Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/WIKI EDITORAS LX 2024

start date2024-01-092024-01-09T00:00:00Z
end date2027-01-082025-01-08T00:00:00Z
budget (local currency)79270 EUR
amount requested (USD)86857.25 USD [note 1]
amount recommended (USD)65742.6
amount recommended (local currency)60000 EUR
grant typeGroup of individuals not registered with an organization
funding regionNWE
decision fiscal year2023-24
funding program roundRound 1
organization (if applicable)Wiki Editoras Lx
Final Report

This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the web service of Wikimedia Foundation Funds where the user has submitted their application. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

Applicant information

Organization name or Wikimedia Username for individuals. (required)
Wiki Editoras Lx
Do you have any approved General Support Fund requests? (required)
Yes, I have already applied and received a General Support Fund
You are applying as a(n). (required)
Group of individuals not registered with an organization
Are your group or organization legally registered in your country? (required)
Do you have a fiscal sponsor?
Fiscal organization name.
Paisagem Elementar, Cooperativa Cultural, Crl

Main proposal

1. Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be a title for the Meta-Wiki page. (required)
2. Do you want to apply for the multi-year funding or renewal process? (required)
No but we would like to apply for renewal next time
2.1. For how many years of multi-year funding are you applying? (required)
3 years
2.2. Provide a brief overview of Year 2 and Year 3 of the proposed plan and how this relates to the current proposal and your strategic plan? (required)

Our Strategic Plan programmatic diagram for 3 years proposal (kindly see attached document) was designed having in mind all the programs and activities we propose to develop along those years, besides the continuity of our regular activities with our community of contributors - biweekly editing meetings -, that we intent to keep, since they’re the core of our community engagement and have steered our group’s growth.

Considering this, all of our programs from year 1 will continue on years 2 and 3, but the activities we will develop for each Program will have some differences. We believe it to be a more realistic approach, due to limitations of team and budget, but also to allow for time to evaluate, iterate and adapt those programs in year 3.

In detail (kindly check our proposed Timeline for better understanding this explanation):

Education - year 1 will include the activity of translating and adapting the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom course, i.e., mainly resources production, and mapping potential studies groups and other related target groups/individuals, while the implementation of the training will only happen on years 2 and 3

Culture & Heritage - the same approach will be used for this Program: on year 1 we propose to outreach to already identified (Batoto Yetu) and other potential partners and assess their resources and dissemination needs (documents, archives, etc), already starting to identify Topics for Impact, but we won’t develop capacitation and training activities until Year 2, that we intend to continue on Year 3 with more partners.

Community Support and Engagement - the activities of producing the Lusophone Feminist Wiki Organizers Toolkit and Wiki Luanda Training & Support are only proposed to take place on Year 1, while the remaining activities will continue on Year 2 and 3.

3. Proposed start date. (required)
4. Proposed end date. (required)
5. Does your organization or group have an Affiliate or Organizational Annual Plan that can help us understand your proposal? If yes, please provide it. (required)
6. Does your affiliate, organization or group have a Strategic Plan that can help us understand your proposal? If yes, please provide it. (required)
7. Where will this proposal be implemented? (required)
International (more than one country across continents or regions)
Our proposal will be implemented mainly in Portugal, Angola and Brazil.

Wiki Editoras Lx (WELx) user group was founded in 2019 by Brazilian and Portuguese people. Currently, it is co-coordinated by a Brazilian immigrant and a Portuguese. Since 2020, when due to the pandemic, the group started its online activities, the number of lusophone contributors in our network who live around the globe increased. As a result, currently, we have active participants in other countries, namely UK, Germany and France, but the majority comes from Brazil and Angola, where we have crucial partners as well.

In detail, this proposal includes a training and support activity in Luanda, Angola. Wiki Luanda, a very recent user group, the first in Angola, was co-founded by an angolan, part of our WELx community, who lives in the capital, Luanda. They have started editing in 2020, online, by joining our biweekly editing meetings, and have since decided to create their own user group. The group already has a space for meeting and they have been able to attract some interest and editors. However, they asked us for support and training, and thus we included in our strategic plan. Our partnership started formally in 2023. After participating in our remote editing meetings, we provided some guidance for them to apply to their first Rapid Grant and, this September, they organized an event, Wiki Luanda 101, where we shared our experience on creating a wiki community, provided basic wikipedia editing training and helped with organizing an editathon.

Also, for the past 4.5 years, we have been establishing a large network of both projects, user groups and individual contributors. As the first lusophone gender user group and the only who has monthly activities, we feel we can act as an important platform for both beginners and experienced editors to connect and share experience. One of our proposals for the next 3 years will be to map skills and learning needs, promoting peer-to-peer exchanges and thus, developing our community, both linguistic as thematic. In addition to other examples in our Movement, this peer-to-peer learning network will be specifically aimed for cis and trans women and non binary folks and will adress our needs. It's called the Peer2Peer Feminist Learning Network.

Finally, based on our experience and the fact that one of our members was part of the first cohort of the Organizer Lab, we propose to create a toolkit for feminist wiki organizers, aiming to support other groups with similar goals around the globe. At first, this toolkit will be developed along with supporting Wiki Luanda user group, but it can be developed further to become useful to any contributor who wants to create a community, project or event, that addresses wiki gaps in their own region/community. The need for this toolkit came also from the fact that we don't find many materials with that approach, especially in portuguese. We hope that this tool will promote and support other contributors in other regions.

8. What are your programs, approaches, and strategies? What are the challenges that you are trying to address and how will your strategies support you in addressing these challenges? (required)

The change we are looking for:

  • To strengthen, expand and diversify of WELx's editors' community, by increasing participation in our activities and editors retention
  • Continuing to bridge wiki gaps concerning contributors, contents and readers representation and biases in the Lusophone wikimedia community, namely with a gender and decolonial approach
  • Decentralization and diversification of the lusophone community. To support the organizations and editing capacity of feminist user groups in lusophone african countries, and other underrepresented portuguese-speaking communities whenever appropriate
  • Knowledge Equity at a global level, by promoting and supporting feminist solidarity and networks

Before we present our programs, approaches and strategies, we want to share our reflections and learnings from this year’s GSF Anuual Plan implementation, so far, that have guided the design of our strategic plan for the next three years:

  • Regular meetings are important to keep the affections and nurturing community (in-person) and to reach out to a larger community (online), but they have been taking a lot of energy and time to be organized without a desirable turnout
  • Personalized mentorship, more adapted to people’s availability, have been proven to be more fruitful to motivate and make people keep contributing, as well as to create their own projects (p.e. Wiki Luanda, Now They See Us Illustrathon)
  • Go back to more loosely organized regular meetings, like we had in the first years of the user group, and concentrate organizational and programmatic focus on editathons and bigger events; online ones, in particular, are important to reach out to lusophone people outside of Portugal
  • Maintain what worked well: curated events, namely Editatona visibilidades negras; partnerships on-wiki, namely the #visiblewikiwomen illustrathon; round tables (topics for impact), to name a few
  • Invest in young people: focus on younger age groups, students and activists, with more free time and who may see wikimedia as a way to make their causes visible (partnerships with feminist or LGBTQIAP+ student associations; organized study groups)
  • Deepen partnerships that we have already started and that converge with our goals of knowledge equity: Batoto Yetu, p.e.
  • Focus more on Commons as an introductory tool to Wikimedia, through lighter and more playful activities such as walks, photo booths, illustration calls;
  • Promote off-wiki ludic events
  • Address advanced editors skills development needs through the lusophone and global network of women and nb editors
  • Keep mentoring Wiki Luanda user group, to strengthen the first lusophone african gender user group

Considering the change we want to achieve and our learnings so far, our main strategies are:

  • Diversifying our activities, making them more light and ludic, bringing more presential moments and not only focusing them on editing work, making them more attractive for newcomers. Also, unlike the past years we are actively going where people are, partnering with off-wikis collectives and organizations, instead of waiting for them to show up in our activities. Also, we are focusing on bringing younger contributors, thinking about the sustainability of the volunteer force.
  • Keep nurturing our existing community of editors and organizers through our regular monthly editing meetings and increasing 1:1 tutoring in these moments to address specific needs of potential high contributors and promoting motivation to continue editing
  • As for bridging content and readership wiki gaps, with a focus on Knowledge Equity, besides inviting curators from underrepresented communities to co-create topics list for our editathons, we will also partner with organizations that have been working towards the identification and documentation of knowledge gaps in society and visibilizing that information and sources, also proposing to capacitate their communities to become contributors.
  • Optimize and take advantage of the team’s capacitations (RWIC and Organizer Lab) to transfer knowledge and strengthen our community and the feminist lusophone community in general, producing and implementing training modules to specific groups. The RWIC course will be used in our Education Program through it´s program adaptation and the Organizer Lab will inspire our Lusophone Feminist Organizer Toolkit.
  • Support the strengthening of Wiki Luanda and the creation of the first feminist lusophone african user group in Angola, contributing to the decentralization of the lusophone WM community
  • Continuing successful partnerships and activities: #VisibleWikiWomen Illustrathon with WhoseKnowledge?, Editathon Visibilidade Negra with BANTUMEN, WikiforHumanRights Ambassadors, Art+Feminism.

For this to take place, we are assuming that:

  • Existing WELx user group members will have the interest and time to participate in our activities and that will be interested in the new formats we will develop
  • More simple and ludic activities will suit better the needs and availabilities of a wider group of potential WM contributors and attract newcomers
  • Lusophone feminist editors and organizers are interested in sharing their skills and being available to peer-to-peer support
  • Young and organized people who share our values will be more inclined to participate in our program.
  • Feminist and decolonial organizations that already have a mission to unveil and disseminate invisibilized knowledge will be interested in partnering to amplify the platforms for readership and awareness
  • Wiki Luanda will continue to grow as the first feminist lusophone user group that meets regularly

Now, moving on to our proposed programs and activities, organized by categories (please check the diagram on our strategic plan to better understand our proposal). As a decolonial feminist user group, our programs unfold from the main Gender & Diversity category:

1. EDUCATION This program addresses a main challenge we had this year, to recruit editors, despite our communication and active events organization efforts. Instead of asking people to meet us, we will come to them in their already organized spaces. This also came from a reflection that our community comes to us through activism and shared values, so we will select and target organized groups with these shared values, that already have a meeting place and their own dynamics.

1.1 WELx's Study Groups Program Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom course adaptation

The main implementation approach is to adapt the RWIC course to WELx needs. The main goal is to outreach to new contributors and providing the skills to autonomously edit wikimedia projects and be part of the wikimedia movement. For that, we will optimize efforts by connecting with existing organized groups and collectives that already engage in kindred values, like university feminist and queer associations, feminist reading circles, p.e. We have already started contacting one academic feminist association and also a feminist school, that have shown positive interest in this project.

This program will have the following activities: Activity 1: Adaptation to RWIC course according to WELx method and equity diversity focus Activity 2: Mapping potential studies groups and other target groups/individuals related Activity 3: Training program

2. CULTURE & HERITAGE Our group has been gradually affirming its decolonial feminist approach. In this sense, besides gender focused content gaps, we have also been addressing important contents to decolonise lusophone wikimedia projects. Partnering with external partners that share the same values and mission and that have been working actively to make that knowledge visible, will create opportunities to contribute to Knowledge Equity while amplifying each others work.

2.1 Partnerships for Impact Program Topics for Impact - Underrepresented communities partnerships

The aim of this program is to address all of these wikigaps in lusophone wikimedia, through partnerships with underrepresented organizations and individuals to identify Topics for Impact. This program also aims at contributing to the diversification and representation of contributors (contributors gap), with impact also on readership gaps. We will start by building up on already established partnerships from the past 2 years, focusing on research and archives developed by these partners (content gap). An organization that we have already partnered with, Batoto Yetu, is doing an important work documenting and creating an archive on the presence and memory of African people in Portugal, and we want to work with them finding ways to support the broader dissemination of that knowledge, through topics for impact, open source images, and data. Besides that, for the following two years, we aim at establishing new partnerships for other underrepresented knowledge, with a focus on knowledge equity - invisibilized women and nb people, roma presence and history, p.e.

This program will have the following activities: Activity 1: Mapping, outreach and needs assessment for potential partners Activity 2: Identification of Topics for Impact Activity 3: Capacitation and editing sessions


The backbone of our user group strategy is to keep nurturing and growing our community, aiming better at our potential editors and the ones that will keep participating and contributing to adding free knowledge to Wikimedia projects. The programs and activities included in this category will be focused on diversifying ways to contribute to wikimedia projects, namely ones that are more light and ludic, more adapted to people’s different interests and availability. Strengthening our community also means training and support, so we include the production of toolkits, and specific training and mentoring, as well as our biweekly editing meetings, providing opportunities to meet and work together. At a more strategic level, we also include the connection to sister projects (gender and decolonial, both linguistic, regional and global), as we as our linguistic and regional community, reinforcing local, regional and thematic collaborations and alliances.

3.1 Community Development Program This program includes activities both at capacitation level and at strategic level. They are meant to support the feminist editors community both at the local and global levels. Activities 1 and 3 will be developed in an intercommented way, since the capacitation needs of Wiki Luanda, both for editing and organization, will inform us which training resources to develop first. Activity 2 will be developed to identify and connect skills and learning needs. We know thar there are already platforms with this aim in the Movement, and we intend to connect with them for guidance and optimizing resources. This activity will also be useful for our own group’s organizers and editors, as we have already established a training session with Geochicas on OpenStreetMap. We also included some internal activities in this program, since they will be crucial to assure our group's learnings and strategy advancement, as well as its sustainability - we talk about the L&E and Fundraising activities. We are aware that our group will have increasing growth needs, and we want to dedicate time and resources to address those needs and look for resources elsewhere.

This program includes the following activities: Activity 1: Lusophone Feminist Organizers Toolkit Activity 2: Peer-to-peer Feminist Learning Network Activity 3: Wiki Luanda Training & Support Activity 4: WELx Learning & Evaluation Activity 5: WELx Fundraising

3.2 Events & Conferences These activities include our regular biweekly meetings and editathons, and we will also innovate by introducing more light activities such as wiki walks, more focused on Commons (but not exclusively). We will also keep participating in wiki Conferences, namely WikiCon Portugal, reinforcing our local collaborations, Wikimania, and Wikimedia Summit, among others. In 2024, Wiki Editoras Lx will have their 5 years anniversary and we intend to organize a reunion, inviting current and former contributors, partners and also living people that were subject of our editing contributions.

Activity 1: Editathons & Roundtables (topics for impact) Activity 2: Regular editing meetings and capacitation/tutoring (in-person/online) Activity 3: Conferences participation Activity 4: WELx Wiki Walks Activity 5: 5th anniv reunion


We will continue to engage with campaigns that have an important impact with what we do and that keep meaningful partnerships (Whose Knowledge, p.e.), aligned with our values and goals. The idea is to organize a second round of the Illustrathon Mulheres Visíveis for the #VisibleWikiWomen campaign.

Also, we intend to keep optimizing efforts with Art+Feminism through our Regional Ambassador as we did with the Berlin Illustrathon Now We See Us, encouraging Portuguese-speaking organizers from the diaspora to create their own events and projects.

Following the 2023 Ambassador role for the Lusophone community for the WikiforHumanRights campaign, along with WikiMulheres+ user group, and the participation on the campaign through Editatona Território Corpo-Terra, we will also be available to continue supporting the community members and disseminate and promote the participation on the campaign.

Activity 1: Illustrathon for #VisibleWikiWomen (WK?) & Art + Feminism

9. What categories are your main programs and related activities under? Please select all that apply. (required)
Category Yes/No
Education Yes
Culture, heritage or GLAM Yes
Gender and diversity Yes
Community support and engagement Yes
Participation in campaigns and contests Yes
Public policy advocacy No
Other No


9.1.1. Select all your programs and activities for Education. (required)
Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom or other Reading/Evaluating Wikipedia Training, Wikidata programs, Wikimedia Commons programs, Other Wikimedia project programs, Editing Wikipedia Training
Other programs and activities if any: N/A
9.1.2. Select all relevant audience groups for Education. (required)
Vocational, tertiary, or higher education, Other groups
Other groups if any: Public libraries communities and other organized study groups

Culture, heritage or GLAM

9.2. Select all your programs and activities for Culture, heritage or GLAM. (required)
Introducing new approaches to underrepresented culture and heritage, e.g. decolonising or reparative work; oral and visual knowledge; outreach to communities of origin, indigenous and first nations self-determination, Supporting institutions to open up their collections, data, metadata, and research, Partnering with institutions, professional associations, and allied organizations to raise awareness of open culture, ethical sharing, and related issues
Other programs and activities if any: N/A

Gender and diversity

9.3. Select all your programs and activities for Gender and diversity.
Bringing in women and/or gender diverse participants and editors, Focusing on creating content about women and/or gender diverse groups, including biographies, intersectional topic areas and/or adding images, Focusing on creating content about marginalized (underrepresented) communities and their knowledge, Focusing on knowledge equity by bringing in contributors from underrepresented communities, Building organizer skills in women and diversity groups, Fomenting female leadership within the movement (either staff, members or boards), Sensitize and educate for gender perspective among Wikimedia projects stewards and editors
Other programs and activities if any: N/A

Community support and engagement

9.4. Select all your programs and activities for Community support and engagement.
On-wiki training of community members, Off-wiki training of community members, Organizing meetups, conferences, and community events, Supporting community members' participation in events and conferences
Other programs and activities if any: N/A

Participation in campaigns and contests

9.5. Select all campaigns that apply. (required)
Art+Feminism, WikiForHumanRights, Other
Other programs and activities if any: #VisibleWikiWomen, Art+Feminism, WikiforHumanRights
10. Please include a link to or upload a timeline (operational calendar) for your programs and activities. (required)
11. Describe your team. (required)

Co-coordinator and Culture and Heritage PM (contractor): Ana Bragança (Anita Braga) Co-coordinator and Education PM (contractor): Flavia Doria (XenoF) Communication and Press Officer (contractor): Catarina Cabral (Categcc) Designer and Social Media Manager (contractor): Alícia Medeiros (Olhali)

Advisory Board (voluntary): Rita Matos (RitaFMatos), Rute Correia (Maria Curista), Tila Cappelletto (Contaminadas), Rita Duarte (Ritargd), Sofia Matias (Girassolei)

Organizers (compensated time bank): Rita Matos (RitaFMatos), Rute Correia (Maria Curista), Rita Duarte (Ritargd), Sofia Matias (Girassolei), Vanessa Sanches (Bantuwords), Isabel Branco (BlitzkriegBoop)

This working organizational structure was created to meet the needs of this particular proposal. Over the years, Wiki Editoras Lx has worked in a horizontal way so that, except for the designer role, all the organizers involved are able to perform all the functions of this proposal, if needed.

As we said on last years comment to the Wikimedia Foundation’s Culture and Heritage team feedback to our active Annual Fund, this time we have included an undifferentiated lumpsum, in a form of a time bank, to compensate for the other organizers’ efforts when specifically contributing to the implementation of our proposed multi-year plan activities , even if they can’t predict at the moment their level of commitment - this will be used for short tasks. As we said previously, this is more aligned with our way of working, as well as with our decolonial values of compensating work - especially work that historically has been devalued by society, namely, in our reality, female and BIPOC work. We believe that will create more equity in our team, distributing power, decentralizing roles, and creating more opportunities for our organizers to get involved.

12. Will you be working with any internal (Wikimedia) or external partners? Describe the characteristics of these partnerships and bring a few examples of the most significant partnerships. (required)

Yes. We'll be working with many internal and external partners to implement our Programs and activities. Internally, we will continue our partnerships with Whose Knowledge? and Art+Feminism, in their respective campaigns, through the second edition of our Visible Wiki Women Illustrathon. We will also keep the partnership with Wiki Luanda,for the implementation of the Lusophone Feminist Organizers Toolkit and their customized Training & Support Program. Also, we plan to include a partnership with GeoChicas (new), Mais Teoria da História na Wiki (current) and WikiMulheres+ (current) for the development of the Peer-to-peer Feminist Learning Network. As for our local chapter, Wikimedia Portugal, we will keep the good collaboration and partnership, participating on WikiCon Portugal, Wikidata Days, and other broader community events. On their side, they will keep supporting our group needs with more advanced skills and troubleshooting.

When searching for internal partners, we focus on one of these types:

  • Their work focuses regularly or occasionally on closing the same wiki gaps as WELx does. Our partnership focuses on optimizing efforts, potentializing each other's actions and also, collaborating from a strategic point of view;
  • They hold a larger experience or position within the Wikimedia Movement but are not exclusively focused on knowledge equity. Our partnership focuses on promoting good relationships and collaboration among the lusophone community, and exchanging skills and knowledge, thus contributing to the strengthening of our regional and linguistic communities.

As for external partners, they have been fundamental in our strategy to reachout to underrepresented communities and to fight gaps and biases. We are partnering with Bantumen (existing), MAAD (new) and Batoto Yetu (existing) to co-design and co-organize Editathons and Wiki Walks, and we will also outreach to new partners. Their role will be to support our topics lists creation and to guide the wiki walks (since we will add a wiki task to their existing tours). Batoto Yetu will also be the first partner for the Partnerships for Impact Program, through their Digital African Memory in Portugal Archive, and we intend to outreach to more partners during the 3-year plan implementation. You can read more about it in our Strategic Plan.

When we outreach to external partners, the main characteristics that guide our selection are:

  • Sharing the same values and mission: feminist, decolonial, anti-racist, with a focus on social impact, regarding equity and inclusion.
  • Working with communities or knowledge that are underrepresented in our movement, thus disseminating awareness to the Wikimedia Movement
  • Their work can benefit from the amplification that Wikimedia Projects can provide
13. In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select all that apply. (required)
Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development, Identify Topics for Impact, Innovate in Free Knowledge



Wikimedia Metrics

14. Please select and fill out Wikimedia Metrics for your proposal. (recommended)
14.1. Number of participants, editors, and organizers.

All metrics provided are optional, please fill them out if they are aligned with your programs and activities.

Participants, editors, and organizers
Metrics name Target Description
Number of all participants 150 N/A
Number of all editors 50 N/A
Number of new editors 30
Number of retained editors 20
Number of all organizers 8 N/A
Number of new organizers 3
14.2. Number of new content contributions to Wikimedia projects. (recommended)
Contributions to Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia project Created Edited or improved
Wikipedia 75 250
Wikimedia Commons 100
Wikidata 200
Wikimedia Incubator
Wikiquote 25
Wikifunctions / Abstract Wikipedia
Description for Wikimedia projects contributions metrics. (optional)

Other Metrics

15. Do you have other quantitative and qualitative targets for your project (other metrics)? (required)
Other Metrics Description Target
% of participants from underrepresented communities (BIPOC, roma, rural, with disabilities, LGBTQIAP+, etc) This metric measures the diversity and balance of our participants. This metric will be measured by each type of the stated underrepresented communities. 50
% of editors that refer having increased their level of editing skills This metric measures the effectiveness of our mentoring and capacitation activities 50
# invitations to participate or co-organize on-wiki activities by other affiliates, user groups or individuals This metric measures the interest of other WM Movement affiliates, user groups or individuals interest about WELx and to share learnings and knowledge 10
# editors increase their user access level This metric measures the autonomy and skills developed by the group members to contribute actively to the WM Movement, by increasing their user access level (autoconfirmed, confirmed and extended confirmed users, autopatrolled, bureaucrat, administrator...) 5
# event/project organized by initiative of editors other than the group organizers This metric measures the autonomy and motivation of editors to organize their own initiatives and events on the WM Movement 2


16. Will you have any other revenue sources when implementing this proposal (e.g. other funding, membership contributions, donations)? (required)
16.1. List other revenue sources. (required)


16.2. Approximately how much revenue will you have from other sources in your local currency? (required)
17. Your local currency. (required)
18. What is the total requested amount in your local currency? (required)
79270 EUR
Multi-year funding request summary
Year Amount (local currency)
Year 1 79270 EUR
Year 2 95019 EUR
Year 3 94335 EUR
Requested amount in USD
86857.25 USD [note 1]
Multi-year funding request summary in USD
Year Amount USD [note 1]
Year 1 83515.1 USD
Year 2 100106.99 USD
Year 3 99387.09 USD
  1. a b c The following amount in US dollars was calculated by Wikimedia Foundation staff using the fixed currency rates. This amount is approximate and may not reflect the actual currency exchange rates on the day of submission or distribution. If the application is funded, the funding will be sent in the recipient’s local currency.
19. Does this proposal include compensation for staff or contractors? (required)
19.1. How many paid staff members do you plan to have? (required)

Include the number of staff and contractors during the proposal period. If you have short-term contractors or staff, please include them separately and mention their terms.

We plan to cover 4 paid staff members with this GSF, that will work with different FTEs during the whole duration of the proposal period.

Apart from that, we will also include 16 short-term contrators and staff, with two different terms of envolvement:

  • Curators/speakers/moderators for round tables/editathons/wiki walks, etc will be paid once for their work supporting a short term activity
  • Organizers - we have included a lumpsum to cover for sporadic work done by our pool of organizers intended to support the impementation of the planned activities - event organization, outreach, research, p.e.
19.2. How many FTEs (full-time equivalents) in total? (required)

Include the total FTE of staff and contractors during the proposal period. If you have short-term contractors or staff, please include their FTEs with the terms separately.

On year 1 we will have 1.9 FTEs. On years 2 and 3 we will increase the position of Designer and Social Media Officer from 0.3 FTEs to 0.5 FTEs, meaning that the total FTEs during those years will be 2.1 FTEs.
19.3. Describe any staff or contractor changes compared to the current year / ongoing General Support Fund if any. (required only for returning grantees)
20. Please provide an overview of your overall budget categories in your local currency. The budget breakdown should include only the amount requested with this General Support Fund (required).
Budget category Amount in local currency
Staff and contractor costs 62708 EUR
Operational costs 6380 EUR
Programmatic costs 10182 EUR
21. Please upload your budget for this proposal or indicate the link to it. (required)

Additional information

22. In this optional space you can add any other additional information about your proposal or organization that you think can help us when reviewing your proposal. (optional)

Our group will be submitting our Affiliation request this week. The past 4.5 years represented a lot of learning and growth. The GSF has sustained that path and allowed us to become more professional and to consolidating our work and mission. Our ambition to keep growing made us take the step to become recognized by the WMF and to better contribute to the Wikimedia Movement advancement.

By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.

We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


