Grants:Project/MSIG/Igbo Wikimedians Community/Movement Charter Community Conversation

Igbo Wikimedians Community/Movement Charter Community Conversation
Even though Wikimedia Movement Charter is a topic that concerns every contributor of any of the WMF projects, it is quite clear that there are quite a good number of wikimedians that are yet to comprehend the essence of the Charter and how it affects us as a community. Using Our community (IWUG) as a case study, Many new editors within our community Who joined after the first round are not aware of the Movement Charter nor do they know that they can air their opinion and make their voices heard ,this lack of awareness means that many are not fully engaged.It is in this regard that we seek to organize the second round of the Movement Charter Conversation,to involve our community and to discuss and learn more about decision-making within the movement and how these decisions affect us and the valuable work that is happening in the Wikimedia Movement. It is also an opportunity for us to come together to inform communities about the new sections of the Movement Charter and get them to engage with the content and provide their feedback. This is an opportunity to make our community's interest known to the Movement Charter and to ensure that our communities are fully engaged in conversations about the governance of the movement.
targetMeta Page/Igbo Language
start date14th September
start year2023
end date14th October
end year2023
budget (local currency)582,000 NGN
budget (USD)750 USD
grant typeIndividual
grantee• [[User:Iwuala Lucy|Iwuala Lucy]]
contact(s)• lucyiwuala(_AT_),

Akwugo - peacetilo92(_AT_),

Onwuka Glory - gloryahunna(_AT_)
Review your report

Applications are not required to be in English. Please complete the application in your preferred language.

Project Goal


What will be the outputs of your project and how will those outputs contribute to advancing a specific Movement Strategy Initiative

By the end of this project, participants will acquire necessary skills that fosters a healthy, productive and progressive organization, in terms of knowledge acquisition. and in tandem with equity in decision making. This equity in decision making revolves around sharing of accountability, responsibilities, roles, as well as equitable distribution of opportunities. And having been educated on the goal of Movement Charter , they will see the need to learn how to add their voices to the global space so as to have a say in the decision making of the organization according to how it affects them.

What specific Movement Strategy Initiative does your project focus on and why? Please select one of the initiatives described here
Ensure Equity in Decision-making: This is to ensure that members of our community come to term that they also need to add their voices in decision making so as to have access to equal opportunities like others and to ensure that our communities are fully engaged in conversations about the governance of the movement.

Project Background

When do you intend to begin this project and when will it be completed?
14th September, 2023 and ends 14th October, 2023
Where will your project activities be happening?
Online (Zoom)
Are you collaborating with other communities or affiliates on this project? Please provide details of how partners intend to work together to achieve the project goal.
This project is for the Igbo Wikimedians User Group Community
What specific challenge will your project be aiming to solve? And what opportunities do you plan to take advantage of to solve the problem?
The topic of equity in decision making is one of the core focuses of an organization like WMF that has members from different parts of the world. Without Equity in terms of decision making, opportunities, roles, etc. there's bound to be a misunderstanding leading to various issues. It is also observed that if there is lack of equity, individuals tend to lose interest in the activities of the organization while some develop the lapse attitude towards issues that concerns the organization. Therefore, there is the need to engage them in discussions about WMF and its relation to equity in decision making. Also by engaging them in this conversation, they're given the platform and space to add their voices on topics that need consideration so as to be able to achieve an equitable and inclusive community - and the challenge of inequality is resolved.
Does this project aim to apply one of the examples shared in the call for grants and if so which one?
Equity in decision making

Project Activities

What specific activities will be carried out during this project? Please describe the specific activities that will be carried out during this project.
During this project, there will be a 2 days online conversation hour where the Movement Strategy Initiative Equity in decision making will be exclusively discussed and shared with more light being thrown on how individuals could make their voices heard so as to be considered or implemented in decision making. Also, through this project, and having shared knowledge on Equity in decision making, community members will be able to engage and contribute intelligently from their various perspectives, thereby adding their voices with others on decisions that affect them.
Links to the pages that would be translated for this conversation can be found here

Activities: Translation, conversation, feedbacks and report

Tasks Start Date End Date No. Participants
Translating the untranslated Movement Charter pages on Meta weeks before conversation 4th September 9th September
First Online conversation 15th September 50
Second online conversation 22nd September 50
Feedback and brief writing (to be collated on a designated etherpad) 2nd October 5th October
Final Report in English 13th October 15th October

How do you intend to keep communities updated on the progress and outcomes of the project? Please add the names or usernames of these individuals responsible for updating the community
Iwuala Lucy ( - Project Lead/Coordinator
Akwugo ( - Documentation/Translation
Onwuka Glory ( - Communications/ Publicity/Outreach Awareness
Who will be responsible for delivering on this project and what are their roles and responsibilities?
Iwuala Lucy (Coordinator): Responsible for the major activities of the project, including receiving the grants funds, writing the grants report, and coordinating between the other collaborators.
Akwugo (Translation & Note taking): She will oversee to the translation of the Movement Strategy pages to our language (Igbo). She will be the one to take part in documenting the feedbacks during the conversation.
Onwuka Glory (Outreach & Awareness): Will be responsible for the translated documents and ensures in reaches/circulates to a wider audience in our community.

Additional information

If your activities include community discussions, what is your plan for ensuring that the conversations are productive? Provide a link to a Friendly Space Policy or UCoC that will be implemented to support these discussions.
The Wikimedia friendly space policy will be implemented during all the Virtual community discussions.
If your activities include the use of paid online tools, please describe what tools these are and how you intend to use them.
Zoom - We would adopt the Zoom App as the communication channel through which this conversation would be held and recorded as well. Also, these App will enable the recording of the session for easier reference and accessibility of the community members.
Do your activities include the translation of materials, and if so, in what languages will the translation be done? Please include details of those responsible for making the translations.
Yes, We will be Translating the untranslated Movement Charter pages and it will be translated to Igbo language.
Iwuala Lucy
Onwuka Glory
Timzy D'Great
Lebron jay
Are there any other details you would like to share? Consider providing rationale, research or community discussion outputs, and any other similar information, that will give more context on your proposed project.



After your activities are complete, we would like to understand the draft implementation plan for your community. You will be required to prepare a document detailing this plan around a movement strategy initiative. This report can be prepared through Meta-wiki using the Share your results button on this page. The report can be prepared in your language, and is not required to be written in English.

In this report, you will be asked to:

  • Provide a link to the draft implementation plan document or Wikimedia page
  • Describe what activities supported the development of the plan
  • Describe how and where you have communicated your plan to relevant communities.
  • Report on how your funding was spent

Your draft implementation plan document should address the following questions clearly:

  • What movement strategy initiative or goal are you addressing?
  • What activities will you be doing to address that initiative?
  • What do you expect will happen as a result of your activities? How do those outcomes address the movement strategy initiative?
  • How will you measure or evaluate your activities? What tools or methods will you use to evaluate your activities?

To create a draft implementation plan, we recommend the use of a logic model, which will help you and your team think about goals, activities, outcomes, and other factors in an organized way. Please refer the following resources to develop a logic model:

Please confirm below that you will be able to prepare a draft implementation plan document by the end of your grant:

  • Yes, I confirm to this.

Optionally, you are welcome to include other information you'd like to share around participation and representation in your activities. Please include any additional outcomes you would like to report on below:



How you will use the funds you are requesting? List bullet points for each expense. Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!

  • Research (time needed to review, perform analysis, or investigate any information needed to support implementation ideas or planning):
  • Facilitation (facilitation time including facilitator preparation, meeting facilitation time, and debriefing): 150 USD
  • Documentation (document preparation time, time spent documenting of discussion, post-meeting work): 100 USD
  • Translation (translation costs for briefs and global materials): 100 USD
  • Coordination (coordinator work to manage or support multiple workflows to prepare for meeting): 100 USD
  • Online tools or services (subscription services for online meeting platforms, social media promotion): 100 USD
  • Data (internet or mobile costs for organizers or participants to access or participate in activities): 150 USD
  • Graphics/Designs (costs of renting a physical meeting space): 25 USD
  • Transportation costs (costs of supporting organizers or participants to attend the meeting):
  • Meals (costs related to refreshments, lunches, or other meals during in-person activities):
  • Contingency: 25 USD


Completing your application


Once you have completed the application, please do the following:

  • Change the application status from status=draft to status=proposed in the {{Probox}} template.
  • Contact strategy2030 to confirm your submission, as well as to request any support around your application.



An endorsement from community members (especially from outside your community) will be part of the considerations when reviewing your application. Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!

  •   Strong support: This is a nice and expository project for the Igbo community. It will promote a wider coverage/reach and will encourage contributions from diverse editors. I hereby endorse this project Olugold (talk) 20:45, 19 July 2023 (UTC)
  •   Strong support: This is a giod developmental activity for the Igbo community. Ngostary2k (talk) 7:00, 20 July 2023 (UTC)
  •   Strong support: This project will enlighten the members of our community on what the Wikimedia Movement Charter is all about and how they can get involved. I hereby endorse this project. Timzy D'Great (talk) 09:42, 20 July 2023 (UTC)
  •   Strong support: This project will expose newbies to the movement charter policies and also help to build their overall wikimedia contribution knowledge. I fully endorse the project. Ugwulebo (talk) 06:35, 28 July 2023 (UTC)
  •   Strong support: Movement strategy discussions are very important to be discussed beyond the global gatherings. I support this application as it would help us discuss the latest updates on Global council and Hubs in our context. Ceslause (talk) 07:19, 28 July 2023 (UTC)
  •   Support: Seeing the grantee of this proposal and content of the application makes me feel that this project will bring change to Igbo community. An@ss_koko(Talk2me) 08:41, 28 July 2023 (UTC)
  •   Strong support:This is another way of exposing and drawing closer to the movement 2030 vision.Oby Ezeilo (talk) 09:00, 28 July 2023 (UTC)
  •   Strong support: I endorse this project for it's great impact and the movement 2030 vision. Ennydavids (talk) 6:07, 9 Aug 2023 (UTC)