Grants:Project/Rapid/DarwIn/CLEPUL-CIDH Women studies group formation in Lisbon

DarwIn / CLEPUL/CIDH Women studies group formation in Lisbon
Phase I - Building up communities of new editors, with a special focus on women and the Academia, with an epicenter in Lisbon, in a later moment replicating the the entire country from there.
targetPortuguese wikipedia; Commons; a number of other wikipedias where articles in Portuguese will be translated to, by people fluent on those languages (we've already done a pilot in the Russian wikipedia)
start date24 January
end date2 March
budget (local currency)520€ 754.52€
budget (USD)642 USD 896.81 USD
grant typeindividual
contact(s)• DarwIn

Review your report

Please see the sample Meeting application before drafting your application.

Project Goal


Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.

  1. Socialize with community members
  2. Organize a community project
  3. Recruit new editors
  4. Increase skills for existing editors
  5. Add or improve content

Project Plan



  1. What is the purpose of the meeting and why is it important to your community?
    Facilitating the signature of a partnership protocol between two major Portugal Universities and Wikimedia Portugal; with existing contacts and key people in Lisbon from those universities; start the formation of 2-3 groups of new editors, almost entirely comprised by female university teachers and investigators; build a plan with the groups for their implementation, growth and healthy development; prepare the participation of those groups in the art+feminism marathon; fight the gender gap; improve content relating to women in Wikipedia, Commons and sister projects; scout and deal GLAMs and new partnerships.

First round plan

Memorandum of Understanding document
25 January

11.00 - Meeting with João Vasconcellos, Teresa Cardoso & Filomena Pestana from the Wikimedia Portugal board, at Universidade ABerta

13.00 - Lunch Universidade Aberta rector, Prof. Dr. Paulo Dias, Prof. Dr. José Eduardo Franco, from CIDH, and Wikimedia Portugal board members

14:30 - Signature ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between Wikimedia Portugal, UAb, CIDH, LE@D & CLEPUL at Palácio Ceia noble hall photos

15.30 - Workshop Wikimedia Portugal / UAB Dashboard

17.30 - 20.00 - Meeting with Vanda Figueiredo, from CIDH-UAb, covering Commons, image licensing and OTRS

26 January

9.30 - 15.30 Meeting with Filomena Pestana (Wikimedia Portugal / UAb) covering planning and strategies for the coming year, as well as resolution of practical problems and situations concerning the Universidade Aberta partnership.

27 January

10.00-18.00 Meeting with Anabela Ferreira, from Museu de Alverca, about the development of a local editor community, as well as local initiatives related with Wikimedia projects, namely: Mini-GLAM with the museum, covering content upload at Wikimedia Commons and creation and development of Wikipedia articles concerning the region; QR code / Wikipedia experience with the local monuments /creation of routes/tours - improving awareness of local cultural content, as well as possible attraction of tourism: facilitation of educational contents from the Wikimedia projects to populations of small, rural villages, far away from the urban centers, normally without access or with very difficult access to those contents; visit to the Museum exhibition "Quotidiano no Feminino" (dedicated to the Alverca women from the past); participation in a conference about "Marcelino Mesquita" in the Museum - at the beginning of the the conference the Wikipedia entry was displayed, and some errors and issues with it were pointed. It was then explained to the participants how to correct them there, as in the rest of Wikipedia; contact was made with local theater group "Cegadas", making way for future participation in the project.

28 January

MCCLA workshop (cancelled due to illness of some of the participants, moved to the next day, where the already planned workshop was extended)

29 January
Workshop MCCLA 1 - Prof. Isabel Lousada (front)

10.00 - 00.00 - Workshop / Edithaton MCCLA 1 ( AMONET / CLEPUL / MIMA / CICS.NOVA / CIDH/ Wikimedia Portugal) - Dashboard - included formation on Wikipedia, Commons image upload, article creation.

00.00 - 01:00 - Dinner / meeting with prof. Isabel Lousada concerning the organization of art+feminism 2018 29 January 09:30 - 13:00 - Remote meeting with André Barbosa (Wikimedia Portugal) - organization of art+feminism 2018, Wikimedia Portugal matters

13.30 - 16.30 - Meeting with Teresa Cardoso & Filomena Pestana (Wikimedia Portugal) - planning of next chapter activities, including art+feminism 2018

Second round plan


Planned for the work week 26 February - 2 March. Events confirmed, in case this rapid grant is approved:

  • 4 MCCLA workshops/ edit-a-thons ( AMONET / CLEPUL / MIMA / CICS.NOVA / CIDH/ Wikimedia Portugal) - co-coordinated with prof. Isabel Lousada, who is working to build groups of editors in the Lisbon region, mainly female editors, with a focus on female content development in Wikimedia projects, mainly in the Portuguese Wikipedia and Commons. The 4 workshops include 3 regular workshops in Wikipedia editing and Commons, and 1 workshop in advanced image licensing and curadory in Commons, introduction to Wikidata & use of the translation tool; the workshops aim at reinforcing the existing groups, attract and form new members and serve as a preparation for the art+feminism 2018 big marathon event; the workshops will be held at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa and Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas;
  • One of the MCCLA workshops will probably be held at Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, as a first event of a possible partnership between that institution and Wikimedia Portugal, concerning a GLAM and other joint initiatives; the event will be a preparation for the art+feminism 2018 event to be held at Biblioteca Nacional; the workshop aims to form and prepare Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal staff to start editing the projects, as well as the above MCCLA objectives, as the group will be participating in it; the workshop includes an initial presentation by Teresa Cardoso / Filomena Pestana (Wikimedia Portugal /UAb) on the Wikimedia projects, project policies and rules, and edition techniques;
  • Meeting with isabel Lousada / MCCLA group concerning the use of QR codes and Wikipedia to design a tour/route in Lisbon covering places with a special importance related to women - monuments, houses and places of work of notable women.

  1. If applicable, what benefits have you seen from doing this kind of meeting in the past?
    Growth, development and consolidation of the Portuguese editor community, with a special focus on women; content improval on the projects.
  2. How will you let participants know about the meeting?
    Presence of editors which are part of the groups is prearranged, but the meetings are open to new editors; as group consolidation increases, focus on passing the word about the groups into new editors (teachers, university students) increases along; information is spread both locally by the university means (FaceBook, email, word of mouth), and onwiki in the events page.
  3. How will you keep participants engaged after the meeting is over?
    Remote assistance and permanent contact; if successful, development of new consolidation activities (phase 2)
  4. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?
    I had already put ~- 250€ of my own money into this, most of which was agreed to be paid by the Wikimedia Portugal chapter. However, as WMPT lacks own resources and has a very low petty cash fund, and financial assistance from the chapter would be be very difficult to guarantee for the continuation of this project, I'm including both meetings, the one we've made in January, and the next one in late February, early March. If allowed, this will have the benefit to spare the little money WMPT has in its petty cash fund so as to be available to any emergency the chapter may need. I've documents certifying all expenses made by me (travel + hostel staying)



Note: In addition to your project-specific measures of success, you will also be asked to report on some Global Metrics at the end of your final report. Please keep this in mind as you plan, and we'll support you as you begin your project.

  1. Number of total participants

~50-70 people, most of them key people from the academia, reached by workshops and edit-a-thon events, as well as the group formation itself

  1. Number of people who will help organize the event

~5 (including future group coordinators)


24 January - 30 January 2018
  • Low Cost Flight Funchal - Lisbon - Funchal 100-150€
  • 4-6 nights staying in an hostel in Lisbon - 100€
  • Transport, food - 50€
26 February - 2 March 2018
  • Low Cost Flight Funchal - Lisbon - Funchal - 120- 170€
  • 4-6 nights staying in an hostel in Lisbon - 100€
  • Transport, food - 50€


  • This activity has already show results. Darwin is a trusted community of the community and is starting to leverage years of experience in Wikimedia communities into outreach efforts. Chico Venancio (talk) 04:06, 14 February 2018 (UTC)
  • Major results of this set of activities that are being presented here are at least threefold. Firstly, they are organized in the context of formal partnerships with institutions such as big universities in Portugal and the Brazilian user group. These partnerships will potentially lead to sustained activities. Secondly, it has led to the onset of a lusophone initiative, connected to the 2018 Art+Feminism campaign: Maratona Artes+Feminismos na Lusofonia 2018. This lusophone initiative gathers outreach events in Brazil and Portugal, and eventually Angola, and is being coordinated by Darwin. Thirdly, Darwin has been a central figure in a recent revival of the chapter in Portugal, and this revival will definitely have positive impacts to our community. --Joalpe (talk) 12:11, 14 February 2018 (UTC)
  • It is a well thought out plan and I wish you sucess in it. Béria L. de Rodríguez msg 02:05, 15 February 2018 (UTC)
  • DarwIn is highly experienced Wikimedian and I am grateful for his very proactive involvement in the Wikimedia Portugal chapter. This is the kind of energy that it needs at this moment, after a long period of stagnation, and hope he keeps it up, and infect others to persue similar goals. GoEThe (talk) 09:04, 15 February 2018 (UTC)
  • Darwin will reinforce the group activities and will be supporting our future activities empowering female editors for wiki as already demonstrated in stage 1 of MCCLA Lisbon meetings. Looking forward to (MCCLA Isabel)