Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/WikiMolakisi (ID: 22458804)

statusNot funded
proposed start date2024-04-27
proposed end date2024-06-30
requested budget (local currency)5130000 CDF
requested budget (USD)1900 USD
grant typeIndividual
funding regionSSA
decision fiscal year2023-24
applicant• shayi ngolu
organization (if applicable)• N/A

This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the web service of Wikimedia Foundation Funds where the user has submitted their application. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

Applicant Details

Main Wikimedia username. (required)

shayi ngolu



If you are a group or organization leader, board member, president, executive director, or staff member at any Wikimedia group, affiliate, or Wikimedia Foundation, you are required to self-identify and present all roles. (required)


Describe all relevant roles with the name of the group or organization and description of the role. (required)

Main Proposal

1. Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be the Meta-Wiki page title.


2. and 3. Proposed start and end dates for the proposal.

2024-04-27 - 2024-06-30

4. Where will this proposal be implemented? (required)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

5. Are your activities part of a Wikimedia movement campaign, project, or event? If so, please select the relevant project or campaign. (required)

Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom

6. What is the change you are trying to bring? What are the main challenges or problems you are trying to solve? Describe this change or challenges, as well as main approaches to achieve it. (required)

Le terme Molakisi provient du lingála et veut dire enseignant, celui qui guide, qui montre, qui apprend aux autres... Nous essayons d'implémenter un projet éducatif basé sur Kiwix dont l'objectif est d'apprendre aux élèves du secondaire l'usage de Wikipédia comme source première pour accéder à l'information ou comme un point de depart dans la quête des connaissances en vue d'éliminer certaines fausses idées sur l'encyclopédie et de permettre également aux apprenants d'être en mesure de bien consommer ce savoir et de pouvoir l'évaluer aussi mais nous préférons associer à cette tâche la participation des informaticiens de deux écoles secondaires qui feront le relais en vue de maintenir cet apprentissage même après notre passage puisque nous avions l'intention de rendre ce projet viable et durable dans le temps..

7. What are the planned activities? (required) Please provide a list of main activities. You can also add a link to the public page for your project where details about your project can be found. Alternatively, you can upload a timeline document. When the activities include partnerships, include details about your partners and planned partnerships.

Notre groupe WikiLinguila s'est mis d'accord avec le réseau @pprendre pour faire de cette activité dans le milieu scolaire un projet pilote où nous allons d'abord débuter avec deux écoles secondaires réputées du pays pour implémenter dans les jours qui viennent le programme Lire Wikipédia en classe proprement dit mais en lingála et en kikôngo.

Nous avons prévu un travail d'un mois avec deux écoles secondaires dans deux villes ciblées : Matadi et Kinshasa (capitale du pays) reparti sur deux semaines pour chacune des écoles. Nous demanderons aux responsables des écoles de nous fournir la liste des élèves brillants et intelligents parmi les trois premiers sur la liste de chacune des classes terminales, cette selection doit faire entre 20 à 25 participants pour chacune des écoles. Nous pensons collaborer avec une ONG Lisanga Bolingo pona Congo (LB Congo) pour trouver des écoles partenaires et aussi avec une société de télécommunication du pays qui parmi ses plans d'actions, on retrouve aussi un programme axé sur l'éducation dans le but d'avoir des facilités sur la manière de fournir l'accès à Internet.

8. Describe your team. Please provide their roles, Wikimedia Usernames and other details. (required) Include more details of the team, including their roles, usernames, Wikimedia group, and whether they are salaried, volunteers, consultants/contractors, etc. Team members involved in the grant application need to be aware of their involvement in the project.

Bergerdias, bénévole dans l'équipe d'organisation ;

CapitainAfrika, formateur certifié (RWIC)

9. Who are the target participants and from which community? How will you engage participants before and during the activities? How will you follow up with participants after the activities? (required)

Nous comptons faire 3 à 5 jours d'affilée d'apprentissage puis revenir après quelques jours pour le suivi, nous allons prendre ce moment de pause afin de faire une évaluation à mi-parcours pour voir ce qui a fonctionné et ce qui n'a pas marché. Cette expérience va nous permettre d'améliorer notre prochaine prestation et être encore meilleurs dans l'autre école qui va nous accueillir.

10. Does your project involve work with children or youth? (required)


10.1. Please provide a link to your Youth Safety Policy. (required) If the proposal indicates direct contact with children or youth, you are required to outline compliance with international and local laws for working with children and youth, and provide a youth safety policy aligned with these laws. Read more here.

11. How did you discuss the idea of your project with your community members and/or any relevant groups? Please describe steps taken and provide links to any on-wiki community discussion(s) about the proposal. (required) You need to inform the community and/or group, discuss the project with them, and involve them in planning this proposal. You also need to align the activities with other projects happening in the planned area of implementation to ensure collaboration within the community.


12. Does your proposal aim to work to bridge any of the content knowledge gaps (Knowledge Inequity)? Select one option that most apply to your work. (required)

Other Important Topics (topics considered to be of impact or important in the specific context)

13. Does your proposal include any of these areas or thematic focus? Select one option that most applies to your work. (required)


14. Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities? Select one option that most apply to your work. (required)

Digital Access

15. In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select one that most applies. (required)

Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement

Learning and metrics

17. What do you hope to learn from your work in this project or proposal? (required)

Nous allons demander aux participants après leur avoir appris quelques notions d'éditions sur les projets Wikimédia, de prendre des photos de leurs écoles afin de les téléverser sur Commons puis de documenter des articles sur Wikipédia où l'on peut trouver leurs écoles, par exemple, la rue, le quartier, la commune et la ville si ces articles existent sur Wikipédia.

18. What are your Wikimedia project targets in numbers (metrics)? (required)
Number of participants, editors, and organizers
Other Metrics Target Optional description
Number of participants 60 toute personne qui pourra assister à nos séances
Number of editors 4 Ils seront forcément des adultes et responsables de ces élèves
Number of organizers 3 un formateur certifié (RWIC) avec deux wikimédiens bénévoles
Number of content contributions to Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia project Number of content created or improved
Wikipedia 4
Wikimedia Commons 10
Wikimedia Incubator
Wikifunctions or Abstract Wikipedia
Optional description for content contributions.

Les articles seront améliorés s'ils existent sur wikipédia ou créés si possible, mais les images feront référence aux écoles pour illustrer les articles identifiés puisqu'il n'y aurait pas vraiment d'edit-a-thons

19. Do you have any other project targets in numbers (metrics)? (optional)


Main Open Metrics Data
Main Open Metrics Description Target
20. What tools would you use to measure each metrics? Please refer to the guide for a list of tools. You can also write that you are not sure and need support. (required)

Financial proposal

21. Please upload your budget for this proposal or indicate the link to it. (required)

22. and 22.1. What is the amount you are requesting for this proposal? Please provide the amount in your local currency. (required)

5130000 CDF

22.2. Convert the amount requested into USD using the Oanda converter. This is done only to help you assess the USD equivalent of the requested amount. Your request should be between 500 - 5,000 USD.

1900 USD

We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


Endorsements and Feedback


Please add endorsements and feedback to the grant discussion page only. Endorsements added here will be removed automatically.

Community members are invited to share meaningful feedback on the proposal and include reasons why they endorse the proposal. Consider the following:

  • Stating why the proposal is important for the communities involved and why they think the strategies chosen will achieve the results that are expected.
  • Highlighting any aspects they think are particularly well developed: for instance, the strategies and activities proposed, the levels of community engagement, outreach to underrepresented groups, addressing knowledge gaps, partnerships, the overall budget and learning and evaluation section of the proposal, etc.
  • Highlighting if the proposal focuses on any interesting research, learning or innovation, etc. Also if it builds on learning from past proposals developed by the individual or organization, or other Wikimedia communities.
  • Analyzing if the proposal is going to contribute in any way to important developments around specific Wikimedia projects or Movement Strategy.
  • Analysing if the proposal is coherent in terms of the objectives, strategies, budget, and expected results (metrics).
