Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/The right to keep news online and its boundaries in the EU

statusnot funded
The right to keep news online and its boundaries in the EU
start and end datesJune 1st 2024 – March 1st 2025
budget (USD)50000 USD
fiscal year2023-24
keywordsNews, information, European Union, data protection, press publishers, immorality
applicant(s)• Eduardo Santos, Giulia Priora, and Amanda Costa Novaes
organization (if applicable)• NOVA Knowledge Centre on Intellectual Property & Sustainable Innovation (IPSI)




Eduardo Santos, Giulia Priora, and Amanda Costa Novaes

Organization (if applicable)

NOVA Knowledge Centre on Intellectual Property & Sustainable Innovation (IPSI)

Project title

The right to keep news online and its boundaries in the EU


50000 USD

Research proposal


Submission PDF on OpenReview

Full proposal on OpenReview

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