Grants:Project/MSIG/Nyinawumuntu/MSIG in Africa great lakes region/Report

Movement Strategy Implementation Grant Report

Please review the notes below before submitting your report.

Your draft implementation plan document should address the following questions clearly:

  • What movement strategy initiative or goal are you addressing?
  • What activities will you be doing to address that initiative?
  • What do you expect will happen as a result of your activities? How do those outcomes address the movement strategy initiative?
  • How will you measure or evaluate your activities? What tools or methods will you use to evaluate your activities?

To create a draft implementation plan, we recommend the use of a logic model, which will help you and your team think about goals, activities, outcomes, and other factors in an organized way. Please refer the following resources to develop a logic model:



Please respond to the following questions below:

Where have you published your draft plan? Share the link to it here:

  • Wikimedia Africa Great Lakes Strategy 2030
What Movement Strategy initiative is this draft plan supporting?
The draft plan supports the 6th recommendation 6.Invest in skills and leadership development[1],.

31. Global approach for local skill development - gathering data, matching peers, mentorship, recognition. As skills development is a priority for our communities.

What activities have you completed to produce this draft plan?

  • As part of the Wikimedia 2030 Strategy: We conducted a detailed needs assessment of communities in the Africa Great Lakes region. The objective of the study was to develop a baseline survey that could measure the skills gaps in the community of contributors, editors and subject matter experts in the Great Lake region: Rwanda, Burundi and eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (mainly Goma and Bukavu)

The Community Capacity and Needs Survey in the African Great Lakes Region was conducted from June 16th to July 20th. Data collection was done by 12 field enumerators based in Goma and Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (5 people); across Rwanda (5 people) and across Burundi (2 people). In total, 433 completed responses were collected. The results show evidence to suggest that there is a gap in skills for subject or domain knowledge, offline research, and communication. A regression analysis was conducted to determine the reasons that would most likely motivate a respondent to become a Wikimedia contributor, further studies are needed to determine with exactitude all these parameters.

In which community channels have you announced your draft plan?

  • Wikimedia communities in Africa Great lakes



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Phase 1 Item Number Unit Price Total (USD) Explanations Comment on implementation
International consulting research firm 1 1,550 1,550 We outsourced out of the region specifically in Canada an international consulting research firm and they were responsible for quality assurance for the overall survey especially in setting up the standards questionnaire set up and overall research on needs assessment frameworks . In the first phase and phase four , they facilitated the research tools development
Regional experts 1 500 500 We outsourced in our Eastern Africa region , for matters of project coordination and Kiswahili languages so that our needs assessment are conducted referring to the standards in terms of methodology as well as support in the implementation plan drafting In the first phase , they facilitated in the advisory and the research translations expertise
Coordination, M&E, reporting 1 600 600 the coordination for the preparation field works , evaluation and monitoring of activities as well as regular reporting have been the corner stone in all the project phases and the local transport and communication have been catered for in the 4 phases of the project including the phase of the drafting of implementation plan these tasks have been in all the 4 phases
Documentation and translation 1 600 600 in order to make the communication in the needs assessment smooth we have translated in the 4 languages all materials needed in the process especially the survey tool and we hired professionals and encouraged members to participate and get data refund compensation these tasks have been in all the 4 phases
Online tools and services 2 300 600 we used third party tools and apps to conduct the needs assessment online and offline as well , these were also used in the drafting of the implementation plan these tasks were in the first and second phases
Internet data 20 10 200 Data : internet data costs for organizers and participants have been refunded and these were a priority in order to get access to quality responses from various parts in the remote regions , on every field work conducted , we facilitated up to 200 people on internet data costs This task was in the 2nd phase and 3rd phase of defining needs and priotizing
Sub Total Phase 1 4,050
Phase 2 Item Number Unit Price Total (USD) Explanations Comment on implementation
Coordination, M&E, reporting 1 600 600 For purpose of the identification of the data collectors and train them , the coordination for the preparation field works , evaluation and monitoring of activities as well as regular reporting was needed through out all the project phases and the local transport and communication have been catered for in the 4 phases of the project including the phase of the drafting of implementation plan these tasks have been in all the 4 phases
Documentation and translation 1 600 600 the questionnaire design , in order to make the communication in the needs assessment smooth translated in the 4 languages all materials needed in the process and encouraged members to participate and get data refund compensation these tasks have been in all the 4 phases
Online tools and services 2 300 600 Digitalization of the questionnaire, we used third party tools and apps to conduct the needs assessment online and offline as well these tasks have been in the first and second phases
Field activities in the great lakes region 5 500 2,500 We conducted field works where 2 people from organizing team have been accompanied with 3 key informants from the local communities in order to conduct in person interviews and other offline needs assessment activities in three cities : Bujumbura , Goma and Bukavu . The communication , transport and accommodation have been catered for. This task have been in the 2nd phase
FIeld activities in the provinces 6 400 2,400 In Rwanda field activities have been conducted in the 4 provinces and they involved 2 organizers and 4 key informants from local communities in order to conduct in person interviews and other offline needs assessment activities in Eastern , Western Northern and southern provinces . The communication , transport and accommodation have been catered for. This task was in the 2nd phase
Internet data 140 10 1,400 Data : internet data costs for organizers and participants have been refunded and these were a priority in order to get access to quality responses from various parts in the remote regions , 200 people have been facilitated on internet data costs This task was in the 2nd phase and 3rd phase
Sub Total Phase 2 8,100
Phase 3 Item Number Unit Price Total (USD) Explanations Comment on implementation
International firm, research experts 1 1,550 1,550 We outsourced out of the region , for international expertise on survey statistical reporting and drafting the implementation plan In the third phase , they facilitated in survey statistical reporting
Regional experts 1 500 500 We outsourced in our Eastern Africa region , for matters of project coordination and Kiswahili languages so that our needs assessment are conducted referring to the standards in terms of methodology as well as support in the implementation plan drafting In the third phase , they facilitated the research reporting and coordination
Coordination, M&E, reporting 1 600 600 Data analysis and interpretation , the coordination for the preparation field works , evaluation and monitoring of activities as well as regular reporting was needed these tasks have been in all the 4 phases
Documentation and translation 1 600 600 in order to make the communication in the needs assessment smooth we translated in the 4 languages all materials needed in the process and we hired professionals and encouraged members to participate and get data refund compensation these tasks have been in all the 4 phases
Internet data 20 10 200 Data : internet data costs for organizers and participants was refunded , 200 people have been facilitated on internet data costs This task was in the 2nd phase and 3rd phase of defining needs and prioritizing
Sub Total Phase 3 3,450
Phase 4 Item Number Unit Price Total (USD) Explanations Comment on implementation
Coordination, M&E, reporting 1 600 600 the coordination for the preparation field works , evaluation and monitoring of activities as well as regular reporting was needed these tasks were in all the 4 phases
Documentation and translation 1 600 600 in order to make the communication in the needs assessment smooth we translated in the 4 languages all materials needed in the process and got data refund compensation these tasks were performed be in all the 4 phases
Internet data 20 10 200 Data : internet data costs for organizers and participants were refunded, 200 people were facilitated on internet data costs This task was in the 2nd phase and 3rd phase of defining needs and prioritizing
Overall validation meeting 1 2,000 2,000 An overall validation meeting was organized online , from Kigali , with a physical presence of small number of actors in the project on site to share the outcome of the project , and widely communicate the findings , we covered the venue 200 USD , refreshment 300 USD , meeting facilitation and translations 500 USD and did refund data for participants 1,300 USD. This task was in the 4th phase of drafting the implementation plan and dissemination
Sub Total Phase 4 3,700
Grand Total 19,300

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?
This project have played a key role in regional collaboration as communities in great lakes are more integrated than before , the project also was a learning platform especially on global movement strategy as it was introduced in Wikimedia summit , Berlin Germany 2022 . In the same spirit results are inspiring the planned wiki Indaba in Kigali Rwanda at the center of discussion with theme 'Advancing Africa’s Agenda in the Implementation of the 2030 Movement Strategy'