Grants:Project/MSIG/Juan Bautista H. Alegre / Movement Charter Ambassadors Program/Report

Movement Strategy Implementation Grant Report



Please respond to the following questions below:

Where have you published your draft plan? Share the link to it here:

A comprehensive presentation of the Movement Charter draft (in English) was authored for the purpose of disseminating it to the Tagalog and Bicolano pocket communities. Published here: Pilipinas Panorama Community in Meta.

Due to the formality of the draft, and the narrow time constraints, the work of translation into Tagalog and Bicolano was arduous. The need for dictionary accuracy was tantamount, and as such the Tagalog and Bicolano wordings of the Preamble and Values and Principles sections are found here as "master translations".

1. Translation: Tagalog
2. Translation: Bicolano

The availability of the master translations were published in Tagalog and Bicol Wikipedias, respectively.

1. Article: Karta ng Kilusang Wikimedia
2. Article: Karta kan Kahiroang Wikimedia

Announcements to stimulate awareness were also made in the following pages:

Announcement: Usapang Wikipedia:Kapihan
Announcement: Philippine Wikimedia Kapihan Network
Announcement: Wikipedia talk:Tambayan Philippines

What Movement Strategy initiative is this draft plan supporting?

Efforts to converge, much more to unify, Wiki communities in the Philippines have been a valiant effort, evidently because our country's 50 major islands and thousands of smaller ones[1], 120 languages[2] and diversity of provincial cultures[3]. As a past president (2014-2015) of the the former Wikimedia Philippines, then as outgoing president (2022-2023) of the Philippine Wikimedia Community UG (Naga City), and as founding Head (2022) of the new PH-WC Manila, it is in the best interest of our country's Wiki communities to bring them to the front of the Wikimedia Movement. As an admin of the Philippine Wikimedia Kapihan (present membership: 590), the concept of updating these communities about the Wikimedia Movement Charter draft may be effective. We should follow through on the full ambassadorial role and scope in the succeeding phases of this program, notwithstanding the spartan timetable and planning window we currently have to facilitate this effort.


What activities have you completed to produce this draft plan?

Despite the December 2022 Holiday Season, we were able to author and deploy erudite translations of the Preamble and Values & Principles sections of the draft.

1. Tagalog translations: Salin sa Tagalog
2. Bicolano translations: Palis sa Bikol Sentral

We met no disagreement albeit there was a larger extent of apprehension to comment. This is a cultural trait rather than political.

1. Etherpad link: Pilipinas Panorama Community online
2. Etherpad link: Pilipinas Panorama Community Guest Book

In which community channels have you announced your draft plan?

2. Wikipedia talk:Tambayan Philippines
3. ESEAP Conference PH Delegation (Facebook)



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.
Work rendered (time away from office) on voluntary bases with my community; albeit with business center expenses including printing (PHP13,000), vehicular/petrol (PHP11,000) and toll fees (PHP4,500), F-&-B (PHP18,000), and miscellaneous (PHP1,000).

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?
No funds have yet been collected. Said funds will be useful in the next phase.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?
◆ There is a prevailing reticence among Philippine Wikimedians to engage in the Wikimedia governance.
◆ Incentives for warm bodies to meet in-person necessitates planning and ample time.