Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia’s 2022 General Support

Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia’s 2022 General Support
Main Objective:

To increase volunteers and nurture local communities throughout the country. The Wikimedia movement in Malaysia is lacking volunteers to be active to contribute in Wikimedia projects. To pilot different approaches on branding of Wikimedia Malaysia movement.

To narrow the content and representation gaps (i.e. under represented communities). There is still a lot of Malaysian-related knowledge that has not been documented freely online, especially indigenous communities in Malaysia.
start date2022-02-01T00:00:00Z2022-02-01
end date2023-01-31T00:00:00Z2023-01-31
budget (local currency)73929.37 MYR
amount requested (USD)17550 USD
amount recommended (USD)17550
grant typeWikimedia Affiliate (chapter, thematic org., or user group)
funding regionESEAP
decision fiscal year2022-23
funding program roundRound 1
applicant and people related to proposalTofeiku
organization (if applicable)Pertubuhan Kebajikan Komuniti Pengguna Wiki Malaysia
Midpoint Report

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Applicant details


Wikimedia username(s):



Pertubuhan Kebajikan Komuniti Pengguna Wiki Malaysia

Have you received grants from the Wikimedia Foundation before?

Applied previously and did receive a grant

Have you received grants from any non-wiki organization before?


Which organization(s) did you receive grants from?


Organization details


What is your organization or group's mission?

To encourage the growth, development and dissemination of free knowledge in Malaysia through Wikimedia projects

If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has. (optional)

Grant proposal


Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be a title for the Meta-Wiki page.

Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia’s 2022 General Support

Where will this proposal be implemented?


Indicate if it is a local, international, or regional proposal and if it involves several countries? (optional)


If you have answered regional or international, please write the country names and any other information that is useful for understanding your proposal.

What are the main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?

Main challenges (i.e. problem statement):

Lack of manpower to support continuity of wikimedia movement in Malaysia (For example: mundane operations such as organising events/meetup, outreach to new partners, administrative support) Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia does not have a lot volunteers that are willing to spend their time organising and facilitating a programme or event to boost the Wikimedia movement in Malaysia. Due to this, we could not organise a lot of events to promote the movement and as well to organise events efficiently as usually there will be only a few volunteers that are involved in organising the events. Most volunteers could not even commit fully due to real life work and commitment. Lack of committed volunteers (e.g. high engagement as community organizer and/or editor - consistent in editing monthly) Malaysia is still lacking active and committed volunteers in the Wikimedia movement. Due to this, there are not that many editors out there in Malaysia editing Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. There are some topics that are lacking content like about indigenous communities and certain fields like medicine, engineering, etc to add more of the content in Wikimedia projects like in Wikipedia. We are lacking volunteers with different linguistic backgrounds like speakers of local and indigenous languages in Malaysia that could help in expanding or creating a new language project in Wikimedia. Not many volunteers are able to increase contents relating to Malaysia in Wikimedia projects. Low awareness of the local wikimedia movement in Malaysia (e.g. users but not aware of that they can contribute; skeptical about sources) Malaysians out there do not know much about the Wikimedia movement and only been using Wikimedia projects especially Wikipedia without knowing that they can be part of the community and help to grow them. There are still some assumptions and misconceptions about Wikimedia projects like Wikipedia about the reliability of these projects. Malaysians out there do not know anything about the Wikimedia movement and the projects that well. They do not know that they could help improve and be part of the community. Especially among teachers and lecturers in schools and universities that discourage students to use Wikipedia totally without any consideration and knowledge about Wikipedia. Due to this, there is no Wikimedia community and volunteers in schools and universities.

What is the main objective of your proposal?

Main Objective:

To increase volunteers and nurture local communities throughout the country. The Wikimedia movement in Malaysia is lacking volunteers to be active to contribute in Wikimedia projects. To pilot different approaches on branding of Wikimedia Malaysia movement. To narrow the content and representation gaps (i.e. under represented communities). There is still a lot of Malaysian-related knowledge that has not been documented freely online, especially indigenous communities in Malaysia.

Describe your main strategies to achieve this objective and the main activities you will be developing as part of these strategies.

Strategy 1: Organise more online and offline events to retain participants

Activity 1: Meetups (University of Malaya, etc.) based on a particular community in school, language group or from institutions. Ensure meetup is targeted, geographical zoning (Wikimedian in every state). Organise a monthly online meetup with existing Malaysian Wikimedians to discuss topics in the user group and/or Wikimedia project. Activity 2: Online competitions. Winners of online competition will need to attend a meetup in person to claim their prize. In the Philippines, award ceremonies from online competitions are held during offline meetups. Award ceremonies will be held with the help of the partners that we are collaborating with for the competition.

Strategy 2: Increasing online presence through social media platforms Activity 1: Hire a freelance graphic designer to produce local content/ shareable content to increase visibility. The public must know more about what the Wikimedia movement does and we need to be connected with the public. This could help to recruit more volunteers. Activity 2: Hire a freelance social media content creator to work with Wikimedia Malaysia to maintain social media accounts and increase followers as well as engagement (i.e. shares/ likes etc). This will help to attract people to join the movement and participate as well. Activity 3: Build an official website and set up email accounts for key office holders in Wikimedia Malaysia. This would help a lot in outreaching as having a proper official email for seeking new partners. Make it easier for future partners and the public to know more about the Wikimedia movement in Malaysia and the user group. Strategy 3: Increase cultural and gender representation to address content and representation gaps Activity 1: Regular outreach to indigenous language groups/ education institutions through formal partnerships and conducting workshops with specific interest groups to increase sustainability (e.g. Wikigap/ Swedish Embassy/University of Malaya); Sabah Culture Board - Wiki Kata/ Wiki Selera; Document oral stories/ culture for next year (expand); Activity 2: Upon successfully implementing activity 1, then explore the possibility of offering internship placements at Wikimedia Malaysia for University students. This would provide more committed manpower to focus on partnership growth. The idea is to start small with an internship role with the view of growing this into the “Wikimedia in Residence” model.

Please state if you will be carrying out any of these activities within your programs? Select all that apply.

Organizing Meet-up online, Organizing Meet-up offline, Workshops, Edit-A-Thons, Photowalk, Contest, Photo/Media campaign, Wiki Loves campaign, Media outreach campaign

Are you running any in-person events or activities?


Please state if your proposal aims to work on any of the identified content knowledge gaps?

Content Gender gap, Geography, Language, Important Topics (topics considered to be of impact or important in the specific context), Cultural background, ethnicity, religion, racial

Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or thematic focus.

Education, Culture, heritage or GLAM , Open Technology, Diversity

Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities? Select all categories that apply.

Geographic , Ethnic/racial/religious or cultural background, Linguistic / Language

Please tell us more about your target participants.

Target participants

In the immediate term, we seek to build loyal editors to be part of the core team local and indigenous language reflective of Malaysian multicultural makeup to maintain multiculturalism). This is to increase the active volunteers in the user group so that the Wikimedia movement will be expanded more throughout the country. Build diversity in networks within the movement from private, public, non-profit sectors, organisations and institutions. They could help the Wikimedia movement by promoting and giving help with resources and volunteers to be involved in the events that we will be collaborating with them. Membership diversity across peninsular and east Malaysia. Malaysia is a huge country and currently most of the volunteers in the Wikimedia movement are scattered sparsely around Malaysia without having a strong and big community within their own state or district where they reside. The user group aims to establish a strong and sizable community in each of the 13 states and 3 federal territories of Malaysia. Field and specialty of the participants - medicine/ culture/ language/ engineering/ politics/ media. Find participants from various fields that could help to improve and add more content to their field. Some fields and communities are under-represented in Wikimedia projects like Wikipedia. Potential ideas - KRYSS Network (gender and representation online/ LGBTQ)/ Sinar Project (open source data to check on validity of government policies). Help to improve and add more content in Wikimedia projects like Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons.

Do you have plans to work with other Wikimedia communities, groups or affiliates in your country, or in other countries, to implement this proposal?


Please tell us about these connections online and offline and how you have let Wikimedia communities know about this proposal.

We will inform this through our Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia's social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Other than that, we will inform this in our Meta Wikimedia page. We will also inform this in the Kedai Kopi ie. Malay Wikipedia's The Teahouse since most Malaysian Wikimedians are active in that Wikimedia project.

Will you be working with other external, non-Wikimedian partners to implement this proposal?


Please describe these partnerships.

University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur): Planning to co-organise Wiki Gap 2022 in the university and provide the venue, student participants, training (from Wikimedia Malaysia). Providing and giving access to content and knowledge that they have stored to be used in Wikimedia projects

Crescendo International College in Johor Sabah Culture Board - Wiki Kata and Wiki Selera which have been done in 2021 in partnerships with the institution. Document oral stories and culture for next year. Help in contacting indigenous group associations to partake in this project. French Embassy in Kuala Lumpur - future French events with schools. Help to promote and support the event. Finding participants that could join the event. Help in expanding networking with other embassies and institutions like the European Union representative office in Malaysia. Swedish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur- Wiki Gap in Malaysia. Help in promoting and supporting the event. Find participants to join events.

How do you hope to sustain or expand the work carried out in this proposal after the grant?

We will have the record for all the participants involved in all of the events that we have organised and contact them for continuous volunteer work.

Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?

Dody Ismoyo, President: Partnership outreach, Maintaining Wikiproject Malaysia (including newsletter, who is active/ not active, maintaining article class); social media account

SNN95, Vice President: Taufik (User:Tofeiku), Deputy Secretary: Outreaching and involve in the indigenous community in Malaysia Wafiq, Outreach MJ, Secretary Butch, Advisor Freelance social media content creator Freelance graphic designer

In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select a maximum of three options that most apply.

Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement, Improve User Experience, Ensure Equity in Decision-making, Identify Topics for Impact, Innovate in Free Knowledge

Please state if your organization or group has a Strategic Plan that can help us further understand your proposal. You can also upload it here. (optional)      


Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation


What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?

Learn -> Guidelines to organising effective and successful events. To have proper guidelines and steps that could be used again in upcoming years in order to have a more successful and efficient event with greater outcome. Higher retention rates for participants. Finding ways for the participants to continue editing in Wikimedia projects. Increase the number of committed and active volunteers in the movement. What events and steps would make them stay and get involved in the Wikimedia movement. Learn from mistakes and effective steps that have been used in any of the events that we will be organising.

Share -> Collate feedback from community to pass it onto Wikimedia Foundation on how they can better support affiliates when organizing activities or doing partnership outreach. For example, we need to go beyond manpower/financial support. Can also consider interface support etc auto patrol rights -> articles get published immediate instead of going through vetting process Finalise whether to use meta-wiki; Currently, we use Meta Wikimedia to document our activities and events that we have organised. Learn/Share -> Social media strategy that works for Malaysia to increase engagement (possibility to expand to other platforms e.g. tik tok/ twitter/youtube). We would like to know what kind of activities and posts that could increase engagement with the public so that they are interested and attracted to be involved in the Wikimedia movement.

Core Metrics


Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target
Number of participants The number of participants in all activities is 200 participants:

30 particularly indigenous editors from the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia, and indigenous groups from Borneo Malaysia. Of these, our target is that 25 will be new participants.

100 participants for Malay Wikipedia monthly online meetup. Of these, our target is that 80 will be new participants.

30 participants for WikiGap, particularly female editors. Of these, our target is that 20 will be new participants.

20 participants for WikiSelera.

20 participants for WikiKata.

Number of editors The number of editors in all activities is 150 editors: 20 particularly indigenous editors from the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia, and indigenous groups from Borneo Malaysia. Of these, our target is that 15 will be new editors.

80 participants for Malay Wikipedia monthly online meetup. Of these, our target is that 70 will be new participants.

20 participants for WikiGap, particularly female editors. Of these, our target is that 15 will be new participants.

10 editors for WikiKata

20 editors for WikiSelera

Number of organizers The number of organisers in all activities: 5

Of these, our target is that 3 will be new organisers that will help co-organise competitions and workshops. 2 will be existing WCUGM organisers.

Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target
Wikipedia 50 new articles created for Malay Wikipedia. 50
Wikimedia Commons 500 images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. 500
Wiktionary 150 entries created or improved to Malay Wiktionary. 150
Incubator 100 entries created or improved to Tausug Wikipedia Incubator. 100

If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation.

Some of this target will be reached outside the timeframe set.

Additional Metrics


Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.

Additional Metrics Description Target
Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A
Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A
Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability N/A N/A
Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors N/A N/A
Diversity of participants brought in by grantees N/A N/A
Number of people reached through social media publications N/A N/A
Number of activities developed N/A N/A
Number of volunteer hours N/A N/A

What other information will you be collecting to learn about the impact of your work? (optional)

Demographics/geographic/ networks of baseline.

How to organise an effective event that give greater outcome and retention.

What tools would you use to measure each metric selected?

Wiki tools

Social media tracking tools/ hashtag etc Programs Dashboard

How do you hope to share these results so that others can learn from them?

Make a short presentation of the experience, Create a training workshop to show others what we learned, Share results on social media, Share results with our communities, Participate in one on one peer sharing session with other grantees, Share it on Meta-Wiki, I would like to receive support from the Foundation to discover how I can share my learning

Financial Proposal


What is the amount you are requesting from WMF? Please provide this amount in your local currency. If you are thinking about a multi-year fund, please provide the amount for the first year.

73929.37 MYR

What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?

17550 USD

Do you want to apply for multi-year funding?      


If you have calculated it, please provide an estimate of the year 2 or year 3 request.


Please share your budget for this proposal.

What do you do to make sure there is a good management of funds?

There will be one person in charge that will hold and control the bank account. All spendings need to be documented together with the receipts and proof so that it can be counted.

How will you contribute towards creating a supportive environment for participants using the UCOC and Friendly Space Policy?

UCOC and the Friendly Space Policy will be implemented in each event, meetups, workshops and competitions that we will be organising. When each participant registers to participate in an event, we will notify them that our events are using these policies and they will have to read the policies and agree on them in order to join the events. In each face-to-face event, the user group will remind all participants that all of these policies will be observed and failure in following these will result in actions towards the participant.

Please use this optional space to upload any documents that you feel are important for further understanding your proposal.

Staffing plan or organogram:
Other public document(s):

Final Message


By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.

We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


