Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Wiki Karaeng (ID: 22655083)/Final Report

Wiki Karaeng
Rapid Fund Final Report

Report Status: Accepted

Due date: 02 March 2025

Funding program: Rapid Fund

Report type: Final


This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the web service of Wikimedia Foundation Funds where the user has submitted their midpoint report. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

General information

  • Applicant username: Silentwinner
  • Organization name: N/A
  • Amount awarded: 1525
  • Amount spent: 1402.11 USD, 22879527

Part 1: Project and impact


1. Describe the implemented activities and results achieved. Additionally, share which approaches were most effective in supporting you to achieve the results. (required)

I did this project together with my team. In my proposal, I wrote that only 3 people would be involved in this project, but in the field I was overwhelmed in collecting data, namely by creating a new team and inviting 2 people to join me in collecting data in the archive. building communication and trust was key in completing this project. although there were many problems during this time but fortunately we were able to complete this project before the deadline. in this project I created two teams. The first team that collected data consisted of 5 people and the second team collected data on Wikipedia, Wikidata and Commons.

2. Documentation of your impact. Please use space below to share links that help tell your story, impact, and evaluation. (required)

Share links to:

  • Project page on Meta-Wiki or any other Wikimedia project
  • Dashboards and tools that you used to track contributions
  • Some photos or videos from your event. Remember to share access.

You can also share links to:

  • Important social media posts
  • Surveys and their results
  • Infographics and sound files
  • Examples of content edited on Wikimedia projects

You can see all of our contribution in Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikicommons Throught this Link Below:

1. Wikipedia 2. Wikidata ttps:// 3. Wikicommons

Additionally, share the materials and resources that you used in the implementation of your project. (required)

For example:

  • Training materials and guides
  • Presentations and slides
  • Work processes and plans
  • Any other materials your team has created or adapted and can be shared with others

We use this list of museums as a guide in mapping museums in South Sulawesi

3. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the work carried out with this Rapid Fund? You can choose “not applicable” if your work does not relate to these goals. Required. Select one option per question. (required)

Our efforts during the Fund period have helped to...
A. Bring in participants from underrepresented groups Strongly agree
B. Create a more inclusive and connected culture in our community Strongly agree
C. Develop content about underrepresented topics/groups Strongly agree
D. Develop content from underrepresented perspectives Strongly agree
E. Encourage the retention of editors Strongly agree
F. Encourage the retention of organizers Strongly agree
G. Increased participants' feelings of belonging and connection to the movement Strongly agree
F. Other (optional)

Part 2: Learning


4. In your application, you outlined some learning questions. What did you learn from these learning questions when you implemented your project? How do you hope to use this learnings in the future? You can recall these learning questions below. (required)

You can recall these learning questions below: Menambah pengalaman dalam menyunting pada Commons, Wikidata dan Wikipedia dan juga mempelajari lebih dfalam lagi tentang sejarah museum dan benteng yang berada di Sulawesi selatan.

Menambah pengalaman dalam menyunting pada Commons, Wikidata dan Wikipedia dan juga mempelajari lebih dfalam lagi tentang sejarah museum dan benteng yang berada di Sulawesi selatan.

5. Did anything unexpected or surprising happen when implementing your activities? This can include both positive and negative situations. What did you learn from those experiences? (required)

The Goverment respons toward this project supprised me. they really welcome and support for this idea for making documentation of mesum and adding informasion about musuem in wikipedia. some of the musuem gave me tabloid and brosure and they ask to add the description of their musuem in wikipedia. But i am little bit sad because I can not make souvenir for the musuem that i have visited as gift.

6. What is your plan to share your project learnings and results with other community members? If you have already done it, describe how. (required)

During this project I learned many things. sometimes we think this is not important and may not have a big impact on other people. However, through this project I saw how the community cared and was interested in our idea and gave us support to continue creating more projects related to the Musuem. Through this project I introduce Wikipedia to people who don't know what Wikipedia is and with this project I help community members how to add data to Wikidata and how to add descriptions to Wikipedia. In addition, with this project I motivate them to get involved in proposing projects based on their interests.

Part 3: Metrics


7. Wikimedia Metrics results. (required)

In your application, you set some Wikimedia targets in numbers (Wikimedia metrics). In this section, you will describe the achieved results and provide links to the tools used.

Target Results Comments and tools used
Number of participants 3 6
Number of editors 3 6
Number of organizers 3 6
Wikimedia project Target Result - Number of created pages Result - Number of improved pages
Wikipedia 22 0 23
Wikimedia Commons 24 201 0
Wikidata 22 254 22
Wikimedia Incubator
Wikifunctions or Abstract Wikipedia

8. Other Metrics results.

In your proposal, you could also set Other Metrics targets. Please describe the achieved results and provide links to the tools used if you set Other Metrics in your application.

Other Metrics name Metrics Description Target Result Tools and comments
Commons Jumlah Foto yang Diupload diCommons 24 201
Wikidata Jumlah Pernyataan yang diupload dalam wikidata 176 254 ttps://

Wikipedia Jumlah bita yang ditambahkan dalam halaman wikipedia 6600 9000

9. Did you have any difficulties collecting data to measure your results? (required)


9.1. Please state what difficulties you had. How do you hope to overcome these challenges in the future? Do you have any recommendations for the Foundation to support you in addressing these challenges? (required)

Part 4: Financial reporting


10. Please state the total amount spent in your local currency. (required)


11. Please state the total amount spent in US dollars. (required)


12. Report the funds spent in the currency of your fund. (required)

Provide the link to the financial report

12.2. If you have not already done so in your financial spending report, please provide information on changes in the budget in relation to your original proposal. (optional)

13. Do you have any unspent funds from the Fund?


13.1. Please list the amount and currency you did not use and explain why.


13.2. What are you planning to do with the underspent funds?


13.3. Please provide details of hope to spend these funds.


14.1. Are you in compliance with the terms outlined in the fund agreement?


14.2. Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement?


14.3. Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Funds as outlined in the grant agreement? In summary, this is to confirm that the funds were used in alignment with the WMF mission and for charitable/nonprofit/educational purposes.


15. If you have additional recommendations or reflections that don’t fit into the above sections, please write them here. (optional)

Everything is Running Well

Review notes


Review notes from Program Officer:


Applicant's response to the review feedback.