
Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2017-18 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:Project/Rapid/Alhen/WikiCafe.
  • You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
  • You are welcome to Email rapidgrants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went? We are really excited about how the project went. At first many people wanted to work with us because of the way Wikicafé was conducted. We reached agreements with the local Astronomy Association, Social Research Center from the Vicepresidence, and AGETIC, the local e-government Agency to cooperate for future activities. We are no Although Wikcafé didn't go as we expected it, since it was a very novel idea, we are glad we could reach some many interesting people that will be of help for new projects in the future.



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
Number of participants (15+ participants) 35 We count with a high level of participation in the events.
Number of images collected (10+ files) Collected images The people was more interested to know the way that Wikimedia works
Inclusion in the media (5+ mentions) We found that some institutions we worked with have a way to publish the events in their social media accounts. However, some old institutions, including universities interestingly, lack the means to openly show the activities they work on.
20 newly written articles related to Bolivia. 30 newly articles related to Bolivia We finally work with more people than we hope.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

The interest of people go well and the coffee sessions create a more friendly space to make questions about Wikipedia, how work, who can write, who control, and many other introduction questions. Put a guideline thematic was also a good idea and along the sessions the people take the topic or work about their own interest. make the sessions in people houses was also a good idea, people is more open to share knowledge, questions, and suggestions in their own spaces sharing and allowing us to use their books freely.

  • What did not work so well?

We have a alliance with a social asociation of producers of coffee, but the coordination with them was a little complicated, because they have only one point of selling and the preparation of this coffee was very detailed and specific, so we have to put many time to operatives actions and many travels along the city

  • What would you do differently next time?

Next time we prefer rent a space to make the sessions, maybe contract a complete catering service or something like this. We would like to taake more time to prepare every session, we have literally a marathon of events along the city and was a little complicated to move across the city in some very busy hours.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on. We have spent all the approved expenses.

Project budget table
Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Banners Long printed piece of fabric to advertise the event outside the building banners 2 15 30 $ The price includes the designing (BILLS: 1 1A and 1B)
  1. BILL 1A Design+Banner1+transport Bs 130 - USD 18.57
  2. BILL 1B Banner 2 Bs 80 - USD 11.59


2 consultant a barista to make coffee at people's houses •• 100 $ We will hire a barista to make great coffee for new editor at their places.(BILLS 2)
  1. BILL 2A Bs 700 - USD 100


3 Coffee Coffee will be served at people's houses a bags of Cafe Munaipata 4 13 52 $ We are trying to lower the price for this award winning coffee by partnering with them.For the requirements of this special cofee we have to buy the coffe and assist to the grind some hours or one day after as a maximum, so, we make 8 sesions, and make 8 purchase(BILLS 3)
  1. Session 1 BILL 3A Bs 34-USD 4.85
  2. Session 2 BILL 3B Bs 59-USD 8.42
  3. Session 3 BILL 3C Bs 56-USD 8.00
  4. Session 4 BILL 3D Bs 56-USD 8.00
  5. Session 5 BILL 3E Bs 74-USD 10.57
  6. Session 6 BILL 3F Bs 45-USD 6.43
  7. Session 7 BILL 3G Bs 45-USD 6.43
  8. Session 8 BILL 3H Bs 59-USD 8.42

TOTAL: FOUNDED 52 USD Our own resources: 9 USD

4 mugs Wikipedia mugs that we can use to serve the coffee at the houses and restaurants a mug 15 6 90 $ They will still be reusable for future Wiki Café sessions.(BILLS 4)
  1. BILL 4 Bs 660 - USD 94.29


5 a cup of coffee for everyone who joins the event at the café we will pay the first cup of coffee a $6 dollar allowance for each person 40 6 240 $ We will attract people to go to places with a good Internet connection and good coffee to edit. We change this because the disponibility of tables in the restaurants was so complicated between the 18:00 and the 22:00 in the city, so we change some cofees for 2 coffe makers that we can re use for another events, a catering service of coffee, and Internet conexion(BILLS 5)
  1. BILL 5A Bs 296 - USD 42.3
  2. BILL 5B Bs 100 - USD 14.3
  3. BILL 5C Bs 50 - USD 7.14
  4. BILL 5D Bs 10 - USD 1.43
  5. BILL 5E Bs 248 - USD 35.43
  6. BILL 5F Bs 10 - USD 1.43
  7. BILL 5G Bs 10 - USD 1.43
  8. BILL 5H Bs 30 - USD 4.3
  9. BILL 5I Bs 10 - USD 1.43
  10. BILL 5J Bs 150 - USD 21.43
  11. BILL 5K Bs 350 - USD 50
  12. BILL 5L Bs 420 - USD 60
  13. BILL 5M Bs 295 - USD 42.14

TOTAL 282,75 USD

Total cost of project

$ 568

Total amount requested from the WMF Grants Program

$ 512

Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded
  • We may receive help for advertizing the contest and it will be reflected on our final report.

Own moneys as partners of Wikimedistas de Bolivia.

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds? No

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

  • Good opportunity to make long term alliences.
  • Many another projects are proposed inspired for this first work.