changes in your Annual Plan. If there are changes that require a budget change, please specify. (required)

We don't have major changes planned for 2023, but we have the same updates that we'd like to share.

Decolonizing Wikipedia: We will continue to transform not only the contributor and content base on Wikipedia and its sister projects, but also bring to them multiple epistemologies or ways of knowing and being. In particular, in partnership with Wikimedians, feminist and women’s organizations and GLAM institutions from around the world, we will continue to organize #VisibleWikiWomen, our annual campaign to add more diverse and quality images of women to Commons and Wikipedia, thereby changing what the visual responses to online searches might look like (for e.g. does a Black woman come up when you search for ‘scientist’?). In 2023 will organize the 6th edition of #VisibleWikiWomen and #WomenofColours. We also want to convene a second round of conversations on decolonising structured data.

Decolonizing the Internet's Archives (Whose Digital Archives?): Over 2023, we intend to bring together marginalized community archivists and archival institutions, to create a set of resources that will document and expand the practices of marginalized communities leading their own knowledge curation and archival processes, and honor the radical politics and imaginations of our communities. Through Whose (Digital) Archives?, we hope to challenge the hegemonies of mainstream archives and museums, and contribute to the vital and essential work of people’s archives. Our plan for 2023 includes:

  • Complete the hiring of a Co-Coordinator for Whose (Digital) Archives?, who will work with Kelly Foster (our WDA Co-Coordinator for the UK and Afro-descendant diasporas)
  • Expand our advisory circle for archives globally
  • Convene conversations with particular radical archival communities (for example in the UK and South Asia) to explore and map needs and challenges
  • Convene skills and capacity building workshops, and start creating collaboratively produced resources for liberatory archives.

State of the Internet's Languages: The State of the Internet’s Languages (STIL) report will be used as a baseline to build awareness and an agenda for action on with marginalized communities, open knowledge folks, tech communities, academics and others. We will add content to the current STIL report and over the next two years, we will advocate for, and act upon, creating a more multilingual and multimodal internet. Claudia Pozo, who has been co-leading our Communications team over the last few years, will evolve her role into the coordination role for this initiative. Our plan for 2023 includes: Continue to amplify the report with marginalized communities, open knowledge folks, tech communities, academics and others Work with STIL contributor Ishan Chakraborty and others in the disability rights movements to explore accessibility and language justice issues, including intersections with other forms of marginalizations Work on specific regional language justice issues, for example, through a virtual convening with South East Asian or Latin American Indigenous communities

Deep Accountability and Learning: in Year 2 we want to go deeper in our learning and evaluation activities through: Document the impact of bringing knowledges to Wikimedia projects from the perspective of participants and their communities. This would be done through conducting up to three interviews with participants in our programs (Decolonizing Wikimedia, Languages and Digital Archives). Mapping key allies and partners & ongoing conversations with allies on sustainable allyship building In individual and collective conversations across our team, allies and participants, we will document up to 3 knowledge justice practices that have emerged from our activities. Specifically, this includes creative, safe and liberatory methods for adding content, taking pictures, finding references, and making Wikipedia more accessible and multilingual, etc.

Budget for Year 2

2.1. Do you request an increase or decrease from what has been approved for Year 2? (required)

Yes, I am requesting a budget increase for Year 2

2.2. Please upload a detailed budget file or indicate a link to it for the Year 2 proposal. The revised budget should show your anticipated yearly budget from the beginning of Year 2 through the end date of the grant. (required)

2.3. What is the percentage increase you are requesting for Year 2 (with respect to the Year 2 budget submitted with your original proposal)?


2.4. How much do you request for Year 2 in USD with the increase? (required)

196434 USD

2.5. How much do you request for Year 2 in your local currency with the increase? (required)

196434 USD

2.6. Please describe the main major changes in your new budget. Your response to this question should provide a brief summary of the changes and give the reasons for them. (required)

Resources for our people is the predominant expense in our budget, because we see the energy of human leadership and convening as critical to our work. We strive for equitable and reparative pay principles, so folks are paid the same across the world, no matter their location, with no more than 3x difference between the bottom and top of our payment scale. We offer a monthly wellness allowance for all team members. In line with these compensation principles (and according to the general WK? budget approved for our Board) the increase in our budget reflects an effort to fix previous inequalities in rates across the team. A larger team also means an increase in travel costs and the need for more operations management and support. Therefore, an increase in the support towards these two items on the budget is reflected in the updated budget.

Metrics for Year 2

3.1. Main open metrics (required)

Main Open Metrics
Metrics Name Description Target
Transformative Stories Positive and meaningful impact of bringing knowledges to Wikimedia projects documented through storytelling centered and grounded in experiences and embodied knowledge of participants and their communities. 3 stories
Sustainable allyship building Deeper understanding on how sustainable allyship building and practices work for WK? & Wikimedia communities, including strengths, opportunities, challenges, etc.

Target is to have minimum 3 key learning insights shared.

Collection of Resources, Tactics & Practices Community pool of resources, tactics and practices around knowledge justice curated by Wikimedia community.

Target is to have 3 practices documented.


3.2. Core metrics (required)

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target
Number of participants The total for 2023 is 250 participants. 250
Number of editors The total for 2023 is 100 editors. 100
Number of organizers The total for 2023 is 20 organizers. 20
Number of new content contributions to Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia Project Description Target
Wikimedia Commons 2500 images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. 2500
Wikipedia 700 edits to Wikipedia in different languages. 700
Wikidata 350 edits to Wikidata 350

3.4. If you are introducing new metrics related to a major change in your budget or programmatic plans, please describe them below. (optional)


Additional information for Year 2

4.2. If there are additional links, files, or information you would like to share related to Year 2 planning, please add them here. (optional)

