Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Planificación 2022 de Wikimedia España/en

Planificación 2022 de Wikimedia España
By 2022 we want:
  • Reorganize the management and internal structure of WMES so that it is sustainable in the future.
  • Diagnosing to update our community knowledge: its satisfaction, its composition in terms of diversity and its inclusion.
  • Cover content gaps by emphasizing the linguistic and cultural diversity of Spain and the gender gap in a transversal way. We will rely on the generation of our own tools.
start date1-Jan-2022
end date31-Dec-2022
budget (local currency)152775.24 EUR
amount requested (USD)173351.01 USD
grant typeWikimedia Affiliate (chapter, thematic org., or user group)
applicant and people related to proposalFlorenciac
  • Mentxuwiki
  • Pedro J Pacheco
  • Millars
  • Tipitini
  • Trastolillo
  • Escalafandra
  • organization (if applicable)Asociación Wikimedia España

    This is an automatically generated page based on the applicant's application on the Wikimedia Foundation's Grantee Portal on Fluxx.



    What is the main objective of your proposal?

    By 2022 we want:
    • Reorganize the management and internal structure of WMES so that it is sustainable in the future.
    • Diagnosing to update our community knowledge: its satisfaction, its composition in terms of diversity and its inclusion.
    • Cover content gaps by emphasizing the linguistic and cultural diversity of Spain and the gender gap in a transversal way. We will rely on the generation of our own tools.

    What are the main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?

    Challenges: strengthen the community and increase its participation; professionalize the operations of WMES.

    Solutions: In order to strengthen the community and increase its participation:

    • 1-Carry out in-depth work to identify the needs of the community and making a follow-up and to fidelize our people and allied entities. For this, we will carry out questionnaires to our community to find out details that today we do not have in a systematic way. With the analysis of the answers we will be able to identify problems, do case studies and propose solutions.
    • 2-Train and exchange within our community, not only in editing wikimedical competitions, but also in other areas such as: socialization, digital culture, public speaking, organization and verification. Thus, we will get new spokespersons and trainers in the community, increasing security and confidence of our members, and will reach more (different) towns and audiences.
    • 3-Work in the leadership relay for the WMES Board.
    • 4-Continue supporting working groups such as the Wikimedia Data Verification Laboratory working on disinformation. Support also edition groups related to the reduction of the gender gap (Wikimujeres, Viquidones, Wikiemakumeok, etc).

    To professionalize the operation of WMES:

    • 1-Work on the internal processes, functions and tasks of the Board of Directors (BD), knowledge management, transparency. This way, the generational transfer and renewal of leadership would be easier.
    • 2-Incorporate an Executive Director (DE) and an administrative assistant to unload part of the extensive volunteer work of the JD in professional people who perform paid work. Studying other organizational models of the movement, we’ve detected the figure of ED is common and is present in organizations with different sizes. For this reason, during the 1st semester we will define these profiles and then proceed to their search and finally proceed to their hiring. Thus, it is expected that the new DE will carry out a participatory process of strategic planning and, associated with this, evaluate and make a proposal for an organizational structure that responds to the present and future needs of WMES. On the other hand, the administrative assistant is expected to be in charge of administration and management tasks that are currently carried out by volunteers.
    • 3- Develop a fund strategy to diversify our funding sources, becoming more independent of WMF.

    In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select a maximum of three options that most apply.

    Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development, Manage Internal Knowledge, Evaluate, Iterate, and Adapt

    Where will this proposal be implemented?


    Do you want to apply for multi-year funding?


    Project Proposal


    Describe your main strategies to achieve the objective and the activities you will be developing as part of these strategies.

    We have 3 programs and Communication as a transversal element.

    Internal management: Reorganize management and make it sustainable:

    • Document the internal management processes of the Board in a guide in order to facilitate the work of new people, supported by an external consultancy;
    • Internally promoting the internal wiki as a tool where to find information, guides and materials of interest to members;
    • To Develop a funding strategy so we can diversify funding sources: campaigns to attract funding through donations to WMES.

    Community: We will make a diagnosis of our community to know its satisfaction, its diversity and its inclusiveness, through questionnaires and in-depth interviews, which will help us to know what facilitates and what hinders participation in Wikimedia projects.

    • Internal community: carry out actions to strengthen ties, improve care and empower our community. To achieve it we will do: Annual Wikimedia Spain conferences, monthly wiki cafes, Wiki Takes, online training sessions, multilingual meetings with other groups in Spain, design of personalized greetings, training on and dissemination of the UCOC, dissemination of initiatives proposed by members. Those meetings will help us to nourish ourselves with ideas, experiences, energy and also to know the state of the community.
    • External community: we want to develop and implement a community retention and monitoring project, which will include the creation and monitoring of local editing groups, meetings with the Spanish-speaking community, Volunteer Supporters Net, training in universities, entities and organizations, and alliances with institutions.

    Content: We want to work on content around two areas; knowledge gaps and to pay attention to diversities such as gender, rural areas or underrepresented geographical areas, with initiatives of photographic documentation or editing such as Wiki Loves Camino, Day of Women and Girls in Science, European Night of Researchers, Day of the Writers, WikiGap or months on Africa, Asia or Oceania. Culture, with 1lib1ref, No library without photography, edition about museums and monuments. We will work on the linguistic diversity of Spain, with those contents in languages other than Spanish. Specific tools will be developed as needed (web guide to organize edits, wiki-queries videos and specific materials for each event).

    What is your organization or group's mission?

    Our mission is to promote, setup, disseminate and improve initiatives that support the access, modification and redistribution of free knowledge. We provide tools and resources so every people, group and institution can participate in the creation, compilation and dissemination of multilingual, diverse and quality content in Wikimedia projects.

    Our mission is to promote, setup, disseminate and improve WMES values are:

    • Diversity
    • Transparency
    • Dynamism
    • Accessibility
    • Community
    • Independence

    Indicate if it is a local, international, or regional proposal and if it involves several countries?


    Please state if you will be carrying out any of these activities within your programs? Select all that apply.

    Organizing Meet-up online, Organizing Meet-up offline, Workshops, Edit-A-Thons, Train-the-Trainer, Contest, Photo/Media campaign, Wiki Loves campaign, WikiTown, Conference/Event Organizing, Media outreach campaign

    Are you running any in-person events or activities?


    Please state if your proposal aims to work to bridge any of the identified content knowledge gaps?

    Content Gender gap, Geography, Language

    Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities? Select all categories that apply.

    Gender Identity, Linguistic / Language, Age, Digital Access

    Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or thematic focus.

    Education, Culture, heritage or GLAM, Diversity

    Please tell us more about your target participants.

    Beforehand, there are no specific requirements to participate, just the willingness to learn and share knowledge.

    Participants we want to get to:

    • By 2022 we want to diversify and expand the groups that make up our community. Thus, we consider it a priority to put our efforts in:
    • Activating our female members to get them involved in proposing activities
    • People with free time (retired, elder) with active participation in associations and/or sociocultural groups with the help of young people, with technological skills.
    • Journalists and communicators

    How will we reach these people:

    • Inviting our members to think about their environment and the profile of people we want to reach, so that they approach them and propose them to carry out recreational activities that encourage them to dedicate a few hours of their time to generate, improve and share free knowledge.
    • Writing to libraries and telecentres in rural areas to offer them this type of “intergenerational” activities to generate knowledge and contribute to promoting digital access. *Detecting groups and offering training for the internal and external community, not only in publishing, but also with personal and digital development workshops.
    • How are we going to retain them.

    During the first quarter of the year we will research and develop, as part of the community program, a procedure on care, monitoring, attention and retention of new relationships. Different methodologies will be tested depending on the case, to find the most appropriate one.

    Invite new people to participate in person/virtually in editing activities that are organized periodically.

    To ensure that our community is pedagogical and welcoming, so it can develop activities. We will finance their needs/proposals for participation and events so they can accompany groups to activate editing groups in their towns and villages.

    We will try to establish a link with the participants, with a virtual follow-up and accompaniment so that they feel that after the activities happen, they still matter.

    Do you have plans to work with other Wikimedia communities, groups or affiliates in your country, or in other countries, to implement this proposal?


    Please tell us about these connections online and offline and how you have let Wikimedia communities know about this proposal.

    • This planning was carried out in different stages.
    • First, formation for the new board on internal work processes
    • Accompaniment of Anna Torres in the development of a SWOT and in the preparation of a previous proposal of Strategy 2022-2024
    • Dissemination of the strategy proposal to our members through the internal monthly newsletter, through the Telegram channel and through emails in order to encourage them to read it on the internal wiki (where published) and to make contributions in its discussion space.
    • 2 online meetings called Wikicafé to talk about the strategy with the participation of 20 and 15 people respectively.
    • Review of the contributions made and final elaboration
    • Approval of the Strategy by the Board at the Assembly on November 27, 2021.

    Will you be working with other external, non-Wikimedian partners to implement this proposal? Please describe these partnerships.

    Through 2021 we have completed several paid jobs and we hope to continue working on their development in 2022. For example, some projects carried out with external financing are those with partners such as Fundación Madri+d para el Conocimiento y la Innovación, Escuela de Wiki-Cronistas, ICOMOS, Museo del Prado, Radio Televisión Española, Universidad de Granada.

    How do you hope to sustain or expand the work carried out in this proposal after the grant?

    In 2022 we plan to develop a fund strategy. Since we do not have experience, we do not know if we will be able to become self-sufficient in the mid-term. But we understand that we are starting a path of sustainability. As an example, we have managed to be a declared organization of Public Utility, which allows us to receive donations with fiscal advantages for our donors.

    Through 2021 we have completed several paid jobs and we hope to continue working on their development in 2022. For example, some projects carried out with external financing are those with partners such as Fundación Madri+d para el Conocimiento y la Innovación, Escuela de Wiki-Cronistas, ICOMOS, Museo del Prado, Radio Televisión Española, Universidad de Granada.

    We want all these actions to be documented and to assess it can be replicated in the future. The volunteer network accompanying us, by receiving training and having easily replicable training materials, could easily carry out the projects and, if there is funding, a part of it could stay in WMES to have more funds of our own.

    Have you received grants from the Wikimedia Foundation before?

    Applied previously and did receive a grant

    Have you received grants from any non-wiki organization before?


    Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?

    The current WMES team consists of two people:
    • Responsible for projects-FTE 1.0 In charge of Community and Content programs. User: Rubén Ojeda (WMES)
    • Communication manager-FTE 1.0 In charge of the organization's internal and external communication. User: Virginia Díez (WMES)

    In 2022 we want to prepare the ground so we can be able to incorporate an Executive Manager. We believe WMES is mature enough to be able to count on more staff and to be able to unload part of the extensive volunteer work that is done from the Board of Directors on a professional person. Studying other organizational models of the movement, we’ve detected the figure of ED is common and is present in organizations with different sizes.

    We would like to work with WMF during the first semester of the year, so we can identify the profile and then move on searching for appropriate staff and finally proceed to hiring they during the second semester of the year.

    We face 2022 with a great desire to be better organized. We need to establish better processes and incorporate legal and tax advice on a regular basis. The fact of being now a Association of Public Utility, implies much more fiscal and administrative control on the part of the State. For this, the advice and tax management that we have been carrying out until now is no longer enough, but the level of detail and involvement is now much higher. That is why we consider it necessary to have administration and management personnel towards the second semester of the year, according to the recommendations of both other affiliates and our lawyer.

    Team we would like to add:

    • Executive management: In charge of the definition and strategic planning; liaison with the governance structure, management of the organization
    • Responsible for Administration - Part time. Responsible for the administration and accounting of the organization.

    Please state if your organization or group has a Strategic Plan that can help us further understand your proposal. You can also upload it here. (optional)

    Upload Strategic Plan

    Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation


    What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?

    • For people new to WMES Board, participating in the development of this funding proposal is a learning process to learn how the Wikimedia Foundation articulates the process of allocating its resources, to become familiar with the “jargon” used; and to know the established procedures and management applications.
    • For the Board, it is a useful exercise to define what we want to do, specify how we will do it and establish indicators to measure the proposed objectives.
    • Learning to be aware of our limitations. We also hope to learn, a little, to be able to detect the best in each person and help develop that potential within the association.
    • We hope to activate better strategies to retain the community. Learn to better manage the organization, learn to establish governance processes within our board and the association in general, members learn to propose and manage activities autonomously ... Etc. We hope to learn from the alliances that are established.

    Core Metrics


    Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.

    Core Metrics Summary
    Core metrics Description Target
    Number of participants People participating in proposed activities. At least 800 people participate in training sessions, wikicafés, conferences, talks ... Special attention to: Knowledge gap: gender, rural, geographic. Culture. 800
    Number of editors People who edit Wikimedia projects, creating or improving content. At least 500 people editing on knowledge and culture gaps: Gender gap 100, Rural gap, 250, Geographic gap, 50, Culture, 100 500
    Number of organizers People who dedicate time to the implementation of activities. To involve at least 45 people in the organization and implementation of the activities. Gender gap 10, Rural gap, 10, Geographic gap, 5, Culture, 10, Community, 10 The main work focuses on the projects: Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons. 45
    Wikipedia Work on 1200 Wikipedia articles related to knowledge gaps, of which 20% (240) should be in languages other than Spanish. 1200
    Wikimedia Commons To obtain 9800 multimedia files through institutions, photographic documentation campaigns and audio/video files. 9800

    If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation.

    Additional Metrics


    Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.

    Additional Metrics Description Target
    Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities People who carry out at least one edition in the 60 days following the first activity they participate in. We seek to retain at least 5% of the people who participate in activities. N / A
    Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities 5
    Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability Number of alliances with institutions, organizations or groups, in collaboration of who initiatives, activities or projects are carried out. 5
    Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors Opinion from people participating in the activities, about their own participation. After 30 days, send a survey to those who continue, about their reasons, inviting them to new events. To those who do not follow after that time, send another survey about the reasons and what we would have to do to make them want to participate. Reception of responses by 20% of people. 20
    Diversity of participants brought in by grantees N/A
    Number of people reached through social media publications As until now there was no follow-up of the results of Social Networks, we do not have a basis to work on.


    Number of activities developed Number of events that are jointly organized with other Wikimedia groups, in order to strengthen ties and promote the publishing of content in languages other than Spanish. 1
    Number of volunteer hours N/A
    Internal management The main internal procedures are documented. 20% documented procedures. 20
    # of activities promoted or managed by volunteers Number of activities promoted or managed by volunteers (outside of the hired staff and the Board of Directors), since organizing an activity implies putting many skills into play and demonstrating commitment to the community. We seek that 20% of the activities will be in the hands of volunteers. 20
    Percentage of satisfaction after participating in activities Percentage of satisfaction after participating in activities, obtained through a survey carried out at the end of each event. This survey will allow access for future interviews, case studies, etc. 75% satisfaction. 75
    # of training sessions planned and carried out with institutions Number of training sessions planned and carried out with institutions, in order to promote their participation in Wikimedia projects 4
    We seek that our members will have easy access to the information we handle. For that reason, we will work on the publication of resources on the internal Wiki. We have just installed the visit counter on the internal wiki and we hope to be able to increase visits to it. 20% more views. We seek that our members will have easy access to the information we handle. For that reason, we will work on the publication of resources on the internal Wiki. We have just installed the visit counter on the internal wiki and we hope to be able to increase visits to it. 20% more views. 20

    What other information will you be collecting to learn about the impacts of your activities? (optional)

    Satisfaction surveys after each activity. We also have in mind to develop a loyalty and retention procedure for new people, which we will try to develop during the first quarter of 2022, so once the procedure is established, we will be able to obtain metrics.

    Identify particularities and study them. Have small random interviews with people who are participating for the first time.

    What tools would you use to measure each metric selected?

    • Montage is used in photo contests.
    • Hashtags are used in campaigns like # 1lib1ref.
    • At Wikipedia edit events: Outreach Dashboard and occasionally Fountain. Dashboard is also used to measure new user retention.
    • Other photography campaigns are managed directly through Commons.
    • For images from institutions, we try to use tools such as Pattypan.
    • Identify case studies for actual monitoring.

    How do you hope to share these results so that others can learn from them?

    Make a short presentation of the experience, Share results on social media, Share results with our communities, I would like to receive support from the Foundation to discover how I can share my learning, Share it on Meta-Wiki

    Financial Proposal


    What is the amount you are requesting from WMF? Please provide this amount in your local currency. If you are thinking about a multi-year fund, please provide the amount for the first year.

    152775.24 EUR

    If you have calculated it, please provide an estimate of the year 2 or year 3 request.

    What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?

    173351.01 USD

    Please share your budget for this proposal.

    Ver excel adjunto

    What do you do to make sure there is a good management of funds?

    Internally, we have established a procedure between the Board and staff for the approval of expenses. We try to be as transparent as possible and we want our members can know the finances and expenses in the monthly wiki-cafes.

    During 2021 we have changed the person responsible for treasury to avoid the exhaustion of volunteers. We have also put in place a double signature control system in the bank, whereby payments cannot be made without the approval of at least two people on the board. On the other hand, we have constant tax and legal advice.


    If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has.

    How will you contribute towards creating a supportive environment for participants using the UCOC and Friendly Space Policy?

    At WMES we are aware of both the friendly space policy and the UCOC. In each event, it is essential to accept the friendly space policy in order to attend. And since 2021 we have been carrying out different actions to publicize the CCU: blog post, explanation of the participation processes in wiki cafes, explanation in our radio space about the implementation and importance of the UCOC.

    When someone wants to join WMES, they are informed about the friendly space policy and also about the implementation of UCOC, through links. On the other hand, among the actions for 2022 we want to pay special attention to people.

    This priority couldn’t be understood if it is not within the framework of a Friendly Space Policy and a UCOC.

    Ver: post en el blog sobre el UCOC

    By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.

    I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friend Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


