Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Wiki-Wednesdays - Canadian Visual Artists (ID: 21855348)/Final Report

Rapid Fund Final Report

Report Status: Accepted

Due date: 2023-04-30T00:00:00Z

Funding program: Rapid Fund, Wikimedia Community Fund

Report type: Final


This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the grantmaking web service of Wikimedia Foundation where the user has submitted their midpoint report. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

General information

  • Title of Proposal: Wiki-Wednesdays - Canadian Visual Artists
  • Username of Applicant: Vicstasiuk7
  • Name of Organization: N/A
  • Amount awarded: 4995
  • Amount spent: 4994.64 USD, 6539.93 CAD

Part 1 Understanding your work


1. Briefly describe how your proposed activities and strategies were implemented

We held noon-time free online webinars on November 2 2022, December 7 2022, January 4 2023, February 1, 2023, and March 1, 2023.

Victoria Stasiuk and Navino Evans shared responsibility for the content of the main webinar, the demonstrations and the break-out groups.

We focused on providing an engaging and inclusive learning experience for all participants. We covered topics such as Wikidata queries, links to heritage organizations and other practical applications of Wikidata, ensuring that attendees gained valuable insights relevant to their fields.

We also incorporated breakout rooms in our online sessions to accommodate varying levels of prior knowledge about the Wikimedia movement and to cater to different areas of interest. This approach facilitated meaningful interactions and fostered a supportive learning environment. Ideas for future workshops will focus on safe trust exercises that foster 'adult learning by doing' without fear or anxiety. In adult learning, it is nice when there is one on one support in addition to break out groups if necessary.

Lastly, we designed the workshops to build on content from prior sessions without alienating first-time attendees. This balance allowed participants to deepen their understanding while ensuring newcomers felt welcomed and engaged.

2. Were there any strategies or approaches that you felt were effective in achieving your goals? Please describe these strategies and approaches.

In order to attract the most appropriate GLAM workers to these sessions, a variety of social media tactics, online forms and LinkedIn events were used as tools.

V. Stasiuk has been following and connecting with Art Gallery and Heritage Museums colleagues on LinkedIn. This list was useful in attracting the Province of Ontario's Museum staff person, the Executive Director of the British Columbia Museums Association as well as participants from the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, the Art Gallery of Hamilton, and the Robert McLaughlin Gallery.

In order to foster adult learning in GLAM sector workers, V. Stasiuk attempted to find hands-on activities that GLAM workers could do on the WikiData items and show the impact of connection to art museums through the property field 'has works in the collection of".

In terms of the format for each meeting, V. Stasiuk and N. Evans attempted to vary the content and timing for the breakout groups, one on one technical assistance and demonstrations.

Having a list of wikidata edits with references researched prior to an event and presented in a spreadsheet provided an easy way to introduce attendees to Wikidata editing. This works especially well when combined with a Wikidata query to visualize the dataset being improved before and after the edits were made, as this provides motivation to continue afterwards and helps indicate the far reaching impact of Wikidata editing.

3. Please use this space to upload media and other files that help tell your story and impact.

Field to type in URLs.

4. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the work carried out with the support of this Fund? You can choose “not applicable” if your work does not relate to these goals.

Our efforts during the Fund period have helped to...
A. Bring in participants from underrepresented groups Agree
B. Create a more inclusive and connected culture in our community Strongly agree
C. Develop content about underrepresented topics/groups Strongly agree
D. Develop content from underrepresented perspectives Agree
E. Encourage the retention of editors Agree
F. Encourage the retention of organizers Agree

5. Is there anything else you would like to share about how your efforts helped to bring in participants and/or build out content, particularly for underrepresented groups?

In Canada, we are encouraged to develop educational experiences where we treat indigenous knowledge in a faithful way - "nothing about us, without us". Within the list of uninvited artists, there are several female indigenous artists that created Inuit beading on clothing, quill boxes, cradleboards, as well as baskets.

Without an indigenous advisor present at the webinars, it was thought more prudent to not edit those items until an indigenous advisor can be identified.

Part 2: Your main learning


6. In your application, you outlined your learning priorities. What did you learn about these areas during this period?

One of our main goals was to invite art museum workers to determine the extent of wiki data literacy amongst colleagues.

Through the editing of Anne Savage, one of the Canadian female visual artists from Quebec, we discovered that our colleague in a Quebec art museum had been more effective at updating Wikidata to provide a link between her organization MBAQ (Quebec City) and 'has works in the collection'

In the January meeting, we identified two galleries in Ontario that needed help with the application process to acquire a property shown here: MNBAQ artist ID (P8336) unique identifier for an artist in the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. If this cannot be addressed within the context of meetings, we are investigating what steps to send to these two galleries.

As of April 19, we received 6 responses from our registrants and participants survey available at

Survey respondents indicated they were interested in the content and made several suggestions on enriching this learning. The project team will review the final results and consider them in planning the next project.

7. Did anything unexpected or surprising happen when implementing your activities?This can include both positive and negative situations. What did you learn from those experiences?

When Navino Evans created the first SPARQL query and knowledge graph, V. Stasiuk was curious why Catalan modernism was shown as an influence for Emily Carr (Canadian visual artist) when the artist had never travelled to Spain.

With N. Evans' technical assistance, it was discovered that someone had misread a reference produced by a museum as Catalan modernism when it was actually French Modernism.

We discovered at the final webinar that there was one gallery that had not digitized their e-collections in a way that it is possible to do batch uploads to Wikidata.

8. How do you hope to use this learning? For instance, do you have any new priorities, ideas for activities, or goals for the future?

Once we were aware that one gallery had limitations in the way that there e-collections data was structured, V. Stasiuk reached out to explain this the glam worker to identify ways that this could be addressed if the project team is funded for their upcoming grant application.

9. Documentation of resources: Use this space to upload any documents that would be useful to share with others (e.g. communications material, training material, presentations).

Here is an additional field to type in URLs.


Part 3: Metrics


10a. Open Metrics reporting

In your application, you defined some open metrics and targets (goals). You will see a table like the one below with your metric in the title and the target you set in your proposal automatically filled in. Use the tables to report the result. Use the comments column to describe any aspects of this result that you find relevant. If the results were different from the initial target (goals) then you can explain why and what you learned from this. You can also provide any qualitative analysis regarding these results. In the last column please describe the tools and methodology used to collect this data and any difficulties you might have had.

Open Metrics Summary
Open Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Feedback from Art Museum Organizations After a training session, we will ask staff from art museums to complete a google form to let us know how a knowledge graph or wiki editing session could improve their outreach. For example, the Toronto Public Library did a partnership for an editathon to address gaps in the Black history collection. 5 1 At the January 2023 Meeting, the Executive Director of the BC Museums Association was interested in providing this information to his membership, where many of them could use edit-a-thon's to increase volunteer engagement in a post-Covid environment.

V. Stasiuk had a follow up meeting with the Executive Director to identify future projects or collaborations.

Art Museum using our training materials We will show how to use knowledge graphs to illustrate the connections between Canadian women visual artists from the 1920s-the 1950s and the Group of Seven landscape artists (male-only group).

Some of these female visual artists were invited to join art exhibitions with the Group of Seven, but they were not formally invited into the Group.

Many of these female visual artists do not have their work currently in public collections. Some of their art work remains with family members or hidden, because they did not receive formal recognition in their own time period.

We would like to use the knowledge graph tools with staff from the Vancouver Art Gallery and National Museum of Women in the Arts and the Los Angelos County Museum of Art

3 2 Several attempts were made to have someone from the Art Gallery of Hamilton or the Vancouver Art Gallery attend the sessions. V.Stasiuk was successful in having the Collections person from the Art Gallery of Hamilton and Project Coordinator, Digital Collections at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery attend the January meeting. The RMG staff person attended the December 2022 and the January 2023 meeting. In the December meeting, the RMG staff person indicated that she would like to learn more about how to use wiki to help aspiring local artists.

At the January meeting, V. Stasiuk provided an example of a recent graduate from OCAD who has sold work successfully internationally.

This artist Rajni Perera, has had her early work sold in her home county, Sri Lanka, because of her excellent promotions through her website.

V. Stasiuk also demonstrated at this meeting that Ms. Perera had a Wikipedia page and a wikidata item -

Evaluate Knowledge Graph Usage We will count the number of art museum workers or independent researchers that use knowledge graphs in their outreach or presentations as a result of our training sessions. 2 0 We didn't discover any art museum that was willing to use this in their education or outreach efforts. Major efforts were made to include GLAM workers from the Vancouver Art Gallery and the National Gallery of Canada to test this concept. More work will need to be done amongst art galleries outside of Quebec for this to occur. N/A
Determining Use of Knowledge online We will put together a google form to better understand if the information gathered from these training sessions was used online on social media or websites by these art museum workers or independent researchers.

We will also determine if there are institutional barriers to using this information within their organizations or within the broader art community.

2 1 We received one art gallery worker who was interested in working further with the project team.

"At our gallery we do not have stable public ID number for our artists. They are identified through our Collections database by an ID number, but this is not public, and therefore I am not sure if this information can be added to Wikimedia (though please correct me if I misunderstood). I know you had mentioned a lengthy process to get the numbers batch added, which I would still be interested in learning more about even if it is not a process I can initiate.

I find the information you provide during these sessions very interesting and useful, as understanding the technical side of editing, querying, and how to use the data is what drew me to these sessions."

V. Stasiuk will explain to that GLAM worker that our project team is awaiting a determination on upcoming funding. Once this is announced, we could reach out to the Robert McLaughlin Gallery with a proposed course of action.

10b. Core Metrics reporting

In your application, you defined targets for some core metrics and targets (goals). You will see a table like the one below with each core metric in the title and the target you set in your proposal automatically filled in. Use the tables to report the result. Use the comments column to describe any aspects of this result that you find relevant. If the results were different from the initial target (goals) then you can explain why and what you learned from this. You can also provide any qualitative analysis regarding these results. In the last column please describe the tools and methodology used to collect this data and any difficulties you might have had. Note: a table will appear for each Wikimedia project content contribution you defined in your proposal.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of participants 5-10 participants each month from the fields of art galleries, heritage museums, university libraries, public libraries

5 participants for October, November, December and January

20 35 New Participant AGH employee, Executive Director or British Columbia Museum Association, Community Journalist/independent researcher

Returning Participant 2 University Librarians came twice, RMG staff person came twice, Province of Ontario Museum Advisor came twice

LinkedIn registrations for events held in December, January, February and March

Register for all or one of the sessions using the form on the website located at

We used a number of registration systems to attract GLAM workers to our sessions, V. Stasiuk collected information from the cognito online form registration, LinkedIn registrations as well as email and Outlook.

Number of editors Newly Registered Users (new editors) - 10 10 9 New editors (Province of Ontario Museum Advisor, RMG staff person, McMichael staff person on leave, community journalist - independent researcher)

Returning editors (AGH staff person, two GLAM workers from Quebec, 3 University Librarians, 2 consultants,

V. Stasiuk tried to obtain wiki account names from the registrants in advance of the meeting, if they were new registrant.

If they already had an account name they were added to the events dashboard as an editor before or during the meeting.

At the January meeting, V. Stasiuk and N. Evans, opened up a zoom room a 1/2 hour in advance of the meeting to help add the new editors during the meeting session. 1 new member was added this way. We also gave the link for account registration to one person who registered later.

Number of organizers Organizer 1 - Victoria Stasiuk

Organizer 2 - Navino Evans

2 3 Victoria Stasiuk and Navino Evans were the organizers of all the meetings.

Kseniya Soldatenko supported the project team with graphics, videos, and commentary with presentations.

Not applicable based on the size of the Project team.
Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target Results Comments Methodology
N/A N/A N/A 1169 Individual contributions to Wikidata over the time of our project. Navino Evans wrote a Python software script to gather this data.
N/A N/A N/A 4 There were four contributions over the project period to Wikipedia. Navino Evans wrote a Python script program to collect this data.

12. Did you have any difficulties collecting data to measure your results? This could include things like a lack of time or resources, or the expertise in your team to collect this data. It could also include difficulties with particular data collection tools.


12a. State what difficulties you had.

It was difficult to use the Outreach Dashboard for our webinar series - it seems to be more applicable to Wikipedia edits than Wikidata edits.

12b. How do you hope to overcome these challenges in the future? Do you have any recommendations for the Foundation to support you in addressing these challenges?

For outsiders to the wiki movement, it is challenging to understand how the Events Dashboard and the Meetup Project Page work to provide a framework and guide.

It would be hard to include busy GLAM workers for a 1/2-day or full-day event, but I can understand how this would help with learning and continuity.

It would be great to create more videos and social media hints to get people to help with the editing throughout the project.

13. Use this space to upload any documents and provide links to any tools you have used that would be useful to understand your data collection (e.g., surveys you have carried out, communications material, training material, program and event dashboard link, project page on Meta).

Here is an additional field to type in URLs.


14. Have you shared these results with other Wikimedian communities (either affiliates, user groups, volunteers, etc., different to yours)? This can include things such as data and direct outcomes, lessons you have learned, or information on how to run or recreate your programs.


14a. If yes or partially, please describe how you have already shared them and if you would like to do more sharing, and if so how.

We sent out a newsletter update in advance of the January meeting to describe our goals for knowledge transfer and engagement.

Part 4: Financial reporting and compliance


15. & 14a. Please state the total amount spent in your local currency.

6539.93 CAD

16. Please state the total amount spent in USD.

4994.64 USD

17. Please report the funds received and spending in the currency of your fund.

17a. Upload a financial report file.

17b. Please provide a link to your financial reporting document.


As required in the fund agreement, please report any deviations from your fund proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

17c. If you have not already done so in your budget report, please provide information on changes in the budget in relation to your original proposal.

We spent about 200 less in advertising fees and used some of these funds for an additional marketing and research resource person for the webinars.

18. Do you have any unspent funds from the Fund?


18a. Please list the amount and currency you did not use and explain why.


18b. What are you planning to do with the underspent funds?


18c. Please provide details of hope to spend these funds.


19. Are you in compliance with the terms outlined in the fund agreement?


20. Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement?


21. Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Funds as outlined in the grant agreement? In summary, this is to confirm that the funds were used in alignment with the WMF mission and for charitable/nonprofit/educational purposes.


22. If you have additional recommendations or reflections that don’t fit into the above sections, please write them here.

It would be extremely useful to have a kind of “GLAM portal” or similar page on Wikidata that showcases the benefits of consuming and/or importing data into Wikidata, as well as pointing GLAM professionals to all of the resources they would need to learn about the process.

For example, it could include some case studies of high profile Wikidata partnerships and links to resources like “how to match a collection to Wikidata”.

We've started to create a portal for WikiWednesday registrants and participants to visit -

We've also let our registrants and participants know about the google folder we've created that has all the presentations and encouraged them to share with their colleagues -

Other documents