Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Wiki in Africa Multi-Year General Support 2023-25

statusYear 3 plan funded
Wiki in Africa Multi-Year General Support 2023-25
start date2023-01-012023-01-01T00:00:00Z
end date2023-12-312025-12-31T00:00:00Z
budget (local currency)2760000 ZAR
amount requested (USD)162000 USD
amount recommended (USD)486000
grant typeNonprofit organization with Wikimedia mission
funding regionSSA
decision fiscal year2022-23
funding program roundRound 1
applicant and people related to proposalUser:Anthere
organization (if applicable)Wiki in Africa
Yearly Report (2023)

This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the web service of Wikimedia Foundation Funds where the user has submitted their application. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

Applicant details


Wikimedia username(s):




Wiki in Africa

G. Have you received grants from the Wikimedia Foundation before?

Applied previously and did receive a grant

H. Have you received grants from any non-wiki organization before?


H.1 Which organization(s) did you receive grants from?

  • Fondation Orange
  • Goethe Institute
  • Creative Commons
  • Moleskine Foundation

M. Do you have a fiscal sponsor?


M1. Fiscal organization name.


Additional information


R. Where will this proposal be implemented?

South Africa

S. Please indicate whether your work will be focused on one country (local), more than one or several countries in your region (regional) or has a cross-regional (global) scope:


S1. If you have answered regional or international, please write the country names and any other information that is useful for understanding your proposal.

T. If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has. (optional)

All websites and social media links of the organization are available here:

M. Do you have a fiscal sponsor?


M1. Fiscal organization name.




1. What is the overall vision of your organization and how does this proposal contribute to this? How does this proposal connect to past work and learning?

Wiki In Africa’s mission is to facilitate global access for all to open knowledge that reflects the diverse cultures, biodiversities, peoples, and histories of the African continent and other previously marginalized and disenfranchised communities with the same depth and breadth as other knowledges. To achieve the main mission of Wiki In Africa, we have the following goals:

Goal 1 is to provide multiple ways (and reduce the barriers) for individuals and partnering organizations to contribute their knowledge to the open movement and thereby reduce knowledge gaps and redress biases.

Goal 2 is to build the capacity of a network of leaders across Africa and developing communities, who are committed to boosting the open movement, reducing knowledge gaps, and redressing biases.
Wiki In Africa ( has been “officially” operating since 2016. The programs that it currently runs were instigated by the co-leads and have been operating since 2014. All our programs are designed to build community, transfer vital knowledge and skills, in order to develop a critical mass of leaders and participants within the wider African community to sustain and develop the movement going forward.

Wiki In Africa programmes address the following key areas:

1. Wiki Loves Africa ( has contributed to the development of Africa’s current Wikimedia landscape. It has also been instrumental in the personal development and validation of countless photographers across the continent. The annual Wiki Loves Africa photographic competition has been held 8 times since its launch in 2014. It is responsible for the contribution of 88,640 freely-licenced and accessible images by 10,380 photographers from across the continent. On average 80% of all contributors are new to Wikipedia. The images have a life beyond the competition with Wiki Loves Africa’s images being collectively viewed over 1 billion (!!) times since 2016. In the 2022 contest, 31 Wikimedia communities hosted ’official’ activities in 26 countries.

2. The groundbreaking Wiki Loves Women ( program addresses the biases that women face in the media through Inspiring Open ( It builds Wikimedia communities and develops content through its annual SheSaid campaign on WikiQuote ( It also mentors and develops the leadership skills of female Wikimedians through its Focus Group program (

3. WikiChallenge African Schools ( develops the digital skills and citizenship of Africa’s youth in partnership with Wikimedians in each country. Since 2017, the francophone and primary school-focused WikiChallenge African Schools has rolled out in 10 countries across Africa, with over 250 participating schools that has resulted in 357 articles and 1,973 photos, drawings and media being created by pupils and submitted to Over the 5 editions, 49 schools have received prizes.

4. In 2021, Wiki In Africa launched the WikiAfrica Hour ( to support the growth and development of Wikimedia user groups across the WikiAfrica movement. The monthly program showcases Wikimedia activities through an African lens, foregrounding African Wikimedia activities across the continent, and in the global community. In the first year of its broadcast, the 15 episodes were aired featuring 51 guests from the Wikimedia movement, with 4,015 YouTube views.

5. Other programs focus on:

  • Technological solutions to Africa’s challenges by creating the offline editing solution WikiFundi (with offline resources) and the award-winning ISA tool.
  • Volunteer development and community support through all of the projects listed above.

2. What is the change that you are trying to bring about and why is this important?

4.1 billion people are online (ITU, 2020). This means that 3.6 billion are not connected, despite 97% of the global population being within reach of a mobile signal. 56% of the populations of Least Developed Countries are offline.

In Africa, 29% of individuals use the internet despite 79.5% mobile coverage (2019). Only 28% of urban households had internet access (6% in rural areas).

Women’s Internet use lags behind men. Globally, 48% of women use the Internet, versus 55% of men. In Africa, the internet usage rate drops to 37% for men and 20% for women. The digital gender gap in Africa is widening with the Gender Parity score of 0.79 (2013) dropping to 0.54 in 2019. The ITU suggests this is caused by:

  • A lack of digital skills (access, education)
  • Affordability (data, technology, education costs)
  • A lack of content that:
  • People are interested in
  • Relates the experience of the reader
  • Reflects their cultural viewpoints and perspectives.

This lack of information that people want or need to consume is a vicious cycle. If they do not see themselves reflected online with articles in their language and relevant to their experiences, they are unlikely to contribute content. If they do not find recognisable experiences and perspectives on knowledge platforms, few will return. Leaving nobody behind is a central precept of the UN’s SDGs.

At 21 billion page views/month (Sept 2021), the Wikimedia projects are the most accessed Open Education Resources globally. Yet only 18% of all Wikimedia content relates to women. Africa has almost double the population of Europe, but the total number of Africa-related articles amount to 15% of Europe’s articles. Given the ITU stats, it is not surprising that 1.5% of Wikipedia editors are in Africa, despite Africa’s population being 17% of the world’s total.

Since 2016, Wiki In Africa has developed successful free-to-access open programs that focus on strategic sectors to address the significant barriers to access and digital skill acquisition, and thus encourage content contribution. Our programs lower access, transfer skills, develop leaders, and build communities. Collectively, they address representation by bridging the contribution and content gaps that perpetuate the digital divide that plagues Africa. Thousands of WIA participants add content ‘their’ Africa and share the knowledges, cultures, and lived realities of Africa, and decolonizes online knowledge. The documents outlining Wiki In Africa’s strategy in more detail can be accessed here:

3. Describe your main approaches or strategies to achieve these changes and why you think they will be effective.

In 2021, Wiki In Africa isolated its Theory of Change. The documents outlining Wiki In Africa’s strategy can be accessed here ( The strategic tactics chosen to ensure that the goals are achieved are: 1. Visible: Inform, make visible and advocate about the issues 2. Access: Ensure multiple levels and paths to access each of the programs 3. Platform creation: Provide multiple fun, engaging ways and formats for individuals to contribute 4. Skills acquisition: Identify and train leaders to activate open movement projects, and 5. Community development: Grow networks of communities that boost the open movement, reduce knowledge gaps and facilitate cross-pollination between communities

Since 2022, overarching specific tactics include: 1. Build inter-project communities, 2. Train and mentors Wikimedia leaders, 3. Train key skill groups, i.e. photographers, 4. Foster digital skills and content contribution from the next generation, 5. Advocate for open practices through external-focused campaigns, and 6. Expand our circle of friends in the open knowledge movement.

To achieve our goals of closing representation and content gaps, Wiki In Africa’s programs address the following key gaps and sectors in innovative, engaging, and fun ways:

  • Representation gaps: Wiki Loves Africa
  • Gender equity: Wiki Loves Women
  • Youth activation: WikiChallenge African Schools + WikiAfrica OERs
  • Access through technology: WikiFundi + ISA Tool
  • Community development: WikiAfrica Hour + WikiAfrica Heritage

Though each individual initiative is designed to stand alone, they are integrated and specifically designed to accelerate and develop the skills of leaders to run participation events and develop communities across Africa.

See for smart objectives for each program, view the Wiki In Africa Multi-year Plan 2023 and other relevant strategy documents here:

4. What are the activities you will be developing and delivering as part of these approaches or strategies?

Wiki In Africa’s projects pose Wikimedia-based solutions by addressing contributor and content gaps through six strategic sectors enacted over 2023 via 19 key activities. There are additional activities that are focused on achieving the goals of the organization.

Read the activities in more detail in the Wiki In Africa Multi-year Plan 2023 that can be accessed here:

REPRESENTATION GAPS (Multimedia): Wiki Loves Africa is an annual photo contest that is run across the African continent. It uses the power of the visual image to change how Africa is perceived globally and by its own population. The contest has helped to build the profile of photography across Africa as a vehicle for change. 1. WLA annual photographic contest (Feb-April 2022) 2. WLA ISA campaign (Oct-Dec) 3. Image Usage campaign 4. WLA Wide Angle : Quality Photography Tips and Tricks 5. WLA Wide Angle : Monthly Photography LiveCast 6. WLA Wide Angle Masterclass Series (external funds dependent)

GENDER EQUITY: Wiki Loves Women activates and trains leaders to implement their own programs. It also highlights the representation gaps with regards to women and provides ways for people to close those gaps on their own terms.

7. Wiki Loves Women Focus Group (year round scheduled program) 8. #SheSaid global campaign (Oct-Nov) 9. ISA global campaign (March) 10. Inspiring Open Podcast (Season 2: q1 & q2 production, year-round scheduled releases) (external funds dependent) 11. WLW Equity Course: full immersion into the gender gap (external funds dependent)

EDUCATION 12. WikiChallenge Ecoles d’Afrique: 6th writing contest in 9 francophone African countries involving primary schools using WikiFundi. (external funds confirmed) 13. WikiChallenge Ecoles d’Afrique: extending the WikiChallenge to 3 more countries outside the usual countries (external funds dependent) 14. WikiChallenge African Schools: research and development for an anglophone WikiChallenge African Schools (external funds dependent) 15. WikiAfrica OER curation and creation – curated resources for offline use on WikiFundi + IP and copyright teaching materials

ACCESS: TECH SOLUTIONS 16. WikiFundi – promote and further distribute 2021 release (English, French, and Spanish) 17. ISA Tool - Update tool in 2023 in partnership with Wikimedia SV

COMMUNITY COHESION 18. WikiAfrica Hour – live broadcast to members of the WikiAfrica movement informing about Africa and global WM activities 19. WikiAfrica Heritage – training of GLAM professionals towards self-sustaining participation (external funds dependent)

ORGANISATION-FOCUSED ACTIVITIES 1. Develop the team to year round focuses to ensure long term security and growth 2. Increase the knowledge and skills of staff through strategic training and learning opportunities 3. Consult with International Fundraising and Resource Development experts to better place the organization for external funding and long-term security 4. Expand the Board and Program Advisory Committees to reflect the diversity of our communities

5. Do you want to apply for multi-year funding?      

Yes, for 3 years

5.1 If yes, provide a brief overview of Year 2 and Year 3 of the proposed plan and how this relates to the current proposal and your strategic plan?

Wiki In Africa has been developing a strategic and layered year-round schedule of program activities over the last 6 years. This year round timeline and the strategy behind the approaches can be explored in more detail at this link: on it, you will find the Wiki In Africa Strategic Plan, the Wiki In Africa SWOT analysis and the Wiki In Africa Multi-Year Plan 2023.

Our initial application involved three notable additions to the Annual Plan 2022 submitted last year. For the 2023 budget and plan we incorporated the production and release of the highly successful Inspiring Open podcast series, a two-prong advancement and development plan, and increased staffing towards long term growth and security. We did not anticipate any major additions over 2024 and 2025 as it meant to be focused on achieving maximum potential for each of our projects.

However, due to Year 1 (2023) budget restrictions

  • The Inspiring Open Podcast Series will not be implemented in Year 1, and will be proposed in Year 2, unless external funding may be found in 2023
  • The Advancement and Development plan will only be partially implemented in 2023, and the approach will be further explored in Year 2
  • We hope to hire two half-time year around staff members in Year 1 for additional stability and effectiveness. We will only be able to hire one for 8 months. Overview of Year 2 and Year 3 include to be able to fill those two part-time position year around.

6. Please include a timeline (operational calendar) for your proposal.

The complete Wiki In Africa Year-Round activities timeline can be found at this link: Or on this page

7. Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?

The Wiki In Africa team has been growing over the last two years. It has been an amazing experience to have colleagues ! It has also been a wonderful journey of training, collaboration and assimilation of alternative ideas and working practices. We believe that the staff we develop by working together should be able to stay and collaborate over the long term and not be limited to one year of superficial integration into the program before leaving. This does not do either the staff, the programs or the organisations any favour and limits the potential of all three.

With this in mind we know we can grow our team as our projects achieve their full potential. Our staffing goals for 2023-2025 are to: 1. Develop the Wiki In Africa team to provide year-round support to ensure project development and growth 2. Create opportunities within the organisation to ensure long term security and growth 3. Increase the knowledge and skills of staff through strategic training and learning opportunities 4. Ensure that remuneration keeps up with inflation 5. Ensure that remuneration keeps abreast of demonstrable growth in skills and experience We have achieved much over the last two years. We can do so much more!

To achieve the above staffing goals we would like to retain the five existing staff members ( to further develop their skills and ensure the growth of programs through more strategic and focused responsibilities. We would also like to grow the staff by 3 more individuals to ensure our key projects have dedicated, year round attention and support from within the Wiki In Africa team. This allows for the project to build on the experiences and ideas uncovered from previous years.

  • Wiki Loves Africa Facilitator
  • Wiki Loves Women Facilitator
  • Communication manager

Note: due to budget restrictions, the WLW facilitator will not be hired in 2023 and the WLA facilitator will be hired for 8 months instead of 12.

In addition, we acknowledge that to achieve our ambitious vision, we need to harness the experiences, knowledge and skills of other experts. We have included in our strategy the following key roles in order to achieve the long term sustainability of the organisation, and the full potential of the programs.

These experts are intended to assist with the following:

  • Technical support and assistance
  • Lead Development Strategy expert for opportunities assessment and assistance (external funds dependant)
  • Resource Developer to assist with research and approach
  • Design and branding development
  • Website and platform support, security and development
  • Experts in various fields to provide ad hoc training
  • Bookkeeping and payroll services
  • Accountancy and auditing services

Read about this plan in more detail in the Wiki in Africa Multi-Year plan here:

8. Please state if your proposal aims to work to bridge any of the identified CONTENT knowledge gaps (Knowledge Inequity)? Select up to THREE that most apply to your work.

Content Gender gap, Geography, Cultural background, ethnicity, religion, racial

8.1 In a few sentences, explain how your work is specifically addressing this content gap (or Knowledge inequity) to ensure a greater representation of knowledge.

  • Content Gender Gap: the annual SheSaid ensures notable women’s voices are validated on WikiQuote.Inspiring Open provides material for underrepresented women who are leading communities across Africa through open practices. It addresses the media gap that relates to the coverage of women.
  • Geography: Wiki Loves Africa is designed to address the significant content gap, and challenge the kinds of online representation relating to “Africa”. The photographic contest harnesses the power of the image to subvert how universal topics are illustrated and increases the visual understanding of everyday African experiences.
  • Cultural background, ethnicity, religion and racial: All WIA programs are frameworks which enable volunteers and communities to contribute in respect of their capacities, motivations and personal and cultural specificities. An example is the Rwanda Usergroup using SheSaid to grow articles on notable women on Rwandan Wikipedia, instead of on WikiQuote.

9. Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or THEMATIC focus. Select up to THREE that most apply to your work and explain the rationale for identifying these themes.

Education, Culture, heritage or GLAM , Open Technology, Diversity

10. Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities? Please note, we had previously asked about inclusion and diversity in terms of CONTENTS, in this question we are asking about the diversity of PARTICIPANTS. Select up to THREE that most apply to your work.

Gender Identity, Geographic , Digital Access

11. What are your strategies for engaging participants, particularly those that currently are non-Wikimedia?

There are six key stages in the participant’s journey that have been identified through 10 years of experience with Wikimedia projects across Africa. The stages range from passive observers to organisers or activators. In the middle are activists (participants) and supporters (social ambassadors). Our activities are focused on two key areas:

  • facilitating activists to participate (through easy to access campaigns and contests)
  • building skills and developing the Wikiverse knowledge of activators to build community builders and organise campaigns

The participant starts as unaware and then becomes an observer (curious, but not sure how to be involved). Supporters share WIA opportunities (social media/word of mouth). Activists actively participate either as individuals (via online contests or drives) or as part of a group at a local event. Activists participate in WLA, ISA Tool drives or Wiki Loves Women’s SheSaid campaigns. The pupils engaged through WikiChallenge are considered activists. Through participation, some activists become active group members and acquire Wiki skills immersion in local or global WM events. The final stage is to become an activator or organizer, as a leader of programs and teams. This stage requires training, mentorship, and support via such initiatives as Wiki Loves Women Focus Group, Wiki Loves Africa organiser support initiatives, WikiChallenge facilitator training, etc. The participant’s journey is a funnel that ends with the activator role. Sustainability, scalability, and growth are ensured through the knowledge acquired through our programs, which also consolidates their immersion into the Wikimedia Movement. Sustainability is supported by: 1. Introduction to and training in WMF processes, i.e. Meta, funding, documentation, community building, best practices, and metrics 2. Program, skills, and leadership development through our webinars, office hours, working sessions, mentorship, communications support, etc. 3. Programs and campaigns designed to involve existing communities 4. Visibility and acknowledgment of winners and participants through social media, newsletter announcements, presentations to the WM community, press releases, WikiAfrica Hour coverage, etc. 5. Telegram channels build cohesion, solidarity, and support within groups 6. Partnerships with local organizations encouraged for additional support, i.e. event venues (space, internet access, logistics), communications, interested member networks, etc

12. In what ways are you actively seeking to contribute towards creating a safer, supportive, more equitable environment for participants and promoting the UCOC and Friendly Space Policy, and/or equivalent local policies and processes?

The UCOC and Friendly Space Policy are progressively integrated into all Wikimedia programs. Over the past 2 years, we have created both formal and informal safe spaces. Just one example of the Friendly Space Policy in action is how the Wiki Loves Women’s Focus Group activities and meetings are conducted. The whole project operates as a safe space for all members. Members are encouraged to share freely and we are honored and humbled when members do use this platform as a cathartic space to confront their own challenges head one. We are very clear that we do not record or publish any of the private or workshop session discussions (that usually take place after the knowledge sharing presentations). We have also scheduled a working session to discuss the reality of implementing these policies in the last quarter of 2022.

With regards to the UCOC we have created platforms for the process to be discussed and its relevance and significance for African Communities to be pondered. This can be viewed in the WikiAfrica Hour - Episode #6: Ever wondered what these things mean ... UCOC, EDGR, SCF, U4C? (link:

For 2023 and beyond, Wiki In Africa undertakes to incorporate compliance to these policies as a binding part in the Staff contracts. We will also undertake to make sure that the policies are clearly linked in agenda or notes for community meetings (especially for in-person meetings as part of WikiChallenge project).

13. Do you have plans to work with Wikimedia communities, groups, or affiliates in your country, or in other countries, to implement this proposal?


13.1 If yes, please tell us about these connections online and offline and how you have let Wikimedia communities know about this proposal.

WIA programs are designed for WM communities. We discuss plans, consulting via meetings, polls and surveys. Examples of methods include:

  • WLA supports Africa’s WM groups through a meta page, meetings, webinars, shared best practices and tools, and Telegram. The organisers’ survey records experiences and polls themes. Global WM is informed via Telegram, Wikimedia-L, DIFF, presentations at Wikimania, WikiArabia, WikiIndaba, etc. and via contest page, website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram campaigns and youtube.
  • WLW consults its members (individuals from WM training (e.g. AFLia) or Africa’s UGs) and WLW Advisory Committee (WLW alumni and Gender Gap UG leaders). Focus Group discuss on Telegram. WLW activity recorded on meta, en.wp, fr.wp, website, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Guests for WLW’s podcast were nominated by WM members.
  • The WikiFundi offline tool was created to support WM groups. Partnerships through discussion with UG leaders (e.g. WikiFundi used in OFWA’s Kiwix4School)

14. Will you be working with other external, non-Wikimedian partners to implement this proposal?


14.1 Please describe these partnerships and what motivates the potential partner to be part of the proposal and how they add value to your work.

In 2022, our main external partner is (since 2014) Orange Foundation and their local affiliates in 9 Francophone countries on the WikiChallenge Offline Education project. WikiChallenge is also supported through the Vikidia community and on-the-ground training and liaison provided by some Wikimedia affiliates.

WikiChallenge has a “host page” on Vikidia, a meta page, and Facebook page. It is often featured at Wikimedia events (Wikimania, WikiIndaba, WikiConvention francophone), on Wikimedia France blog, in the Education Newsletter. Fondation Orange provides funding, a network of schools, computer equipment for the schools, local facilitators, and communications support.

The types of partners we work with varies according to the benefits they offer and our symbiotic needs. Just some of the examples of external partners in 2022 include:

  • Africa Tech Radio who partnered with us on platform syndication, profile building, and visibility,
  • the Goethe-Institut who has provided direct funding, venue access, and communication support,
  • and the Simon’s Town Museum who partnered with us on Heritage facilitation, network, and communications.

15. How do you hope to sustain or expand the work carried out in this proposal after the grant?

Our mission is ambitious. The contribution and content gaps are significant and healing the systemic damage is a long process. True contribution and knowledge equity will not be achieved without the involvement of multiple partners, aligned movements and individuals across different, often intersecting, sectors.

Most of our programmatic objectives are designed to encourage tiered levels of participation, both in our programs and the wider WM movement.

Here are just four of Wiki In Africa’s sustainability focuses: 1. Stabilize Wiki In Africa’s long term operations through governance development to ensure operational stability.

2. Scale and upskill teams to better support year-round events of each program, benefit from the advanced skills of all staff, and incorporate multiple voices, experiences and passions. In 2022, we launched internal staff training activities and we developed a 3 years strategy. This adds to organizational and program sustainability.

3. Consult and harness the networks of external consultants to refine and make more effective the efforts to secure long term external funding. In 2022, directly or indirectly WIA received funding from Orange Fondation, Goethe-Institut, Wikimedia Sweden and Wikimedia France.

4. Organizational development through internal analysis, process consolidation, communications strategy, and staff development. This approach resulted in Wiki In Africa’s Theory of Change and the WIA Strategic plan.

16. What kind of risks do you anticipate and how would you mitigate these. This can include factors such as external/contextual issues that may affect implementation, as well as internal issues, such as governance/leadership changes.

Wiki In Africa’s SWOT Analysis can also be found at this link:

A review of the risks that arise from the SWOT weaknesses (and how to mitigate these risks) can be found at this link:

17. In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select a maximum of three options that most apply.

Provide for Safety and Inclusion, Coordinate Across Stakeholders, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development

18. Please state if your organization or group has a Strategic Plan that can help us further understand your proposal. You can also upload it here.  


Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation


19. What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?

The Wiki In Africa programs are designed to be both multilayered and adaptive and are constantly tested to ensure that short-term and long-term implications are charted and considered. It is important that we constantly learn from our work and apply those lessons back into the work itself. Specific learnings per project include:


  • How much impact has the Focus Group had on local community growth and development?
  • How empowered do women feel through the program and initiatives?
  • How do communications, engagement, and event tactics compare across cultures and spaces, and why?
  • What keeps participants returning to events?
  • How do we chart their participation journey?
  • What impact does the podcasts have on the audience?

Note: due to budget restriction, WIA can not hire a person to implement this learning process. It may or may not be implemented.


  • What is the photographers’ journey through the contest?
  • What do photographers need to contribute beyond the contest to Commons?
  • What do experienced organizers need to increase the impact on the community of their participation in Wiki Loves Africa?

WikiChallenge African Schools:

  • How much do the children get out of it?
  • How important is it for teachers to get involved?
  • Does it have an impact beyond the contest?


  • How is WikiFundi used, and in what way?
  • What impact does it have in each sector?

WikiAfrica Hour:

  • How effective is this format for imparting knowledge, building community skills, cohesion, and shared purpose?
  • Is it replicable in other regions by other communities?

20. Based on these learning questions, what is the information or data you need to collect to answer these questions? Please register this information (as metric description) in the following space provided.

Main Metrics Description Target
Leadership Journey of core participants to Wiki Loves Women We have trained and mentored core participants in the Wiki Loves Women program since 2017. What happened to them since then? What was the impact of the collaboration on their journey ? Did that reinforce their leadership ?

During 2022 we have consistently consulted the core participants about their needs and desires with regards to the future of the program and direction of the support it offers. This has been gathered in an informal manner, using emails, specific feedback sessions, and Telegram channel polls.
This is a qualitative metric we would like to explore further and more structured in 2023. At this point, we believe a way to do that would be to facilitate a series of individual interviews to members of the WLW focus group and former leaders of WLW programs + create and send an anonymous survey (to members of the focus group, former leaders of WLW program and current leaders of #SheSaid initiative), to assess past and future practices with outcomes presented in a report.
This is a rather time consuming effort, which will only be seriously explored if we have sufficient staff time support.

Note: due to budget restrictions, WIA unfortunately can not hire a Wiki Loves Women facilitator. It is very unlikely that this learning process will be thus implemented.

Participation of professional photographers to Wiki Loves Africa

For the past 2 years, we have tried to reach out to photo professionals in Africa. We intend to expand this strategy in 2023. Is there an impact on photo quality ? on awareness of the photo contest ? on awareness of Wikimedia Commons ?

This is a qualitative metric we would like to explore in 2023. For the last few years, we have been focused on better supporting Wikimedia lead organisers. But the work has definitely started:

Another direction started in 2022 is to foster a community effort to deliberately get WLA pictures tagged as featured, quality, or value (thus being able to evaluate the situation over the years). The early development of a ‘tips and tricks’ series for interested photographers, hosted by past winners and jurors.

We feel that 2023 will be the right time to implement these long-term goals.
We would like to better qualify our database of professional photographers (increase quality contacts number; measure impact of our messages to them such as opening rate), and photography schools and groups, and identify professional participants to WLA on Commons.

We could plan an awareness measurement campaign of Commons/WLA (or WLX) in Africa, in partnership with the relevant Wikimedia Foundation team.

All those will be time consuming efforts, which can only be seriously explored if we have sufficient staff time support.

Note: due to budget restrictions, the planned half time staff dedicated to WLA will be hired for 8 months instead of 12 months. We will do our best, but this metrics may be only partly implemented.

WikiAfrica Hour impact We have been running this programme for a year or so and intend to continue in 2023. How effective is this format for imparting knowledge, building community skills, cohesion, and shared purpose? Is it worth it? What would be more effective?

An interesting direction would be to set-up an advisory committee (made of africans, podcasters, communication people etc.), provide them with an overview of what has been achieved so far, what programmatic elements could be fine tuned, what is missing, etc.and get them involved in 1-3 online sessions to brainstorm on the strategy ahead. We would probably need an external dedicated person to facilitate such an activity.


Here are some additional metrics that you can use if they are relevant to your work. Please note that this is just an optional list, mostly of quantitative metrics. They may complement the qualitative metrics you have defined in the previous boxes.

Additional Metrics Description Target
Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A
Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities WLA participants = 1,500

Wikiquote participants = 9 x 20
ISA participants = 40

Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability N/A N/A
Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors N/A N/A
Diversity of participants brought in by grantees N/A N/A
Number of people reached through social media publications We are deploying an important outreach effort on social media. We expect to see an increase in followers, but also in engagement. 30% increase 30
Number of activities developed N/A N/A
Number of volunteer hours N/A N/A

21. Additional core quantitative metrics. These core metrics will not tell the whole story about your work, but they are important for measuring some Movement-wide changes. Please try to include these core metrics if they are relevant to your work. If they are not, please use the space provided to explain why they are not relevant or why you can not capture this data. Your explanation will help us review our core metrics and make sure we are using the best ones for the movement as a whole.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target
Number of participants WLA participants = 1,500

Wikiquote participants = 9 x 20
ISA participants = 40
WAHour guests = 12 x 4

Number of editors WLA participants = 1,500

Wikiquote participants = 9 x 20
ISA participants = 40
WAHour guests = 12 x 4 WLW Inspiring Open podcast guests = 12

Number of organizers WLA org team members = 21 x 3

WLW Focus group members / SheSaid= 15.
Additional Note: it is nevertheless likely that some figures overlap between organizers WLW and organizers WLA...

Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target
Wikimedia Commons Images collected through Wiki Loves Africa photo contest 8000
Wikiquote Wiki Loves Women SheSaid entries 400
Wikimedia Commons ISA descriptions and captions added 50000

21.1 If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation.

The WIA mission is to rebalance the content available online about African and marginalized communities, but this cannot be achieved until there is a critical mass of digital and content savvy contributors who are motivated, trained, and led by skilled, interconnected leaders across various populations and communities.

The skills deficit of newbies requires that content contribution is a tiered process. While the ultimate aim is to increase content, the main focus is on developing the skills, knowledge, access, and abilities for sustainable contribution in multiple formats. This tiered process leads to more focused, quality contributions by activists due to the solid foundation of skills of the activators.

While content is developed as part of the programs by activists, the main programmatic focus and effort (and indicator of programmatic success) is on the effectiveness and community impact of the capacity building, knowledge transfer, and leadership development.

22. What tools would you use to measure each metric selected?

Here is a rather extensive list of tools our team use (for metrics measure and for other uses)

Wiki related tools

  • Montage
* Mass messages
* the Hashtag Tool
* the Wiki Loves Tool / Baglama2 / Glamorous /  Glamorgan (link to our WLA tools)
* Quarry and Wikidata query Service
* Glamify Tool
* Outreach dashboard 
* ISA Tool

External tools (to measure and beyond)

  • Hootsuite
* MailChimp
* MailBlaze
* Qualtrix (WMF)
* Zoom (pro)
* StreamYard
* Menti
  • Later
  • Canva
  • Filmora
  • Anchor
  • Soundcloud
  • Adobe audio and design suite
  • 1password

Financial Proposal


23. & 23.1 What is the amount you are requesting from WMF? Please provide this amount in your local currency. If you are thinking about a multi-year fund, please provide the amount for the first year.

2760000 ZAR

23.2 What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?

162000 USD

23.3 Please upload your budget for this proposal or indicate the link to it.

Link to the detailed budget :

23.4 Please include any additional observations or comments you would like to include about your budget.


Please use this optional space to upload any documents that you feel are important for further understanding your proposal.

Other public document(s):

On this page, you will find the following support documents:

  • Wiki In Africa: Multi-year Plan 2023-25
  • Wiki In Africa: Strategic Plan
  • Wiki In Africa: Theory of Change
  • Wiki In Africa: WMF Community Fund application 2023 (with links)
  • Wiki In Africa: year-round timeline
  • Wiki In Africa: SWOT Analysis
  • Wiki In Africa: Risk Analysis

Final Message


By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.

We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


Year 2 Plan

Annual Plan for Year 2

1.1. Please upload or indicate a link for Year 2 Annual Plan. (required)

1.2. Please describe any major changes in your Annual Plan. If there are changes that require a budget change, please specify. (required)

New focuses in 2024:

  • Updated SMART Objectives for each focus area
  • Implementation of Advanced Skills Training Series: Engaging Media (platform:
  • Inclusion of a Staff Retreat that takes advantage of WikiIndaba 2024 in South Africa, thus keeping costs low

Budget for Year 2

2.1. Do you request an increase or decrease from what has been approved for Year 2? (required)

Yes, I am requesting a budget increase for Year 2

2.2. Please upload a detailed budget file or indicate a link to it for the Year 2 proposal. The revised budget should show your anticipated yearly budget from the beginning of Year 2 through the end date of the grant. (required)

2.3. What is the percentage increase you are requesting for Year 2 (with respect to the Year 2 budget submitted with your original proposal)?


2.4. How much do you request for Year 2 in USD with the increase? (required)

194300 USD

2.5. How much do you request for Year 2 in your local currency with the increase? (required)

3685910 ZAR

2.6. Please describe the main major changes in your new budget. Your response to this question should provide a brief summary of the changes and give the reasons for them. (required)

Budget Notes: -- Requested increase for 2024 budget within 20% to 194,300 USD

Changes or adaptations to specific budgetary lines:

  • Upskilling, fundraising, evaluation, and general outreach support:
  • - Travel: Increased to anticipate an in-person Staff Retreat
  • - Design - review of organizational + project branding increased above 7% increase
  • Administrative expenses:
  • - Software and subscription packages (underestimated+cost increase)
  • - Cost of accounting and fiscal services
  • - Webmaster – review of organizational + project branding increased above 7% increase
  • Project Expenses:
  • - Community – GLAM/Heritage (WikiAfrica Heritage training) consolidated into Community. Advanced Skills Training Series added to this focus – Engaging Media is the first of a proposed series.
  • - Tools & Tech:
  • - - Development costs zeroed as these are currently being carried out by partnering organizations (very confusing and complex at the moment).
  • - - Addition of Tools&Tech Community Engagement position at 0.25 FTE.
  • - Education / WikiChallenge African Schools:
  • - - Research and development to extend beyond the Orange Foundation programs into either Francophone or Anglophone countries; prospect for external funding
  • - Wiki Loves Women – Inspiring Open: Research and development to continue with a low-budget option until externally funded
  • General staff compensation (details outlined in linked Annual Plan 2024)
  • - Inflation adjustments
  • - Limited performance-based increases

Metrics for Year 2

3.1. Main open metrics (required)

Main Open Metrics
Metrics Name Description Target
Leadership Journey of core participants to Wiki Loves Women We have trained and mentored core participants in the Wiki Loves Women program since 2017. What has happened to them since their initial involvement in the program? What was the impact of the collaboration on their journey? Did that reinforce their leadership?

This is a qualitative metric we will continue to track in 2024

Participation of professional photographers and filmmakers in Wiki Loves Africa For the past three years, we have tried to reach out to photo professionals in Africa. We have employed this strategy in 2023 and intend to continue in 2024, extending it to the African documentary community. Is there an impact on photo quality? Do filmmakers and photographers understand what is an encyclopedic entry? Is there enough awareness of the contest in the professional sphere? What is the level of awareness of the benefits of contributing to Wikimedia Commons?

This is a qualitative metric we would like to continue to track in 2024

WikiAfrica Hour impact on the cohesion of Africa's Wikimedian Community We have been running this program since 2021. How effective is this format for imparting knowledge, building community skills, cohesion, and shared purpose? What is its value to the community? Could it be more effective, or are there other elements we could add that would benefit the community more? This is a qualitative metric we would like to continue to track in 2024 N/A

3.2. Core metrics (required)

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target
Number of participants WLA participants = 1000

Wikiquote participants = 9 x 20 ISA participants = 40 WAHour guests = 12 x 4 WLW Inspiring Open podcast guests = 12

Number of editors WLA participants = 1000

Wikiquote participants = 9 x 20 ISA participants = 40 WAHour guests = 12 x 4 WLW Inspiring Open podcast guests = 12

Number of organizers WLA org team members = 21 x 3

WLW Focus group members / SheSaid= 15 Additional Note: it is nevertheless likely that some figures overlap between organizers WLW and organizers WLA...

Number of new content contributions to Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia Project Description Target
Wikimedia Commons Images collected through Wiki Loves Africa photo contest 8000
Wikiquote Wiki Loves Women SheSaid entries 3000
Wikimedia Commons ISA descriptions and captions added 50000

3.4. If you are introducing new metrics related to a major change in your budget or programmatic plans, please describe them below. (optional)


Additional information for Year 2

4.2. If there are additional links, files, or information you would like to share related to Year 2 planning, please add them here. (optional)

The Annual Plan and the Organisational Budget for 2024 are both attached and linked. Please let us know if you require any other information - we are always happy to supply it!

Year 3 Plan

Annual Plan for Year 3

1.1. Please upload or indicate a link for Year 3 Annual Plan. (required)

1.2. Please describe any major changes in your Annual Plan. If there are changes that require a budget change, please specify. (required)

We do not have any significant changes to our previous Annual Plans or the Multi-year Plan submitted in 2023. All of these elements are still planned and on track. However, additional focuses are listed below.

New additions in 2025:

  • Organisational:
  • Consultation, analysis, strategy review, and development of 5-year plan until 2030 (possible staff and advisors retreat to map a 5-year plan for the organisation in 2025)
  • Additional board members added by Sept 2025
  • Finalise updated policy documents
  • Evolution of the constitution and charter
  • Programs:
  • Continue programs as per Year 3, with the focus on WikiLearn IP Mooc over the WikiLearn Media Traning Mooc
  • Ensure newly hired wikipedian works on pending or abandoned translations that increase linguistic access to and impact of programs
  • Continue feasibility study research for offline resources across Africa, to inform future direction for WikiFundi + offline resource library
  • Community cohesion:
  • Coordination of regular meetings of African Wikimedia leadership to share and support each other in organisational and governance development
  • WikiAfrica Awards: Research into and development of annual community awards, nominations from the community, and nominations reviewed by community members;
  • Sustainability:
  • Continued audit of communications and focus towards additional external funding
  • Explore external funding streams through WMF support and independent advice
  • Pilot of new WMF funding pathways for rapid grants specific to our programs
  • Rollout of updated brands consolidation of web assets and integration of communications channels

Budget for Year 3

2.1. Do you request an increase or decrease from what has been approved for Year 3? (required)

Yes, I am requesting a budget increase for Year 3

2.2. Please upload a detailed budget file or indicate a link to it for the Year 3 proposal. The revised budget should show your anticipated yearly budget from the beginning of Year 3 through the end date of the grant. (required)

2.3. What is the percentage increase you are requesting for Year 3 (with respect to the Year 3 budget submitted with your original proposal)?


2.4. How much do you request for Year 3 in USD with the increase? (required)

206000 USD

2.5. How much do you request for Year 3 in your local currency with the increase? (required)

3635024 ZAR

2.6. Please describe the main major changes in your new budget. Your response to this question should provide a brief summary of the changes and give the reasons for them. (required)

Metrics for Year 3

3.1. Main open metrics (required)

Main Open Metrics
Metrics Name Description Target
WikiAfrica Hour impact In 2023, we surveyed the 100+ WikiAfrica guests since 2021. We have since changed the format and flow of the program.

Have these changes imparted relevant knowledge and built community skills, encouraged cohesion, retention, and a shared purpose? What has been its value to the community? This is a qualitative metric we have revised and would like to continue to explore in 2025.

Documentation of the leadership journey of Wiki Loves Women core participants as they enter a new phase We have trained and mentored core participants in the Wiki Loves Women program since 2017. What has happened to them since their initial involvement in the program? What was the impact of the collaboration on their journey? Did that reinforce their leadership?

This is a qualitative metric we have revised and would like to continue to explore in 2025.

Participation of professional photographers and filmmakers in Wiki Loves Africa For the past 3 years, we have tried to reach out to photo professionals in Africa. We have employed this strategy throughout 2023 & 2024, particularly in the contest webinars and events. We will continue with this. Has there been an impact on photo quality? Is there enough awareness of the contest in the professional sphere? What is the level of awareness of the benefits of contributing to Wikimedia Commons ?

This is a qualitative metric we have revised and would like to continue to explore in 2025.

WLA focus on media - video and audio - quality contributions through support and development to Commons Involve and expose WLA to the African documentary community. Do the filmmakers and audiophiles understand what is an encyclopedic entry? This is an additional qualitative metric in 2025 that refines a metric from year 2. N/A
Validate and document excellence across the Wikimedia movement in Africa Is visible validation required? Will it make a difference to the retention of editors and/or the transition from editors to organisers?

This is a new qualitative metric in 2025. Minimum of 10 prize categories awarded in 2025


3.2. Core metrics (required)

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target
Number of participants WLA participants = 900

Wikiquote participants = 100 ISA contributors = 150 WAHour guests = 60 WikiOTO drive = 35 WLW Inspiring Open podcast guests = 10

Number of editors WLA participants = 900

Wikiquote participants = 100 ISA contributors = 150 WAHour guests = 60 WikiOTO drive = 35 WLW Inspiring Open podcast guests = 10

Number of organizers WLA org team members = 90

WLW Focus group members= 35 ISA campaign organisers: 50 SheSaid organisers (2 x organising teams) = 42 WikiOTO drive = 7 WikiAfrica Hour Guest Hosts=10

Additional Note: it is nevertheless likely that some figures overlap between organizers WLW and organizers WLA.

Number of new content contributions to Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia Project Description Target
Wikimedia Commons Images collected through the Wiki Loves Africa photo contest 10000
Wikiquote Wiki Loves Women SheSaid edits and additions 5000
Wikimedia Commons ISA descriptions and captions added 3000
Wikidata WikiOTO new project - statements added 1200

3.4. If you are introducing new metrics related to a major change in your budget or programmatic plans, please describe them below. (optional)


Additional information for Year 3

4.2. If there are additional links, files, or information you would like to share related to Year 3 planning, please add them here. (optional)

